Principles of Biblical Interpretation (PR 101)
Guidelines for proper interpretation & application of the Word of God

Course Description

Ten lectures on the proper motives for Bible study and the basic principles of Biblical interpretation.
Such principles as the rules of context, dispensations, covenants, ethnic groups, types, etc. are covered.


Course Overview

A. Why Study the Bible?
1. Wrong Motives
2. Right Motives
B. Interpreting God's Message
The Bible And Me
Preservation And Purity of God's Word.
2. Interpretation And Application
3. Hindrances To Proper Interpretation And Application

The Context Principle
A. Governing Rule Of Context
B. Basic Rules of Context

The Dispensational Principle
A. Rules For Dispensational Study
B. The Seven Dispensations

The Covenantal Principle
A. Kinds Of Covenants
B. Signs Of The Covenants
C. The Covenants

The Ethnic Principle
The Spiritual Classes
The Three Ethnic Classes

The Differentiation Principle
A. Definition
B. Examples

The Typical Principle
A. Kinds Of Types
B. Examples Of Types

VII. The Application Principle

Assignments for Lecture One:
(1) Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One.
(2) Be able to recite the 39 Books of the Old Testament in order.


Why Study the Bible?


Preservation And Purity of God's Word

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation to be given at the end of the course.

1. Bible knowledge is a ________________ and not a ___________________.

2. The first step to Bible study is being able to _____________________ ________
_____________ ________________________ to ourselves.

3. Two questions to ask ones self:

a. Is my _______________________ ________________________?

b. Is my _______________________ _______________________________?
1) Am I merely trying to __________________ _____ ______________________?
2) Am I merely seeking to _______________________ ______________________?

4. Our first motive for Bible study should be to _________________ ______________ and
His _________________.

a. God wants us to ________________ ____________ _______________________.
1) We discover and know God through ___________________.
2) We discover and know Christ through the ____________ _____ ____________.

b. God wants us to _____________________ _______ ___________________ to us.
1) God's "job description" for us is known as _______ ______________________
_______________ for us.
2) The Bible is ____________ ________________________ ______ ________.

c. God wants us to ____________________ ________ ______________________
______ __________ ________________.
* 1) The word "belief" means ____________ ______ _____________ _________.
2) The Bible is the only true source of ______________________________,
___________________________, and ________________________________.

The Bible And Me?

1. Five terms to consider:
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________________

*2. The "Autographs" are the ________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ of Scripture.

*3. "Transmission" of Scripture deals with the _______________ __________________ of
the __________________________________ of the manuscripts during _______________________________________________________________________.

*4. "Translation" is the preservation of the ____________________________ of the Bible
from one ______________________________________ to another.

*a. The Old Testament was originally written mostly in______________________ while
the New Testament was written in ___________________.

b. All versions are ______________________________ to the __________________
____________________________ from which they were translated.

c. There will never be any version of the Bible that is _________________________ to
the _________________________ and ____________________ autographs.

5. Translations of the Bible (See Chart)

*a. The _________________________________ was a translation of the Old Testament
into __________________________ between __________ and __________ B.C.
(1) A "________________" is a reproduction in the same language.
(2) A "________________" is an attempt to reproduce the Bible in another language.

*b. The _________________________ was a translation of the New Testament into
_________________ by Jerome about _______ A.D. (This version was later
translated into __________________ to become the _________________________

*c. The _____________________________ Bible was a translation of the
_______________________ into _______________________ in __________ A.D.

*d. The ___________________ Bible of ___________ was the first _______________
version to be translated from the ________________________________________.

*e. The Coverdale Bible (1535), Matthews Bible (1537) and Great Bible (1539) were
mostly revisions of the _______________________ Bible

*f. The Geneva Bible (1560) and the Bishops Bible (1568) were revisions of the
_______________________ Bible.

*g. The ____________ ____________________ Version of ___________ was largely
based on the ___________________ Bible and the ______________________
and _________________________________ texts.

Interpretation and Application

*1. "_________________________________" refers to _________________________
the _______________________ _______________________ in any given passage?

2. The word ÒinterpretÓ comes from a Latin word which means
Ò_______ _____________________________Ó which in turn means
Ò_______ _____________ ______ ____________________________.Ó

3. Proper interpretation is only achieved when my _______________________ and the
______________________ ____________________ of God in the giving of Scripture
are ___________________________.

4. There are certain "____________" and "_______________________________" which
must be applied before we can properly _______________________ the Word of God.

5. When an ___________________________ between ______ ___________________
and the ______________ ______ _______________ is experienced, the passage
has been properly and powerfully interpreted.

6. ____________________ the Word of God is for the purpose of __________________
the Word of God

*7. "_______________________________" is making the message of Scripture
_____________, ________________, and _____________________________ in the
lives of the hearers.

8. There are ________________________ and _________________________ in every
passage of the Bible which are imperative to the _____________________
__________________________________ of my life.

Hindrances to Proper Interpretation and Application

*1. The word in theological circles for the science of interpreting the Bible is

2. There are ______________________ forces to our comprehending and applying

3. A lost person cannot properly ________________ Scripture.

4. The __________________________ of the Gospel is teaching the lost.

5. The __________________________ works through the proclamation of the preacher
and the ______________________ of the sinner.

6. The first great hindrance to the believer in Bible study is a lack of _______________.

7. Next to a lack of that, ___________________________________ is probably the
biggest hindrance to the proper interpretation of the Bible.

8. Believers, are hindered in their ____________ to interpret the Bible by a failure to
surrender to ______________ truth.

9. A believer can be hindered in his ability to interpret Scripture by an _________________
of the principles of biblical interpretation.

10. The all important principle of Bible study is the Rule of Context.

*11. Context is defined as: Ò_________________________________________________

12. Three basic types of preaching and teaching:
a) ____________________________________ Verse by Verse Explanation

b) ____________________________________ Topic supported by various passages
of Scripture.

c) _________________________________ A thought is drawn from a few verses and
then applied.

The Governing Rule of Context

1. The Four Basic rules of Context:

(a) Be sure to interpret a verse according to what is said _________ and _________ it.

(b) Do not come up with an idea and try to find scripture to ____________________.

(c) Do not _______________ to the Bible: let the Bible _______________ to you.

(d) Use the principles of Bible interpretation to determine the __________________.

2. The Dispensational principle tells _________, and under what circumstances it was
The Covenantal and Ethnic principles tell us ________________________ it was spoken.
The Differentiation principle tells ______________________________________.
The Typical and Practical principles tell ____________ is spoken and ___________ it was spoken.

The Dispensational Principle
The ÒWhenÓ Question

*1. A "Dispensation" is a period of time in which God deals with man in a particular way
concerning _______ and ______________________.

2. The Greek word seems to place more emphasis on man's _______________________
than the period of time.

3. Words referring to time _____________________ and ________________________
the principle of dispensationalism.

4. Two Biblical examples of the principle of dispensationalism are:

a. Christ and the ________________________________________________.

b. Paul's Epistle to the ________________________________.

5. It is the student's responsibility to recognize the __________________________ of the
Word of God.

6. The foremost danger of Ultra-dispensationalism is alternative ways of

7. The Ultradispensationalist usually places the Gospels and the Book of Acts in the

*8. The Ultradispensationalist fails to properly apply Scripture pertaining to Israel and the _______________.

9. Any particular principle of Bible study must be governed by the:

a. one true way of salvation: _______________ through _______________ as illustrated
by Abraham.

b. the ___________________- centered theme of the Bible.

10. This rule is fully expressed in Christ's teaching on the road to ____________________.
(Luke 24:25-27)

The Number of Dispensations

1. Some Bible scholars believe that there are eight Dispensations and consider the Tribulation Period a distinct dispensation referred to as the Dispensation of _____________________.

2. The seven dispensation view holds that the Tribulation Period is a time of

3. Four considerations concerning the Seven Dispensations:

1) ___________________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________________________________

4) ___________________________________________________________________

The Seven Dispensations

*1. Dispensation of _____________________
*a. Duration: from _______________________ until ___________________________.
b. Responsibility: ______________________________________________________.
c. Result: ____________________________________________________________.
d. Response: ________________________________________________________.

*2. Dispensation of _____________________
*a. Duration: from _______________________ until ___________________________.
b. Responsibility: ______________________________________________________.
c. Result: ____________________________________________________________.
d. Response: ________________________________________________________.

*3. Dispensation of _____________________
*a. Duration: from _______________________ until ___________________________.
b. Responsibility: ______________________________________________________.
c. Result: ____________________________________________________________.
d. Response: ________________________________________________________.

*4. Dispensation of _____________________
*a. Duration: from _______________________ until ___________________________.
b. Responsibility: ______________________________________________________.
c. Result: ____________________________________________________________.
d. Response: ________________________________________________________.

*5. Dispensation of _____________________
*a. Duration: from _______________________ until ___________________________.
b. Responsibility: ______________________________________________________.
c. Result: ____________________________________________________________.
d. Response: ________________________________________________________.

*6. Dispensation of _____________________
*a. Duration: from _______________________ until ___________________________.
b. Responsibility: ______________________________________________________.
c. Result: ____________________________________________________________.
d. Response: ________________________________________________________.

*7. Dispensation of _____________________
*a. Duration: from _______________________ until ___________________________.
b. Responsibility: ______________________________________________________.
c. Result: ____________________________________________________________.
d. Response: ________________________________________________________.

The Dispensational Principle Applied

The dispensational principle answers the "____________?" question, and also keeps us in harmony with God concerning our ________________________________ to Him.

The Covenantal Principle
The "Who" Question

1. Generally speaking, a covenant is Òa binding ____________________________
between ________________________________.Ó

*2. Biblically, a covenant is an agreement between ____________________________
where God, in grace, ____________________ and undertakes to do certain things.

3. There are __________ covenants in the Bible.

*4. Conditional - where God promises to do certain things ____________________ on
man's obedience.

*5. Unconditional - where God promises to do certain things _______________________
of manÕs obedience.

6. Whether conditional or unconditional, manÕs _________________________ is
expected and manÕs disobedience is ______________________________________.

*7. The eight covenants are:
1) ________________________ Covenant
2) ________________________ Covenant
3) ________________________ Covenant
4) ________________________ Covenant
5) ________________________ Covenant
6) ________________________ Covenant
7) ________________________ Covenant
8) ________________________ Covenant.

*8. The covenants express man's need of, and God's provision of ____________________.

*9. In these eight Covenants see the ______________________________ unfolding of the
story of __________________ in the Bible.

10. The progressive picture of the covenants:
a. Edenic Covenant - the _____________ of a Redeemer.
b. Adamic Covenant - a _____________
c. Noahic Covenant - a manÕs ___________________
d. Abrahamic Covenant - a ____________________ manÕs blood
e. Mosaic Covenant - a ________________________, perfect, sacrificial Jewish
manÕs blood
f. Davidic Covenant - a ____________________, sinless, perfect, sacrificial Jewish
manÕs blood
g. Palestinian Covenant - an _________________, royal, sinless, perfect, sacrificial
Jewish manÕs blood
h. New Covenant - ___________________

Some Covenants have a ÒsignÓ that goes along with them to act as a ______________
or __________________________ of the Covenant.

*12. These covenants have signs:
a. Noahic Covenant - the _____________________
b. Abrahamic Covenant - ___________________________
c. Mosaic Covenant - the ______________________________
d. Davidic Covenant - the ___________________________________

13. The study of the Covenants should never be confused with ______________________

14. Under Covenantal Theology, the Bible is divided into three periods:

a. Covenant of _____________________________ made between God the Father and
God the Son eternity past.

b. Covenant of ________________ between God and Adam lasted from the creation of
man until the fall of man.

c. Covenant of __________________ between God and mankind lasts from the fall of
man through the entire Bible to the future eternal state.

15. Covenant Theology is weak because it usually leads to a ________________________

The Eight Covenants

1. The Edenic Covenant
a. Named For ___________________________
b. Condition: _________________________________________________________
c. Result: __________________________________________________
d. Sign: ____________________________________

2. The Adamic Covenant
a. Named For ___________________________
b. Condition: _________________________________________________________
c. Result: __________________________________________________
d. Sign: ____________________________________

3. The Noahic Covenant
a. Named For ___________________________
b. Condition: _________________________________________________________
c. Result: __________________________________________________
d. Sign: ____________________________________

4. The Abrahamic Covenant
a. Named For ___________________________
b. Condition: _________________________________________________________
c. Result: __________________________________________________
d. Sign: ____________________________________

5. The Mosaic Covenant
a. Named For ___________________________
b. Condition: _________________________________________________________
c. Result: __________________________________________________
d. Sign: ____________________________________

6. The Davidic Covenant
a. Named For ___________________________
b. Condition: _________________________________________________________
c. Result: __________________________________________________
d. Sign: ____________________________________

7. The Palestinian Covenant
a. Named For ___________________________
b. Condition: _________________________________________________________
c. Result: __________________________________________________
d. Sign: ____________________________________

8. The New Covenant
a. Named For ___________________________
b. Condition: _________________________________________________________
c. Result: __________________________________________________
d. Sign: ____________________________________

The Ethnic Principle
The "Who" Question

*1. The word ethnic means Ò_______________________________________________.Ó

2. The Ethnic Principle acknowledges that there are ______________________________
_____________________ set
forth in Scripture.

*3. All of humanity is divided ____________________ into two classes:

*a. The ___________________ (________________________ man)

The ___________________ (________________________ man).

4. The saved person who habitually yields to the "___________________" is defined as
being ___________________.

*5. All of humanity is ________________________ divided into three classes.

*a. The ______________________

The ______________________

The ______________________

The Jews are the descendants of _________________ and are under GodÕs

7. The Jews are GodÕs chosen people for the purpose of the giving of the
_______________________________________ and the ______________________.

8. Being a Jew does not ______________________________________ a person.

9. His identification as The ___________________ proves that the God of Israel is the only
true God.

10. The Gentiles denied the _____________ and __________________ their own gods.

11. God chose Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob etc. as the __________________________
through which Christ would come.

*12. The Jews are also referred to as Ò___________Ó or Ò___________________Ó in the
Word of God.

13. The word ÒGentileÓ refers to all ____________________________________________.

*14. The Gentiles are also referred to as Òthe ___________________,Ó Òthe
_____________________,Ó or Òthe _______________________________.Ó

15. ________________ made a clear distinction between the Jew and the Gentile.

16. _______________ also made a clear distinction between the Jew and the Gentile.

17. The Gentiles were ___________________ during the time of GodÕs dealing with Israel.

18. Presently, _____________ is blinded and the _____________________ are given light.

*19. The church is a ___________________________________________________ of
people who have received Christ as Savior and are united into ___________________,
both Jew and Gentile.

20. The church was initiated at ______________________ and will be taken out of the earth
in the ____________________________________.

*21. Dispensationally, the Church Age is the same as the __________________________.

22. Much false teaching comes out of confusing ____________________ with the

The Differentiation Principle
The "Which" Question

*1. This principle is most commonly known as the Ò________________________ Principle.Ó

2. To "differentiate" means "to perceive or show the _________________________ in or
between things."

*3. Our goal under this principle is to show difference two things without destroying the
____________________________ of either.

*4. Although grace is better in its power to ____________________ the law is good in its
power to _______________________________.

5. In short, the Differentiation Principle is _______________________________________
without _________________________________________.

*6. Faith is trusting in ____________________________ for salvation.

*7. Works is trusting in ___________________________________________ for salvation.

*8. The Kingdom Gospel presented Christ as _________________________ to the

*9. The Gospel of Grace presents Christ as __________________ to the _____________.

*10. The Apostolic Commission was given to the Apostles as _______________________
of Christ to ___________________________.

*11. The Great Commission was given to the Apostles as representatives of
____________________ to the ___________________________.

*12. The Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom made up of only _____________________
beings and magnifies God's Righteousness, Justice, and ______________________.

*13. The Kingdom of Heaven has unrighteousness among its ranks and magnifies God's

14. The mere professor of Christ does not always possess Christ ___________________.

15. Christendom includes all who ____________________ Christ as Savior, leader, etc.
Christianity includes only those who are truly ___________________.

*16. Christendom is the entire group of ________________________, while Christianity is
the entire group of __________________________________.

*17. The Judgment Seat of Christ is for the believerÕs ______________ and occurs after the
_______________ of the Church.

*18. The Great White Throne Judgment is for the ___________________ and occurs at the
end of the ________________________________ reign of Christ upon the earth.

19. At the Judgment Seat of Christ, the ________________ are judged according to the
motive and intent of the ______________________________.

20. At the Great White Throne Judgment, the ________________________ is going to be
judged according to his or her _________________________.

The Typical & Practical Principles
The "What" Question


The Typical Principle

*1. A "type" is Òa divinely appointed _______________________________ of a scriptural ________________.Ó

2. A type is usually something or someone in the Old Testament that is a ______________
or __________________________ of something or someone in the New Testament.

3. The Bible refers to types as figures, patterns, examples, and ______________________.

4. A type can be a __________________, ___________________, or _______________.

*5. A Pronounced Type is a type that the Bible actually _________________________ to be
representative of something or some one else.

6. The Passover Lamb is a pronounced type of ______________ as the _______________
Lamb of God.

7. The Brazen Serpent is a pronounced type of Christ in the _________________________
of God's Plan.

8. The Manna in the wilderness is a pronounced type of Christ in His Fullness as the

9. Concerning Unpronounced Types, many times the words Ò_______________________Ó
or Ò_____________________Ó would be more appropriate and safe than the word Òtype.Ó

The Application Principle

*1. The goal of the Application Principle is to "please God through application of His
__________________ to my _____________________."

2. Bible knowledge in itself will not make me _______________________________, but
knowing God will.

3. The Practical purpose of Bible Study is that I:
a. __________________________ Right

b. __________________ Right

c. _________________ Right

d. ______________________ Right

4. We must _________________________ the Word of God in our Priorities.

5. We must __________________________ the Word of God into our Principles.

6. We must ______________________ the Word of God in our Practice.

7. Proper Interpretation of the Word of God requires:
a. _________________________________

b. _________________ in the Scripture as the Word of God.

c. Mental ______________________________________

d. ____________________________ of the Biblical World and Customs

e. ______________________________ to known truth.