Old Testament Survey I (Pentateuch)
Course Description
Ten lectures and personal work projects
covering the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These
projects guide the student through a survey emphasizing the historical,
dispensational, and practical teachings of the first five books of the Bible.
Introduction To The Course
What is the Pentateuch?
The Bible is divided into two main divisions: the Old Testament (Genesis-
Malachi); and the New Testament (Matthew- Revelation).
The Old Testament is divided into four parts: The Law (Genesis- Deuteronomy);
History (Joshua- Esther); Poetry (Job- Song of Solomon);
and Prophecy (Isaiah- Malachi). In this course, we will be studying the Law,
the first five Books of the Old Testament. The Law is also called the Pentateuch which simply means Ò5 Books.Ó
About the Book of Genesis (Outlines by Dr. Thurman Wisdom, Used by Permission)
Definition: The Book of Beginnings
Purpose: To reveal principles relating to the origin and preservation of God's
Theme: The sovereignty of God in creation, history, and redemption.
Writer: Moses
Date of Events: Creation - 1806 B.C.
Date Written: 1446 - 1445 B.C.
Key Phrase: "These are the generations..." (2:4; 5:1; 6:9; 10:1;
11:10; 11:27; 25:19; 36:1, 9; 37:2)
This expression marks the inspired divisions of the Book.
General Outline For Genesis:
I. The Origin of the People of God (Chapters 1-11)
A. The Creation of Man (1:1-2:3)
B. The Corruption of Man (2:4-4:26)
C. The Destruction of Mankind (5-9)
D. The Divisions of Mankind (10-11)
II. The Call of the People of God (Chapters 12-50)
A. Abraham (12:1-25:18)
B. Isaac (25:19-27:46)
C. Jacob (28-36)
D. Joseph (37-50)
Assignment for Lecture One: Read Genesis Chapters 1 - 4
Note: You will be asked on the evaluation if you did all reading
Note: All
question numbers marked by ( ) should be studied in
preparation for the course evaluation.
Chapter 1
1. The Hebrew
word used for "God" in verse 1 is ___________________ which is a plural noun with a singular meaning.
2. The Hebrew word for "created" in verse 1 is _______________ which is used only when speaking of the work of God.
3. The three basic elements that determine existence are TIME, SPACE and
MATTER; Therefore, in verse one, God brought each of these into existence.
"In the beginning" refers to ______________ ;
"heavens" refers to _______________ ; and "earth" refers to
_______________ .
4. The Trinity is suggested in the act of creation in that: the design suggests
the Person of ___________________; verse 2 suggests the Person of
___________________ ; and the words "let there
be" which expressed the will of God and brought about creation suggests
the Person of ___________________ (John 1:1-3)
5. Verse 4 presents God as ________________ (I John 1:5-7)
6. The expression "God saw that it was good" proves that God is
7. __________________ was the light for the first 3
days until the sun and moon were created (Rev. 21:23).
(8.) The six days of creation present what is known as matching triads (a group
of three things). There are two triads seen in the days of creation. By filling
in the blanks beside each day with what was created on that day, you will see
the comparison of the two triads and be helped in remembering them.
Day 1 _____________________________ Day 4 _______________________________
Day 2 _____________________________ Day 5 _______________________________
Day 3 _____________________________ Day 6 _______________________________
9. The expression "Let us" in verse 26 refers to _________________
(Rom. 1:21) and not ____________________ (Neh. 9:6; Col. 1:16)
(10.) The expressions "in our image" and "in the image of
God" in verses 26 and 27 of Chapter 1 refer to man being created with
1. The seventh day was a day of rest. According to Hebrews 4:1-11, this seventh
day pictures resting from our own _______________ and resting in God's finished
work of _______________ in Christ.
2. Chapter 2, verse 7 refutes the false teaching of evolution
which teaches that over a period of millions of years, man evolved from
a lower species to become what he is today. Evolution is a denial of the
Biblical account of creation and is refuted by showing that man was created by
a __________________ and had ________________ . The
first man was a complex being, not a single celled amoeba.
3. The account proceeds to show that man did not evolve from an ape, because
the first man had the responsibilities to _________________ the garden and
______________________ from eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil.
(4.) The two geographical names which lead us to believe that
Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilization are
______________________________ and _____________________________________.
5. The origin of Eve and her union with Adam are a beautiful picture of
_______________________________ ___________________ (read Eph. 5:31-32).
The Fall of Man
Chapter 3
1. The Hebrew
word used for "serpent" is _____________ which when compared to II
Cor. 11:14, reveals that the one who possessed this creature was
2. The serpent tempted the woman by challenging the Word and integrity of God.
He ___________________________ in verse 1; he
________________________________ in verse 4; and he __________________________
in verse 5.
3. When compared with James 1:12-16, verse 6 reveals that the operation of sin
has not changed. First, she ___________; next, she
___________; and then, she ________________.
(4.) Verse 6, ends with "and gave also to her husband and he did
eat." God gives more light on this verse in II Cor. 11:3 & I Tim.
2:13-14. The woman was _______________, but Adam, ______________________,
partook of the fruit to remain with her.
5. The futility of man-made "religion" is expressed in verses 7 and
8. As the man-made religions of the world today, they tried to __________________________
with the works of their own hands. When this failed, they sought to
______________________ among the trees.
6. Comparing verse 10 with Isa. 14:12-14; we can see the influence of Satan on
the man by the frequent use of the word "______________."
7. In verses 11 through 13, we notice the never changing tendency of sin to
progress from seeing, desiring, taking and hiding to ______________________.
8. The curse upon the serpent, in verses 14-15, offers a promise as well. The
woman's seed is ______________________ (Gal. 4:4); the serpent's bruise to His
heel speaks of ____________________ (Heb. 2:9); and the bruise to the serpent's
head refers to
______________________ (Heb. 2:14-15 & Rom. 6:8-11).
9. While verse 16 shows the effect of sin upon the woman through promised
sorrow in childbirth and subjection to her husband in desire and duty, verses
17 through 19 promise man's immediate sorrow in labor
and ultimate destiny in physical _______________.
10. The first thing man did when he sinned was try to cover his own sin by the
works of his own hands. In verse 21, we see the first thing God did as His
eternal pattern. He slew an ___________________ animal
to provide a covering for their sins.
11. God's driving Adam & Eve from the garden and the tree of life was for
man's own ______________________.
(1.) Cain's sacrifice was not acceptable to God because it was not after the
pattern of Gen. 3:21. According to Heb. 9:22-23, the missing ingredient was
2. The expression "sin lieth at the door"
in verse 7 speaks of man's ___________________.
3. In verse 10, we find the first use of the word "blood." Here, it
speaks of Abel's blood speaking to God. In Heb. 12:24, we are told Christ's
blood also spoke to God. Christ's blood spoke better things because it cried
out for mercy, while Abel's blood cried out for _____________________.
4. Cain's wife would have to be ________________________________.
5. Lamech was the first polygamist (having more than
one wife). The children of Lamech were as follows: Jabal was the first ____________________; Jubal was the
first ______________________; Tubal Cain was the first __________________.
6. Lamech's poem in verses 23 & 24 reveals his
disrespect for man by his willingness to kill and his disrespect for God by his
boast of ______________________.
(7.) God continued the godly line by giving ____________ in the place of Abel
whom Cain murdered.
Chapter 5
1. In the genealogy of Chapter 5, we notice the expression "and he
died" except in the cases of _________________.
2. Some of these would die later, but ________________ was caught up to God.
3. We know that Enoch was a prophet of judgment because of what we read in
1. Many believe that the "sons of God" in verse 2 refers to angels
because of such passages as Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; but others choose to identify
them as the descendants of the godly line of Seth because of what Jesus said in
____________________________ .
(2.) The expression "My spirit shall not always strive with man"
speaks of the ministry of the Holy Spirit mentioned in _________________ and
the ___________________ of man's heart through __________________ as expressed
in Ephesians 4:17-19.
3. The giving of 120 years is a demonstration of God's _________________.
4. When God said "it repenteth
me" in verse 7, presents God's ___________________________
___________________ and not His instability.
5. The use of the word "grace" in verse 8,
proves that Noah was not righteous in himself. Therefore, we conclude that the
description of him in verse 9 means that: "just" refers to his
_______________; "perfect" refers to his ___________________; and
"walked with God" means he was in _________________________.
6. Scholars believe (using the conservative 18 inch cubit) that the
measurements of the Ark would be approximately 400 ft. long; 75 ft. wide; and
45 ft. high. An interesting fact is the word used in verse 17 for ÒpitchÓ is ÒkopherÓ which is the same word used for ÒatonementÓ in Lev.
17:11. The word simply means a _________________.
7. Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives along with all the animals that
entered into the Ark had full assurance of their safety because of the
__________________ God made with them.
7, 8 & 9
(1.) The expression Òseen righteousÓ in verse 1 is very important because it
expresses the fact of ________________ righteousness. Also,
the use of the word ÒfaithÓ in Heb. 11:7 and Romans 4:1-5.
2. Here is the mention of ÒcleanÓ and ÒuncleanÓ animals. The clean animals were
more in number. According to Chapter 8, verse 20, this was probably for
_______________________, and in light of Chapter 9, verse 3, this was also for
3. Verses 19 through 23 prove that this was not merely a _______________ flood.
4. Psalm 104:6-9, Job 12:15; 22:16; Isaiah 54:9; I Peter 3:20; II Peter 2:5;
3:5,6; Hebrews 11:7 and Genesis 9:8-17 also prove that the Flood was definitely
a ___________________________________.
5. The raven and the dove have been applied in many ways. Some see the raven as
the restless lost soul, and the dove as the soul that finds rest in the hands
of Christ. Others see these two birds as types (pictures): the raven as a type
of Satan going to and fro; and the dove as a type of
the ___________________________________.
6. In Chapter 8, verse 20, we find the first mention of the word ________.
(7.) In Chapter 9, verses 1 through 17, we find the long
range agreement between God and Noah which is called the Noahic Covenant. It includes a promise that the earth would
never be destroyed by flood again (v.11). The sign, or token, of this covenant
was the _____________________.
8. This covenant also promised the eating of meats (v.3), the sanctity of
________________ and ________________________________.
9. Since the human race progressed through the 3 sons of Noah, the meanings of
their names and the prophesy given by Noah in verses 25-29 give much light on
their future generations. Canaan, the son of Ham, (Òsubmissive oneÓ) would be
in servitude. Shem (Òname renownÓ) would Father the _____________________ , the choice of God. Japheth (ÒenlargeÓ) would father the
Gentile race and find a place in GodÕs promise to the Jews through the work of
Chapter 10
1. Comparing verse 1 with verse 32, we see how the sons of Noah produced the
_________________ of the earth.
2. History has proved that the descendants of Japheth became the nations of:
Gomer (Aryans); Magog (Russia); Madai
(Medo/Persia); Javan
(Greeks) and Tiras (Tyre).
BUT, verse 5 defines all of these nations as the ___________________.
3. Verses 6-20 give the generations of Ham: Cush (Ethiopia/ Arabia/ Africa); Mizraim (Egypt); Phut
(Inhabitants of the Red Sea area); and Canaan (Inhabitants of the Holy Land
area [later occupied by Israelites] ). BUT, verse 8
mentions one son of Cush in particular named ___________________.
4. In the account of Nimrod, we see the first idea of a man __________________
other men. Also, in verse 10, we see the first mention of the word
Ò________________" in the Bible, further advancing the idea of human rule.
(5.) The name of Nimrod's kingdom was Babel which
means _____________________ (see Gen. 11:9).
6. As the generations of Shem are given in verses 21 through 31, special
attention is given to Peleg, the son of Eber. Peleg means
________________. The importance will be seen in Chapter 11, verses 10 through
32, where God divides a godly line from among the people of the earth.
1. Verse 1 uses two words: "language" and "speech." The importance of these two words are made clear in the original
language. These words are literally ____________________________.
(2.) In verses 3 and 4, we quickly discover that the "Babel" project
was an unified _________________ effort to reach
(3.) By reading Revelation Chapters 17 and 18, we see that the Babel of Genesis
is a foreshadow of the ______________ _______________
__________________ that will be judged near the end of the Tribulation Period.
4. The "let us" in verses 2 and 4 speaks of _________________: while
the "let us" in verse 7 refers to the ______________.
5. The genealogy of Shem (verses 10 through 32) leads to Eber
and Peleg in verse 16; but the genealogy comes into
familiar focus in verse 27 with the mention of ____________________.
6. We see the importance of the name "Peleg"
(divided) as we watch the generations of Shem divide down to Abram. Abram,
along with his wife, father and nephew, Lot, are divided from their family as
they leave Ur and journey to ____________________, where God would make His
covenant with Abram.
ÒGodly LineÓ
God had promised that Òthe seed of womanÓ would come to redeem fallen man and
bruise SatanÕs head (Gen. 3:14-15). It is important to notice the line of
descendants as it moves through the Biblical account from Adam to Christ.
The Genealogy of Christ in Luke 3:34-38
Ò... (6) Abraham, which was the son of (5) Thara,
which was the son of Nachor, Which was the son of Saruch, which was the son of Ragau,
which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of
Heber, which was the son of Sala, Which was the son
of Cainan, which was the son of Arphaxad,
which was the son of (4) Sem, which was the son of
(3) Noe, which was the son of Lamech,
Which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of
Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of Maleleel,
which was the son of Cainan,Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of (2) Seth, which was the son of
(1) Adam...Ó
Chapter 12
1. The seven fold promise given to Abram in verses 2
and 3 are known as the ___________________________.
2. Abram and Noah are comparable, in that both received a promise and both
3. The covenant and promise of land was followed by a test. The test came in
the form of a _________________, and Abram failed by going to
__________________ instead of trusting God.
4. The Pharaoh of Egypt was plagued because of AbramÕs __________________. Had
God not intervened, Sarah could have been defiled by Pharaoh.
(1. ) AbramÕs desire for peace prompted him to give
the choice of land to ____________ who chose poorly and became associated with
the wicked city of _____________.
2. In verses 14 through 18, God renewed His promise to Abram. Abram came to
__________________ and built another altar.
1. After the alliance of kings had captured Sodom and Gomorrah, we find the
first use of the word _____________________ in verse 13 describing Abram.
2. Having rescued Lot, Abram was met by Melchizedek. More light is given on
this mysterious priest of the Most High God in Hebrews 5 through 7, where he is
presented as a type of _________________.
Melchizedek: In Hebrews Chapters 5 through 7, we notice the more perfect,
eternal priesthood of Christ contrasted with the temporary Levitical
priesthood given in the law. The precedent example is Melchizedek. He was a
priest of God 600 years before the law was given to Moses and the Levitical (named for the sons of Levi who were separated
for the work of this office) Priesthood was established. Christ existed
eternally and preceded even the appearance of Melchizedek, proving that the
eternal priesthood of Christ is higher than the temporary Levitical
Priesthood. Some scholars believe that Melchizedek was a pre-incarnate
appearance of Christ as a man. This is called a Òtheophany,Ó and is supported
by such passages as Daniel 3:25; and Genesis 18.
1. In verses 1 through 6, God appears to Abram in a vision and promises him an
heir. In verse 6, we find the first mention of the words ÒbelievedÓ and
ÒcountedÓ in Scripture. Paul quotes and elaborates on this passage in Chapter 4
of his letter to the Romans to prove that Abraham was justified by _________________________.
2. A covenant was validated by laying out the pieces of
scarified animals and the two parties passed through as a sign of
agreement. In this instance (15:7-21), only God passed through symbolizing that
this covenant was _________________________________.
(1.) Chapter 16 gives the account of Hagar and Ishmael. It is evident that
Abram and Sarai attempted to help the Lord fulfill
His promise, but failed. This is the importance of an unconditional covenant.
Paul, in Galatians 4:21-31, uses this account as a picture of _______________.
1. Three things stand out in this chapter. (1) AbramÕs name was changed to
Abraham (father of a multitude); (2) the restatement of GodÕs covenant with
Abraham; (30 the institution of circumcision. In Romans 4:1-12, Paul shows that
circumcision was a _____________.
1. It becomes evident that one of the three men who visited Abraham was
_________________, who shared His divine plan of judgment for Sodom and listened
to AbrahamÕs intercession.
1. LotÕs position in Sodom, willingness to surrender his children to the
Sodomites, and lack of influence upon his family, show the devastating effects
of _______________.
2. LotÕs story ends in loss and shame. He lost his wife (Luke 17:32-33); and
was shamed through his incestuous relationship with his two daughters producing
the two nations of ________________________.
1. Chapter 20
shows a reoccurrence of the same fault found in ________________________.
1. The birth of Isaac is followed by a conflict with the child of bondage. Some
Bible scholars view this as a picture of
(1. ) This chapter finds its climax in the promise
given in verse 8. ÒGod providing Himself a lambÓ is a
foreshadow of the ________________ (Isa. 53:3-8) of Christ and the
__________________ (Heb. 11:17-19) of Christ.
1. Sarah is unique among women in the Word of God because her ____________ is
2. Abraham is known as the Father of the Jewish race according to the flesh;
but because of his example of faith and obedience, he is also considered the
Father of ___________________ _____________________ (Rom. 4:11; Gal. 3:6-9)
Chapter 24
(1.) Although unidentified by name here, this Òeldest servantÓ of Abraham could
have been ___________________________ (Gen. 15:2).
2. The placing of the hand under the thigh to seal an oath was a solemn ritual.
It is later used by Jacob (Gen. 47:29). Language
experts tell us that the word ÒthighÓ is the Hebrew word ______________________ which injects more thought into this procedure.
3-6. In dispensational thought, many see a beautiful picture of the work of God
in redemption and blessing in the story of Isaac and Rebekah. To them, the
participants are viewed as types. A type is a divinely appointed picture of a
future truth. For example: Isaac would be a ÒtypeÓ or picture of Christ in the
former chapters when he is offered up by his father.
Although the danger of unrestrained speculation is always present in the study
of Òtypes,Ó there are beautiful illustrations of the work of God given
throughout Scripture. Christ used the ÒtypeÓ of the serpent in the wilderness
(John 3:14-15), and Paul used the ÒtypesÓ Hagar and Ishmael (Gal. 4:22-31); and
in Hebrews, we find the typology of the Tabernacle worship (Heb. 9:22-23). As
you study the account of Isaac and Rebekah, see if you can identify who each participant could picture.
3. Abraham __________________________________.
4. Isaac __________________________________.
5. The Servant __________________________________.
6. Rebekah __________________________________.
7. The practical application of the bringing of Rebekah to Isaac shows that she
received Isaac by ___________ in the __________________ of the servant.
8. The servantÕs journey was over 500 miles and brought him to the city of
______________ and the house of _______________.
(9.) ______________________ was RebekahÕs brother.
10. Isaac met Rebekah at __________________________________.
1. After the marriage of Isaac, Abraham took ______________________ to be his
2. Although Abraham had and made provision for other sons, Isaac remained the
3. Two sons were born to Isaac and Rebekah when Isaac was 60 years old.
_____________ was a hunter favored by his father,
while _________________ was favored by his mother.
(4.) In a moment of desperation Esau sold his birthright for a meal of pottage
of red lentils. Hebrews 12:16-17 define Esau as a
____________________ person.
1. God appeared to Isaac and restated the
______________________________________ with Isaac.
(2.) When the famine came, Isaac made the same mistake as
_________________________ in wanting to leave the land of promise to go down to
3. Abimelech asked Isaac to leave because of his
4. Esau grieved his mother and father when he married
Chapter 27
1. Two words
that would describe the events recorded in Chapter 27 would be _____________ on
IsaacÕs part and _______________ on the part of Rebekah and Jacob. Isaac lived
43 years after this event, but here Jacob moves to the forefront.
2. The ÒblessingÓ given to Esau seemed more like a curse; but in the final
note, we find ______________________________________.
Chapter 28
1. In verses 1
through 9, we sense an attitude of ______________ in Isaac;
and one of ________________ in Esau.
(2.) The purpose of the ÒladderÓ vision is realized in the assurance of the
continuation of the __________________ through Jacob and his seed. The place
was named Bethel meaning ____________________ Some
scholars have criticized JacobÕs use of the word _______ in his vow.
Chapter 29
1. God led Jacob
to the house of Laban through Rachel. Rachel was JacobÕs
2. After receiving Leah in the place of Rachel, Jacob accused Laban of _______________________;
but Laban claimed the right of local ____________________.
3. GodÕs sovereign plan for Leah is revealed in her ability to have sons who
would become some of the tribes of Israel. Her sonÕs names in order mean ÒSee
the Son,Ó Hearing,Ó ÒJoined,Ó and ÒPraise.Ó Some scholars find an interesting
likeness of the order of the names to the order of the ______________________.
(1.) RachelÕs giving of Bilhah to Jacob and the
births of Dan and Naphtali remind us of SarahÕs giving of _______________ to
2. Leah responded by giving her handmaid, __________ to Jacob resulting in the
births of Gad and Asher.
3. Rachel traded the nightÕs company of Jacob to Leah for ReubenÕs
________________________. Leah then bore Issachar, and Zebulun
and a daughter, Dinah.
(4.) The Lord blessed Rachel with a son named ___________________. It is
interesting to note that after the birth of this son, Jacob desires to leave
Laban. The deal made between Laban and Jacob involved ____________________
Chapter 31
1. In light of
LabanÕs growing discontent with him, Jacob met with Leah and Rachel and
reminded them of their fatherÕs deceit; but also declared his own
______________ and GodÕs ________________ in the whole matter.
2. Laban was warned of God in a dream. His anger was quenched by his
recognition that JacobÕs family was his family and the God of Jacob was the God
of his _____________________.
Chapter 32
1. When the news of the approaching of Esau
came, Jacob prayed to and claimed GodÕs __________________. From the time he
wrestled with the Lord, he walked halt and would be called ________________.
1. After the reconciliation, Jacob promised to follow Esau to Seir, but goes instead to ____________________.
Chapter 34
1. The sin of Shechem against Diana brought the destruction of the
____________________ at the hands of Simeon and Levi.
Chapters 35 & 36
(1.) JacobÕs
life and journey had gone full circle as he is told of God to return to
_________________. Rachel died while giving birth to her second son,
2. Chapter 35 is known as the Chapter of ______________________ because the
deaths of _______________________, __________________, and _________________
are recorded.
(3.) Out of EsauÕs people came the _____________________ and
Joseph & His Brothers
Chapter 37
(1.) The opening
verses show the growing ___________________________________ of the brothers
toward Joseph. His dreams would later be proved to be _____________________.
1. The pitiful
story of Judah and Tamar resulted in death and disgrace; but could have been
avoided if Judah had adhered to GodÕs rule of _______________________.
Chapter 39
1. ÒThe
temptation of PotipharÕs wife brings out the marvellous
________________________ of Joseph.Ó
Chapter 40
1. The key
statement in the account of the butler and baker would have to be
(1.) The
interpretation of PharaohÕs dream resulted in JosephÕs receiving a high
position and a wife named ___________________.
2. The two sons born to Joseph before the famine were named
_______________________ ______________________________________.
Chapter 42
1. JosephÕs
harsh treatment of his brothers was to lead them to _______________________.
Their confession among themselves caused Joseph to ____________. Joseph sent
them away, holding Simeon until _________________________ could be brought
Chapter 43
1. As the famine
grew worse, Jacob, with the heavy persuasion of ________________ was
forced to allow the brothers to take Benjamin to Egypt. In verses 26 through
28, we see the fulfillment of the dream of
1. The planting of the cup in BenjaminÕs sack, was to
determine the _____________________ toward Benjamin and _____________________.
Chapter 45
(1.) When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, they were ___________________.
2. Joseph proclaims the providence of God, in both their actions and the
actions of the Egyptians toward him. The key words in verse 7 would be
Ò____________________Ó and Ò_______________________.Ó
3. JosephÕs nobility of character stands out as he is willing
to be ______________________________________.
4. When Jacob heard of JosephÕs being alive, he _______________________.
1. At ______________________ Jacob offered sacrifice and was given
______________ ______________________ from God in a vision.
2. The Israelites were to dwell at _________________.
Chapter 47
1. JosephÕs
___________________________ are further evidenced through the obtaining of the
Egyptians' land and possessions for Pharaoh.
(2.) Joseph swore to his father Jacob that he would not _____________ him in
the land of Egypt.
1. The unusual thing about the blessing of Manasseh and Ephraim by Jacob was
that the right hand of the first blessing was placed on
Chapter 49
1. What Jacob
did to each son is called ______________________________________.
Chapter 50
(1.) After the
death and burial of Jacob, Joseph prophesied of the _______________________,
gave command concerning his bones and died being 110 years old.
Parting Thoughts
Joseph is
considered by some Bible scholars to be the most exact type of Christ in the
Word of God. Others avoid the comparison for fear of over-speculation. Although
Joseph is not declared in the New Testament as a type of Christ, there are some
similarities which do exist. Those of you who are afraid of ÒspiritualizingÓ a passage through the
study of types, consider this a study of comparisons in the life and ministries
of Joseph and Christ. (1) loved by father, hated of
his brethren; (2) sent to brethren who conspired against him; (3) stripped, put
into a pit and sold for silver; (4) Gentile bride; (5) forgave, received and
restored brethren; (6) ruled over all Egypt.
ÒGodly LineÓ
God had promised that Òthe seed of womanÓ would come to redeem fallen man and
bruise SatanÕs head (Gen. 3:14-15). It is important to notice the line of
descendants as it moves through the Biblical account from Adam to Christ.
The Genealogy of Christ in Luke 3:33-38
Ò... which was the son of (9) Juda, Which was the son
of (8) Jacob, which was the son of (7) Isaac, which was the son of (6) Abraham,
which was the son of (5) Thara, which was the son of Nachor, Which was the son of Saruch,
which was the son of Ragau, which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of Heber, which was the son of Sala, Which was the son of Cainan,
which was the son of Arphaxad, which was the son of
(4) Sem, which was the son of (3) Noe,
which was the son of Lamech, Which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of
Jared, which was the son of Maleleel, which was the
son of Cainan,Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of (2) Seth, which was the son of
(1) Adam...Ó
(1) ADAM
Cain Abel (2) SETH
(3) NOAH
(4) SHEM Ham Japheth
Haran (6) ABRAHAM
Ishmael (7) ISAAC Midian
Esau (8) JACOB
by Zilpah by Leah by Rachel by Bilhah
Gad Reuben Joseph* Dan
(good fortune) (behold a son) (increase) (judge)
Asher Simeon Benjamin Naphtali
(happy) (hear and obey) (son of right hand) (wrestling)
*Note: Ephraim (fruitful) and Manasseh
(forgetful) were the sons of Joseph in Egypt.
About Exodus:
Definition: Òway outÓ or Ògoing forthÓ
Purpose: ÒThe book gives an account of the first stage in the fulfillment of
the promises given to the patriarchs, with reference to the growth of the
children of Israel into a numerous people, their deliverance from Egypt, and
their adoption at Sinai as the people of God.Ó (Keil
& Delitzsch)
Theme: Redemption through the blood.
Writer: Moses
Date Written: 1446 - 1445 B.C.
Summary: Its history covers the period (about 142 years) of Jewish preparation
to leave Egypt, the departure, the desert wanderings, and the arrival at Sinai.
Its legislation comprises the giving of the law at Sinai, directions for the
priesthood, the establishment of the tabernacle and its service. (Boyd)
General Outline For Exodus:
I. IsraelÕs Deliverance Effected (Chapters 1-18)
A. The Preparation (1-12:28)
1. The Persecution (1)
2. The Preparation of the Deliverer (2-4:26)
3. The Promises of Deliverance (4:27- 7:7)
4. The Plagues upon Egypt (7:8- 11)
5. The Passover (12:1-28)
B. The Deliverance (12:29- 18)
1. Testings toward the Red Sea (12:29-13)
2. Triumph at the Red Sea (14- 15:21)
3. Testings on the Way to Sinai (15:22-18)
II. IsraelÕs Government Established (Chapters 19-40)
A. The Law for Obedience (19- 24)
B. The Tabernacle for Worship (25- 40)
1. Designed (25- 31)
2. Delayed (32- 34)
3. Completed (35-40)
Note: All
material marked by ( ) should be studied in
preparation for the course evaluation.
Chapter 1
1. The Book of
Exodus opens with the death of ___________________; the growth of
____________________; and the crowning of a new _____________________.
2. The ____________________ placed on the Israelites by the Egyptians resulted
in the ____________________ of the Israelites.
3. The decree of Pharaoh revealed the dedication of the _________________ Their refusal to obey the decree resulted in PharaohÕs
turning to ___________________________.
Chapter 2
1. Both parents
of the child were of the Tribe of ____________________.
(2.) GodÕs providence is seen in the return of the child to his __________________; and his being ____________________ by PharaohÕs daughter.
The name given to the child was Moses which means
3. MosesÕ attempt to vindicate the mistreatment of the Israelites resulted in
his having to flee to _____________________.
4. Moses received a wife named ___________________ who bore him a son named
5. The death of the Egyptian king prompted the Israelites to turn to God, who
remembered His _________________ with the patriarchs.
1. Reuel is also known as ________________.
(2.) The angel of the Lord who spoke from the burning bush is revealed as
_______________________________. The title Ò_____________________Ó presents
GodÕs eternal existence, power and sufficiency.
3. God speaks of the Exodus of Israel out of Egypt as a _____________.
Chapter 4
(1.) The signs
given to Moses brought the commission of God into true perspective. The sign of
the rod showed GodÕs sufficiency while the hand in the bosom reminded Moses of
his own _________________.
2. God reveals to Moses that His work of liberation of the Israelites is also a
work of ______________________ upon Pharaoh.
3. Although scholars disagree as to how the Lord sought to kill Moses, some
interpret this to mean that God brought Moses to the point of death that he may
examine himself. Exposed was the neglect to __________________ his son. This
passage also reveals that Moses had to exercise control over his
(4.) _________________ was to be MosesÕ spokesman.
Chapter 5
(1.) The
rejection of the message of God by Pharaoh resulted in the
_____________________ as God had promised.
2. As the Egyptians increased the work load as a
result of the message of Aaron and Moses, both Israel and Moses fell under the
temptation of _______________________.
1. Moses is reminded that he will know the name _________________ in a way not
known before. God gives Moses assurance through the continual use of the
expression Ò________________.Ó
Plagues & The Passover
Exodus 7 - 14
Chapter 7
MosesÕ being a ÒgodÓ to Pharaoh referred to his being GodÕs appointed
________________, while Aaron would act as a __________________________. Because of PharaohÕs rejection, Moses would be GodÕs
instrument to _______________________ Egypt.
2. According to II Timothy 3:8, ____________________________________________
were the magicians who used _______________________ to imitate the true
miracles of God. Their rods were swallowed by AaronÕs rod.
(3.) The first plague was
Chapter 8
(1.) The second
plague was __________________________________________________.
(2.) The third plague was
(3.) The forth plague was
Chapter 9
(1.) The fifth
plague was ______________________________________________________.
(2.) The sixth plague was
(3.) The seventh plague was
(1.) The eighth plague was
(2.) The ninth plague was
(1.) The tenth plague is announced as the
2. Israel was able to spoil Egypt because God had given them ___________ in the
eyes of the Egyptians. The people of God as represented by Israel should be
_______________ from the people of the world as represented by the Egyptians.
Chapter 12
1. This new
beginning for the Israelites is considered by Bible scholars as the
_____________ of the ÒNationÓ of Israel.
2. The action of the selecting, killing, eating and applying of the blood of
the lamb would be established as an ordinance known unto the nation of Israel
as the ____________________.
3. The Passover feast was followed by the week-long
Feast of _______________________.
4. In preparation for the final plague, the people of Israel were to place
__________________ _________________________________ on the lintel and
side-posts of the door of their houses.
5. As God had promised, the death of the firstborn of Egypt happened at
midnight. The death of the firstborn of Egypt caused Pharaoh to call Moses and
Aaron and _____________________ them to take the people of Israel out of Egypt.
1. Outside Egypt, God sanctified the firstborn; established the Passover; and
______________________ Israel with pillars of cloud and fire.
Chapter 14
1. The
miraculous nature of the Red Sea crossing is seen the ___________ of water and
the drowning of _____________________________.
Moral Law
Exodus 15 - 23
15 - 18
Groundwork: The children of Israel have been delivered from the bondage of
Egypt and witnessed God's great and mighty power in the parting of the Red Sea
and the destruction of Pharaoh's Army. The Israelites immediately began to
murmur. The power of God was again manifested in the purification of the bitter
waters of _____________________ (Chapter 15); the giving of
___________________________________ (Chapter 16); water from the
______________; and victory over the ____________________________ (Chapter 17).
Moses is visited by his father-in-law, _____________________,
who wisely counsels him to delegate responsibility (Chapter 18). All of
this was done in preparation for the giving of the Moral Law. The murmuring of
the people revealed their need of law; and the advice of Jethro
prepared Moses to realize that God was the _____________________,
_________________________, and ____________________________ over His people.
Chapter 19
1. The children
of Israel passed through the wilderness, the desert, and came to the mountain
of ______________________.
2. The words and expressions used by God in declaring His divine plan for
Israel (Òunto myself,Ó Òpeculiar treasure,Ó kingdom of priests,Ó holy nation,Ó
etc.) speak of __________________________.
3. GodÕs speaking to Moses in a Òthick cloudÓ and Òthe voice of a trumpetÓ were
signs of the eternal _______________________ of MosesÕ message to Israel.
(4.) Before the law was given, the fact of GodÕs unapproachable
________________ had to be established.
Chapter 20
(1.) In this
chapter, we discover the _________________________________, which are divided
into two categories. The first four comprise our duties to _____________, and
the final six our duties to our _______________________.
2. The instructions for the building of an altar to God show that it would be
Chapter 21
1. The laws
concerning men servants and maidservants, prevent any
form of permanent slavery other than __________________________. Also, we find
one of the first mentions of _________________________________.
2. Verses 12 through 19 give the divine laws of __________________________ and
3. In the example of the ox, we see the great principle that
_____________________ means responsibility.
Chapter 22
1. In verses 1
through 15, we find the principle of what our modern day ___________________
__________________ should be like in dealing with theft and irresponsibility.
2. Verses 16 through 17, show that sex outside of
______________________ is not permitted by God and brings the responsibility of
commitment or restitution.
3. The sins of witchcraft, lying with beasts, and idolatry were punishable by
4. The children of Israel were to follow GodÕs example of ____________________
in their dealings with those in dependent situations.
5. God is to be recognized as being _________________ in every gain or
Chapter 23
1. They were to
be truthful and ___________________ in all of their dealings and judgments.
2. The institution of three great religious ________________________ were established.
3. The use of the word ÒAngelÓ in the promised
guidance of the children of Israel carries the idea of a
_______________________ from God given as needed.
4. The chapter concludes with a call to _______________________________.
The Tabernacle
(Exodus 32 -40)
32 - 34
Groundwork: The accounts of the __________________________________ and the
dealings of God with Israel in Chapters 32 through 34 express the need for the
giving of the law and the institution of the ____________________________
worship. The golden calf was a direct violation of the
____________________________________________. A close study of the account
reveals that the "calf" was an attempt to portray the invisible God.
However, God was not to be identified by the physical likeness of any of His
____________________________. He was to be understood by His
_____________________ and ____________________; or more simply, His
____________________________ and ____________________________. The
_________________ law revealed His greatness, and the
____________________________ law revealed His goodness. His moral law set the
standard, while the ceremonies offered ____________________________ for the
failure to do so. As the moral law is a picture of His holiness, the ceremony
is a picture of His _________________________ work through Christ.
Chapter 35
(1.) The word
Tabernacle means ____________ and suggests ________________________.
2. The materials provided for the construction of the Tabernacle were to be
received as a __________________ offering.
3. The Lord prepared and appointed _____________________________ to teach and
oversee the construction of the Tabernacle. They were filled with the
_____________________ of the Spirit of God.
Chapter 36
1. The catalog
of items brought by the people reveals that these people had given of their
Chapter 37
1. The Ark of
the Covenant was made of ___________________ wood and covered with pure
_______________. (Exodus 25:10-22)
2. The mercy seat, lid for the ark, was made of pure gold and had two
___________________ with wings covering the seat.
3. The construction of the ark and mercy seat were followed
by the making of the ___________________________________; the
________________________________; and the
1. The ________________________ and the ________________________ were to be
placed in the _______________________________.
Chapter 39
1. The clothing
to be worn by Aaron during his priestly functions were
called _____________ __________________. The breastplate with the twelve stones
represented the _________________________ of the priest to the tribes of Israel.
2. The blessing of Moses upon the children of Israel at the completion of the
work was based upon the fact that they had done
Chapter 40
____________________ had an active part in the first
setting up of the Tabernacle and the articles of worship.
(2.) The ÒcloudÓ showed ______________________________________________________.
See Tabernacle Diagram.
About Leviticus:
Purpose: The Law having been given and the Tabernacle erected, Leviticus
follows with the next step: the giving of laws which regulate fellowship with a
holy God. (Young; Keil & Delitzsch)
Theme: Fellowship with an holy God.
Writer: Moses
Date Written: 1445 B.C.
Key Word: "HolyÓ (Hebrew word used over 150 times)
Key Verse: "Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and
say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your
God am holy.Ó (Leviticus 19:2).
General Outline for the Book of Leviticus:
I. The Commencement of Fellowship (Chapters 1-16)
A. Sacrifice: The Means of Fellowship (1-7)
B. Priesthood: The Mediators in Fellowship (8-10)
C. Holiness: The Moral Basis for Fellowship (11-16)
II. The Continuance of Fellowship (Chapters 17-27)
A. A Holy People (17-20)
B. A Holy Priesthood (21-22)
C. Holy Precepts for Worship (23-27)
Evaluation info:
You must be able to name the five offerings.
Chapter 1
This chapter
details the _______________ offering.
The purpose of this offering was to
It signified
This chapter details the _______________ offering.
The purpose of this offering was to ______________________________________________
It signified
This chapter details the _______________ offering.
The purpose of this offering was to ______________________________________________
It signified
Chapter 4:1- 5:13
This passage details the _______________ offering.
The purpose of this offering was to
It signified
Chapter 5:14-6:7
This passage details the _______________ offering.
The purpose of this offering was to
It signified _________________________________________________________________
and Feasts
Leviticus 8-10, 23
Priests of the Lord
Chapters 8-10
1. Aaron is identified with the ___________________________________.
2. AaronÕs Sons are identified with the
3. Washing with water represents the _________________________________________.
4. Priestly garments picture the _________________ righteousness; _________________ ________________________, and
______________________________ of the believer.
5. The Anointing Oil pictures the __________________________________________ of
Christ and the believer in the _____________________________________ of God.
6. The Blood upon Aaron and his sons represents _______________________________
to ___________________________________.
7. The sin and burnt offerings offered by Aaron express the difference between
the __________________________ priesthood of Aaron and the
_____________________ Priesthood of Christ.
8. Nadab and Abihu picture
9. Eleazar and Ithamar give
an example of _____________________________________ because of
Feasts of the Lord:
Evaluation info: You must be able to name the five offerings.
1. The Passover commemorated deliverance from the ____________________________
and pictures believers redeemed from the ____________________________________.
2. The Feast of Unleavened Bread pictures the
3. The Feast of the First Fruits offered the promise and expectation of a
____________________________________________________ based upon
4. The Feast of Pentecost was kept in _______________________________ for the
5. The Feast of Trumpets looked toward a __________________ and
6. The Feast of Atonement involved IsraelÕs _____________________________ and
__________________________ of GodÕs ________________________________________.
7. The Feast of Tabernacles was the ____________________________ and memorial
of dwelling in the tabernacles in the _______________________________.
About the Book
of Numbers:
Purpose: The revelation of the laws regulating fellowship with God having been
completed, the nation is now ready to continue its march to the promised land. Numbers relates the preparations made for the
departure from Sinai and narrates the journey from Sinai to the plains of Moab.
(Young; Keil & Delitzsch)
Theme: Service Through Discipline.
Writer: Moses
Date Written: 1445- 1406 B.C.
General Outline For the Book of Numbers:
I. Preparation at Sinai (Chapters 1 - 10:10)
A. Divine Organization for the March (Chapters 1 - 6)
B. Human Preparations for the March (Chapters 7- 10:10)
II. Provocations from Sinai to Kadesh
(Chapters 10:11 - 20)
A. Rebellions During the March (Chapters 10:11 - 14)
B. Chastening and Instruction During the Wanderings (Chapters 15 - 20)
III. Preparation for Invasion (Chapters 21-36)
A. Preliminary Conflicts in the Borderlands (Chapters 21 - 31)
B. Plans for the Conquered Land (Chapters 32 - 36)
Note: All
material marked by ( ) should be studied in
preparation for the course evaluation.
Title and Purpose of The Book
1. This book takes its name from the numberings of the
________________________. It was called Ò____________________________Ó in old
Anglo-Saxon versions of the English Bibles.
2. The people of Israel are twice numbered in this book. The
first time when they _______________________________________________, and the
second time at the close of their __________________________________________________.
3. The Hebrews have given to this book the name
"____________________________," which means
4. ÒThe book is concerned chiefly with the ____________________________________
of the Israelites under the leadership of _________________.
5. In the Book of Numbers we have the record of the ____________________ of the
children of Israel to ______________________________________________ the land.
1. The Israelites at Kibroth-hattaavah committed the
sin of being ___________________
2. Kibroth-hattaavah means
Chapter 12
(1.) Miriam and
Aaron were guilty of ___________________________________________.
2. The punishment of Miriam expresses GodÕs displeasure for those who
3. The blessed thought is that God forgives and restores those who
__________________ and recognize His __________________________________________.
Chapter 13
(1.) The Ten
Spies sent into Canaan fell victim to their own ___________________. Unbelief
allows the circumstance to overcome the promise of God.
2. The spies had witnessed GodÕs past ________________________________________.
They had also witnessed GodÕs ___________________________________ those who did
1. The Israelites at Kadesh- Barnea
were guilty of both ______________________ and ________________________________________________.
2. Joshua and CalebÕs faith ___________________ the _____________________ of
the other spies and those who chose to follow their example.
3. The power of ______________________________ is seen in the
___________________ of Moses for the people.
4. Because of their unbelief, the Israelites would wander _____________ years
until the present _____________________________ died in the wilderness.
5. Having rejected GodÕs invitation to enter into the promised
land, they resolve to invade it and are defeated by the
___________________________ and the ________________________ at
1. The man gathering Sticks on the Sabbath was guilty of
2. The Hebrew word means Òto be ______________________
or ___________________ up.Ó
3. This type of sin occurs when people think that they are the
__________________ to GodÕs ________________________________.
1. Korah, Dathan and Abiram in questioning the authority of Moses and Aaron,
questioned _____________________________________.
2. These men, having refused GodÕs _______________________________________,
went about establishing their own manner of ______________________.
3. Moses announced that the demise of these men would be by a
_____________________ and ___________________________________ judgment from
4. The earth opened and swallowed the rebellious league of Korah,
and fire came down from heaven to consume the
5. The bronze from their censers was made into a
___________________________________ as a reminder of GodÕs
1. The Israelites after the judgment of Korah
2. As the Israelites criticized GodÕs men, God manifested Himself in a
3. God sent a _________________ among the people which
killed ___________________, and again because of the
_________________________________ of Moses and Aaron, God
________________________ the rest.
1. The Israelites sinned against Aaron through
2. In denying the _____________________________ of Aaron, they were denying
GodÕs ____________________.
3. Today, _______________________ is the Great High Priest who is ordained by
God as the only ___________________________ between God and man.
4. To deny the Priesthood of Christ is to deny the _______________________ of
eternal ______________________________.
(1.) Moses sinned through ___________________ and ___________________________.
2. He was commanded to _______________ to the rock, but __________________ it
3. Although Moses was a great ___________________ of God, he was not
_______________ to God.
4. As a result, God would not allow him to
_______________________________________ into the land of promise.
1. The Israelites by the Red Sea again became
____________________________________ and
2. God sent _____________________________________ among the people resulting in
the death of many.
3. A ______________________________ was placed upon a pole, and those who
looked upon it believing GodÕs promise would ______________________.
(1.) The sin of Balaam was __________________________________________________.
2. His prophesy concerning the unique nature of the nation of Israel in the
eyes of God was ____________________, but his self actions
resulted in _______________________.
3. His plan to overcome Israel by _____________________________ them led to the
death of himself and _____________________ Israelites.
4. Balaamism is defeating an enemy through
For Invasion
Numbers 32; 35-36
1. The tribes of _____________________ and ___________ asked Moses to grant
their inheritance on the __________________________ of Jordan.
(2.) Moses gave the conditions that the __________ of these tribes must cross
over and serve in the army of Israel until all of the land was
3. Half of the Tribe of ______________________ decided to join these two tribes
and also take their inheritance on the _____________________ of Jordan.
(1.) The ______________________ who were not entitled to a tribal inheritance
were given cities among the ____________________________________.
2. Six of the ______________________ cities were designated as cities of
_______________ and were set apart for ______________________.
3. If a person killed another __________________________, he could have
protection in these cities until ______________________________________________.
(4.) Verses 30 and 31 prove that __________________________________ for
murderers is biblical, scriptural and ordained of God.
1. Moses approved the request concerning _________________________ daughters
marrying men within their tribe to preserve the _____________________________.
2. The daughters were restricted to marry within the family of
_________________________________ .
3. The inheritance was not to pass from
4. Verse 13 confirms that __________________ wrote the Book of Numbers.
Purpose: The book gives the farewell messages of Moses to the new generation in
preparation for their conquest of and life in Canaan.
Theme: Obedience, GodÕs faithfulness and love demands our obedience; GodÕs
holiness demands our punishment when we are disobedient. GodÕs love of man is
the motive of His government. ManÕs love of God is the motive of his obedience.
(G. Campbell Morgan)
Key Words: ÒLove,Ó ÒObey,Ó ÒPossessÓ
Writer: Moses
Date Written: Eleventh month of 1406 B.C. (Deuteronomy 1:3)
General Outline for the Book of Deuteronomy:
I. Retrospective: (Looking Back) The Way Since Sinai (Chapters 1:1-4)
A. Recapitulation of the Past Journey (Chapters 1-3)
B. Exhortation to Future Obedience (Chapter 4:1-40)
C. Regulations Concerning Present Possessions (Chapter 4:41-49)
II. Introspective: (Looking Inward) The Law of Sinai (Chapters 5-26)
A. Exposition of the Ten Commandments (Chapters 5 - 11)
B. Regulations Concerning Principle Laws (Chapters 12 - 26)
III. Prospective: (Looking Forward) The Land of Canaan (Chapters 27-34)
A. Renewal of the Covenant (Chapters 27-30)
1. Recording and Rehearsal of the Law at Ebal and
Gerizim (Chapter 27)
2. Results of Obedience and Disobedience (Chapter 28)
3. Renewed Declaration of the Covenant (Chapters 29-30)
B. Reassurance and Warning Through Moses (Chapters 31-34)
1. MosesÕ Final Charge (Chapter 31)
2. MosesÕ Song (Chapter 32)
3. MosesÕ Blessing (Chapter 33)
4. MosesÕ Death and Burial (Chapter 34)
Note: All
material marked by ( ) should be studied in
preparation for the course evaluation.
1. Deuteronomy is the ____________ book of the Old Testament, written by
2. The word Deuteronomy means _____________________________________.
3. The book is actually a _______________________ or ________________________
of the laws given in Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers.
Log and Challenge
(Deuteronomy 1 - 4)
1. With the exception of __________________ and ______________________, the
spies discouraged the people from claiming GodÕs provision for them.
2. The old generation which witnessed the
______________________________________ had passed on and a new
generation needs to be reminded of the importance of
____________________________________ in the promised land.
3. The failure of their _____________________ to claim GodÕs promise would
serve as an example of GodÕs divine judgment for __________________________________.
1. The instruction given to Israel concerning other nations was that of
2. The Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites were
______________________ to the Israelites.
3. The Edomites were the descendants of __________
who was the brother of ____________.
4. The Moabites and Ammonites were descendants of ________________________
nephew, ________.
5. When the ________________ king, Sihon refused to
grant passage and sell food and water, the Israelites
_______________________________ the entire population and took their
1. After the conquest of _______ of __________________, the land on this side
of Jordan was given to the _________________________,
_________________________, and half tribe of ______________________________.
2. Moses announces that ________________ will be his _______________________.
3. God allowed Moses to view the promised land from
Chapter 4 begins with a call to obedience to the children of Israel. There are
three strong warning given by Moses using of the words Òtake... heedÓ (verses
9, 15, and 23).
1. Verse 9 emphasizes the importance of _____________________ the precepts of
God from generation to generation.
2. Verses 15 and 23 emphasize the total rejection of all forms of
3. __________________, ___________________, and
_________________ were declared cities of refuge.
Ten Commandments
(1.) The first four of the ten commandments deal with
duties to ___________.
(2.) The last six of the ten commandments deal with
duties to ___________.
Death of Moses
Chapters 29-34
1. Verses 1-15 serve as a reminder of the _____________________ of GodÕs law
for ____________________________.
2. Verses 16-29 serve as a reminder of the ________________ of GodÕs law upon
the ____________________________.
1. The __________________________ Covenant promised GodÕs _____________________
and ___________________________ of Israel as a nation.
2. This covenant was __________________________ , and
Moses reminds the Israelites that their blessing and presence in the promised
land is dependent upon their _________________________ to God.
3. Moses was a faithful minister, leader, and witness in the fact that he set
before the people both the _________________________ and the
____________________ of the Word of God.
1. Moses give his final warning to Israel from the
______________________ standpoint.
2. The appointment and commission of __________________ as the new leader of
the people is then made ___________________.
3. Moses delivered a copy of the law to the __________________ with the
instruction to have it read to Israel every seven years at the
4. The inauguration of ___________________ is performed in the
______________________ by the presence of God in the form of
Two prophecies are given by God. The first is a short range prophecy concerning the
______________________________________, and the second is a long range prophecy
concerning the future ________________________________________.
5. A _____________ is given to Moses to remind the people of the
______________________ of God and the future _______________________ of Israel
in the promised land.
6. After giving an encouraging charge to ____________________, Moses commands
the _________________ to keep the copy of the law in the
1. The theme of the Song of Moses is a ____________________________ God, and a
________________________ people.
2. There are great prophetic aspects of this song which
include: IsraelÕs ________________________ in the land, their captivity and
blindness as a _____________________________________, and their future
________________________ when Christ comes in judgment.
3. In verse 47, the _________________________ nature of the Palestinian
Covenant is again stated.
4. Moses was commanded by God to go to _________________________ in
_____________ to die.
(5.) Moses is reminded of his __________________, but promised that he will ____________ the land before his death.
1. The chapter begins with a glorious ________________________________ of God.
2. Jeshurun means
"__________________________________" and refers to Israel in harmony
with God.
3. The title Jeshurun probably refers to the
____________________ state of the ______________________ nation under the
leadership of ________________.
1. This closing chapter of the Pentateuch was written ______________ the death
of Moses.
2. The opening scene is that of Moses making his way from the plains of
______________ up to the summits of _______________ and ____________________.
3. The description of his health at the time of his death presents a man with
______________________________ and generally _______________________________.
(4.) Moses was ____________ years old when he died.
5. The expression natural force refers to one having
(6.) The burial was performed by ______________, and ____________________ knew
where Moses was buried.
7. After 30 days of ______________________ mourning, __________________ assumes
the leadership role given to him by God at the hand of Moses.