(BC-104) The Epistle to the Hebrews
(Part 2- Chapters 9 - 13)

Course Description

Ten lectures following the established progression of the theme of the Hebrew Epistle which is the superiority of Christ; historical background and authorship; word studies; continuity and “problem” passages. Building on the theme of Unit One , "Christ is Better," the topics of "Calvary is Better" (Chapters 9-10) and "Christianity is Better" (Chapters 11-13) are studied.

Assignment for Lecture One:
1) Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.
2) Read: Hebrews 9
3) Have your Bible opened to the Book of Hebrews when you attend the first lecture. There can be no Bible study without the Bible. For sake of space, we cannot print every verse to be studied. Refer to the Bible passage as the lecture progresses.

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation. There will also be “exam alerts” along the way.

The Epistle to the Hebrews

Historical Background

*1. The letter to the Hebrews was written to _________________ _____________________ having difficulty in making the transition from __________ to __________________.

2. The letter was also written to prompt these believers to trust ______________________________________________________ of the law and advance unto __________________________________________.

3. The epistle was probably written before the _______________________________ of the __________________________ in ______________.

*4. The key word for the Book of Hebrews is "_____________________."

*5. The theme of the Hebrew Epistle is "__________________________________________."

*6. The human author of the Hebrew Epistle is _________ ____________________ for sure.

7. Most scholars attribute the letter to ____________ because of the ___________________ and ______________________________________ of the letter.

8. Others deny ___________________________ authorship on the basis of the "______________________________________________" style of the letter.

Review of Hebrews Chapters 1-8

So far we have seen the superiority of Christ over...

9. ...the prophets (1:1-3) were the_______________________________________
Christ is the _______________________________

10. ...the angels (1:4-2:18) are the ______________________________________
Christ is the ____________________________

11. ...Moses (3:1-19) was a ____________________ _____________________ in
the House
Christ is the _______________________ of the House

12. ..Joshua (4:1-16) gave rest in a ___________________________ _________________
Christ brought rest in a ______________________________ _______________

13. ...Aaron (5:1 - 8:13) was the ________________________ _______________________. Christ is the _____________________________ ____________________

Course Preview

___________________________________________________ (Chapters 9-10)

In Chapters 9 and 10, the work of Calvary is set forth in its superiority to the sacrifices
of the law. In fact, the sacrifices of the law were pictures of the perfect work of Calvary.

___________________________________________________ (Chapters 11-13)

Chapters 11 through 13, express the superiority of the life of faith. Faith has always
been God’s method of dealing with man, but faith finds its fullest perfection when
placed in the work of Christ. Through faith in Christ, Christians receive the grace to
serve and reverence God, as intended.

Division II: Calvary is Better
(Chapters 9 & 10)


1. In Hebrews Chapter 9 we notice that
Calvary offers a _____________________ _________________________.

*2. The "first covenant" refers to the _________________________ ____________.

3. The "ordinances of divine" service refer to the ___________________________ ______________________ of the law.

The Worldly Sanctuary
(Hebrews 9:1)

1. The word sanctuary means "________________ _____________________."

*2. The "worldly sanctuary" refers primarily to _________ _______________________________________ which simply means a "_______________."

*3. The "worldly sanctuary" was patterned after the ___________________________
_____________________________ of God.

4. The Tabernacle was surrounded by a wall measuring 150 X 75 foot wall which
formed the _______________________ _________________________.

5. The entrance opening measured 30 feet wide and was always placed on the
_____________________ _________________.

The Furnishings of the Outer Court

1. The Brazen Altar was for a _______________ _____________________and
represented the ______________________ __________
_____________________ for our sins.

2. The laver was for the cleansing of the _______________________ and
represented the ________________________ _________ ___________________________________.

The Tabernacle Structure

1. The Tabernacle measured _______ feet long; ______ feet wide; and _______
feet high.

2. The Tabernacle was made of boards with the inner walls covered with _____________ _________________.

3. The _________________ end was left open and covered with the _____________ _____________.

4. The complete structure was covered with a four layered tent of:
(1) __________________________
(3) _______________________________ and
(4) _______________________________.

5. The inner part of the Tabernacle was divided into ________ _________________________________.

*a. A 15 X 30 foot compartment called the ______________ _________________.

*b. A 15 X 15 foot compartment called the ________________________________.

*c. A heavy curtain called the ______________ separated the two compartments.

The Furnishings of the Tabernacle

Furnishings of the Holy Place (Sanctuary)
(Hebrews 9:2)

1. The candlestick was a seven stemmed oil lamp made of pure gold and
represents Christ as the ________________ _______ _____________________.

2. The Table of Shewbread was made of _______________covered
with______________ and represented Christ as the __________________ _________________ ________ ____________.

3. The Golden Altar stood before the ________________________________ and
represented the _______________________________ work of Christ as the _____________________.

Furnishings of the Holy of Holies (Holiest)
(Hebrews 9:3-5)

Note: The Holy of Holies was entered through the __________________________
once a year by the ______________ _____________________.

1. The Golden Censer presents a problem because it is _________ _________________________ ________
___________ in the Exodus account of the Tabernacle.

a. However, it is mentioned in _____________________________________.

b. It pictures the _____________________________ _______________ of Christ.

2. The Ark of the Covenant measured _____ feet long; ______ feet wide; and ______feet high.

a. The ark being made of wood completely covered with ________________ pictured the _______________________ ________________________ of Christ.

*b. The Ark contained the golden pot of manna which pictured Christ as the __________________ _______________ _____________________.

*c. The Ark contained Aaron's rod which pictured __________________ _______________________________ the proof of His _____________ _____________________________.

*d. The Ark contained the Tables of the Law which pictured the _______________________________________________________________________________.

*3. The Mercy Seat was where the _________________ _______ _______________________ was sprinkled once a year. It pictured the _______________________________________________________.

The Atonement
(Hebrews 9:6 - 7)

1. The word "atonement" means " ______ _____________________________."

2. The first offering of atonement was a bullock offered for the sins of the _________________.

3. The second offering of atonement was a goat offered for the sins of the ________________.

4. The blood was sprinkled on the ___________________________________.

The Limitation of Tabernacle Worship
(Hebrews 9:8-10)

1. The limitation of the Tabernacle service is summed up in the word "__________________."

2. The Tabernacle was but a worldly reproduction of a ______________________ _____________________.

3. The atonement was a _______________________ ____________________________ for sin which had to be
_______________________ _____________________.

4. The expression "as pertaining to the conscience" expresses the _____________________________ _________________ of these offerings.

5. The word "reformation" means "_______________________" or "____________________" and refers to ________________ ___________________ ________ ____________ through Christ.

The Eternal Sacrifice
(Hebrews 9:11-14)

1. Christ was the perfect High Priest, who needed _________ ___________________________ __________ _____________________.

2. Calvary doesn’t merely __________________our sins, it _____________________ our sin.

3. The conscience of the believer is cleansed through the knowledge that _________________________________________________________________.

4. This "purging of conscience" is what we call "____________________________" or "__________________________ _______________________________."

The Mediatorship of Christ
(Hebrews 9:15-17)

*1. Definition: A person who acts as a _________________________________ between ______________ ______________________.

*2. Two needs:


b. _________________________________________________________________

*3. Qualifications: A mediator must be in ____________________ _____________________ with the _______________________ and ________________ of both parties.

4. Christ, the Mediator Between God and Man

a. ___________________________ had produced a _________________________________________.

b. __________________________ produced the need for a ________________________________.

c. __________________________ produced the need for a _________________________.

d. Christ is the only person qualified to mediate ______________________________________________ between God and Man.

(1) His ____________________ places Him in empathy with God.

(2) His _____________________ ______________________________ places Him in empathy with Man.

5. The use of the word "____________________________________" shows that the New Covenant also included a _____________.

a. A will of inheritance is put into effect when the _______________________ ____________.

b. God's covenant with man in Christ offers both _______________________________ and

*(1) Christ's death provided ______________________________.

*(2) Christ's death provided ________________________. (Gal. 3:26; Eph. 1:5)

Blood and the Old Testament
(Hebrews 9:18-23a)

1. Blood offers remission for sin because it speaks of the _____________________________________________.

2. The first acts of Old Testament atonement required the ________________________________________________________________________________. (Gen. 3:21; 4:4-5)

3. Moses dedicated both the ________________________ _______ _____________________ of the Tabernacle with blood. (Lev. 8:14-24)

Blood and the New Testament
(Hebrews 9:23b-26)

*1. The ________________________ power of Christ's blood in its ability to ______________________________.

*2. The ________________________power of Christ's blood in its ability to ______________________________.

*3. The ________________________power of Christ's blood in its ability to ______________________________.

The Two Appointments
(Hebrews 9:27-28)

1. The two appointments of man are _________________ ________ ____________________________.

a. Both are the result of ____________ .

b. Both were kept through ___________________ _______ _________________

2. The two appointments of Christ were ________________________________________________________________________________.


The Old Covenant looked for Christ to come in _______________________ _____________________.

The New Covenant looks for Christ to come in ________________________ _____________________.

Calvary Provides a Better Sacrifice
(Chapter 10)

The Limitation of the Old Testament Sacrifices
(Hebrews 10:1-13)

1. The Greek word for “________________________________” demonstrates the limitations of the Levitical sacrifices in ________________________________________________.

2. The word means a ______________________________, rather than an ____________________________________.

3. The atonement represented ________________________________________________,
but was not ______________________________________________.

The Reoccurrence of the Rite
(Hebrews 10:1b)

The fact that these sacrifices had to be offered over and over proved they were not able to ___________________________ _______________.

The Remembrance of Sin
(Hebrews 10:2-4)

1. The blood of bulls and goats could _________________________________________________________.

2. The blood of bulls and goats could not _________________________________________________________.

The Recognition of the Will of God
(Hebrews 10:5-13)

The Comparison Proclaimed (Verse 5)

1. The Old Testament Sacrifices were not _____________ ________ ___________________________ on the part of the animals offered.

*2. Christ's offering of Himself was the result of ___________________________________________________.

The Will of God Concerning the "Shadow" (Verses 6 & 8)

*1. The blood of bulls and goats could not ________________________________________________________.

2. This is evidenced by the need for the ________________ ________ _______________________.

The Will of God Concerning the Savior (Verses 7 & 9)

1. The offering of Christ fulfilled God's ___________________ _______________________.

2. The offering of Christ fulfilled God's ________________________ _______________________.

3. The offering of Christ fulfilled God's _________________________ _______________________.

The Completion Proclaimed (Verse 10)

1. Christ's sacrifice provided _________________________ sanctification.

*2. Through sanctification, the believer has freedom _____________ ___________ and _____ __________________.

The Will of God Concerning the System
(Verses 11 - 13)

1. A temporary sacrifice demands a _______________________ _______________________.

*2. A perfect sacrifice demands a _______________ _________ _________________ ____ .

The Liberation of the Sacrifice of Calvary
(Hebrews 10:14-18)

The Better Sacrifice Summed Up (Verse 14)

The Sacrifice of Christ is :
1. ________________________________ in its ___________________________;

2. ________________________________ in its ___________________________.

3. ________________________________ in its ___________________________.

The Better Sacrifice Substantiated (Verses 15 - 18)

*1. The Power of the sacrifice of Christ is substantiated by the _______________________________________________________________________________. (References: John 16:7-16; Rom. 8:14 - 16; I Cor. 6:19; Eph. 1:13)

2. The Power of the sacrifice of Christ is also substantiated through the __________________________________________________________________.

An Exhortation and a Warning
(Hebrews 10:19-39)


1. The key words for this section are "___________________" which denote _____________.

2. We have abilities _____________________________ and ________ the work of Christ.

The Exhortation (10:19-25)

The Veil of the Flesh (vv 19-21)

*1 The veil represented the ______________________ of the _________________.

a. Prevents us from entering into the __________________________________.

b. Prevents us from _______________________________________________.

*2. The High Priest passed through the veil to picture __________________________________________.

*3. The death of Christ _______________________ the death of the flesh for every man.

*a. His death removed the barrier of the ___________.

*b. His death will ultimately remove the barrier of _______________________________________.

4. Three Christ Given Responsible Abilities: (v22)

a. Our ability to have _______________________ to God brings the responsibility of:

1) being _____________________ in our approach;

2) being ______________________ in His ability:

3) being _______________________ in our activities.

b. Our ability to ______________ God brings the responsibility of _______________. (v23)

c. Our ability to ______________________________ in the body brings the responsibility of being _____________________ _______________________. (vv 24 -25)

The Warning (10:26-29)
Two Views of Hebrews 10:26

1. Some believe that Verse 26 is a _________________________________________________ in view of the _______________________ of Christ's sacrifice.

2. Others believe that Verse 26 is referring to one having a _______________ ___________________________, yet rejecting with the ______________________.

Comparison Between Temporal and Eternal Judgment (10: 27-31)

*1. Physical death is the highest degree of _________________ _________________________________.

a. ___________ is God's most treasured creation.

b. _____________________________ of life is a serious offense.

*2. Eternal death is the ultimate degree of ___________________ ___________________________________.

a. The offer of eternal life is God's _____________________ _______________.

*b. Rejection of the gift of eternal life is man's ____________________ _____________.

Comparison Between Temporal Trials and Eternal Blessings (10:32-39)

1. Faithfulness to Christ will bring temporary ______________________________. (II Tim. 3:12) (vv 32 - 33)

2. Faithfulness to Christ will bring an eternal ______________________. (vv 34- 38)

a. An eternal _______________________ for temporal ______________. (vv 34-35)

b. An eternal ____________ for temporal ______________________. (v 36)

c. The _________________________ of eternity for the __________________________ of time. (v37)

d. The spiritual pleasure of ______________________________ far exceeds the temporal pleasure of __________________________________. (v38)

e. Eternal __________________________________ of the soul is better than temporal ________________________________________ of physical life. (v 39)

*1) The mere _____________________________ of Christ will turn back.

*2) The true _____________________________ of Christ will continue in the faith.

3) These Hebrew believers would have their profession put to the test by:

*(a) The Jews

*(b) Their own fleshly doubts

*(c) The inconsistency of others

4) Did they really believe that Christ was the ___________________ __________________________?

Division III
Christianity is Better (Chapters 11 - 13)

Chapter 11
Faith Defined and Illustrated

The Definition of Faith (11:1-3, 6)

*1. The Greek word for "faith" is "pistis" which means ________________________________________________.

*2. "Substance" refers to the ______________________________________ of our faith.

*3. "Evidence" refers to the _______________________ _______________________ of our faith.

4. These two aspects cannot exist _____________________________ of one another and be __________________________________________.

5. Examples of the "two aspect" principle:

a. The "two aspect" principle applies to :

(1) ____________________________________________________ (Matt. 7:1, 20)

(2) __________________________________________________ (I Cor. 2:15, 4:5)

(3) __________________________ Before God and Man (Rom. 4:2-6; Jam. 2:21-24)

*(a) Paul deals with the __________________________________aspect.

*(b) James deals with the _________________________________ aspect.

(c) The "two aspect" principle of faith _________________________ the judgment of the ______________________________ aspect of one's faith.

(d) The “two aspect” principle of faith _______________________ the judgment of the personal aspect of one’s faith, however; it _____________________ the judgment of the prominent aspect of one’s faith.

6. Creation is the _________________________________________________
of the substance of The ______________________________________. (vv 2-3)

7. The idea of a "pleasing" God requires ____________ in His ___________________. (v6a)

8. The idea of a promised reward requires ___________ in His __________________. (v6b)

Examples of Faith (11:4 - 40)

Evaluation Alert: Know the evidence(s) for each example's faith.

Abel (Verse 4; Genesis 4:1-12)

The Substance: Believed "_________________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of the __________________________________.

The Example: Trust in God's ___________________ will lead to God's __________________.

Enoch (Verse 5; Genesis 5:22-24)

The Substance: Believed "___________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of the _________________________________________. (Jude 14-15)

Key Idea: ________________________________________.

The Example: Trust in God's __________________ will lead to God's __________________.

Noah (Verse 7; Genesis 6-9)

The Substance: Believed "___________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of a ____________________________________________.

Key Idea: ____________________________________________.

The Example: Trust in God's ___________ will lead to God's ________________________.

Abraham (Verses 8-19; Genesis 12-25:10)

The Substance: Believed "________________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of an __________________________________. (vv 8-10)

Trusted in the reality of an _________________________________. (vv11-12)

Trusted in the reality of an _____________________________________. (vv13-14)

Trusted in the reality of an ______________________________________. (vv 15-16)

Trusted in the reality of an ______________________________________. (vv17-18)

Key Idea: _________________________________________.

The Example: Trust in God's _________ will lead to God's __________________.


1. Faith is defined as having two _______________________:

a. "Substance" is the ____________________aspect which deals with _______________.

b. "Evidence" is the _____________________ aspect which deals with _______________.

2. The Hebrews had been influenced to think that the ___________________ were what caused God's blessing.

3. The writer of Hebrews uses the "elders" as examples to show that God blessed the ___________________ which produced the ________________________.

Evaluation Alert! Be familiar with the information on Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses.

Isaac (Verse 20; Genesis 21-35)

The Substance: Believed "______________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of a ___________________________________.

Key Idea: __________________________________________________________.

The Example: Trust in God's __________________ will lead to God's __________________.

Jacob (Verse 21; Genesis 25-49)

The Substance: Believed "_____________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of a ___________________________________.

Key Idea: He didn't allow a ______________________________ to cloud his ____________.

The Example: Trust in God's _____________________ will lead to God's _______________.

Joseph (Verse 22; Genesis 37-50)

The Substance: Believed "______________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of a ______________________________.

Key Idea: He didn't interpret his _________________________________________ as the ______________________________________.

The Example: Trust in God's _________________ will lead to Godly ___________________.

The Parents of Moses (Verse 23; Exodus 2:1-4)

The Substance: Believed "___________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of __________________________________ for the child.

Moses (Verses 24-29; Genesis 37-50)

The Substance: Believed "____________________."

The Evidence:

1) Trusted in the reality of a _________________________________ (vv24-26).

2) Trusted in the reality of _________________________________. (v27)

3) Trusted in the reality of ______________________________. (v28)

4) Trusted in the reality of a _______________________________________. (v29)

Key Idea: He became an instrument of __________________________ through his faith in the ___________________________.

The Example: Trust in God's ________________ will lead to God's ____________________.

General Examples (Verses 30-39)

Jericho (Verse 30; Joshua 6)

The Substance: Believed "_____________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of God's _____________________________ for victory.

Rahab (Verse 31; Joshua 2)

The Substance: Believed "______________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of God's ____________________________ .

The Judges (Verse 32; Judges 6-16))

The Substance: Believed "_____________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of God's ________________________________.

David, Samuel, and the Prophets (Verses 32b-35)

The Substance: Believed "_________________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of a ___________________________________.

Believers Through the Ages (Verses 36-38)

The Substance: Believed "__________________________."

The Evidence: Trusted in the reality of a ___________________________________.

Conclusion (Verses 39-40)

Know This: The _________________________________________ of these examples were the result of ______________________________________ in God.

Chapter 12
Christianity and Sonship

The Proof of Sonship (12:1-17)


Two Interpretations (12:1a)

1. The word for "witnesses" is the Greek word from which we get our English word "_____________________" which means:

a. An ________________________________ to an event.

b. One ________________________________________ for his testimony of Christ.

2. Two interpretations in identifying this "crowd" are:

a. __________________________________;

b. We are part of the ____________________ mentioned in __________________.

Two Impediments (12:1b)

1.The word for "easily beset" shows that we are surrounded by _____________________ __________________________ as well as witnesses.

*2. The "weight" refers to that which _______________our spiritual _____________________.

*3. The "sin" refers to that which ____________________ our spiritual __________________.

Two Infinite Truths (12:2-4)

1. Christ's suffering was _____________________ and _____________________.

a. The importance of the work was ________________________.

b. The importance of the shame and suffering was _______________________.

*c. The shame of the cross was _____________________________, the glory of the cross is ______________________.

d. The principle: Faith in the ____________________ empowers the _________________.

2. Our suffering is _______________________ and ________________________.

a. "Contradiction of sinners" means _______________________________.

b. "Contradiction" was, for the most part, the ________________ of the Hebrews' suffering.

c. Spiritual and mental opposition can have ________________________________________ effects.

3. The point made:

a. Our suffering has nothing to do with _________________our _____________________.

b. Our suffering could have to do with various aspects of our _________________.

*4. Three causes of suffering for the believer:

a. The ______________, in seeking our ___________________________;

b. ________, in seeking our __________________________;

c. _______________________ as the result of ________________________.

Two Proofs (12:5-6)

*1. The __________________________________ of the believer with his God.

*2. The _____________ of God for His children.

Two Identifications (12:7-8)

1. Chastened as _________________________ of God.

2. Unrestrained as _______________________ of religion.

Two Degrees (12:6)

*1. "Chastisement" designed to _________________________________________.

*2. "Scourging" designed to ____________________________________________.

3. In keeping with the context of verse 1, "chastening" would have to do with
__________________________, while "scourging" would have to do with _____________.

Two Dimensions (12:9-11)

1. The two dimensions of the principle of correction are:

a. The ______________________dimension.

b. The _____________________ dimension.

2. Understanding both dimensions requires a certain degree of ___________________________ and _______________________.

3. Our earthly fathers sought our ________________________ and ____________________ in confronting the things of natural life.

4. Our Heavenly Father seeks our _____________________ protection and success.

5. Our earthly fathers had a ___________________________ to which they sought our __________________________.

6. Our Heavenly Father has a ___________ to whom He seeks our ____________________.

7. The goal of chastening is _______________________ rather than ___________________.

Two Responses (12:12-17)

1. In verse 5 we noticed two _____________________ responses to divine correction...

*a. to "despise" correction which results in ______________________________.

*b. to "faint" which results in ____________________________________________.

2. Verses 12 through 14 deal with yielding to correction in the area of ___________________ concerning the _____________________of God.

3. Verses 15 through 17 deal with yielding to correction in the area of
___________________________ concerning the ___________________ in ourselves.
a. The problem of ________ in the life of a believer.

b. The problem of _______________________ in the heart of a professor.

*c. To "fail of the grace of God" literally means to _________________________________.

d. The example of Esau teaches us the danger of placing faith in:

(1) ...a _______________________________ plan of comfort,

(2) ...our ___________________ to make things right when we so desire.

*4. Esau sought repentance from dead works through a means which was based on

5. Seeking a way to get right, rather than _____________________
to God's call to get right is to _____________________________________.

The Superiority of the Christian Life (12:18 - 29)

Two Mountains

Mount Sinai (Verses 18-21)

1. The giving of the law was a ____________________________________.

a. It was black in its possibility of being _____________.

b. It was dark in its possibility of being _____________________.

2. The law was given to ___________________ _____________.

3. The command of the law was to ____________ _____________________.

Mount Sion (Zion) (Verses 22-23)

*1. Mount Zion is the mount of ______________________ ___________.

*2. Contrasts between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion:

a. Mount Sinai was __________ in nature, while Mount Zion is _____________. (Matt. 4:16; John 1:4; II Cor. 4:4-6)

b. Mount Sinai was a ___________ __________________ __________________, while Mount Zion is a soft inner _____________________. (Rom. 8:2, 15,-16; II Cor. 3:3; Gal. 5:18; II Tim. 1:7)

c. Mount Sinai was a _______________________ to keep back, while Mount Zion is an __________________________ to come near. (Matt. 11:28; Heb. 7:19; 10:22; Jam. 4:8; Rev. 22:17)

d. Mount Sinai was _______________________, while Mount Zion is ___________________. (Luke 6:35; John 15:13-15)

3. Descriptions of Mount Zion:

a. Views on the Heavenly Jerusalem (Rev. 21)

(1) Simply the ____________________ of the Church

(2) _____________________________ with the Church.

b. The innumerable company of angels probably refers to the __________________
________________ of Chapter One.

c. "General Assembly" means "______________________________ _________________________." (World Wide)

d. The "Church of the firstborn" is the _________________ ___________________ of the body of Christ. (Local Church)

e. "God, the judge of all" refers to the _____________________________ of the sinner with God through Christ (Rom. 5:1; 8:1).

f. "Spirits of just men made perfect" refers to the _____________________
______________________________ of the Church.

Two Voices (Verses 24 - 25)

*1. The blood of Abel cried out for __________________________ ____________

*2. The blood of Christ cries out for _______________ _______ ______________.

Two Foundations (Verses 26-29)

1. The contrast is made between things _________________________ and things that _____________________.

2. General Application:
a. Material _______________________________ will be removed.

b. Spiritual ______________________ will remain.

3. Specific Applications:

a. A temporary shaking which ___________________ ______________________, helps to prepare for a ____________________ _____________________ shaking.

b. Since we are heirs to an unmoveable ____________________________, we should be unmoveable _________________________.

c. Since we are God’s ____________________, we should be _____________.

Two Aspects (Verse 29)

1. The consuming fire speaks of the two aspects of __________ _______________.

*a. The Judgment of ________________________ at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

(1) ________________________ are burned as the gold remains.

(2) The works are judged according to _____________________.

*b. The Judgment of __________________________ at the Great White Throne Judgment.

(1) Lost people will ______________________ ______________ in the lake of fire.

(2) The person is judged according to his _________________.

2. Both faithless _____________ _______ _____________________ will be consumed by the fire of God.

Chapter 13
Consistency in Christ


1. Chapter 13 builds on the idea of serving God _______________________.

2. Christianity is better because if offers the possibility of serving God __________________________.

Consistency in Interaction (Verses 1 - 7)

1. "Brotherly love" is "philadelphia" which means a ______________________
____________ for one's brother or sister.

2. "Entertain strangers" is translated "__________________________" in such verses as Rom. 12:13; I Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8; and I Pet. 4:9.

3. We should be in sympathy with ____________________ ___________________ suffering ______________________.

4. Our Interaction with members of the _____________________ __________ should be pure, decent, and honest.

5. Our interaction with the world should be to _________________ the people of the world, rather than _________________ the things of the world.

6. Our interaction with spiritual leaders should be one of continuance in their godly ______________________ and ________________________.

Consistency in Christ (Verses 8-21)

*1. The foremost example of consistency is _______________ ________________.

2. Inconsistent doctrine is ______________________ ______________________.

3. Inconsistent trust is _________________________ trust.

4. Inconsistent dedication is ________________________ dedication.

5. Inconsistent praise is ____________________ praise.

6. Inconsistent subjection is _______________________.

7. Inconsistent maturity is _______________________.

Salutation and Close - Verses 23-25