(PR 104) Principles of Leadership
Student Lecture Notes


Ten lectures helping the student determine his/her leadership style or the qualities of spiritual leadership in those they follow. Biblical examples of good and bad leadership are examined with special focus on Nehemiah. This course is profitable for all believers because of the importance of recognizing and executing good leadership on various levels.

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation. Material may need to be spaced into outline format.

Defining Leadership

*1. Leadership is defined as “the __________________ or _______________ to lead.”

2. A more precise definition would be “the power of ________________________ over others.”

3. Three expressions answer the three important questions concerning leadership.

*a. First, there is ____________________ which answers the question “Why is he or she the leader?”

(1) The ________________________ leader earns the position through personal skill and dedication.

(2) The ________________________ leader inherits the position through bloodline or the personal favor of the preceding leader.

(3) The _____________________ or _____________________ takes the position of leader by force.

*b. Next there is the word _______________________ which answers the question, “How is he or she going to lead?”

*c. Finally there is the word __________ which answers the question “Where is he or she leading me?”

(1) The follower must have some sense of the ________________________ of the leader.

(2) Being an influential leader is not profitable when the ___________ is wrong.

(3) ___________________ is hard to determine, but the ______________________ can be discerned and considered.

Leadership and Authority

1. The word authority comes from a Latin word which means "____________________" or "_________________________."

a. The leader is to be one who ________________ action by use of his position, knowledge, or persuasion.

*b. True authority is the power to __________________________.

2. There are four basic kinds of authority:

a. First, there is the __________ who relies on his ______________________.

b. Secondly, there is the _____________________________ who relies on his ________________.

c. Thirdly, there is the _____________________ who relies on his __________________________.

d. Finally, there is the _________________________ who relies on a process of ______________.

(1) The process of relying on and continuing in the truth is what is known as Christian _________________________.

(2) The true leader seeks to build ___________________ as he builds the ______________________. (II John 1:4; III John 1:3, 4,12).

3. Spiritual Leadership is being in an ________________ position of __________________________ people in a planned direction using the avenue of _____________.

Leadership and Responsibility

The Principle of Responsible Leadership

*1. The New Testament word which is translated "dispensation" or "stewardship” actually means, "one placed in charge of the ___________________________."

2. The ____________________________ was the responsibility that came with the position of ______________________.

Biblical Basis for Responsible Leadership

1. The principle of responsible leadership established in ______________________________________: (Luke 16: 1-2).

2. The principle of responsible leadership was also established in the writings of ________________: (I Cor. 4:18-21; 9:17; II Cor. 13:2; Col 1:25).

a. He did not shy away from declaring his ________________________ position.

b. He was also eager to acknowledge his _____________________________ to Christ.

*c. The person who is a leader in title only without any productive influence is a “_____________________________” in God’s eyes.

The Principle of Responsible Leadership Applied

1. The principle of responsible leadership applies to ______________________ of ________________________.

*2. Eternal success as a leader depends on the leader's realization of the ________________________ of God.

3. The leader must realize that God ______________________________ all positions of true leadership.

4. Leadership is a position __________________________________ to people in various areas of life.

*a. The purpose of creation is to _______________ God, and the purpose of the leader is to __________________________ toward God.

b. The leader ____________________________ occupies a God ordained position of authority for which he must _______________________________.

5. Since God is the One Who appoints leaders, leadership is not something _____________________ for, but rather _____________________________ to.

Examples of Authority and Accountability:

Divine Authority:

*1. God has _____________________________ and _____________________ authority.

2. God’s divine authority is presently administrated by ________________.

3. Since there is no power higher than God, He is __________________________ to no one but Himself.

4. God’s Own ____________________ and ______________________ are His accountability to always do what is right.

Civil Authority:

*1. By Civil Authority, we mean __________ and _______________________ governing the actions of the citizenship of any society of people.

2. All civil authority was established by God as officially initiated in the Dispensation of ____________________________________. (Gen. 9:5-6).

3. The strength of this dispensation is the authority given to man to execute _________________________________________ upon murderers.

4. Christ reminded Pilate that Civil Authority is __________________________ to God (John 19:10-11a).

5. Perhaps the most clearly expressed statement concerning Civil Authority is found in the thirteenth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans. (Romans 13:1-7).

a. Human government is to _________________ the lawful and ________________ the wicked.

b. When we ________________ a law that promotes goodness, we are __________________________ God.

c. Civil leaders will give account for how they have ________________________ authority (I Sam. 12:25; Romans 13:1-2).

d. The civil leader is to lead the citizens toward a ____________________ public life.

Church Authority:

*1. Church authority moves from civil toward ______________________ leadership.

2. God reminds the church leader of his ___________________________ along with his ________. (Hebrews 13:17; I Peter 5:2-4).

3. The _________________ is to lead, the ____________________________ is to follow, and ___________ are to give account to Christ.

4. There are ________ basic types of leadership in the local church.

a. First, there is the _______________________ leadership which refers to the pastor and the deacons.

b. Then there is the ______________________ leadership which includes teachers, group leaders, administrators, etc.

c. Both types of church leaders are responsible to ________________ the membership into ____________________________ praise, worship, and service to God.

Vocational Authority:

*1. Vocational Authority refers to bosses, foremen, superintendents, etc. in the _________________________.

a. Bible uses such terms as "____________________" and "___________________" but the same principle of leadership still applies today. (Ephesians 6:5; Titus 2:9; I Peter 2:18).

b. A human boss may be lax or overbearing, but the ____________________________________________ is always fair.

2. God has commanded servants to be under the __________________________of their masters; but He has also commanded the masters to be ____________ and ______________________________. (Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1).

3. If a ________________________ servant is considered disobedient to God, then so is a ______________ master.

4. The principle of Vocational Authority is clearly stated in ____________________ 6:7-8).

a. The vocational leader is responsible for the ___________________ of the work of those under him.

b. The vocational leader is responsible to __________________ those who are follow him and to treat them ________________.

Domestic Authority:

*1. Domestic Authority has to do with the _____________.

2. God's order of Domestic Authority is one of the most __________________ and ___________________.

a. It is _____________________ by self-willed children and wives.

b. It is _________________ by self-glorifying men.

3. God always includes _____________________________ to Himself on every level of the domestic order.

4. God has a place of submission for the _________________________ (Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20).

5. _____________ have their place of submission in the home. (I Corinthians 11:3a; Ephesians 5:23).

6. God has a level of submission for the _____________________ (I Corinthians 11:3b).

7. In reality, ___________________ should be the Head of the House.


1. The leader must realize that God commands those under him to be in _________________________ and _______________________.

2. The leader must take great care must be taken against ______________ of others and _______________________ of self.

The Leader's Biblical Responsibility:

1. A great example of one who took the responsibility for those under his direction was the _______________________________ (I Cor. 4:15).

2. His position of leadership was for the purpose of serving _______________ and _____________________ rather than the advancement of self.

The Leader's Responsibility to Unify

1. The leader must be able to direct his followers into a ____________________________ (Psalm 133:1).

a. God wants the working relationship between His leaders and His people to be both ___________ and ____________________.

b. God places people in the same _____________, at the same __________, for the same __________________.

2. There can be a difference between being _________________ and being __________________.

a. The leader must never let the ________________________ of a physical group overshadow the _____________________ for assembling that group.

b. The leader must be sure that the individuals in the group are being led to _________________________________ rather than a mere growth in ____________________.

3. If unity were an ___________________, it would not be expected among human leadership.

a. True unity can only come from God through __________________ (Ephesians 4:13).

b. Unity is also a ________________________ (Ephesians 4:3).

c. Unity is a ___________________ endeavor, and the leader must seek to _________________ unity among his followers.

4. Paul shared the divine ____________________ of obtaining and maintaining unity to the troubled church at Corinth (I Corinthians 1:10).

a. The leader must beware of two required unifications:

(1) First, there is __________________ unity in which the leader must be constantly analyzing the _____________________ of the group.

(2) Secondly, there is ____________________ unity in which the leader must be constantly directing the movement of the group.

b. In Amos 3:3, we discover three ________________________ required for a productive unity.

1) First, there must be a common ________________________.

2) Secondly, there must be a common ____________________________.

3) Finally, there must be a common ________________.

The Leader's Responsibility to Edify

*1. The word edification means “the act of ____________________.”

*2. Building __________________ should be the goal of any project.

The Leader's Responsibility to Clarify

1. The productive leader must have the ability to communicate his ___________________________ for his people to his people.
2. The leader must clarify both his relationship with his ___________________ and his relationship with his __________.

3. The productive leader has the ability to communicate his _____________________________ to his God.

2. The leader must also make his followers see that God has placed them together in the _____________________, but they will also stand together in the _________________________.

Defining Leadership Styles

*1. First, there is the __________________________ Style.

*a. The leader must maintain close __________________________;

b. The leader must view people as ________________________ to the task;

c. The leader must not _____________________ to use his power and authority.

d. The danger of this form of leadership is that it robs people of personal _______________ and results in high _____________________ in workers.

*2. Secondly, there is the _______________________ Style.

*a. The leader must remain ________________ and _____________________ in maintaining relationships and effectiveness;

b. The leader must give ___________________ direction while allowing the group to plan ____________________.

c. The danger of this style of leadership is that without strong ________________________, the group can sink into __________________.

*3. Next, there is the _____________________ Style.

*a. The leader must have a _________________________ concern for the people;

b. The leader must seek a "___________" environment with security and fellowship;

c. The leader must view _____________________________ as the main goal.

d. The danger that comes with this style of leadership is that it makes it hard to maintain _________________________ and ___________________________.

*4. Finally, there is the __________________ Style.

*a. The leader will be __________________ in his involvement.

b. The danger, of course, is that the followers will usually interpret the leader’s “hands off” approach as a lack of ___________________.

5. Each of these leadership styles are appropriate at various _____________ in various _______________________.

6. Two leadership styles which are never appropriate.

*a. The Martyr Style which is an extreme __________________________ type of leadership.

(1) This leader strives to _______________________ the group rather than straight forth domination.

(2) The usual long term result is that he ________________________ himself and ___________________ the group of experience and the reward of accomplishment.

*b. The Slave Style which is an extreme __________________ type of leadership.

(1) Rather than ________________________ the group, this leader is _________________________by the group.

(2) He lets his desire to please others or be liked by others to _________________ him.

Determining Leadership Style

1. First of all, we must realize that no single leadership style is always ____________________.

2. Most leaders gravitate to one style, but effective leaders are _________________.

*3. The single most factor in determining leadership style is the _______________________________ of the individual or group to be led.

4. Choose the style which is appropriate to the ____________________ maturity level and will lead to _______________________ maturity.

a. If the group is on the immature level, the _______________________ style is required.

b. As the group begins to mature, the ________________________ style is required.

c. A group having the average adult maturity level, requires more of a ___________________________ style.

d. A mature group requires a more _________________ style of leadership.

5. A wise leader uses a __________________ of production that also produces ____________________ in his workers.

Profiles in Leadership

Profile One: Joseph

The Evidence of Joseph's Success
(Gen. 41:41-43)

*1. Joseph saw each step toward success as an _________________________.

a. He saw his success as an opportunity to ___________________________ God. (Gen. 41:16)

(1) He didn't know how the message of a _________________ and more ________________ God would be received.

(2) Not only did Joseph acknowledge God ________________ the success, he acknowledged God during the ___________________ toward success. (Gen. 41:25; Gen. 41:32).

(3) Joseph acknowledged God in the _______________ of success and persisted in glorifying God (Gen. 41:38-39).

*(4) In essence, Joseph used the Word and authority of God in _________________ Pharaoh.

b. Secondly, he saw his success as an opportunity to ______________ God. (Gen. 45:5,7).

2. Avoid following the downward path of _______________________________ (Matt. 23:12).

The Essence of Joseph's Success

*1. By essence, we mean the indispensable ______________________ of his success; or more simply, what made it what it was.

a. First, he placed _________ above ___________________.

b. Secondly, he was free from _________________ and ________________.

(1) The _______________ and __________________ are seeking to destroy the leader on his path to a position of leadership.

*(2) Blaming others or self for things beyond our control will tempt us to seek ____________________ rather than ______________________.

c. Thirdly, he sought _____________________________ rather than ___________________.

2. Joseph proved that a person can live honorably before God regardless of his _______________________ or _________________________.

The Key to His Success

*1. Joseph was a man of _________________.

2. It is the leader's responsibility to _____________________________ and seek to ______________ that which God has impressed upon his heart.

3. Joseph saw himself in a position of _________________________.

4. A leader must be willing to follow and seek advice in areas outside his particular __________________.

Profile Two: Nehemiah

The Evidence of Nehemiah's Success
(Neh. 6:15-16)

1. Nehemiah is the model leader because he remained focused and balanced in all four stages of his project.

a. The _________________ Stage;

b. The _______________________ Stage;

*c. The ___________________ Stage (Can appear in any other stage);

d. The ________________________ Stage.

2. Being successful in every stage is the make of a true leader and _____________________ of his success.

Determining the Need (1:1-3)

*1. Nehemiah first sought ________________________.

2. The leader must be an informed person who has ____________________________ the situation.

3. It is careless and dangerous for a leader to act on ____________________.

Seeking God's Face (1:4-11)

Verse 4: The true leader seeks God’s direction in ____________________.

Verse 5: The true leader seeks God’s direction in __________________ and _______________________.

Verse 6: The true leader seeks God’s direction with _________________________________.

*Verses 7 & 8: The true leader is ___________________ and ______________ to confess any known sin that would hinder the work.

Verses 9 & 10: The true leader enters into the task with ____________ and ___________________________.

Verse 11a: The true leader enters into the task with __________________ and _______________________.

Verse 11b: The true leader enters into the task seeking every possible _____________________________.

Getting Involved (2:1-8)

*Verses 1- 3: Nehemiah first got involved by overcoming _____________.

Verses 4 - 6: He further proceeded by ____________________ opportunities and _______________ of help.

Verses 7 - 8: He then proceeded by __________________ in faith.

Enlisting Others (2:11 - 3:32)

Verses 11 - 16: Nehemiah took time to personally determine the ___________________ of the work.

Verses 17- 18: Nehemiah sought to personally determine the ________________ of the work.

So far, we can summarize Nehemiah’s first steps in leadership as follows:

1. He considered the condition of ____________________________.

2. He considered the condition of the ___________________.

3. He realized the _____________________ of the task before him.

4. He considered the ___________ work of God.

5. He was willing to be used of God in his present ___________________ and in his permanent ______________________.

Verses 16 - 17 : Nehemiah personally delegated the ______________________ tasks (2:16-17; 3:1-32).

Withstanding Opposition (Nehemiah 4 - 5)

1. For every __________________________ given by God, there will be __________________________ from the forces of evil.

2. Opposition _________________ before the work __________________.

*Opposition from Without (Chapter 4)

The Two Goals of Opposition

*1. First, to ________________________ the workers.

*a. They began by using __________________: (4:1-3).

*b. Then, they resorted to _________________: (4:7-9).

*2. The second primary goal of opposition is to _____________________ the work (4:10-11).

Dealing With External Opposition

1. In the face of external opposition, Nehemiah took the proper steps to _______________ and ____________________ the work.

Verse 14: He communicated the ____________________ responsibility to others.

Verse 15: Although aware of the opposition, Nehemiah continued to _______________________ on the work.

Verses 16- 18: Nehemiah then carefully consolidated __________________ and ___________________.

Verse 20: Nehemiah then began to compensate for _____________ areas.

Verse 22: Nehemiah continued __________________ to the work.

Verse 23: Then, Nehemiah committed himself and the group to ______________________ of the task before them.

2. The leader must purpose to _________________ the job (Luke 14:28-30; John 4:34; Acts 20:22-24; (Gal. 6:9).

*Opposition From Within (Chapter 5)

*1. Nehemiah was ___________________ of an internal problem until it suddenly ____________________.

Verses 1-5: Legitimate problems are often __________________ handled.

a) The people had _____________________ problems.

b) Poor ______________ and ______________ can escalate a legitimate problem.

c) Some folks see other people's problems as an opportunity to ________________ themselves.

2. So we see that in a time when unity was of utmost _______________________, unity was _________________.

Dealing With The Problem

*Verse 6: Nehemiah’s first reaction was that of righteous ________________.

Verse 7a: Nehemiah then moved toward _____________________ and _____________________ with himself.

Verse 7b: He then ______________________ the people who were responsible.

Verse 8: Next, he _____________________ with the people who were responsible.

Verses 9- 13: Nehemiah ____________________ the people who were responsible.

Verse 9: He urged them to consider their _________________________ before the unbelieving world.

Verse 10: He urged them to cease from _______________________________ with their brethren.

Verses 11 - 13: He urged them to all _______________________ In the __________________________.

Being A Good Example

*Verses 14 - 15: As a good leader, first, Nehemiah __________________________ his rights.

Verse 16a: Next, he refrained from ________________________ enterprise.

Verse 16b: Nehemiah required his ________________________________ to work.

Verses 17 - 18: Nehemiah relieved the _________________________ problem.

Nehemiah's Strategy

Discerning The Strategies of Satan
(Chapter 6:1-14)

*1. "Strategy" is defined as "the science and art of using all available ____________________ and _______________________ to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during ____________________ or _______________________."

2. Three strategy plans:

3. Peacetime is a strategy designed for ________________________, while the other two are strategies designed for _____________________ or even __________________.

4. There are ___________________________ problems which are encountered in every project.

*Strategy One: Dialog (Nehemiah 6:1-4)

1. The Appearance: The enemy is wanting to "____________."

2. The Actual: A plan to ___________________________ separate the leader from the work to ultimately seek to ___________________________ separate him from the work.

3. Nehemiah's Action: He declared his ___________________.

4. The Principle: God never ____________________ any plan which takes us away from His will.

*Strategy Two: Rumor (Nehemiah 6:5-9)

1. The Appearance: The enemy is concerned and wanting to clear up some strong ___________________________ about Nehemiah.

2. The Actual: By making this an _____________________________, Sanballat proved that his intentions were not to help Nehemiah.

a. Any information, whether true or false, made _________________ quickly gets blown out of proportion.

b. When an accusation is made, the burden of proof is usually on the ___________________ rather than the _____________________.

3. Nehemiah's Action:

a. _________________ denied the allegations.

b. ___________________ the people of the past record of dishonesty of those who made the allegations.

c. _________________ for God's protection from these rumors.

d. Kept _______________________ God.

4. The Principle: When direct opposition fails, Satan seeks to shake our ____________________________ with God and ________________________ of His will.

*Strategy Three: False Counsel (Nehemiah 6:10-14)

1. The Appearance: Shemiah, a prophet counsels Nehemiah to save ___________________ from the enemy's threats of harm by ___________________ in the temple.

2. The Actual: Satan uses "________________________________" people (II Cor. 11:14-15; Gal. 1:6-9).

a. The leader must weigh all ____________________ according to the Word of God.

b. Any message that is ___________________ to the principles and commands of God's Word is is not from God.

3. Nehemiah's Action: He clarified his ____________________.

4) The Principle: The safest place in the world is in _____________________.

Conclusion (Nehemiah 6:15-16)

1. Nehemiah's enemies failed to consider two things:

a. Nehemiah's spiritual __________________,

b. Nehemiah's personal _________________________.

2. If Satan can direct our attention away from God to __________________ means, he can effect the _______________________; nature of the work.

3. The spiritual leader must be “able to act __________________________, especially in difficult situations."