(BI-107) Old Testament Survey IV
(Major Prophets: Isaiah & Jeremiah)

Course Description

Ten lectures surveying the Old Testament Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations. This course guides the student through a general survey of the people, places, and events during the time of Isaiah and Jeremiah. The prophesies of Isaiah concerning the coming events of his lifetime and long range prophesies concerning the distant future are considered. Jeremiah’s work during the final days before the capture of Jerusalem and his lamentation over the fall of the city are studied.

Assignment for Lecture One:

(1) Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.

(2) Read Isaiah Chapters 1- 12

Note: You may be asked on the evaluation if you did all reading assignments.

(3) Read the Pre-lecture Reading

Pre-lecture Reading
Identifying of the Prophets

In the study of the Historical Books of the Old Testament Survey, we became familiar with the Kings of Israel and Judah. We also became familiar with the “preaching” prophets such as Elijah and Elisha who left no written records. In this study, we will gain a general knowledge of the “Writing Prophets,” the time they prophesied, who they prophesied to, and the content of their prophecy. This first project will be to arrange the writing prophets in their proper order as to type, time, to whom they prophesied, and the general content of their message. We will begin with general information about the prophets and work our way toward specific details.

Division One: What Type? Major and Minor Prophet?

The Books of the “Writing Prophets” according to their order in the Bible are:
The Major Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah/ Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel. The Minor Prophets are Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. The first distinction is that the prophets are divided as “major” and “minor“ prophets. Why the division? Most scholars agree that the titles “major” and “minor” are simply due to the bulk of the writings and not degree of importance. In other words: the major prophets wrote longer books. J. Sidlow Baxter makes an interesting statement in connection with the division of the prophets into classes of “major” and “minor.” He writes: “...the division of the seventeen prophetical books into ‘Major’ and ‘minor’ is no artificial distinction. In the former we find all the basic ethical features of Old Testament prophecy and of Messianic prediction. In Isaiah, the coming Messiah is seen as both the suffering Savior and as the ultimate Sovereign who reigns in world empire. In Jeremiah... the ‘Branch’ of David... In Ezekiel... the perfect Shepherd-King... In Daniel... Messiah ‘cut off’ and yet, standing up at last as universal Emperor... The twelve writings grouped as the ‘Minor Prophets’, though they amplify various aspects, do not determine the main shape of Messianic prophecy. They conform to the general frame already formed for us in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.” In short, Baxter believes the distinction is based on the amount of prophesy concerning the coming of Christ.

Division Two: When? Preexilic, Exilic or Postexilic?

John Phillips states: “...the writing prophets belong to three main periods of Hebrew history, either before, during, or after the Babylonian captivity.” What do we mean by Preexilic, Exilic and Postexilic? Some prophets prophesied before Judah was exiled (captured and carried off to Babylon); some while Judah was exiled; and some after Judah was exiled. Since the Babylonian captivity is dated from 586 B.C. to 536 B.C. (This is the period of time from the Destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar’s army recorded in II Kings 25 & II Chronicles 36 until the return of the first caravan of Babylonian captives to Jerusalem under Zerubbabel and Jeshua as recorded in Ezra 1 & 2) The prophets are classified as to whether they prophesied before, during or after this period.

First we notice the order of the prophets according to how they are listed in the Old Testament: Isaiah, Jeremiah/ Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. This is the Biblical order. There are varied opinions as to why they were placed in this order. As already stated, some believe it was because of the length of the writing, while others say it is the importance and significance of the writing. The truth remains that the Bible order is not the order of historical appearance. Most of us have memorized the books of the Bible in the order of how they appear in the Bible. This is good because it helps to find each book quickly, but it is equally important that we understand the historical order in which these prophets came on the scene. Using the three categories: Preexilic, Exilic and Postexilic, we will arrange the prophets in their proper, historical order of appearance.

Preexilic Prophets

Preexilic Prophets include: Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Jeremiah, and Obadiah. These prophets prophesied before the Babylonian Captivity, or before the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. Please note the order in which they prophesied. The order given above from left to right is the order in which these men served. In the Old Testament order, Isaiah appears first, then Jeremiah/ Lamentations, Ezekiel etc., but actually Isaiah is the fifth prophet according to when he prophesied, and Jeremiah is tenth. The order of appearance in the Bible is not the order of appearance in Israel’s history. With this in mind, let’s continue:

Exilic Prophets

Exilic Prophets include Ezekiel and Daniel. These two prophets prophesied during the Babylonian Captivity. Their prophetic writings are placed fourth and fifth in order in the Old Testament, but they actually prophesied after many of the minor prophets (see list above). They would be numbered as thirteenth and fourteenth in order of appearance in Hebrew history. Ezekiel and Daniel ministered to the captives who were away from their temple, promised land and were in slavery to a pagan people. “... there was every opportunity for doubt and futility to seize their minds.” (L. R. Ringenberg)

Postexilic Prophets

Postexilic Prophets include: Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. “When, about the year 536, a Jewish remnant returned from Babylon, they set up the altar of burnt offering and laid the foundation of the temple. Due to circumstances (Ezra 4), the work of rebuilding ceased so that for at least fifteen years, no progress was made. After this long recess Haggai and Zechariah urged the leaders, Zerubbabel and Joshua, as well as the people, to resume the work.” (Hendriksen) “While the book of Malachi is silent as to date, the unanimous opinion is that it belongs to the period of Ezra and Nehemiah (458 - 425 B.C.), and that Malachi was the last of the Old Testament prophets whose writings were recorded in the sacred canon.” (Ringenberg) These last three prophets actually hold the same order in the Old Testament that they held in Hebrew History, after the captivity of Israel.

Division Three: Who? Israel or Judah?

In our study of the Historical Books, we noticed that the Nation of Israel experienced a “split” following the death of Solomon (ca 931 B.C.). Jeroboam, one of Solomon’s officers, led ten of the twelve tribes of Israel to become the “Northern Kingdom” simply referred to as Israel. Rehoboam, the weak son of Solomon, led the remaining tribes of Judah and Benjamin to become the “Southern Kingdom” or Judah. Below is a list of the prophets given in their historical order. The list names the prophet; whether he prophesied to Israel (Northern); Judah (Southern); both kingdoms; or a world power; and the names the king(s) in power during the time his prophecy was given.

Joel prophesied to Judah under Jehoash
Jonah prophesied to Israel under Jehoash
Amos prophesied to Israel under Jeroboam II
Hosea prophesied to Israel under Jeroboam II
Fall of Israel (722 B.C.)
Micah prophesied to Judah under Hezekiah
ISAIAH prophesied to Judah under Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah and Manasseh
Nahum prophesied to Nineveh under the Assyrian Empire
Zephaniah prophesied to Judah under Josiah
Habakkuk prophesied to Judah
JEREMIAH prophesied to Judah under Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim,
Jehoiachin and Zedekiah
Obadiah prophesied to Edom under Zedekiah
Fall of Judah (586 B.C.)
EZEKIEL prophesied to Babylonian Captives
DANIEL prophesied to Babylonian Captives
Return to Jerusalem (536 B.C.)
Haggai prophesied to Returned Remnant
Zechariah prophesied to Returned Remnant
Malachi prophesied to All Israel (Final O. T. Book)

What is a Prophet?

“The appearance of a prophet was always a mark of apostasy and rebellion in Israel. The prophets raised their voices in loud protest against the prevailing idolatry, corruption, and blindness of their times, calling the nation back to God. It is a mistake to think that a prophet’s primary function was to foretell the future. The prophet did that of course, but he was first of all a man with a message from God for his generation, a “forthteller” rather than a “foreteller.” Often the prophets were statesmen with both insight and foresight, clearly seeing the end of the dangerous religious and political experiments of their contemporaries.” (John Phillips)


Classification: Preexilic Date: 739 - 692 B.C.
Prophesied to: Judah
King/ Rulers: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh?

Outline for the Book of Isaiah

I. Isaiah’s Prophecies of Judgment. (Chapters 1 - 39)

A. The Day of the Lord upon the nations of the earth. (1 - 35)
1. The improper standards and evil condition of Israel (1 - 4)
2. Judah’s failure, errors and coming enemies. (5)
3. Isaiah’s call and surrender to service. (6)
4. Judgment through Assyria and blessing through God’s Messiah (7 - 12)
5. Judgment of the various nations (13 - 24)
6. Hymns of praise and trust. (25 -26)
7. The greatness of Jehovah and the vanity of Egypt. (27 -35)

B. The historical transition that took place during Isaiah’s time. (36 - 39)
1. The destruction of Sennacherib marking the end of the Assyrian threat to Judah. (36 - 37)
2. The folly of Hezekiah and the rise of the Babylonian threat to Judah. (38 - 39)

II. Isaiah’s Prophecies of Peace. (Chapters 40 - 66)

A. The greatness of Jehovah in the deliverance from the dominion of sin. (40 - 48)

B. The sacrifice of Jehovah that brings deliverance from the guilt of sin. (49-57)

C. The kingdom of Jehovah that will bring deliverance from the presence of sin. (58-66)
Note: All question numbers marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.


*1. The name “Isaiah” means “_______________________________________.”

2. Isaiah is called “The ___________________ Prophet” because of the concepts contained in the book.

3. Isaiah had ___________ sons.

4. Isaiah exercised the office of prophet for __________________________ years.

5. He was born during the reign of King _______________ and was called to be a prophet in the year that king died.

6. Isaiah saw the northern kingdom of Israel decline and be carried off into captivity by ______________________.

*7. After the fall of Samaria and the captivity of the ten northern tribes, Isaiah headquartered in ___________________________.

8. It is believed that Isaiah lived to be about __________________________ or _____________ years of age, and tradition places his death during the reign of the wicked king ____________________.

The Improper Standards and Evil Condition of Israel (Chapters 1 - 4)

(Chapter 1) After the fall of the Northern Kingdom, Isaiah exposed the ________________________________________ of the people. He declared that __________ is no satisfactory substitute for ______________________________.

(Chapter 2) Isaiah’s message of ____________________ glory assures that the ____________________suffering and captivity will not ______________________________ God’s nation.

(Chapter 3) A prophecy of q coming day when no man will accept the ______________________________ of his people, and the proud ____________________ will be humbled.

*(Chapter 4) The “Branch” that sprouts from the fallen family tree of David is Isaiah’s first mention of the coming ____________________.

Judah’s Failure, Errors and Coming Enemies (Chapter 5)

*A parable of the Vineyard depicts God’s blessing and care for his nation which had become ____________________ and ready to be _________________________.

Isaiah’s Call and Surrender to Service (Chapter 6)

*In the year that Uzziah died, Isaiah received a vision of the ______________________________ of God causing his immediate ____________________, self ______________________________ and _________________________.

Judgment Through Assyria and Blessing Through God’s Messiah (Chapters 7 - 12)

(Chapter 7) The Northern Kingdom (Israel) joined forces with __________ to invade __________ and overthrow King Ahaz.

1. Ahaz got the help of the king of ____________________ to invade Syria and Israel and capture many of their people.

2. Isaiah assured Ahaz that Judah would be __________ giving a prophecy of the future virgin birth of the ____________________.

(Chapters 8-9)

1. The naming of Maher-shalal-hash-baz could be Isaiah’s way of reinforcing his prophecy of the coming ____________________ of Assyria.

2. The future rejection of Christ as the “______________________________” is predicted.

3. Samaria had survived the invasion of Assyria of ________ b.c., but remained __________________________ toward God.

4. Isaiah warns Samaria of God’s judgment of them which would come in ________ b.c.

(Chapter 10)

1. Assyria was used by God to chasten His people, Israel, but they are promised a ____________________.

2. The prophecy of their ____________________ would come later at the hand of God when ____________________ of their men are slain in their sleep.

(Chapters 11-12)

1. The “Branch” which is the ________________________________________.

2. Chapter 12 is a ________________________________________ to be sung by ____________________ Israel in the presence of their Savior and King.

Judgment of the Various Nations
(Chapters 13 - 24)

(Chapters 13-14)

*1. Isaiah spoke of the rise and fall of __________________ a hundred years before it happened.

2. His account of the fall of __________________ is so accurate that Liberals, who deny the power of God, have ___________________________ it was written by Isaiah.

3. Isaiah gives the order of kingdoms in his prophecy: __________________; then __________________; then __________________. see ii kings 25.

*4. In Chapter 14, verses 12-20 __________________ is revealed as the influence behind earthly powers and is used as an example of God’s ___________________________ over all evil.

5. The closing verses of Chapter 14, the fall of __________________ (Palestia) is predicted.

a. The “serpent” represented ____________________________________

b. The “cockatrice” represented __________________.

c. The “fiery flying serpent” represented ___________________________

(Chapters 15-16)

*1. Chapters 15 and 16, attention is turned to the destruction of the ___________________________ who were the descendants of _________ (Gen. 19:37).

2. They were also connected to the House of __________________ through _________, the Moabitess.

(Chapter 17)

1. __________________ was reduced to a “ruinous heap” by Tiglath-pileser of Assyria shortly following this prophecy.

2. This chapter could have a distant future fulfillment when God will judge a ____________________________________ that rises up against His people (Rev. 19:19-21; 20:7-9).

(Chapter 18)

1. The king of __________________ exercised political influence over all of _______________.

2. They are called to come to the defense of __________________ who is threatened by the advancing armies of ___________________________.

(Chapter 19)

1. This Chapter gives an amazing prophecy which began to be fulfilled shortly after ____________________________________.

2. The nation of Egypt was subdued and divided by ___________________________ and began a down-hill decline.

3. Included in the prophecy is a statement that the God of Israel shall be praised in areas of _______________.

(Chapter 20)

*1. Isaiah is commanded to walk “____________________________________” as a sign that Egypt and Ethiopia will be led away as captives.

2. This prediction was fulfilled 12 years later in 701 b.c. at the hands of ____________________________________.

(Chapter 21)

1. The prediction of the fall of Babylon to Media points to its capture by _________________ in 536 b.c.

2. Next, _______________ is promised judgment for their hatred of the people of God.

(Chapter 22)

1. “The valley of vision” refers to __________________.

*2. __________________ was an officer of the House of David who lifted up himself, but would be brought down by God.

*3. __________________ would be elevated to prominence.

*4. Some scholars see these two men as pictures of the ___________________________ who will lift himself up in pride and __________________ who alone has the God given right to reign.

(Chapter 23)

1. _________ was a great commercial seaport center through which much of the products of the ___________________________ passed.

2. The chapter concludes with a prophecy of the coming of the __________________ of Christ when _________ shall bring a gift to Him (Psalm 45:12).

(Chapter 24)

1. Isaiah projects his prophecy beyond his day to the coming judgment upon all of the ____________________________________ of the earth.

2. Most scholars see this to be yet fulfilled during the ___________________________ and events surrounding the second coming of Christ in __________________. (Matt. 24:1-30)

Hymns of Praise and Trust. (Chapters 25 -26)

(Chapter 25)

1. Isaiah’s prophecy of the new heaven and earth is given in the form of a __________________________________ for God’s deliverance from sin and death.

*2. The mountain mentioned in the last part of the chapter is _________, which is _________________________, more specifically Mount _______________.

(Chapter 26)

1. The song of praise continues with a contrast between those who dwell in God’s “strong city’ and those in the “lofty city” of their ______________________________.

2. A further contrast is given in the eternal ______________ of the wicked and the bodily resurrection of _________ for those in the safe “chamber” of Christ.

The Greatness of Jehovah and the Vanity of Egypt. (Chapters 27 -35)

(Chapter 27)

1. Isaiah presented Israel as a vineyard that brought forth “wild grapes” of _____________________ in spite of God’s ____________________________ for it.

*2. As the ____________________________ rejection of Israel resulted in a blessing to the whole earth through the church, the ____________________________ of Israel will also result in a worldwide blessing.

*3. Many scholars believe that “Leviathan,” “serpent,” and “dragon” represent the many powers used and to be used of God to _____________________ His people.

(Chapter 28)

*1. Ephraim refers to the ___________________________________ and especially their capital Samaria.

2. ________________ would invade the land of Israel and siege Samaria for three years and advance south in an attempt to capture Jerusalem.

3. Although God would spare ________________________ for this time, their sin would not go unpunished.

4. In the midst of this prophecy of destruction and captivity, we find a precious promise concerning Christ as the “________________________________”.

(Chapter 29)

*1. The “Ariel” here means “_____________________________” and refers to Jerusalem.

2. God pleaded with his people to render true service and worship to Him, rather than lip service, empty ________________________ and vain ________________________.

3. “Field and Forest to Change places may be a hint of the day when ________________________ would be grafted in with the people of God.

(Chapter 30)

1. Jerusalem sought the aid of ______________during the campaign against Assyria.

2. The prophecy of this chapter would be fulfilled 100 years later when ________________________, would destroy Assyria and ultimately capture Jerusalem.

(Chapter 31) Although Jerusalem will one day surely fall, God is going to protect them against the present ________________ threat.

(Chapter 32)

1. Isaiah continues the thought of deliverance, by projecting out into the future coming of a ________________________and ________________ and the future ________________________ of Messiah.

2. Isaiah speaks of a period of trouble to come before the Reign of the Messiah which many believe is referring to the ________________________________________.

(Chapter 33)

1. Meanwhile, ________________________ army is advancing on Jerusalem, and seems to be unstoppable.

2. Isaiah assures the inhabitants of Jerusalem that they will be ________________________ by the hand of God.

(Chapter 34)

1. A ________________________ judgment is described such as has never taken place in the history of the world.

*2. _____________ is used as a typical specimen of God’s wrath.

(Chapter 35) This is a beautiful song of praise to God for the glorious prospect of the ________________________ and ________________________ of Israel.

The Historical Transition Taking Place
During Isaiah’s Time. (Chapters 36-39)

The Destruction of Sennacherib Marking the End of the
Assyrian Threat to Judah. (Chapters 36 - 37)

(Chapters 36 and 37)

1. ________________________ claimed that he was coming against Jerusalem as an ________________________ of God.

2. Little did he know, but the coming judgment would come through ________________________ one hundred years later.

The Folly of Hezekiah and the Rise of the
Babylonian Threat to Judah. (Chapter 38 - 39)

1. One of the remarkable prophesies of Isaiah is the one concerning ________________________ rise to a world power and their fall.

2. Isaiah predicted this in great detail ________________________ years before it happened.

3. Isaiah rebuked __________________ and predicted the future capture of Jerusalem by __________________.

Isaiah’s Prophecies of Peace (Chapters 40 - 66)

The Greatness of Jehovah in the Deliverance
From the Dominion of Sin. (Chapters 40 - 48)

(Chapter 40)

1. The first part of the chapter speaks of the coming of Christ as a man to perform the work of ________________________.

2. These verses are quoted in __________________ of the Gospels announcing the arrival of Christ.

*3. The voice in the wilderness refers to the proclamation of ______________________________ concerning Jesus Christ.

4. The second half of the chapter identifies Jehovah as the true ______, ____________, ____________and __________________ of all people and things.

(Chapter 41)

1. God gives a challenge to the false gods of the nations to predict the future with ______________________________.

2. The prophet whose prophecy did not come true was considered a false prophet and ________________________.

*3. One amazing prophecy in this Chapter is concerning ________________________ the king of Persia.

*a. He would give permission to the Jews to return to Jerusalem to __________________________________________.

*b. Isaiah predicted this nearly ______ years before it happened.

(Chapters 42-43)

1. In Chapter 42, reveals that the coming Servant, __________________ will be faithful and flawless while __________________ is seen as failing in their service to God.

2. Chapter 43 reveals God’s love and patience with His people in spite of their __________________and ________________________.

(Chapter 44-45)

1. Isaiah denounces the folly of trusting ________________________ gods.

2. True Israel is comprised of those who ______________________________ in God.

3. When Isaiah speaks of “all Israel” being saved, he refers to ________________________.

(Chapter 46-48)

*1. Chapters 46 through 48 are a prophesy of the overthrow of __________________ by ____________ in great detail nearly ______ years before it happened.

2. Babylon’s ______________________________ would be unable to save her.

The Sacrifice of Jehovah that Brings Deliverance
From the Guilt of Sin. (Chapters 49 - 57)

*1. Chapters 49 through 57 are known as the __________________ Section of Isaiah’s Book.

2. All of the prophesies concerning the nations to come are proofs of a more glorious prophecy - __________________________________________.

3. The nation of Israel is NOT the Messiah, but the Messiah did come from the nation of Israel as ____________________________________.

(Chapters 49 and 50)

*1. Chapters 49 and 50 speak of the Servant of Jehovah who is the __________________________________________.

2. Some important things in these chapters are:

*a. The ____________ of Christ; the doctrine of the trinity.

(1) It is impossible to separate __________________ and Christ.

(2) The titles and works are attributed to ________ persons; yet, there is ________________________ God.

*b. The ________________________ of Christ by the Jews.

*c. His being received by the ________________________.

*d. His ________________________ of Israel (Rom. 11:25-31).

(Chapters 51 and 52)

*1. Israel is called upon to remember the ____________________ Covenant.

a. A covenant is a ___________________________________ between two people.

b. God made an ____________________ covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3).

2. God is here assuring Israel that although they will spend time in ____________________, they will be _________________________.

3. Isaiah calls Judah to look up to God’s Divine, ______________________________ integrity.

4. The Lord Jesus Christ is presented in the closing verses of Chapter 52 as one whose “_____________________________________________.”

5. As in the Abrahamic Covenant, we see _______________, from Israel, as the basis for all blessing, judgment and eternal glory.

(Chapter 53) Three things to notice while reading this chapter:

*1. The Suffering _______________ [vv 4-9];

*2. The Satisfied ____________________ [vv 10-12];

*3. The Stubborn_______________ [vv 1-3].

(Chapters 54 and 55)

1. Notice what is promised in Chapter 54:

a. _________________________ in the place of _________________________ (vv 1-3);

b. _______________ with God in the place of ___________________________________ (vv 4-6);

c. _____________________, Divine presence in the place of _______________________ abandonment (vv7-10);

d. ______________________________________ in the place of ______________________________ (vv 11-14);

e. Divine ____________________ against all enemies in the place of __________________________________________________(vv 15-17).

2. In Chapter 55, we find that the promise of the blessings made available through the work of Christ are not ______________________________.

3. Isaiah prophecies of a time of both ____________________ and the ____________________ receiving the message of the Word of God and being blessed.

(Chapters 56 and 57)

*1. Many scholars believe that the ____________________ and ______________________________ are singled out to show the vast expanse of the blessings of the work of Christ the Redeemer.

2. However, Isaiah speaks of a day when all believers will be equal under the _____________________________________________ of the Servant of God.

3. The rulers of Israel were to be ___________________________________ against evil.

4. They failed because of their own selfish ____________________ and _________________________.

5. Beginning in verse 3 of chapter 57, the prophet begins to rebuke and condemn _______________ among those who had ____________________ the truth of God.

6. False gods and human strength shall be dissolved as dust in the wind, but trust in God will bring an _____________________________________________.

7. As ________________________________________ must be removed before the nation of Israel can be blessed, __________ must be removed through the coming Holy One before the world can know true salvation and peace.

The Kingdom of Jehovah that Will Bring Deliverance
From the Presence of Sin. (Chapters 58 - 66)

(Chapters 58-59)

1. The prophet reminds them that outer _______________ such as fasting, Sabbath keeping etc. are not able to ____________________ an evil heart of unbelief.

2. Chapter 59 speaks of Israel’s realization of their sins and turning to their _______________________.

(Chapters 60-62)

*1. Chapters 60 through 62 speak of the ___________________________________ of Christ which is to come upon the earth _______________ the Tribulation Period.

2. There will indeed be a time of “gross darkness” of _________________________ upon the earth.

3. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords will ________________________________________ the nations and ____________________ His Kingdom here on earth.

*4. The One who is anointed by the Spirit in Chapter 61 is ________________________________________.

*5. This is the passage that Christ applied to Himself in the ________________________________________________ (Luke 4:16-32).

6. In these verses are summarized the complete work of Christ in ____________________ of sinners and the future _________________________ of Israel.

7. “Hephzibah” means “________________________________________,” and Beulah means “_________________________.”

8. Israel’s estranged state through sin will be _________________________ through the work of the Savior, and her relationship to God will be _________________________.

9. There is a call given to the faithful to prepare the way for the arrival of the King. This is the time preceding the ______________________________ of Christ when He will come in _______________.

(Chapters 63-64)

1. The first 6 verses in Chapter 63 are speaking of the ________________________ of Christ at the close of the Tribulation Period.

2. The mention of Edom could be referring to the fact that Edom had already been ______________ by God and become an _____________________ of His divine judgment.

3. Next, the prophet breaks out into a ___________________________________ for Israel that continues through Chapter 64.

(Chapters 65-66)

1. The mention of meaningless sacrifice could deal with the apostasy of Israel during the ___________________________________.

2. These sacrifices are meaningless because of _________________________________________________.

3. Whether the Assyrian invasion, Babylonian captivity or Tribulation suffering, the faithful can rest assured in the ___________________________________.


Classification: Pre-exile
Date: 626-586 B.C.
Prophesied to: Judah
King/Ruler(s): Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoikim, Jehoichin, Zedekiah

Outline For The Book Of Jeremiah

Introduction: 1:1-19
A. Jeremiah, the Priest (1:1-3)
B. Jeremiah, the Prophet (1:4-19)

I. Judah Before The Fall Of Jerusalem (2-38)
A. Plea of repentance, during the reigns of Josiah and Jehoiakim (2-20)
B. Prediction of Babylonian Exile (21-29)
C. Preview of the Millennial Kingdom (30-33)
D. Punishment predicted for Jehoiakim and Zedekiah (34-38)

II. Judah After The Fall Of Jerusalem (39-52)
A. Capture and corruption of Jerusalem (39-45)
B. Condemnation of the Nations (46-51)
C. Contemplation of the Judgment (52)
D. Lamentation for the Judgment (Lamentations 1-5)

(Thurman Wisdom)


*1. The name “Jeremiah” means “_____________________” or “__________________________________________.”

*a. He is called “___________________________________”

b. He was born during the reign of the evil king, _____________________.

c. He was probably in his ____________________________ when he surrendered to God and prophesied for about ____ years.

2. Jeremiah cried out to the doomed people of ______________ to turn back to God.

3. When Judah fell captive, ____________________________ of Babylon allowed Jeremiah to remain in Jerusalem for a while before being forced to flee into ___________________.

4. There is no record of his death, but tradition holds that he was ___________________________________.

Summary of Jeremiah
(Chapters 1-20)

Introduction (1:1-19)

Jeremiah the Priest (1:1-3)

1. Jeremiah’s father served in _____________________. Although very young, Jeremiah served with his father as a priest.

2. The key words in Jeremiah are “______________________________________.”

Jeremiah the Prophet (1:4-19)

1. Jeremiah is reminded by God that he had been chosen ___________________________________ to a specific work for God.

2. Jeremiah is also reminded that his authority is in the _____________________.

3. Jeremiah is given two initial visions:

*a. The almond tree tells Jeremiah that the prophesy is going to ____________________________.

*b. The seething pot is the coming invasion of _________________________________________________.

Judah Before The Fall Of Jerusalem (2-38)

Plea of Repentance, During the Reigns of
Josiah and Jehoiakim (Chapters 2-20)

(Chapter 2)

1. God brought Israel into a promised land of blessing, and she used it for _____________________ and ____________________________.

2. In the case of Israel, their idolatry was ________________________________.

(Chapter 3)

1. Judah is called upon to compare herself with the _________________________________________________.

2. The temporary, outward _____________________ Judah had experienced under ______________ was short lived because it had no root in the heart.

(Chapter 4)

1. God’s knowledge of the ___________________________________ of the people of Judah brings the message of a coming invasion, judgment, and desolation.

2. God does not ______________ people, but simply allows them to believe their own _____________________.

(Chapter 5)

1. Judah had denied the warnings of the _______________________________ and harkened unto ___________________________________.

*2. The invasion by Babylon would result in the _____________________ of Judah.

3. As Israel had served foreign _______, they would be carried to a foreign ___________.

4. Dishonesty, materialism and neglect of the needy again cries out to God for ____________________________.

(Chapter 6)

1. The tribe of ____________________________ was united with ______________ to make up the Southern Kingdom.

2. The ten northern tribes had been carried off by ______________ 100 years earlier.

3. Having “uncircumcised ears” would mean that they were not _____________________ with their ______________.

4. People who ______________ hear can ultimately be hardened to the point of where they ______________ hear.

5. They are compared to potentially _____________________ metal that becomes so flawed by _____________________ that it can only be thrown away.

(Chapter 7)

1. Judah elevated the ____________________________ above the God to whom it was dedicated and consecrated.

2. Secondly, they had a _____________________ of salvation.

3. Salvation is not merely _____________________ from judgment but also ____________________________ from the power of sin.

4. Thirdly, they directed their worship toward ______________ and ______________.

5. Finally, they rejected God’s ____________________________ and sought their own “way” and “counsels.”

*6. Tophet and Hinnom were the sites of ____________________________ where the Israelites had burned their children as offerings to _____________________.

(Chapter 8)

1. Jeremiah, realizing that the people were not going to repent, prophesies of the coming ____________________________ of Judah.

2. As Jeremiah prophesied _____________________, the false teachers and prophets proclaimed ____________________________.

3. Jeremiah’s heart is broken over the ____________________________ and the ___________________________________ of his people.

(Chapter 9)

1. God had called Israel to be a nation that was ________________________________________from the heathen nations.

2. They had become just like the “________________________________” heathen peoples of the earth.

3. They were circumcised in ________, but not in ______________.

(Chapter 10)

1. The heathen people worshiped the things ____________________ by God rather than God Himself.

2. The people of Judah had forsaken the ________________________ to worship things ________________.

3. Jeremiah prayed that God’s dealing with Judah would be a ________________________ measure rather than total ________________________________.

(Chapter 11)

1. Israel had ________________________ God’s Word and turned to other gods, yet still, claimed to be ________________________________.

2. When Jeremiah revealed their sinful condition, they sought to ________________________________.

(Chapter 12)

1. Jeremiah fell into the trap of evaluating things from a ________________________________________.

2. The rejection of Israel expressed by the “forsaken house” was part of God’s ________________________ plan for His people.

(Chapter 13)

1. The girdle represents the ________________________________________.

*2. The bottles filled with wine, clashed together and broken, pictures Judah’s drunkenness in ________ and coming ________________________________.

3. God’s knowledge of their pride and unrepentant heart turns the call to ________________ into a promise of ________________________.

(Chapters 14-15)

*1. In Chapters 14 and 15 we notice Jeremiah’s love and ________________________ for his people.

2. God assures Jeremiah that Israel will ________________ his message and ________________ false prophets of their own choosing.

3. Jeremiah is reminded that Israel was not ________________________________ him, but they were rejecting ________.

4. Therefore, ________________, the ________________, ________________ and ________________ was in store for them.

(Chapter 16)

1. Jeremiah was commanded to remain ________________________ without any ________________________ to suffer the upcoming judgment on Judah.

2. Also, Jeremiah is shown by God that the people will present themselves as totally ________________________and ________________________ of any wrong doing.

(Chapter 17)

1. God was not going to tolerate Judah’s ________________________________________________ any longer.

2. Jeremiah stood in the gate of the city and preached a sermon concerning the ________________________.

3. Jeremiah’s call was for Judah to be ________________________ and ________ in the promises and commands of God.

(Chapter 18)

*1. Jeremiah was given an illustration of God’s relationship to Israel at the ________________________________________.

*a. The nation was now ________________ by sin and disobedience.

*b. God, being the ________________________________ master, has the right to do what ever is necessary to ________________________ the vessel.

2. When Jeremiah took the message to the people, they ________________________________ and ________________________________________.

(Chapter 19)

*1. Next, Jeremiah was to get an ________________________________ and go to the Valley of Hinnom with the elders and priests.

*2. After preaching on the sin and idolatry of Judah, he ________________ the bottle in such a way that it could never be ________________________

3. This was a message to this _____________________________ that they would not be rescued when destruction and captivity came upon them.

4. Jeremiah returned from the valley to the ________________________________ to pronounce judgment upon Jerusalem.

(Chapter 20)

*1. ________________________, the chief officer of the temple had Jeremiah smitten and cast into prison.

2. His name meant “________________________,” but would be changed to “Magar-missabib” which means “________________________________________________.”

3. Jeremiah had become the ________________________________ of Jerusalem.

4. As Job, Jeremiah ________________________________________________ in the midst of his sorrows.

5. He does not _______________________________________________ for what is happening to him.

Prediction of the Babylonian Exile
(Chapters 21-29)

1. During Nebuchadnezzar’s invasion in 597 b.c., King _____________________ and _______________ people were taken into captivity.

*2. Nebuchadnezzar placed _____________________ on the throne and changed his name to Zedekiah.

3. Zedekiah’s plotting with surrounding nations was the _____________________ reason for the invasion of Judah and Jerusalem.

4. The _____________________ reason was their sin, idolatry and refusal to repent.

(Chapter 21)

1. God had _____________________ the fall of Jerusalem, and His divinely appointed prophet had ____________________________ it.

*2. Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian army besieged Jerusalem for about _______ months.

3. Jeremiah told Zedekiah’s messengers that God would not deliver Jerusalem because the Babylonians were ___________________________________.

4. Jeremiah advised Zedekiah to _____________________ Jerusalem to Babylon or the people would perish.

(Chapter 22)

*1. Three kings are mentioned as being the objects of prophecy and recipients of judgment as examples to Zedekiah:

*a. _____________________, known as Jehoahaz, was carried away by Pharaoh-Necho into Egypt. (I Chronicles 3:15; II Kings 23:31-34).

*b. _____________________, the wicked and violent king would come to a miserable death and be buried as an “ass.” (II Kings 24:6; II Chron. 36:6).

*c. ______________, known as Jehoiachin, only reigned a few months and was taken to Babylon to die childless.

2. The past prophecies and their fulfillment should have _____________________ Zedekiah that his _____________________ was certain.

(Chapter 23)

1. Even though Jerusalem was going to fall captive to Babylon, God promised that a _______________________________________ would one day return to Jerusalem.

2. This would be fulfilled during the return to Jerusalem under the leadership of __________________________________________.

3. Then a great prophecy concerning the _____________________ is given which reaches out into the future reign of _____________________

4. God rebukes the ____________________________ for claiming the Word of God, while their message was not from God.

5. The false prophets denied the ____________________________ and _____________________ of God and placed “______________” above the Word of God.

(Chapter 24)

1. Those in Jerusalem, who had escaped during the first invasion by Babylon thought they were spared because of their _____________________.

2. Jeremiah had a vision of ____________________________ of figs set before the temple.

*a. ____________________________ were among the good figs were those who had been carried off to Babylon at first.

b. The bad figs are those who stayed in Jerusalem to plot with Egypt against Babylon and be ____________________________ and ____________________________.

(Chapter 25)

*1. The exact duration of the Babylonian captivity would be _______ years.

2. At the end of the 70 years, Babylon would be _________________________________________________.

3. Most Bible scholars believe that this punishment of the nations refers to the gathering and judgment of the nation at the end of the __________________________________________.

4. The basis of this judgment will be their attitude and actions toward ______________.

(Chapter 26)

1. Jeremiah stood at the temple and pronounced God’s message that the temple would be made a ______________ before all nations.

2. The immediate response was to ______________ Jeremiah of ____________________________ the holy temple and the name of Jehovah.

3. Jeremiah was ___________________________________ before the princes at the gate of the temple.

4. The princes and people responded that Jeremiah was “_________________________________” because he had spoke in obedience to God.

5. The elders recalled a similar case when Hezekiah spared the prophet ______________.

(Chapter 27)

1. As Babylon gained power, the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon came to __________________________________________ to join forces against Babylon.

2. Jeremiah’s message to the nations was one of presenting God’s ___________________________________.

3. Jeremiah used the yoke of wooden bars and cords to urge the nations to _____________________ to God’s will and _____________________ the bondage of Babylon.

4. The false prophets tempted the people to believe that ____________________________ and _________________ with the world would overcome Babylon.

(Chapter 28)

1. The confrontation between Jeremiah and ____________________________ is of one truth verses error.

2. Jeremiah prophesied of ___________________________________, and in response, Hananiah took the _______ from Jeremiah’s neck and broke it.

3. Two messages were given to Hananiah:

a. The wooden yoke would be replaced by a ____________________________;

b. Hananiah would be ___________ in less than a year.

(Chapter 29)

1. Jeremiah tells the captives that they would be in captivity for ___________________________________.

2. Two false prophets, Ahab and Zedekiah, had been burned by the king of Babylon because of their ____________________________.

Preview of the Millennial Kingdom
(Chapters 30-33)

(Chapter 30)

1. This chapter deals with a promise of ____________________________ to all of Israel.

2. The “time of Jacob’s trouble” speaks of an ___________________________________ time of trouble and sorrow for Israel which is still _____________________.

(Chapter 31)

1. The basis of God’s dealing with Israel is His “__________________________________________.”

2. Israel will be _____________________ and _____________________ during the Tribulation Period.

3. Israel, the weak and timid _____________________ that has been ruled by the nations, shall rule as a mighty _______.

4. The new covenant will be one of grace based on the ________________________________________ of Christ for the sins of the world.

(Chapter 32)

1. During the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, Zedekiah had Jeremiah shut up in ______________.

2. Hanameel, Jeremiah’s cousin came with the request that Jeremiah purchase his field in ____________________________.

3. This transaction of purchase was the test of what Jeremiah had been ____________________________.

4. The Jewish law of redemption is a beautiful picture of the work of Christ as our ___________________________________.

(Chapter 33)

1. With the city under siege and Jeremiah in prison, the Lord ___________________________________ His people to “call out” unto Him.

2. The “new name” given to Jerusalem is “_________________________________________________.”

3. As the enemy prepared to pounce, Judah trusted in forms and vapors of the ___________ instead of the substance of a _____________________ personal knowledge of God.

Punishment Predicted for Jehoiakim
and Zedekiah (Chapters 34-38)

(Chapter 34)

1. Zedekiah was captured, had his ______________________________ and was taken away to Babylon.

2. __________________ said that Zedekiah would not see Babylon.

3. ________________________ said that Zedekiah would see Nebuchadnezzar “eye to eye.”

4. The failure of the Israelites to obey the “law of __________________” brought the promise of merciless enslavement, pestilence and famine to themselves.

(Chapter 35)

1. The Rechabites were __________________ who were numbered with the children of Israel.

2. When invited into one of the chambers of the temple, they refused to ________________________.

3. They remained faithful to the command of their father, ________________________; while Israel is unfaithful to the commandments of Almighty God.

(Chapter 36)

1. Jeremiah is commanded to ________________________ all that he had spoken of the Lord.

2. __________________ wrote as Jeremiah gave dictation and read the scroll to the people on the day of fasting.

3. As the scroll was read at the new gate, ________________________ had Baruch to read before the princes.

*4. Jehoiakim sent for the scroll, read a few pages and became __________________.

*5. Although warned by ____________________________________________________________, Jehoiakim cut it with a knife and threw it into the fire.

(Chapter 37)

1. Zedekiah’s league with Egypt resulted in a temporary ________________________ of the Babylonians.

2. Jeremiah proclaimed that because of Zedekiah’s rebellion against Babylon, the wounded army would return and ____________________________________.

3. During the temporary time of relief from the Babylonian siege, Jeremiah sought to return to his hometown of ________________________.

4. He was captured and imprisoned in a dungeon in the house of ________________________ the scribe.

(Chapter 38)

1. Because of Jeremiah’s continuance to preach the victory of the Babylonians (Chaldeans), he is again ____________________________________.

*2. Jeremiah was lowered into a deep, horrible ______ to ______.

*3. ______________________________ the Ethiopian was given charge to take thirty men and deliver the prophet.

4. Jeremiah made his final appeal to Zedekiah to ___________________________ rather than experience useless death and destruction.

5. Jeremiah was returned to __________________ where he would remain until the city was captured.

Judah After the Fall of Jerusalem

Capture and Corruption of Jerusalem
(Chapters 39-45)

(Chapter 39)

1. As Jeremiah had predicted, the army of Nebuchadnezzar returned and again ________________________ the city.

*2. Jerusalem, weakened from without and within, finally fell in ________________.

3. Zedekiah’s children were ____________ before his eyes,

a. his eyes were __________________;

b. He was ____________________________________ and carried away to Babylon.

(Chapter 40)

1. Jeremiah was given the choice to go to ________________________ with special treatment or __________________ in the land of Judea.

2. Jeremiah was kept in chains until the captivity reached __________________ where he was ______________________________.

*3. The Babylonians left ________________________ to act as governor over a group of peasants and oversee the gathering of the harvest for their new masters.

4. _______________________ had been commissioned by the king of Ammon to assassinate Gedaliah.

5. ________________________, becoming aware of the plot offered to kill Ishmael but was forbidden by Gedaliah.

(Chapter 41)

1. With the aid of ten men, Ishmael killed Gedaliah and all of the Jews and Chaldeans present at __________________.

2. Ishmael then killed a group of pilgrims who were going to the temple sight to __________________.

3. Ishmael was forced to take the remaining remnant of Jews and flee to __________________.

4. Among these were ____________________________________________.

5. ________________________, having rescued the Jews from Ishmael, decided to go into __________________.

(Chapter 42)

1. Jeremiah was asked to ________________________ for the Jewish remnant with God.

2. After ten days, God told Jeremiah to warn the people not to go down into ____________________.

(Chapter 43)

1. The Jews turned on Jeremiah and Baruch and accused them of seeking to guide them to ________________________.

2. Jeremiah was commanded by God to hide ______________________________ in the clay of the brick kiln at the entry to Pharaoh’s house.

3. This was a prophecy of how __________________ would crumble while the stones remained.

(Chapter 44)

1. The Jews had spread out throughout the cities of Egypt and taken up ________________________

2. They were reminded of God’s past ________________________ and promised ________________________.

3. God’s Word was proven when ____________________________________ was defeated by Amas.

(Chapter 45)

*1. These five verses contain a message to ________________________, the faithful scribe and secretary of Jeremiah.

2. He had been faithful and worked hard, but seems to have been, not only ________________________, but ________________________ by his people.

3. He had no doubt envisioned some __________________ in the present.

Condemnation of the Nations
(Chapters 46-51)

(Chapter 46)

1. Pharaoh Necho had defeated King __________________ of Judah at __________________.

2. Necho placed Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, upon the throne of Judah and reaped ___________________________ from the Jews (II Kings 23:29-35).

3. This prophecy was fulfilled in _________ b.c. when Necho was defeated by the Babylonians at ___________________________ on the Euphrates River in Syria.

(Chapter 47)

1. The ___________________________ were still existing in border towns of Canaan during the days of Jeremiah.

2. The expression “Pharaoh smote Gaza” probably refers to either Pharaoh-__________________ or Pharaoh-__________________.

a. Necho could have assaulted Gaza either on his way to or from the battle at __________________.

b. The smiting of Gaza could have happened during Hophra’s return from his attempt to save Jerusalem from the ___________________________.

(Chapter 48)

1. Two devastating attacks on Moab came by the Assyrian King, ___________________________ and ___________________________.

2. The latter which took place _________ years after the fall of Jerusalem.

*3. The Moabites were closely related to the Hebrews through _________ incestuous relationship with his daughter.

4. After being conquered by the Babylonians, the Moabites ____________________________________as a separate people.

(Chapter 49)

*1. The Ammonites They were the descendants of Ben-ammi, the son of _________

a. The Ammonite civilization began in the 13th century b.c. and lasted until the ___________________________ b.c.

b. With the prediction of judgment and dispersion, Ammon is given a promise of ____________________________________.

*2. The Edomites descended from _________, the elder son of Isaac.

a. During the reign of Ahaz, the Edomites invaded __________________ and took captives and rejoiced when ___________________________ fell.

b. Within 4 years after Jerusalem was burned, Edom was raided and desolated by the ___________________________.

3. Damascus was the ancient capital of _________, and was a well-watered and prosperous __________________.

a. Damascus soon fell victim to the ___________________________ conquest.

b. Their desert dwelling nomadic nature did not exempt them from the conquering wave of ___________________________.

4. About 645, Elam was overrun by _________.

a. _________ the Great of Persia finally incorporated it into his empire.

b. Elamites are mentioned among those present on the ____________________________________.

(Chapters 50-51)

1. The final prophecy of the book is on the doom of __________________.

2. The disaster was to come from the north and would be fulfilled when _________ of Medo Persia would conquer Babylon in _________ b.c. Cyrus was favorable to the Jews and allowed many to return to their own land.

3. Two thoughts which must be brought out:.

a. First, there is the great theme of Israel and their __________________.

b. Secondly, there is the typical importance of the spirit of the Babylonian Empire which will one day be revived and judged by God during the ____________________________________.

4. __________________, the chief chamberlain of Zedekiah, was given the words of this prophecy to read in Babylon.

Contemplation of the Judgment
(Chapter 52)

(Chapter 52)

1. The final Chapter of Jeremiah is an ______________________________________________________ and deals with King Zedekiah, Jerusalem, the Temple and its sacred vessels, and Jehoiachin.

2. The book of Jeremiah should encourage all who stand against opposition to honestly, preach and live the Word of God in the midst of ____________________________________.

3. ____________________________________ showed kindness to Jehoiachin by releasing him form prison.

Lamentation for the Judgment
(Lamentations 1-5)

1. Jeremiah’s inspired style is not primarily a dirge for a fallen city, but the absence of the __________________ and splendor that had made her great.

*2. In short, the Book of Lamentations is the sorrow of a prophet over the fulfillment of what ______________________________________________________.

Summary of Lamentations
(Chapters 1-5)

(Chapter 1)

1. The lamentation of Jeremiah begins with the ___________________________ for the desolation of Jerusalem.

2. The fact was __________________.

*3. The cause was __________________: Jerusalem hath ____________________________________.

(Chapter 2)

1. The ___________________________ of men and nations is fully realized as the prophet proclaims that God’s hand of judgment and wrath against sin had brought destruction to and misery to Jerusalem.

2. A survey of the once great city reveals __________________ heaped over with __________________ which prompts the prophet to cry out to God.

(Chapter 3)

1. This chapter consists of three sections with 22 verses each.

a. The first section is the ___________________________of the prophet.

b. The second group of verses shows that God was merciful in the fact that Israel was not ____________________________________.

c. The final section is a call for __________________ evaluation, acknowledgment and repentance.

2. The closing verses of the chapter reach a wonderful and beautiful height with a praise for God’s work of ___________________________ and ___________________________.

(Chapter 4)

1. This chapter begins with a list of comparisons between the past _________ of Jerusalem and her present ___________________________.

2. At the same time, the people realize the vanity of placing trust in the ____________________________________.

3. The fall of Jerusalem was God’s serious, dealing with His people, and not something to ___________________________ by others.

(Chapter 5)

1. Jeremiah’s lamentation concludes with a ____________________________________.

2. He begins with a somber list of __________________ for the people of God.

3. He prays for the __________________ of his people.