Ecclesiology (The Doctrine of the Church)
Course Number BD- 103
Course Description: Ten lectures centering on the New Testament definition of the church;" showing the importance of this doctrine; and emphasizing the difference between the Organism and the Organization of the Church.
Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.
Introduction: What is a Church?
1. The word "church" has many meanings today.
*2. Some associate the word "church" with a __________________________________.
a. The Church of the Bible, although presented as a building, has no
_____________________________ habitation on this earth.
b. Rather than _____________________ a habitation, the Church _______ a habitation.
*3. Some associate the word with a _________________________________________________.
a. The word "denomination" is defined as "A large group of religious congregations united under
a common faith and name and organized under a single administrative and legal
__________________________." (American Heritage Dictionary)
b. The word actually comes from a Latin word meaning "______________________________."
The church of the Bible has no denominational name, or _____________________ hierarchy.
*4. Others define a "church" as simply a _____________________ (more than two) of people who
come together to worship.
a. Although, Christ is present when two believers are united in purpose and prayer, two or three
gathered together ___________________________________________ a church.
b. The Church of the Bible is not merely a group of believers; it is a spiritually
______________________ and ___________________________________ group of
Defining Terms
*1. The word "church" is an _____________________word.
*2. It comes from the Greek word "kuriakon" which means "______ the Lord" or "that which
_______________ to the Lord."
*3. The Greek word which is translated "church" is the word "ekklesia" which simply means "a
a. The word appears ______________ times in the New Testament.
b. 115 times it is translated "________________" and 3 times it is translated
*4. Therefore, the word "ekklesia" does not always refer to the
a. The context of Acts 19 shows that this "ekklesia" was a
_____________________________________ at Ephesus who were called together to
consider what Paul had done in that city.
b. On one occasion, in Acts 7:38, the word is used referring to the
________________________________ which had been called out of Egypt.
c. Although translated "church," Israel is not "The Church" of the
________________________________, but rather a "called out assembly."
5. The use of the English word "church" designates not only a called out assembly, but an assembly
which is called out and _________________________________________________.
*6. The translation of the word "ekklesia" as "church" when speaking of Israel in the Wilderness is not
a _________________________________________________ in our English Bible (Acts 7:38).
*7. The wonderful thing about the word "ekklesia" is that it is defined by it's _____________________.
Therefore, the true meaning of the word "church" can only be established by the
a. Without the principles and characteristics established in the Word of God, a group of people
is merely an "ekklesia;" that is to say, an ____________________________.
b. When an assembly of people are called out and gathered under the guidelines, direction, and
responsibilities of the Word of God, a "_____________________" exists.
The "Church" and the "Churches"
The Organism and the Organization?
The "Church"
*1. Generally speaking, the Church is not geographically confined to
____________________________________. (Eph. 1:22-23)
*2. Ethically speaking, the Church is not limited to one ______________ or ________________ of
people. (I Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11)
3. The New Testament presents the Church as being _________________ from any particular race of
people. (I Cor. 10:32)
4. On the other hand, the Church is made up of people from _________________________.
(Rom. 1:16; Eph. 2:16; Eph. 3:6)
5. It is interesting to find the ________________________ of the races in the development of the
Early Church in Acts Chapters 8 through 10.
a. In Chapter 8, we see the inclusion of the _______________ race as represented by the
Ethiopian eunuch, a _________________________.
b. In Chapter 9, Saul of Tarsus, a _____________________________________________, is
brought into the Church.
c. In Chapter 10, we see a _____________________________________________ man named
Cornelius saved and included.
The "Churches"
1. However, specifically speaking, Churches are located in and identified with a
2. The Bible uses the plural "churches" (36 times in N.T.) when speaking of assemblies pertaining to
_____________________________________________ (Acts 9:31; 15:41; 16:5; Rom. 16:4;
II Cor. 11:28; Rev. 1:4)
3. The idea that there is one Church; yet, many churches is not a _____________________________.
a. The church is one organism which is organized on the local level.
*b. The world-wide Church is the ______________________________ of the Church, while the
local assemblies are the ___________________________________ of the Church.
The Church as an Organism
The Church is "Alive"
*1. The word "organism" means "An individual form of life made up of parts that work together to
carry on the various processes of life." So, when we call the Church an "organism," we are simply
saying that the Church is a ___________________________________ (Eph. 2:4-6; I Pet. 2:4-5;
I John 5:11-13).
2. During the Church Age, all outside the Church are spiritually _______________.
3. All who have trusted Christ as Savior are part of the ____________________ Organism of the Church.
The Church Has Living Parts
1. To be an organism requires life and _________________________.
2. References: (Rom. 12:4-5; I Cor. 12:12)
The Church is Vigorous
*1. The church is vigorous in that it has the "capacity for natural ___________ and
*2. The Church is in no danger of _______________ or ______________________________.
(Matt. 16:18)
3. Also, as a living organism, the Church is supplied by Christ the necessary means for _______________
and _________________________.
4. Because Christ is the eternal and all powerful _______________ of the Church the body is able to
survive hardships and flourish spiritually. (Eph. 4:8-16)
5. This world-wide organism has been called the "___________________________________ Church"
because it is made up of all people throughout the world who receive Christ during this age.
*6. It has been called the "_________________________ Church" because it includes all believers
since the Day of Pentecost most of which have gone on to be with the Lord.
The Church as Being Organized
*1. Christ's plan of organization is the ______________________________.
2. There are many things going on outside the local church which may seem good and right; but
Christ ____________________________ the local church as the agency for organizing and
overseeing His work.
3. Any organization or "ministry" which seeks to _______________________ or
_______________________ the local church is unscriptural.
Christ and His Church
1. The Owner of the Church cannot be disputed. The church clearly belongs to _________.
(Acts 20:28; I Cor. 10:32)
2. The Head of the Church cannot be disputed. It is equally clear from Scripture that ________________
is the divinely appointed Head of the Church. (Eph. 1:19-23; Col. 1:15-18; 2:9-10)
*3. The Greek word for "head" shows that Christ is both the ___________ and
__________________________ of the Church.
What is Christ is to the "Church"
1. Christ is the ______________ of the Church. (Matt 16:18).
a. Christ _____________________ for the Church. (Matt 16:18; Heb 2:14; I John 3:8)
b. Christ ____________ for the Church. (Acts 20:28; I Cor. 6:20; 7:23; Gal. 3:13; I Pet. 1:18-19)
*c. Christ paid the price for our ________________________ from sin, and at the same time,
purchased the Church for ________________________.
2. Christ is the __________________ of the Church. (Col. 1:18)
3. Christ is also the ____________________________________ of the Church. (Matt 16:16-18).
a. Many have misinterpreted the statement of Christ here to say that _________________________
is the foundation of the Church.
*b. The foundation of the Church is the __________________ concerning Christ, the Son of the
living God. (I Cor. 3:10-11; Eph. 2:20)
c. The ________________________ were active in the laying of the foundation of the Church;
but are distinct from Christ Who is the foundation. When building a house, workers must lay the
foundation, but when they leave, the foundation remains.
*d. Christ is the ______________________________ of the church, determines the
__________________ of the church, and is the ____________________________ for every
stone laid.
What Christ Does for the "Church?"
1. Christ __________________ the Church - (Matt 16:18; Col. 2:6-7; I Pet. 2:5)
*a. The building of the Church has a ________________________ period.
*b. This period of time is called the __________________________________________.
*c. The Church Age began on the day of ______________________________ when the assembly
was given the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4).
*d. It will come to a sudden close when the Church is _________________ out of the earth
(I Thes. 4:13-18).
e. The Church Age is also called the Dispensation of __________________ (Eph. 3:2-6) and the
________________________ of the Gentiles (Rom. 11:25).
2. Christ ________________________ the Church -
a. With His ________________________... (Matt 28:19-20; Heb. 13:5)
Where Christ sends us, He __________________ us.
b. With His __________________... (Acts 1:8; Eph. 1:19; Eph. 3:20; I Peter 1:5)
Where He sends us, He ________________________ us.
c. Through His ______________________________... (Heb 2:17-18; 4:14-16)
Where He sends us, He ____________________________ for us.
3. Christ ________________________ the Church -
*a. Christ has equipped the Church to progress toward ______________________. (Eph. 4:8-11).
*b. Christ has promised the Church ultimate ____________________________________.
(Eph. 4:12; 5:25-27; Philip 3:20-21).
What Christ Expects From the "Church?"
(Ephesians 4:14-24)
1. To be ________________________ in Sound Doctrine: (Eph. 4:14-15)
2. To be ________________________ in Service. (Eph. 4:16a)
3. To be ________________________ in Love. (Eph. 4:16b)
4. To be ________________________ with Holiness. (Eph 4:17-24).
Depictions of the Church
The Church Depicted as a Mystery (Eph. 3:1-6)
1. Because the church is depicted as a mystery which was not revealed until the New Testament, many view the Old Testament as being __________________________________ to the Church.
*2. The Greek word for "mystery" means something _______________ or kept
a. The word comes from a root word which means "to
*b. Although the Church did not come into being until the New Testament, the
________________________ for the church was hidden within the Old Testament.
(1) The Apostle Paul was quick to acknowledge that the ____________________ concerning
the Church were hidden to the Old Testament saint. (Rom. 16:25)
(2) However, he also stated that the idea of a Gentile Church is part of the Old Testament
prophecy. (Eph. 3:5-6).
3. In the true sense of the word, a mystery is awareness without ____________________.
a. Paul stated that there was _________________________ of a relationship between God and
the Gentiles in the Old Testament, but the details were kept secret until the New Testament.
"Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? As he saith also
in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not
beloved." (Rom. 9:24-25)
b. Paul quoted the Old Testament Prophet ____________________ (Hos. 2:23) to show that the
idea of the Church was in the Old Testament, but was not made clear until the New Testament.
(Col. 1:24-27)
c. The New Testament is, in a sense, the ____________________________ of the Old
Testament mystery concerning a ____________________ body of believers composed of
both Jews and Gentiles.
d. In the final Book of the Bible, John uses the word "mystery" as he reveals the
____________________and ______________________________ of the Church Age.
(Rev. 1:20)
4. Therefore, the word "mystery" should ____________________ Old Testament study rather than
___________________________________ it. (Luke 24:25-27, 44-47)
The Church Depicted as a Building (Eph. 2:19-22)
*1. The word "building" is the Greek word "oikodome" {oy-kod-om-ay'} which is a composition of
two words meaning "a _______________________________________________________."
*a. The word is important because it emphasizes both a ______________ and an
b. According to Ephesians 2:19-22, the Church beautifully fulfills the definition of an "oikodome."
It is according to a design _ "...building fitly framed together... builded together...;" and is a
dwelling for a particular person(s) _ "..for an habitation of God through the Spirit."
c. The Church qualifies as a building ("oikodome") in every way:
1) It has a _______________: (Eph. 1:9-10; 3:9-11).
2) It has a ___________________________________: (I Cor. 3:10-11)
a) It is clear that he Foundation of the Church is ____________________.
b) The Apostles were those who _______________ the foundation.
c) Some scholars choose to include the Apostles in the actual foundation because of their
____________________ relationship with Christ. (Eph. 2:20)
d) The expression "of the apostles" simply refers to the apostles' work of
_________________________________________________ concerning the Gospel
of Christ.
e) Some make the following distinction: the Church was _________________________
founded by the apostles, but ______________________________ founded by Christ.
3) It has a ___________________________________: (Luke 20:17; Eph. 2:20; I Pet. 2:6-7)
a) Christ as the cornerstone determines the ____________________ of the church and
is the _________________________ for every stone laid.
b) The "builders" who rejected Christ were the _______________. (John 1:11-12;
Rom 10:1-3).
4) It has building ____________________: (I Pet. 2:4-6)
*a) We, as believers, are ____________________ stones which make up the building of God.
b) The Greek word used for "confounded" can have one of two meanings depending on the
context. It can mean "______________________________." (Rom. 10:11).
c) The word can also mean "to _________________________." Christ is the pattern
for all other stones to be laid. Those you are in His image are consistent with His pattern.
5) It has a _________________________: (I Pet. 2:5)
*a) The idea conveyed is that of the church being a building to be used as a
b) The temple was the place of ______________________________ between God and
His people.
c) The Tabernacle and the Temple of Jerusalem were but temporary pictures of a more
_______________ and ____________________ temple. (Acts 4:20-23; 7:44-48;
I Cor 3:16-17; II Cor. 6:16)
6) It has ________________________________________:
*a) The ___________________________________ (I Cor. 6:19) The Holy Spirit dwells
in the Church _________________________ and ______________________ it to
minister and communicate God's will. (John 14:17; Rom. 8:11)
*b) The _________________________: (I Cor. 14:25; Eph. 2:22; 4:6)
*c) The __________ (Rom. 8:10; II Cor. 13:5; Col. 1:27)
7) It has a _____________________________________________: (I Cor. 3:10-15)
a) The project is the ____________________: (I Cor. 3:9)
*b) The process is ______________________________:
*1) The believer's life is a ___________________________________.
*2) Every believer is building every _________________________ of every __________.
c) The product is __________________________________________________:
In conclusion, the Church is a building ____________________ which is building ____________________.
The Church Depicted as a Bride (Eph. 5:31-32)
*1. The relationship of Christ with His Church was _______ modeled after the relationship of a man
and his wife.
a. The Church was in the mind of God long before Adam and Eve were
_________________________. (Eph. 1:3-4)
b. The human marriage relationship is a God ordained picture of the
______________________________ of Christ and His bride, the Church.
2. The pattern for a perfect husband is ____________, and the pattern for a perfect wife is
the ____________. (Eph. 5:32-33)
3. The two basic ingredients in the formula for a perfect marriage are "________" and
Christ, The Model Husband (Eph. 5:25-31)
*1. He __________ the Church as Himself:
a. He is _________________________ with obtaining her. (Acts 20:28; Heb. 9:12)
b. He is _________________________ to her needs. (Phil. 4:19; Jude 1:24)
c. He is _________________________ to her protection. (Matt. 16:13)
*2. He _________________________ the Church as His own:
a. She is ____________________ from all others. (Tit. 2:14)
b. She has no _______________ among others. (II Cor. 11:2-3; Gal. 1:6-9)
*3. He _______________ the Church through His goodness:
a. She is ____________________ because of her union with Him. (Rom. 8:32; Eph. 1:3; I Pet. 1:8)
b. She is ____________________ because of her union with Him. (I Cor. 6:9-11)
*4. He ____________________ Himself to the Church eternally:
a. ____________________ union is His immediate goal. (I Cor. 6:15-17; Heb. 2:11)
b. ______________________________ union is His eternal goal. (John 10:28; Rom. 8:17;
Eph 3:9-11)
The Church, The Model Wife (Eph. 5:22-24, 33b)
1. The Greek word for "reverence" simply means "____________________."
2. The word for "submission" means to place yourself under the _________________________ of
3. The language is clear that the wife is to fear her husband to th point of
________________________ to him.
4. However, when we hear the words "fear" and "submission," we must overcome the idea of "the
_______________" and "the _________________________."
5. The submission of the Church to Christ is one of _____________________________________
because of His love and concern.
6. The Church reverences Christ.
*a. She fears that He would be ____________________________: (I Cor. 9:27; II Cor. 5:9-11;7:1)
*b. She fears that He would be ____________________: (Col. 1:18; Heb. 13:21)
c. She fears that He would be ________________________________________:
(Gal. 1:6-7; 2:4-5; II Pet. 2:1-2; I John 2:21-23)
7. The Church is in submission to Christ.
a. She submits herself to His _______________: (Eph. 3:20; I Pet. 5:6-7; Heb. 4:14-16)
As the weaker vessel, she depends upon His strength and provision.
b. She submits herself to His _______________: (II Thes. 1:12; I Pet. 4:14; Rev. 2:3)
She is willing to be identified with Him for life.
c. She submits herself to His _______________________: (Col. 1:18; Eph. 1:20-22; II Cor. 5:9-10)
She realizes the complication of any organism having two heads.
d. She submits herself to His _________________________: (Eph. 3:9-11; Col 3:1-4; II Tim 1:8-9)
She makes His goal her goal .
The Church Depicted as a Body (Col. 1:24)
1. The Church is the body of ____________________.
a. Man is a living __________ who dwells in a body.
*b. The indwelling of Christ in the body of the Church is a _________________________
dwelling through the Person of the ______________________________.
(Luke 24:38-39; I Tim. 2:5)
2. Christ is resurrected bodily, glorified, and seated at the right hand of God in His _______________.
(Rom. 8:9-11)
3. The idea of the body of Christ builds on the husband wife concept of
"________________________ union." (Matt. 19:5-6; Eph. 5:31)
4. The Church is a body of believers. Christ has a glorified body in heaven. Yet, through the
indwelling of the Holy Spirit, these two are made one in _______________________ union.
Therefore, the Church is the body of Christ.
The Head of the Body is Christ (Col. 1:18)
*1. In this depiction, Christ is the _________________________ and
___________________________ head of the body.
2. The head _______________________ and __________________ the actions of the members
of the body.
The Body Has Members (I Corinthians Chapter 12)
1. The body of Christ, as any body, is composed of ______________________________ members.
(Rom. 12:3-5; Eph. 5:30)
2. Salvation Declares _________________________(vv 12-20) Salvation determines the
_________________________ of the body.
3. Service Demands ______________________________ (vv 21-24) Service has to do with the
_________________________ of the body.
4. Stability Demands _________________________ (vv 21-24)
a. There must be harmony in _________________________.
b. There must be harmony in _________________________.
c. There must be harmony in ____________________.
1) distribute all personal ______________________________ to Christ the Head
(Recognizing that all possessions and abilities are given by Him and belonging to Him.)
2) distribute all personal _________________ to Christ the Head (Realizing that self-exaltation
robs God of the glory he alone deserves.)
3) Stability has to do with the _________________________ of the body.
The Organization of the Local Church
Biblical Evidence for the Existence of Local Churches
1. The word "church(es)" appears ______ times in the New Testament; ____ of which refer to a
local assembly.
2. Over ______ of the New Testament epistles were written directly to local churches or local
church leaders.
3. The ____________________ of the Church at Pentecost, immediately resulted in a local church.
(Acts 2:41-47)
4. The ____________________________ ultimately resulted in local churches.
(Acts 8:1,3-4; 11:19-26)
Biblical Evidence for the Importance of Local Churches
*1. The local church supplies spiritual ____________________________.
(I Cor. 4:15-17; I Tim. 3:5,15)
* 2. The local church offers true ____________. (I Cor. 1:10)
a. speech; There can only be one ____________________.
b. mind; There can only be one ________________.
c. judgment; The course of action must be based upon established _______________________
*3. The local church offers doctrinal ________________________. (Eph. 4:14; I Tim. 1:3; II John 1:9)
Biblical Evidence for the Authority of Local Churches
*1. The authority to ____________________ its leading members.
a. The principle established: (Matt. 20:26-27)
b. The pattern established: (Acts 6:3)
c. The practice exercised: (I Thes. 5:12)
*2. The authority to ________________________ disagreeing members: (I Cor. 6:1-4)
*3. The authority to ____________________ disobedient members: (I Cor. 5:11-13; Eph. 5:3-7;
Rom. 16:17; Matt. 18:15-17)
Biblical Characteristics of a Local Church
*1. ________________ Membership.
a. Confession of Christ as ____________________ (Acts 2:47)
b. Demonstration of Christ as ____________: (I Cor. 1:2)
*2. ________________________ Membership.
a. Obedient to Christ's example: ________________________ (Acts 2:4; 16:32-34; 18:8)
b. Obedient to Christ's ________________________________: (Luke 11:28; II Thes. 3:14;
Heb. 5:9; 13:17; I Pet. 5:6-7)
*3. ____________________ Membership.
a. United in ____________________: Doctrinal Statement (I Cor. 1:10; I Tim. 1:3)
b. United in ____________________: Covenant (Heb. 1):24-25; Eph. 4:1-3)
*4. ____________________________ Membership.
*a. Free from ________________ rule: (Matt. 22:21)
*b. Free from ____________________________________ rule: (I Pet. 5:2-3)
c. Freedom to determine ________________________________: (II Cor. 6:14; Eph. 5:11;
I John 1:6)
The Government of the Local Church
Types (Systems) of Church Government
*1. ________________________________________ (Also known as Hierarchical)
a. Origin: from the Greek word which is translated "_________________________________"
(Acts 20:28) and "bishop" (I Tim. 3:1-2).
*b. Description: The leaders (Pope, Bishops, clergy, etc.) have
c. Practitioners: Roman Catholic, Methodist, Episcopal, Greek Orthodox.
d. Claimed Scriptural basis:
1) Office of Pope was ordained in Christ's statement to ___________________
(Matt. 16:18-19).
2) The authority of the ____________________ to appoint leaders and dictate local
churches (Titus 1:5).
*e. Actual status: ________________________________________.
1) Matthew 16
a) The Rock is the __________________ of what Peter had said concerning Christ.
b) The "keys" represent the ____________________________________ privilege of
first presenting the revealed Gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ.
(Acts 2:14-41; Acts 10).
2) The Apostles were given authority because the ______________________________
was not fully revealed. (II Peter 1:19-21).
3) The Bible condemns the thought of men being elevated to the point of
__________________________ others and determining church
*2. ____________________________________ (Also known as Representative)
a. Origin: from the Greek word which refers to a group or council and is translated
"__________________" (I Tim. 5:17; Tit. 1:5) and "______________________________"
(I Tim. 4:14).
*b. Description: The leaders make final decisions, but are ________________________ by the
c. Practitioners: Presbyterian, Reformed.
d. Claimed Scriptural basis:
(1) Use of the word in I Tim. 4:14
(2) Use of the word "__________________" in such passages as I Tim. 5:17 and I Pet. 5:5.
*e. Actual status: ____________________________________.
(1) I Tim. 5:17
(a) The gift that was given came by prophecy. In other words, the authority of the gift
was the ______________________________.
(b) The laying on of hands by the presbytery is done in ____________________________
of the gift.
(c) The actual power of giving gifts through laying on of hands was exercised by the
Apostles. After the Apostolic Age, the laying on of hands became
______________________ as we will later see.
(2) I Pet. 5:2 makes it clear that an "elder" is not to be a lord over the flock, but rule as an
"________________________" of obedience to God's Word and submission to Christ.
*3. __________________________________________ (Also known as Democratic)
*a. Description: The local church is an independent, self governing body with no higher authority
than Christ.
1) The ____________________________________ chooses its pastor, deacons,
missionaries, etc. and is responsible for its facilities, finances, etc.
2) Each local church is ______________________________ which means "self-governing."
b. Practitioners: Congregational, Free Methodists, Independent Baptists, and Independent
Bible Churches.
c. Claimed Scriptural basis:
1) The example of the Church at ______________________________ in answering a request
from other churches for doctrinal guidance. (Acts 6 & 15).
2) The example of the Church at ________________________ in disciplining its members.
(I Cor. 5-6)
3) The words "pastor," "bishop," and "elder" refer to a
____________________________________ who is called and approved by the local church.
*d. Actual status: Scriptural and based on NT practice and principle
Ordained Officers
The Meaning of "Ordination"
*1. The local church has two ordained officers. These are the __________________ and
2. These men are ordained to a position and office ____________________________________
by God and ____________________________________ by men.
3. When speaking of divine ordination, the word usually used means to assign or appoint to an
____________________________________ position.
*4. In the spiritual realm, only ____________ can ordain an office and call a man to that office.
5. When speaking from the human side, the word used means "to
__________________________________." (Acts 14:23)
6. Although only God can call and equip a man for the office of pastor or deacon, it is the
responsibility of the ____________________________________ to recognize that call.
a. The majority vote of a local church to receive a man as their pastor or deacon does not in
itself ________________________ that man for the office.
b. The stretching forth of the hand, to receive a man as pastor or deacon should be the result
of much __________________, ______________________________, and
7. When a group of men come together to "ordain" a pastor or deacon, they are simply showing that
they, in good conscience, _______________________ God's call in this man's life and
_______________________ him to the office.
a. Human ordination does not __________________ the call or gifts of God upon a man.
b. Human ordination recognizes and ________________________ God's call in the individual's life.
*8. Upon the Biblical concept of ordination, we believe that men are __________________ of God to
the offices of pastor and deacon, but ______________________________ for service by each
local church.
a. The responsibility to recognize the call of God on a man's life and determine the
____________________ of that man to lead a particular assembly lies in the hands of the
________________________________ itself.
b. God calls men to a particular ________________________ (pastor or deacon) of ministry.
The local church accepts men to a particular __________________ of ministry.
The Officers of the Local Church
The Office Defined
*1. The Pastor is the "________________________" of the local church. (I Peter 5:1-4)
*2. From these verses, we gather that:
*a. He is called according to a ____________________ established position "...who am also
an elder."
(1) The office of pastor was established by God and first issued to ________________.
(John 21:15-19).
(2) The call to "feed my sheep" was that of taking the ____________________ of a flock.
(3) The word "feed" is also translated "____________" which includes the complete welfare
of the flock.
*b. He accepts the responsibility of a ____________________________ of people.
*c. He surrenders ________________________ to the call.
*d. He views salary and benefits as ________________________________ to being in God's will.
(1) The word for "filthy lucre" means "eagerness for
(2) The contrasting statement "ready mind" simply means "__________________________."
*e. He motivates obedience through his ____________________________ obedience.
(1) Eph. 4:5 makes it clear that the church has only one "Lord" which is
(2) The leader who subjects himself to the Lordship of Christ, will be
____________________________ in the eyes of his followers.
*f. He realizes the ____________________________ and ____________________________
of the office.
(1) The word "heritage" means something established by allotment. The Church is the
________________________ of God.
(2) The pastor seeks his reward from Christ's ____________ in Christ's ______________.
Qualifications Summarized
(I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9).
Qualifications Explained
The Pastor must be:
*1. ..."a ____________"
*2. ...without ____________________________ - (blameless)
*3. from the stigmas of ____________________________ and
a. Polygamy (many wives) misrepresents the ____________________ relationship of Christ
and His Bride, the Church.
b. Divorce misrepresents the _______________________ relationship of Christ and His Bride,
the Church.
*4. ...personally ____________________________ -
*5. ...spiritually ____________________ - (Not a novice... apt to teach... faithful word... sound doctrine)
a. The word "novice" means "________________________________________."
b. The pastor's focus is spent in ____________________ development rather than
____________________ goals and ambitions.
*6. ...____________________ respected - (a good report of them which are without)
a. The Pastor should conduct himself in such a way that the world will
________________________ him.
b. Honesty, courtesy, and tact will help the world realize his ____________________________
even though they may not understand them.
*7. ...___________________ respected - (ruleth well his own house... his children in subjection
with all gravity)
a. The words "ruleth" and "subjection" prove that his home is not going to be ____________________ and without ________________________.
b. The word "ruleth" comes from two words meaning "to stand above or over."
c. The word for "gravity" means "________________ respect."
d. The motivation behind his desire to correct and direct are out of true ____________________,
rather than ________________ over his success in "ruling people."
*8. ... sincerely generous - (given to hospitality)
a. Jesus set the standard for sincere generosity in that it gives to those who
________________________________________________ favors (Luke 6:32-35).
b. The word for "hospitality" means "love for ________________________."
The Office Defined
*1. The Deacon is a ________________________ of the church.
a. The word "deacon" means "a servant or ________________________."
b. The Biblical account of the establishment of the office of deacon testifies to his
___________________________ as a servant. (Acts 6:1-6)
2. Biblical principles concerning the office of deacon are.
*a. They met an immediate ____________ of the people.
*b. They relieved the ____________________ and ________________________ burden
from the apostles.
*c. They were selected by the people of the ________________________________.
*d. They are men who are ____________________ and ____________________________.
(1) The term "honest report" is equal to "________________________________."
(2) He must be ________________________ in his sensitivity to the needs of individuals
and ____________ enough to arrive at reasonable solutions.
Qualifications Summarized (I Timothy 3:8-13)
The Deacon must be:
*1. ...a ____________ - (husband, ruling... house)
*2. ...a man of ____________________________ - (grave...not doubletongued...
pure conscience...proved)
a. Character is simply defined as "having ________________ or ________________ strength."
b. There must be a willingness on the part of the church to ____________________________
and a willingness on the part of the potential deacon to be ____________________________.
*3. ...personally ________________________________ - (blameless... )
*4. from the stigmas of ____________________________and
*5. ...have a ____________ who is qualified -
a. ...she is not a ________________ accuser - (slanderer)
b. ...she ____________________ from wine - (sober)
c. ...she is visibly ________________ - (faithful in all things)
(1) The word "faithful" denotes that which can be trusted concerning ____________________
and relied upon concerning ________________________.
(2) Along with her ________________________ duties as deacon's wife, she must be faithful
in her ________________________ duties as a wife, mother, church member and child
of God.
*6. ...have a home which reflects his ________________________________ qualities.
a. The Greek word for "ruling" reflects both authority and
b. The man who magnifies his domestic authority while neglecting his responsibility is a
*7. ...have respect for the office.
a. The good deacon is the one who realizes that the office requires
____________________________, and consistency with these standards will bring ____________________.
b. Two rewards for being a good deacon are:
1) "...purchase to themselves a good degree" In other words, the good deacon secures a
position of ____________________ and ________________.
2) "...great boldness in the faith" The word "boldness"simply means "the freedom to speak."
The idea is that of speaking with ________________________________.
The Ordinances and Objective of the Local Church
The Ordinances of the Local Church
Defining an "Ordinance"
1. The word "ordinance" comes from a root a word which simply means "that which is
2. So, in its most rudimentary form, the word means "a ________________________."
*3. Our English word carries the idea of something "that is ordained to be
Distinguishing an "Ordinance"
1. It is of utmost importance that the distinction be made between Christ given ordinances and
____________ made sacraments.
a. A sacrament is a ________________ which claims to have the power to impart saving grace.
b. An ordinance, an the other hand, is a command to _________________ and
(1) Baptism is a ____________________ of what happened the moment we received Christ as Savior.
(2) The Lord's Table is a __________________ of what we are as a result of receiving Christ as Savior.
2. The sacraments are given to save people, while the ordinances are given to people who are
________________________________________. (Acts 2:41; 8:12, 36-38; Acts 10:47;
I Cor. 10:16-17)
3. The general rules to remember:
a. The ordinances are for saved people and do not have the ________________ to save people.
b. The ordinances, as all memorials, represent ________________________________________.
In the case of Church Ordinances, both baptism and the Lord's Table memorialize the death,
burial, resurrection, and return of Christ.
c. The ordinances testify to the ______________________ and _____________________
work of Christ.
d. The ordinances are administered by an ________________________ rather than a man.
(1) Those who administer baptism and the Lord's Table do so as
______________________________ of the entire local assembly.
(2) No man is called or given the right to administer the ordinances of
________________________. (I Cor. 1:13-17)
4. Even during the Apostolic Period, baptism and the Lord's Table were strictly defined as being
a. Paul emphasized the power of the Gospel (death, burial, resurrection, of Christ) and
distinguished it from ________________________________________.
b. The ordinances are to be observed by the ________________________________, and
administered by representatives of that body.
The Meaning of Baptism
1. As an ordinance, Baptism points to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ which took place
nearly ______________ years ago. (I Cor. 15:1-4).
2. As an ordinance, Baptism shows our ________________________ and
___________________________ with that particular event. (Rom. 6:3-12).
*3. Paul makes a distinction between _______________________ baptism and ________________
*a. ________________________ baptism happens the moment we put our faith in the finished
work of Christ for salvation. (Acts 11:16; I Cor. 12:13)
*b. ________________ baptism is a picture of what happened spiritually. (Acts 8:36-38; 10:47)
The Mode of Baptism
1. One of the major debates throughout the Church-Age has been the mode or manner of water baptism. Quite simply stated; should a person be ______________________ or ________________________ ?
*a. ____________________________ believe that baptism requires being submerged under water.
*b. ______________________________ believe that baptism simply requires a sprinkling or pouring
on of water.
2. We hold to baptism by ________________________________ because:
*a. The Greek word for "baptism" ("baptizo" {bap-tid'-zo}) means "to ______ or
b. The expression is so closely ____________________________ with the death, burial, and
resurrection of Christ (Rom. 6).
c. Baptism is described with expressions such as "_____________________________" and coming
"_____________________" the water. (Matt. 3:16; Acts 8:38-39)
The Misrepresentations of Baptism
Baptismal ____________________________ - The belief that water baptism saves.
________________ Baptism - The baptizing of infants to signify various things.
The Lord's Table
The Meaning of the Lord's Table
1. The meaning of the Lord's Table is summarized as "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink
this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come" (I Cor. 11:26)
2. The Lord's Table expresses our fellowship with the _____________ ("...the Lord's death..."),
_____________________ (" do show..."), and ________________ ("...till he come.")
aspects of the work of Christ.
3. Therefore, this ordinance is not for the ______________.
The Message of the Lord's Table (I Cor. 11:23-25)
*1. In his instruction to the local church at Corinth, Paul points out that Communion is a
__________________ and a ________________________.
2. Neglecting or refusing to partake of the Lord's Table, or misrepresenting the purpose of the
Lord's Table are both acts of ________________________________.
3. The representation of the ________________________ of the Lord's Table is clearly defined.
*4. The bread represents Christ's ______________; and the cup represents Christ's
5. The Lord's Table service is described in I Corinthians Chapter 11, verses 27-33.
*a. The Lord's table is to be observed in a ________________________________. (V27)
(1) The word used is "worthily" which is an adverb applying to the ________________ rather
than an adjective applying to the ________________________.
(2) To partake of the Lord's Table in an unworthy fashion is a ________________________
against the ordinance.
*b. The Lord's Table must be observed with
________________________________________________. (VV28-30)
(1) The word for "examine" ("dokimazo" {dok-im-ad'-zo}) means to literally put yourself
to the ________________.
(2) This is done in the secrecy of our our own hearts and not in
(3) A failure to judge oneself, or a failure to confess known sins brings a
(4) One must remember that the Lord's table is a command, and refusing to partake of it is
*c. The Lord's Table has a direct bearing on the ________________________. (VV31-32)
*d. The Lord's Table is to be observed by the local church during an
_______________________________ service. (V33)
Misrepresentations of the Lord's Table
1. ______________________________ - The elements of the Lord's table become the actual
blood and body of Christ.
2. ______________________________ - The blood and body of Christ exist within the elements.
Conclusion: The Objectives of the Local Church
1) ________________ the Lord in Worship (Rom. 15:5-7)
2) ________________________________ the lost through World Missions (Matthew 28:18-20).
3) ________________ the saints through Bible instruction (Col. 3:16; II Tim. 2:2)
4) ________________________ the Lord's return (Philippians 3:20-21; Heb. 9:28)