(BI-104) New Testament Survey II
The Corinthian and Galatian Epistles
Ten lectures surveying Pauls Epistles to the Corinthians and Galatians. Pauls first letter to Corinth deals with spirituality and discipline, while his second letter is perhaps the most personal of his epistles. The Galatian Epistle focuses on the subject of law and grace.
Assignment for Lecture One:
1) Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.
2) Read: I Corinthians 1 - 4
Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.
The First Epistle to the Corinthians
General Outline
Introduction (1:1-9)
I. Spirituality (Chapters 1 - 4)
A. Spirituality Threatened (1:10-31)
B. The Source of Spirituality (2:1-13
C. The Natural and Spiritual Man (2:14-16)
D. The Carnal Man (3:1-22)
1. His Condition (3:1-8)
2. His Correction (3:9-22)
E. The Responsibility Of Spirituality (4:1-21) Stewardship, Faithfulness To God
II. Discipline (Chapters 5 - 8)
A. Local Church Responsibility (5:1-13) Purging Of The Leaven
B. Local Church Ability (6:1-20) The Authority, Judgment and Position Of
The Believer
C. Personal Discipline And Marriage (7:1-40)
1. Marriage Provisions (7:1-9)
2. Marriage Problems (7:10-40)
D. Personal Discipline And Edification (8:1-13)
Responsibility To Edify The Weak
III. Liberty (Chapters 9 - 10)
A. The Power Of Liberty (9:1-27)
To Be Surrendered For Christ
B. The Responsibility Of Liberty (10:1-33)
1. The Example Of Israel (10:1-11)
2. Proper Use Of Liberty (10:12-33)
IV. Administration (Chapters 11 - 14)
A. God's Domestic Order (11:1-16)
B. God's Church Order (11:17-34)
C. God's Operational Order (12:1-31)
1. Salvation Declares Equality (12:1-20)
2. Service Demands Distinction (12:21-31)
D. God's Regulator For Gifts, Service And
Administration - Love (13:1-13)
E. God's Speaking Gifts (14:1-40)
1. Speaking Gifts Compared (14:1-12)
2. Speaking Gifts Controlled (14:13-40)
V. Exhortation (Chapters 15 - 16)
A. The Illustration of the Resurrection (15:1-58)
B. The Exhortation: To Give / To Stand / To Submit (16:1-24)
The Author
1. Paul wrote this letter during his _____________ missionary journey while at ____________________.
2. Many Bibles wrongly state that Paul wrote this letter from ___________________.
About Corinth
1. Corinth was a thriving seaport city laden with ___________________ and ________________________.
2. The Greeks made up the word __________________________ to describe vile wickedness.
3. By passing through Corinth, every ______________________ of the world could be heard.
4. Paul probably reached Corinth in ________________ and lodged with ___________________________________ .
5. There he also preached Christ, first in the synagogue and then in the house of ____________________.
*6. The theme for I Corinthians is __________________.
The Five Divisions of I Corinthians
1. Chapters 1-4 - _____________________________
*a. Spirituality means ________________________,
b. Spirituality is the only basis for ________________________with God and among believers.
2. Chapters 5-8 - _______________________
a. Discipline is _____________________ that develops self-control, orderly conduct, or to _________________ or to _______________.
b. Discipline brings the _______________ under the control of the ___________________.
3. Chapters 9-10 - _____________________
a. Liberty means to be exempt from former ___________________ and able to move and act.
b. Christian liberty is the freedom from the bondage of ______ and the ability to act in God's _________________.
4. Chapters 11-14 - _______________________________
a. Administration is God's ______________________ of authority.
b. Failure to recognize God's personal authority and God's ordained order of authority _________________ and _________________ unity.
5. Chapters 15-16 - _______________________________
a. Exhortation means to urge or advise strongly by ________________________ or by ______________________.
b. The doctrine of the ____________________________ is a picture of God's unity in purpose, authority and timing.
Spirituality (Chapters 1 - 4)
Seven Reasons for the Letter (1:1-11)
1. Verse 2 - to _________________ the local church.
2. Verse 3 - to _________________ the grace and peace of God.
3. Verse 4 - to praise God in _____________________________.
4. Verses 5-6 - to remind them of the _______________________ of Christ.
5. Verse 7 - to exhort them to _____________________ as they wait for Christ.
6. Verses 8 - 9 - to _________________ them of Gods sustaining power in Christ.
7. Verse 10 - to ____________________ them to work in unity.
Three Threats To Local Church Unity (1:12-31)
1. Verses 12 through 16 - The ___________________ of man.
a. The Corinthians were divided by following men rather than _________________.
b. No matter who gave them the message, they were all ______________ by Christ.
2. Verses 17 through 25 - The _____________________ of man .
a. Worldly wisdom and Gods wisdom are direct ________________________
b. When men seek to run a local church by their own ideas, they will ________________ that church.
3. Verses 26 through 29- The ____________ of man.
a. We can do nothing for God except allow Him to work ________________ us.
b. The praise of man is very _______________________, but allowing God to work through us to the glory of Christ is an ______________________ work.
4. Conclusion: Unity comes through _____________________ Christ, ________________________ to His wisdom, and ____________________ Him to work through us.
The Source of Spirituality (2:1-13)
1. The true source of spirituality is none other than the _______________________ of God.
2. The inspired Word of God is Gods complete _______________________ to man.
3. The testimony and wisdom of God are _________________________ the natural man.
a. Gods wisdom brings forth _________________ and ________________, but the end result of the worlds wisdom is ___________________________.
b. __________________ is Gods wisdom incarnate.
c. Gods wisdom and plan does not come through mans ___________________________________.
d. The Holy Spirit compares our spiritual ________________ to the Word of God, and our need of ________________________ is made evident.
Three Types of People (2:14-3:22)
*1. In verse 14 of Chapter 2, we see the ____________________ man.
*a. This is one who is _____________________.
b. He is spiritually dead because of Adams ___________________________.
*2. In verses 15 and 16, we find the ______________________ man.
*a. This is one who has passed from the _________________ birth to the ________ birth through faith in Christ.
b. A spiritual man is capable of ______________________ for himself the approval and desire of God.
*3. Chapter 3 shows us another type of man, the ____________________believer.
*a. This describes the condition of the believer who is not __________________________ to the Spirit of God.
(1) If a person is carnal because he is a _____________ in Christ, he should study the Word of God in order to grow.
(2) If _____________________ is the cause for living a carnal life, that person should get right with God and surrender to obey God.
b. In verses 3 through 8, we see that the confidence of carnality is __________________________ confidence in men.
c. Verses 9 through 15 give us the correction for carnality which is the realization of a _______________________________.
d. Verses 16 and 17 caution that carnality could cost us our ________________________________________.
e. In verses 18 through 23, Paul concludes that:
(1) Those who trust in human wisdom and strength heap praise and honor on ________________ accomplishment.
(2) Those who trust in God must give ___________________ to Him.
The Responsibility Of Spirituality (4:1-21)
In Chapter 4, Paul presents five contrasts concerning Spiritual Responsibility.
1. ___________________________ Rather Than Success (4:1-5)
* a. The word minister refers to an _____________________ in the lower part of the ship rowing wherever the captain commanded.
b. If we are faithful to the master, He will give us the ________________ that we deserve in due time.
c. A person who is not faithful in the _______________ responsibilities is hard to trust in a place of __________________________.
2. ________________________________ Rather Than Successful (4:6-8)
a. Judgment of Gods servants should be according to the Scriptures and not according to _______________________ success.
b. We are warned not to judge a mans success by the __________________ standards.
c. Do not judge a persons success by their personal ________________________.
d. We are not to judge a mans success according to his personal _______________________________.
e. We are not to judge a ministers success by his personal __________________________________.
3. ___________________________ Rather Than Comfort (4:9-13)
a. There is always a _______________ before a crown.
b. Paul assured them that the worlds hatred, persecution, and allurement are only a _________________________ cross to be borne on the way to a crown.
4. __________________________ Rather Than Creativity (4:14-17)
a. The Gospel once delivered is the only way of salvation, and there is no need to ___________________ or ___________________ its message.
b. True scholarship is not to improve or update the Gospel, it is to be consistent with its ___________________ message.
5. _______________ Rather Than Pride (4:18-21)
a. Paul then pronounces his own responsibility to not only __________________ the Word of God, but also to ____________________ it.
b. Some had accused Paul of being afraid to ________________ them in person.
c. Paul would come with either __________________ or __________________ depending on their response.
Discipline (Chapters 5 - 8)
*1. Discipline, means ______________________ that develops self-control, orderly conduct; to correct or to punish.
2. Discipline brings the ______________, which is weak and corrupt, under the control of the ___________________.
Local Church Responsibility (5:1-13)
*1. The church of Corinth was well known as having ________________________ among its membership.
a. The only approval of God for sexual relationship is ______________________.
b. Those guilty of this sin should have been __________________ of the church.
c. They were bragging of their grace and love for allowing this fornicator to _____________________ in the church.
2. Paul exhorts them to take the responsibility of ____________________ that person from the local church.
a. They were commanded To deliver such an one unto Satan for the ___________________________ of the flesh.
b. It would be better for that person to die ______________________ and save his soul the ___________________ in the day of Christ.
3. Paul used the Biblical principle of __________________ to teach discipline.
*a. Leaven, in the Bible, is a type or picture of ___________.
b. Their ___________________ to deal with that persons sin had caused them to __________.
c. We should strive to keep _______________________ and our _________________________________ from sin that will eventually leaven the whole lump.
d. Paul makes it clear that it is a local church __________________________ to discipline its ________________________ members.
(1) When a person is put out of the local church, he is turned over to __________.
(2) The discipline of the church is for its ___________________ only.
The Authority of the Saints (6:1-3)
1. We are ________________________ with Christ, and the Father has committed all judgment unto the _________.
*2. The believers are going to judge the ___________________ and __________________.
The Judgment of the Saints (6:4-8)
1. The local church should judge its ________ matters and the matters of its ____________________.
2. Local church members should not allow ___________________________ to judge their differences in ________________________.
The Position of the Saint
A Position of Righteousness (6:9-11)
1. First, we are in a position of ___________________________.
2. This is not our righteousness, but the righteousness of Christ ____________________ to us.
3. Before a sinner is able to enter the Kingdom of God, he must be ___________________ by faith in Christ, and ____________________________ by the Holy Spirit.
4. The local church is the visible ___________________ that men can see of the kingdom of God.
A Position of Liberty (6:12)
1. The exercising of discipline does not violate the teaching of salvation by ____________________.
2. Paul assures the Corinthians that he is not ___________________ by the law.
3. The believers liberty is meant for __________________ and not for being brought under the power of sin.
4. When a person of the local church has ______________________ to the power of sin, and has become ______________________ by sin, he must then be disciplined.
A Position of Belonging to Christ (6:13-20)
1. The believers body belongs to ______________________.
2. God gave us these bodies for ____________________ and ________________ to Him.
3. Paul also reminds us that we are ________________ to Christ, we are His _____________.
4. Christ bought us with His ______________, and the Holy Spirit lives in us to _______________us to the glory of God.
5. We must submit the use of these bodies to the __________________________ rather than using them to please our ________________________.
Personal Discipline And Marriage (7:1-40)
Marriage Provisions (7:1-9)
1. Along with our responsibility to discipline a fellow church member, we are also responsible to discipline __________________________.
2. A local church can be no stronger than the __________________ of its members.
3. Domestic problems are in reality, ________________________ problems.
4. Men and women have certain ______________________ desires given to them by God.
5. These desires should only be met in the sanction of _______________________.
a. A sexual relationship outside of marriage is _________________________________.
*b. God gave marriage as a ______________________ of the holy relationship of Christ and the church.
*c. Marriage also has the provision for _______________________ expression with the blessings of God.
d. The devil will use our _____________________ to tempt us to fall.
Marriage Problems (7:10-40)
1. A Christian should never marry an ___________________________.
a. Marriage to an unbeliever is not grounds for ________________________.
b. A marriage between a saved and unsaved person is still ________________________ under the holy _______________________ of God and is not fornication.
2. _______________________ or lack of __________________________ are the greatest excuses for not serving God.
3. If a Gentile becomes saved, he should not seek to __________________ the Jew.
4. A slave who received Christ was just as much a Christian as his Christian ______________________.
5. A person who is unmarried has more _____________________ to do certain matters for God.
a. Paul being a Pharisee, could have even been a _____________________.
b. In Pauls case and calling, it was to his ________________________ to remain unmarried.
c. Whatever the case, married or single, we must keep ourselves clear from being ________________________ by the snares of the devil.
6. An unmarried person has more freedom to serve God if he has control over his __________________________ desires.
a. Those remaining single in their service to God will not be bound by the ___________________________of the marriage relationship.
b. Many people have greatly _____________________ their ability to serve God by marrying the ________________ person.
c. The only way a person is free to marry another is to be a __________________ or ____________________, and then, only to a believer in the ___________ of God.
Personal Discipline And Edification (8:1-13)
*1. Paul uses the example of ________________ that had been offered and dedicated to idols.
a. Paul would not personally give these false gods the possibility of ____________________ by saying they had the _________________ to defile.
b. If eating meat offered to idols, would hurt a ___________________ brother, it would _____________ the cause of Christ.
2. We have liberty, but that liberty is not to be used to ____________________ the weaker brother.
Liberty (Chapters 9-10)
1. The key verse, Chapter 10, verse 23, speaks of self-____________________ and liberty does require _______________________.
*2. To edify means to __________________________.
3. In Chapters 9 and 10, Paul speaks of the ________________________ of liberty to the glory of God in ________________________.
The Power Of Liberty (9:1-27)
1. Paul begins by ___________________ his liberty in Christ.
a. First, he reminds them that he is an __________________.
*b. An apostle is one who had seen the _______________ Christ and had received _________________ commission from Christ.
2. Paul met the Lord face to face on the road to ______________________, giving him the rightful claim to ___________________________.
3. Paul goes into more detail concerning the liberties given to an apostle.
a. In verse 4, he had the liberty to _________________________.
b. In verse 5, he had the liberty to have a _____________.
c. n verses 6 through 11, an apostle has the liberty to be totally _________________ by the ministry.
d. Being an apostle and minister of Christ gave Paul certain liberties and ____________________.
4. Paul would rather not take his liberties than hinder or burden the _________________ of Christ.
*a. The power of liberty is to ____________ liberty for the glory of Christ.
b. It was best for Paul and his calling to _______________________ these things to better serve Christ.
c. This may not be the case for all ministers, but it should be the _______________________ of all ministers,
5. It was Pauls duty to preach, but it was his _____________________ to deny his liberties for the cause of Christ and the Gospel.
6. Paul was free, yet he was willing to become a ____________________ to all men that they might be saved.
a. Paul denied his liberties to have the opportunity to give the Gospel to the end that ______________ would be ______________.
b. He considered __________________ fruit better than ______________________ fruit.
*7. Paul used the example of an _____________________ to illustrate temperance.
*a. The athlete does it all for a ___________________________ crown.
*b. We should be willing to _____________ our liberties for a crown that Christ will give to us for faithfulness?
8. Pauls goal was to preach the glory of Christ to the _______________________ of souls.
*a. The word castaway, which means to be ______________________________.
b. Giving up our liberties to be approved by Christ is more important than claiming our liberties for _________________________ comfort.
The Responsibility Of Liberty (10:1-33)
The Example Of Israel (10:1-11)
*1. The Israelites were all baptized unto ______________.
*a. They were _______________________ with and joined to Moses as they followed him out of captivity.
b. God delivered Israel all from the ____________________ of Egypt, set them free, and gave them _______________________.
2. God was not pleased with many of them for they used their liberty for an occasion to ___________.
a. God finally gave them over to the destruction of the _______________ to die in the ____________________________.
b. The account of the deliverance of Israel gives not only the historical facts of Gods chosen people, it is also a type, or picture, of the _____________________________________.
(1) The deliverance out of Egypt shows ____________________________ from sin.
(2) The Red Sea pictures ___________________________ of salvation.
(3) The wilderness is a picture of our seeking Gods _________________________ for our lives.
*(4) The promised land typifies the ________________________ Christian life in the center of Gods will.
Proper Use Of Liberty (10:12-33)
1. We are liberated from the ____________________ of sin to find Gods perfect will and do it.
a. The ________________ tempts this flesh to remain in the wilderness and use our liberty to __________________ ourselves.
b. The safest place for the Christian is in the __________________ of Gods will.
2. Then, we are reminded of our responsibility to ______________________ from this evil world.
a. The children of Israel were all joined to Moses for deliverance out of ________________ to the ____________________________.
b. Believers are joined to Christ for deliverance from __________ to a ___________________________ Christian life.
c. When we partake of the Lords Table, we show ______________________, in a physical manner, that which happened ___________________ in a spiritual manner.
*d. Idolatry and false worship are the work of _______________ who seek to rob God of His glory and praise.
e. It is _____________________ to sacrifice our liberty on the altar of Gods service.
f. It is _________________________ to sacrifice our liberty on the altar of lust, sin, and worldly pleasures.
*3. Gods __________________ can be overstepped, and He will provoked to action.
a. The word jealousy means ____________ or _________________.
b. The safest action of the Christian is to set his sights on _____________________________.
4. It is always right to avoid _____________________________ contention.
5. Paul instructs believers to give up liberties for the ________________ of God and the edification of the _______________.
6. Liberty is not the greatest matter, but the _________________ of Christ is.
7. If my liberty is going to _______________________ the Gospel or growth of a weaker Christian, then my liberty should be ___________________.
Administration (Chapters 11-14)
God's Domestic Order (11:1-16)
1. Gods domestic order is Gods divine order for the _____________.
a. Christ was equal with God, but __________________ placed Himself under the Father.
1) ________ is the head of Christ.
2) Christ is the head of _________.
3) man is the head of the ___________________.
*b. Everyone, except _______________________________, is under another and in submission to authority.
2. It was a sign of _______________________ to her husband for a woman to cover her head during worship.
a. A womans ___________ was considered to be her beauty and glory.
b. While praising __________ glory, her hair was to be hidden.
3. A Woman in subjection to her husband is certainly a _______________ to him.
4. A woman should be in subjection because of the ______________.
a. The word angel means messenger, and some believe this refers to ______________________ or ________________.
b. Some believe it is speaking of true angelic beings, or ministering spirits, who bring ____________________________________.
c. Others take it to mean that the angels are ______________ angels who are tempting men and women.
*5. Men and women should realize they are both to be under ___________________________ to God who is over all.
6. It is _______________ for a woman to desire long hair for it is her glory and covering, or veil.
a. When men desire those things which are a glory to women, it becomes a ________________ for them.
b. Immaturity may be tolerated up to a point, but the unity and welfare of the church body overrides personal ___________________________.
God's Church Order (11:17-34)
1. The Corinthian believers had gathered together physically, but were divided in mind and purpose.
a. Heresies and false teaching __________________ who is really grounded in the truth.
b. When they came together to commemorate the Lords Table, it was not in _______________ with the true ____________________ of God in mind.
2. There can be no unity among believers as a group until there is unity between each _________________________ and Christ.
*a. The Lords Table is a ______________________, an ordinance done in remembrance of Christs work and our fellowship in that work.
b. The first service of the Lords Table was performed _______________ Jesus went to the cross to picture what Christ was going to do in the near _________________.
c. Today, it is a picture of what Christ has done at ___________________ and the _______________________________________.
d. In verse 26, we find the three aspects of the Lords Table:
(1) For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do shew (_________________ aspect) the Lords death (__________ aspect) till he come (____________________ aspect).
(2) Only a ______________ person can truly take the Lords Table.
3. Taking the Lords Table is a _________________ to all believers and there is _____________________ for a believer not taking the ordinance of the Lords Table.
a. We could never be _________________ enough to be in fellowship with Christ.
b. The word unworthily applies to the _____________, not the ______________.
4. Verse 27 tells that unworthy action brings _______________ of the body and blood of Christ.
a. A saved person who corrupts the Lords Table, he brings _____________________ to himself.
b. Presently, many ______________________ could be weak, sickly, or even sleep.
*5. God gave provision through Christ, that we may _______________ ourselves, confessing and repenting of sin, here and now.
6. Therefore, we are to come together in unity, ___________________ for all to see, and also ____________________ to the glory of God.
God's Operational Order (12:1-31)
Salvation Declares Equality (12:1-20)
1. The worship of idols is built upon ________________________.
*a. __________________________ is the vital link in the worship and service of God.
b. The Holy Spirit ____________________ the believer and oversees the communication process.
c. He directs us in ________________ and our _________________ of Gods Word.
d. The Holy Spirit uses the ______________________ of Christ to remind the believer of his responsibility to serve Christ.
*e. The Spirits singular goal is to ___________________ Christ.
2. Although we may have _______________________ gifts and offices, we are to use them to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. All gifts come by the ________________ and are _____________________ gifts.
*a. A spiritual gift is the particular way the Holy Spirit ___________________ and ___________________ Christ through the believer.
b. Mentioned are miracles, prophecy, discernment, and the speaking and interpreting of tongues.
(1) Miracles describe supernatural works of God, but also includes various ______________________ given to men.
*(2) Prophecy simply means ________________________ before.
*(a) Predictive prophecy views the word before from the standpoint of ____________; and therefore, refers to ___________________________ the future.
*(b) Proclamation prophecy views the word before from the standpoint of ____________________; and therefore, refers to speaking before an individual or assembly.
(3) Discernment which is the ability to make the ___________________________ between truth and error.
*(4) The Greek word for tongues can either refer to the ________________ of the mouth or a particular _________________________ or ___________________.
4. Verses 12 through 31 use the __________________ body as an illustration of the body of Christ.
5. Salvation declares _________________________, and all believers are of equal ___________________________ to the work and body of Christ.
Service Demands Distinction (12:21-24)
1. No matter how feeble or unimportant our ability may seem to men, it is a personal _______________________ that Christ gave us for His glory.
2. Within an healthy body there dwells those members which need __________ and those member which need ________________________.
Stability Demands Harmony (12:25-31)
1. Each particular member is significant to the ____________________ operation of the whole body.
2. Gods primary gifts were for the _______________ and ____________________________ of the Word of God.
3. All other gifts could be _________________ or ___________________ by the Word of God.
4. The only hope of harmony is within the local church where a ____________________ of doctrine and practice can be established and enforced.
5. To seek unity with ________________________ and __________________________ will not bring true God pleasing, Christ honoring harmony.
God's Regulator For Gifts, Service And Administration - Love (13:1-13)
*1. Chapter 13 is referred to as The _________ Chapter.
*2. The word Greek word for Charity is the strongest form of ______________________ affection.
The Importance of Love (vv 1-3)
1. Whatever our gifts or actions may be, if not regulated by charity, they are _____________________.
The Identification of Love (vv 4-7)
1. Even when wronged, Love is slow to __________________.
2. Kindness is defined as tending to be ___________________.
3. Love does not respond negatively to the ________________________ of others.
4. Love does not build self up to gain _____________________________.
5. Love is not inflated with its own __________________________.
7. Love is not consumed with its _________________.
8. Love is not physically ___________________ or mentally _________________________.
9. Love is willing to give the benefit of the _______________.
10. Love does not ___________________ in observing or hearing about sin.
11. Godly love sides with and encourages ______________________.
12. Love __________________ the meanness and disappointing deeds of others.
13. Love is not automatically _______________________.
14. Love has a _____________________ attitude about the power of God to bring about necessary changes.
15. Love withstands the assault of ____________________, and weathers being abused or disappointed by ___________________.
The Infinite Quality of Love (vv 8-13)
1. All gifts and abilities we may have are ___________________________, but their benefit can be _____________________ preserved by adding charity.
2. Charity is the eternal _______________________ of God Himself (I John 4:8).
a. _____________ will end when we see Christ.
b. _____________ will end in the presence of Christ.
c. _______________ will continue throughout all eternity.
God's Speaking Gifts (14:1-40)
Speaking Gifts Compared (14:1-12)
*1. It is clear that prophesying is _______________ than tongues.
2. The Greek word for tongues can refer to the _________ organ of the tongue (Luke 16:24; Jam. 1:26, 3:5).
3. The other approach to tongues is in the meaning of a _______________________. ( Acts 2:8; Rev. 17:15).
4. It is most likely that this gift of tongues pertains to speaking a _______________________ other than your own.
5. The other speaking gift is that of ______________________.
*a. ________________________ prophesy is the foretelling of the Gospel.
*b. ________________________ prophesy is the forth-telling of the Gospel.
6. The speaking gifts are for the purpose of ________________________ to people that they might ________________________ to their edification.
Speaking Gifts Controlled (14:13-40)
*1. The controlling principle of the gifts of tongues and prophesy is summed up in the word, _____________________.
a. In verses 13 through 20, this word is found _______________ times.
b. This gift is clearly understood as referring to the ability to ________________________ and _____________ in the various languages of the world.
c. Paul uses a quote from __________________ 28 concerning the prophesy of God speaking to Israel by people of other tongues or languages.
d. The gifts of tongues were given for prophesy, that the proclaiming of the Gospel could be ______________________________ by all.
*2. Order and unity are the _____________________ controls of the speaking gifts, or all gifts for that matter.
3. Verses 32 and 33 tell us to pay no heed to those who claim they cannot _____________________ themselves.
4. ___________________ are not to speak, preach, or prophesy in the church.
5. A spiritual person will _________________________ these teachings.
a. A woman has many fields of ________________________ for service to God.
b. Though a woman may be a sincere mother, wife, or citizen, she is never to remove herself from Gods ______________________.
6. In verses 39 and 40 we learn that spiritual gifts must only be used in accordance with the _______________ set forth in Gods Holy Word.
Exhortation (Chapters 15-16)
Chapter 15
The Resurrection
1. In verses 1 through 4, we see the ___________________________ of the resurrection.
*a. The Gospel of Christ was perfectly inline with the teachings of the _________________________________________.
*b. The Gospel of Christ was not a ___________ revelation; it was a ________________________ revelation of things contained in the Old Testament Scriptures.
c. The resurrection of Christ is consistent with the ______________________ message of the Word of God.
2. In verses 5 through 11, we find the _____________________________ of the resurrection.
a. He was seen of Cephas who is _________________, and the twelve apostles.
b. Judas was now dead, so _____________________ undoubtedly was among the apostles who saw Christ.
c. He was seen of over five hundred believers, probably in ____________________, and then of __________________.
*d. Last of all, He was seen of the apostle Paul, on the road to _______________________________.
3. Verses 12 through 22 show us the ____________________________ of the resurrection.
a. First, our ______________________________ by faith in Christ is assured of power because Christ rose again from the dead.
b. Secondly, the hope of ________________________ future resurrection and the resurrection of our saved loved ones is assured by the resurrection of Christ.
4. In verses 23 through 28, we find the ____________________________ of the resurrection.
*a. This is speaking of the ______________ resurrection of the righteous, which happens in various stages or ______________________.
b. The exhortation here given to the local church prompts us to cease from arguing over Gods divine ___________________.
5. In verses 29 through 34, we see the ____________________________ of the resurrection.
a. The dead person the believer is baptized for is _____________________.
b. Our ________________________ man be raised different than our old man of ____________.
6. Verses 35 through 50 give us the _______________________________ of the resurrected body.
a. Verses 35 through 41 tell us it will be a real, _______________________ body.
b. In verse 43 we see that it will be a ______________________ body.
c. In verses 44 through 50, notice it will be a ________________________ body.
7. In verses 51 through 58, we see the ____________________ of the resurrection.
*a. In our case, as in the case of the Corinthians, this is speaking of the phase of the first resurrection known as the ____________________
b. The resurrection will ____________________ death and ___________________ the promise of God at the same time.
Final Exhortations
Chapter 16
1. Verses 1 through 12 encourage the church at Corinth to ____________.
a. In verses 1 through 4, Paul exhorts them to give as God had _____________________ them.
b. In Verses 5-9, Paul tells them to give of their ________________________.
c. In Verses 10-12, We are instructed and challenged to give of our ______________________________ to the servants of God.
2. Verses 13-14 give an exhortation to __________________________ in the faith.
3. In verses 15 through 18, we find the exhortation to ____________________.
a. We are only required to submit to those who have been true _____________________ of the ministry.
*b. We do not submit to a ___________________, but rather to the example of submitting unto __________________.
c. Those who would rebel against the example are in rebellion to ____________________.
4. Paul gives some final ____________________________ in verses 19 through 24.
*a. Verse 22 warns us to label the man who loves not Christ as Anathema (__________________) Maranatha (___________________________________).
b. Those who reject Christ and His free offer of grace are _____________________.
c. To know the full ____________________ from sin and experience the _________________ of God is matchless to anything the world can offer.
The Second Epistle to the Corinthians
General Outline
Introduction (1:1-2)
I. Assurance (Chapters 1:3 - 2:17)
A. Comforted By God (1:3-6)
B. Delivered By God (1:7-16)
C. Established By God (1:17-2:17)
II. Ministry (Chapters 3 - 9)
A. A Ministry of the Spirit (3)
B. A Ministry of Eternal Glory (4:1-5:12)
C. A Ministry of Reconciliation (5:13-21)
D. A Ministry of Sincerity (6:1-13)
E. A Ministry of Separation (6:14-7:3)
F. A Ministry of Comfort (7:4-16)
G. A Ministry of Giving (8:1-9:15)
III. Apostleship (Chapters 10 - 13)
A. Paul's Apostolic Authority Declared (10)
B. Paul's Apostolic Authority Defended (11-12)
C. Paul's Apostolic Authority Demonstrated (13:1-10)
Conclusion: (13:11-14)
BI-104 New Testament Survey II
Lecture Six
Introduction to the Second Epistle to the Corinthians
Summary: After writing the first letter to the Corinthians, Paul departed from Asia (Ephesus) and journeyed up to Troas. He had hoped to meet Titus there and receive a report concerning the result of the first letter. However, he did not meet Titus until later in Macedonia, where Titus told him how the first letter had been received by the Corinthians (II Cor. 7:5-7). The first letter had caused most of them to repent; yet, there were some who were hostile toward Paul and questioned his authority to write the first letter. Paul wrote the second letter from Macedonia (probably from Philippi or Thessalonica) about 57 A.D. as a defense of his apostleship and apostolic authority.
The divisions of the letter are as follows:
I. Pauls Assurance - Chapters 1 through 2
II. Pauls Ministry - Chapters 3 through 9
III. Pauls Apostleship - Chapters 10 through 13
PAUL'S ASSURANCE (Chapters 1 and 2)
Chapter 1
1. With Chapter 1, we will enter the first division in which Paul declares his ____________________________.
2. In I Corinthians, Paul emphasized the __________________________ of being an apostle.
3. Here, in II Corinthians, he emphasizes the ______________________________ of being an apostle.
*4. In Chapters 1 through 9 of this letter, Paul _______________________ his apostleship.
*5. In Chapters 10 through 13, he __________________ his office in answer to those who still oppose him.
1. Pauls assurance and confidence were in __________.
2. Paul based his confidence on the experience that God __________ comforted him, God ______ comforting him, and God will _______________________ to comfort him.
3. The source of all comfort is the God of __________________________.
4. One who has ______________________ comfort will be better able to comfort others.
1. God comforts _____ times of trouble and affliction, but He is also able to deliver us _____________ these occurrences.
2. True comfort is given through the experience of __________________________.
3. The three tenses of deliverance are: God __________ delivered, God ____________ deliver, and God __________ deliver yet.
4. Verses 11 through 16 describe the three effects of deliverance.
a. Our __________________ are more confident because of past deliverance.
*b. Deliverance demands _______________________________.
*c. Deliverance provides ______________________________.
1. (Verses 17-20) Established In _______________.
2. (Verse 21) (Established In __________________.
3. (Verses 22-24) Established By ________________.
Chapter 2
4. (Verses 1-4) Established In ___________________.
a. Paul exhorts them to show ________________ toward one another.
b. The devil can use ________________________ and the lack of grace just as much as he uses liberalism and the lack of _________________________.
5. (Verses 12-17) Established In ________________________.
a. The Christians confidence and assurance are based upon the ______________ about Christ, empowered by _________________ in Christ, preserved by ________________ through Christ and expressed by our _____________________ for Christ.
b. To God and the believer, the Gospel is a sweet ___________________________; but when judgment comes, to the lost it will be the __________________________.
*c. The Gospel has the power of __________ to those who receive it and the power of ________________ to those who reject it?
Pauls Ministry (Chapters 3-9)
The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit
(Chapter 3)
(Verses 1-3)
1. Paul states that the _______________________________________ is the best evidence of the ministry.
2. Paul claimed the believers in Corinth as his letter of ___________________________________ and ________________ of his ministry.
(Verses 4-6)
1. Paul compares the ministry of the ____________________ with the ministry of the ___________.
2. The Spirit offers ______________ to the sinner through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. The law had ________________________________ to offer or produce life.
(Verses 7-9)
1. The ministry of the Spirit is more ___________________ than the ministry of the law.
2. The giving of the law which was __________________________ unto death and condemnation was glorious,
3. Much more glorious is the giving of the __________________________________ which is ordained unto life and righteousness.
(Verses 10-11) Grace can ___________________________ the law, but the law cannot __________________________ grace.
(Verses 12-18)
1. The law ____________ to the Gospel and then the Gospel ________________________ the law.
2. The present glory of the believer is a ___________________________ in Christ.
3. The future glory will be when we are ___________________ and _____________________________ exactly like Him.
A Ministry of Eternal Glory
Chapter 4
(Verse 1)
1. Our labor here for the Lord is not for __________ only, but for _________________.
2. Two great facts:
a. Because we have this ministry, we must __________________ and faint not.
b. Because we have this great responsibility to labor, we must depend on Gods _________________ for strength to do the work.
(Verses 2-3)
1. The Gospel illuminates, both ______________ and __________.
2. It is the devils plan for men to live in _________________________, and he will go to any length to ________________ the furtherance of the truth.
(Verses 4-6)
*1. The devil, who is the ________ of this world, blinds the minds of people.
2. The pure light that men must see is __________________.
3. We are lights to light up the _________________ of Christ.
(Verses 4-7) Our weakness commends the __________________ of God.
(Verses 8-11) Our weakness commends the ____________ of Christ.
(Verse 12) Our weakness directs the _______________ of others.
(Verses 13-15) Our weakness will be __________________________ in the resurrection.
(Verses 16-18) The hope of eternal glory also promotes ___________________________.
Chapter 5
(Verses 1 - 4)
*1. Paul compares the _________________ state of these bodies to a tabernacle, or tent.
*2. Our eternal, _____________________ condition is likened to a house.
(Verses 5-8) The _________________ Of Eternal Glory.
(Verses 9-12) The Eternal Glory and the ___________________________ of Christ.
A Ministry of Reconciliation
(Verses 13-17) The first and only __________________________ of reconciliation to God is the death and resurrection of Christ.
(Verses 18-21) God not only reconciled us by faith in the work of Christ, but He also gives us the ______________________ of reconciliation.
A Ministry of Sincerity
Chapter 6
(Verses 1-3)
1. We should be genuine in our ________________________________ of grace.
2. There are two ways to receive grace:
a. In _________________________ - receiving grace to be saved from our sin.
b. In ______________ - seeking grace for the liberty to sin.
(Verses 4-6) We should be genuine in our ________________________ to circumstances.
(Verses 7-13)
1. We should be genuine in Our _______________________________ to the truth.
2. Our major concern in every situation and circumstance should be our ____________________________ to the Word of Truth.
A Ministry of Separation
(Verses 14-18)
1. We are not in __________________________________ with the world, we have no _____________ of the world, nor are we in ___________________________ with the world.
2. My relationship with my lost neighbors should be evangelistic, and not ____________________________.
3. My relationship to the lost world should be strictly evangelistic, and not __________________________.
Chapter 7
(Verses 1-3)
1. Separation also includes being separated from our own personal ____________ and _____________________.
2. We must be concerned that _________________ does not enter into our separation to hinder us.
3. We must guard against using our position of separation as a __________________________________ to judge others.
A Ministry of Comfort
*1. Paul was comforted by _____________ and the good report he had given.
2. When we __________________ of sin, we find great comfort and joy.
3. God comforts those who _______________________ over their sin and repent.
A Ministry of Giving
Chapter 8
(Verses 1-11)
1. Paul was always _________________________ to ask for provision for himself, but very faithful in caring for the needs of others.
2. Paul told the Corinthians that because of the example of those in ___________________________, he would send Titus to them, that they too, might be ___________________________ in this ministry of giving.
3. Sharing what we have for the cause of Christ will profit us __________________________, and perhaps, even _______________________.
(Verses 12-24)
1. Paul exhorts them to give.
a. First, out of a _____________________ mind...
b. ...then, ___________________________ to what a man has.
2. In verses 16 through 19, we learn that we should give according to _________________________.
3. Verses 20 through 24 teach us to give according to _____________________.
Chapter 9
*(Verses 1-5) Paul had used the giving of the Corinthians as an example for the ____________________________, and now it was necessary to remind the Corinthians that the _____________________________ had given due to their example.
(Verses 6-8)
*1. The act of giving should be according to:
*a. a divine _________________________ (verse 6)...
*b. a _________________________ (verse 7)...
*c. divine ________________________ (verse 8).
2. God will provide our ______________________ and ______________________ needs.
(Verses 9-15)
1. We reap __________________ and ___________________________________ through our concern for helping to meet the needs of others.
2. When we profess the gospel of Christ,we have the responsibility to ___________________ that profession.
3. In verse 14, we recognize that giving promotes _________________.
4. We experience ________________________________ in knowing that every good and perfect gift cometh from God.
Pauls Apostleship (Chapters 10-13)
Chapter 10
Appearance Compared To Authority.
(Verses 1-9)
1. Pauls boldness did not rest in his physical __________________________ or __________________, but in his authority in Christ.
*2. Three of the abilities spiritual weapons provide:
*a. The power to bring down the ______________________;
*b. The power to reveal the ________________________________;
*c. The power to _____________________.
3. His authority toward them was not only given by the ____________________, but also in obedience to ________________.
Accusation Versus Authority
(Verses 10-18).
1. Paul said that his boldness would be made known in ______________________ if necessary.
2. Paul conveys that he did not gauge himself according to how he measured up with __________________.
3. Paul assures them that he is operating within the _______________________ and ___________________________ of his apostleship.
Chapter 11
Pauls Reason For Defense
(Verses 1-15)
1. In Chapter 11, Paul moves on to _____________________ his apostleship.
2. His __________________________ and his ____________________________ were not his foremost concern, but his deepest care was for the Corinthians.
3. He is jealous over them, not with a ____________________________________ jealousy, but with a __________________ jealousy.
*4. Christ personally _________________________________ Paul on the road to Damascus and his authority was through Christ.
5. In verses 10 through 15, we find yet another reason for Pauls defense; his concern for the _______________.
6. Those boasting in themselves and their accomplishments were receiving the same respect as true ______________________ from the Corinthians.
The Rebuke Of Pauls Defense
(Verses 16-33)
1. Judaizers were Jews who either __________________ grace, or else ________________ law and grace.
2. Paul asked to be allowed to speak ____________________________ to get their attention.
3. In verses 22 through 27, Paul states three facts:
a. Verse 22- I am an ________________________;
b. Verse 23- I am a ________________________ of Christ.
c. Verses 24 through 27- I am experiencing the _________________ of preaching the Gospel.
4. Paul wrote that a true apostle is continually _______________________ for the welfare of the churches.
5. _____________________ was Pauls strength.
Chapter 12
Paul's Apostolic Authority Defended and Demonstrated
(Verses 1-21)
*1. The man that Paul knew was _____________________.
2. This event occurred about the time that Paul was working in _________________ and _________________.
*3. Paul was caught up to the third heaven, where the ______________________ of God is found.
4. If not for the exposed weaknesses of men, others would ____________________ them as ___________.
5. Some say Pauls thorn in the flesh was ______________________________________.
6. Others think it was the ____________ itself.
*7. Paul was willing to take the less desired action of ___________________ if necessary.
Chapter 13
Pauls Authority Demonstrated
(Verses 1-14)
1. Paul tells them to have _______________________ ready and let everything be in order because he will ____________________ those who continue to disobey God.
2. Paul explains that the best ________________________________ is to be ________________ with God.
3. In closing, he challenges them to ________________________ and _____________ the things he has set forth in the letter.
Pauls Epistle to the Galatians
General Outline
Introduction (1:1-5)
I. The Gospel Of Grace (Chapters 1-2)
A. Grace Through Christ (1:6-24)
1. Grace perverted (vs. 6-9)
2. Grace certified (vs. 10-11)
3. Christ revealed (vs. 121-24)
B. The Grace Of The Gospel (2:1-21)
1. Paul and Grace (vs. 1-5)
2. Justification and Grace (vs. 16-21)
ll. Grace And The Law (Chapters 3-4)
A. The Background Of Grace (3:1-29)
1. The Spirit and grace (vs. 1-5)
2. Abraham and grace (vs. 6-19)
3. God and the law (vs. 20-29)
B. The Benefits Of Grace (4:1-31)
1. The Adoption (vs. 1-7)
2. The Admonition (vs.8-20)
3. The Allegory (vs. 21-31)
lll. Grace And The Christian Life (Chap. 5-6)
A. Walking In Liberty (5:1-13a)
B. Walking In Love (vs. 13b-15)
C. Walking In The Spirit (vs. 16-26)
D. Walking In Sympathy (6: 1-2)
E. Walking In Humility (vs. 3-5)
F. Walking In Sobriety (vs. 6-10)
Final Summary and Closing (vs. 11-18)
Grace and Salvation
Chapter 1
(Verses 1-5)
1. First, Paul reestablishes his _______________________ authority and reminds them that Christ had personally _______________________________ him.
2. Paul reminds them of what Christ did for them and their ______________________________ to deliver themselves.
The Gospel Of Grace Perverted
(Verses 6-9)
1. The expression him that called you is probably referring to _____________ as he preached in the power of the _______________________.
*2. In verse 6, another means __________________ or ___________________.
*3. In verse 7, another means _________________________.
4. The moment the Gospel is added to or taken from, ____________________________________ the Gospel.
5. The Gospel of Grace is forever _____________________ and will never ___________________.
*6. The word accursed is anathema which means to be _________________ under a great _________________.
The Gospel Of Grace Certified
(Verses 10-11)
1. Paul refused to ___________ the Gospel of Grace to suit men or circumstances.
2. Paul would not deny or alter the fact that man was ______________________________________ upon Christ for salvation.
The Gospel Of Grace Revealed
(Verses 12 -24)
1. Paul explains that the Gospel was given to him by the ____________________________ of God.
2. It was not necessary for Paul to go to ________________________ and ask the other _____________________ if he did indeed have the truth.
3. Paul did not get his authority from ____________________.
4. Through the revelation, preaching, and transforming power of the Gospel of Grace, God was _______________________.
Chapter 2
*1. The word gospel means ____________________________.
*2. The word grace means a ___________ or __________________ given to someone, without their having earned it.
3. All the religions of the world will fall into one of two categories: salvation by ____________, or salvation by _____________.
The Effect Of Grace On Paul Concerning The Judaizers
(Verses 1-5)
1. Paul returned to ______________________, fourteen years later, and presented his Gospel of Grace to the ________________.
2. Paul wanted to convey the message that there should not be a division between the ____________________ and ____________________ believers.
3. ______________ was not compelled to be circumcised, which proved that the majority of the Jerusalem church was in harmony with the Gospel of Grace.
4. The __________________ sought to bring the believers back under the bondage of the law.
The Effect Of Grace On Paul Concerning Other People
(Verses 6-10)
1. The truth of Christ is the foundation of the faith, and not _______________________________.
2. ______________ was given the Gospel to the Gentiles, as _________________ was given the Gospel to the Jews.
3. ________________, ________________, and ______________ gave Paul the right hand of fellowship.
4. Paul was challenged to remember his responsibility to Gods chosen people, the ________________.
The Effect Of Grace On Paul Concerning Peter
(Verses 11-15)
1. Paul had respect for ___________________ as a fellow apostle, but he had no respect for any man as being the __________________________________.
2. While in Antioch, Peter had enjoyed the ________________ and ___________________ of the Gentile believers.
3. But when some of the Jews came up from Jerusalem, Peter ________________________________ the Gentiles.
4. Peter had __________________________ from the Gentiles, for ____________ of the Jews.
Justification And Grace
(Verses 16-21)
*1. Justification means to be free from _______________ and declared ________________________.
2. When the law is received, it produces a __________________.
3. When grace is received, it produces a ________________________________.
4. The word frustrate means to ___________________ and _____________________________________.
Grace and the Law
(Chapters 3 - 4)
Chapter 3
The Spirit And Grace
(Verses 1-5)
1. Paul accused them of being _____________________ which means to act without exercising good ________________ and __________________________.
2. He was referring to their turning from ________________ back to the _________.
3. Paul further reminds them that they did not receive the _________________________________ by the law.
4. In verse 3, Paul goes beyond the teaching of _____________________________ by works to the false teaching of _____________________ by works.
Abraham And Grace
(Verses 6-19)
*1. The __________________ seed of Abraham was the Jewish nation.
*2. The ____________________ seed of Abraham are those who receive the promise of God by faith.
3. Those under the law are _________________ and _____________________.
4. In verses 15 through 17, Paul declares the ______________________ of God.
5. The Mosaic law could not ______________ or ______________________ Gods promise to Abraham and his spiritual seed.
6. Gods blessing to Abraham was a promise _______________ the law was given.
7. God gave the law to Israel through __________________, but Abrahams promise was given directly to him, by ___________.
God and the Law
(vs. 20-29)
1. A mediator is not needed where ___________________ person is concerned.
2. In the giving of the law, God used a mediator, Moses, between Himself and ________________.
3. The promise to Abrahams seed was, in actuality, a promise given by God the Father to ___________________________.
4. The law only has the power to ___________________.
5. The baptism mentioned here is not ________________ baptism.
*a. Salvation is a baptism of the ______________.
*b. Water baptism is an _______________________________ of what has happened inside the believer.
c. All believers are ________________ in Christ, as far as the promise of salvation and sonship are concerned.
The Benefits Of Grace
Chapter 4
(Verses 1-7)
*1. Adoption pertained to the time when a child would be declared a ____________________________ and ________________________ to all that his father had promised him.
2. Paul uses the Jewish adoption of sonship as a picture of the ________________________ adoption of the children of God.
3. We should never associate ________________ with a degree of Christian growth.
4. Paul uses the example of adoption here to show us that the seed of ______________________ are the sons of God.
a. Before a child was declared a son, he was no different than a ________________.
b. Although the underaged child was under the authority of tutors and governors, he still had the promise of ________________________.
c. Before Christ came, even believers were required to make offerings and sacrifices according to the ___________.
d. Through Christs perfect sacrifice, and when we receive Him by faith, we are not only ____________________, but __________ of God.
(Verses 8-20)
1. Paul reminded them that before they were saved, they were under the bondage of ___________________________.
2. Anyone who had been freed from the law by faith in Christ would have to be _______________________ to want to return to the bondage of the ceremonial law.
3. The true enemies were those who would exclude them from the ______________________ of grace.
(Verses 21-31)
1. The word allegory means to _______________ in another place.
2. The allegory given is the account of Abraham.
a. Abraham had a child by the handmaid, Hagar who was named _________________.
b. Sarah miraculously conceived a child by Abraham named ____________.
c. The Allegory:
*(1) Hagar is a picture of the _________.
*(2) Ismael is a picture of the works of the ________________.
(3) Sarah is a promise of _______________.
(4) Isaac, is a picture of __________________.
3. True believers are like Isaac in that they are trusting in the ________________ of God through ____________.
Grace and the Christian Life
(Chapters 5 - 6)
Practical Christian Living
Chapter 5
Walking In Liberty
(Verses 1-13)
1. Freedom is more than just a declaration, it is also the _____________________ of that freedom.
2. Those who were trusting in circumcision for salvation, cannot be ___________________________ Christ.
3. ________________________ is though faith in Christ and __________________________ is through faith in ourselves.
4. Those who stay under the law will miss the destination of ______________, which is the only way of salvation.
5. Paul declares his confidence in the fact that true ______________________ and false _____________________ ultimately will be exposed.
Walking In Love
(Verses 13-15)
1. We are freed from the law to serve God, not sin.
2. Our freedom in Christ gives us a love that seeks to serve others for ____________ rather than serving the flesh for ___________.
Walking In The Spirit
(Verses 16-26)
1. The ________________ wants to satisfy self and the __________________ wants to satisfy God.
2. A person under the law is an heir to ________________ bondage and destruction.
*3. The flesh produces ____________, but the Spirit produces _______________.
Chapter 6
Walking In Sympathy
(Verses 1-2)
1. The _________________ law condemned and executed those who had fallen into sin.
2. The law of ___________________ restores the fallen by grace in the spirit of meekness.
Walking In Humility
(Verses 3-5)
1. The word prove means to ____________________;
2. We help a fallen brother in ________________, rather than condemning him under ______________________.
Walking In Sobriety
(Verses 6-10)
1. Sobriety means _______________________________.
2. Although we may be freed from the law of condemnation of the soul, we are still under the law of ___________________ and __________________.
3. A continual sowing to the flesh will result in the _________________________ of the flesh and the works thereof.
4. The fruit of sowing to the Spirit will come in due time and will _______________________________________.
Final Summary And Closing
(Verses 11-16)
1. Paul would glory in nothing else but the ________________ of Christ.
2. The Israel of God mentioned here is true ________________ believers and, in a spiritual sense, all of the _______________________________.
3. The grace of God is our sufficiency, supplying the believer with ______________ and ____________________________.