(BC 109) General Epistles

Ten lectures surveying the General Epistles of James, Peter and Jude. The Epistle of James is approached from the standpoint of the believer’s faith in response, respect, communication, and action. The First Epistle of Peter deals with preparing for and responding to inevitable trials and testings. The survey of the Second Epistle of Peter centers around the key word “remember” and studies the promises of God and those who oppose these promises. Jude’s Epistle explores and defines the subject of the coming apostasy which is becoming more evident today.

Introduction To The Course

What are the New Testament General Epistles?
The Bible is divided into two main divisions: the Old Testament (Genesis- Malachi); and the New Testament (Matthew- Revelation). The Old Testament is divided into four parts: The Law or Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy); History (Joshua- Esther); Poetry (Job- Song of Solomon); and Prophecy (Isaiah- Malachi). The New Testament is divided into four parts: The Historical Books (Matthew- Acts); The Epistles of Paul (Romans - Philemon); The General Epistles (Hebrews - Jude); and Prophecy (The Revelation). This is a study of some of the General Epistles. The Book of Hebrews is covered as a two part commentary study and the Epistles of John are studied later. Therefore, in this course, we will be studying the Epistles of James, First and Second Peter, and Jude.

Assignment for lecture One:
1) Copy and print out a set of these notes before Lecture One. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.
2) Read James Chapter One

Notes on the General Epistles

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.

Epistle of James
General Outline

Introduction (1:1)

I. Faith In Response (Chapter 1)
A. Response To Trials (2-11)
B. Response To Temptations (12-18)
C. Response To Truth (19-25)
D. Response With The Tongue (26-27)

II. Faith In Respect (Chapter 2)
A. Not According To Social Status (1-7)
B. According To The Royal Law (8-13)
C. According To The Power Of Faith (14-26)

III. Faith In Communication (Chapter 3)
A. The Evidence Of Self Control (1-3)
B. The Ability Of The Tongue (4-12)
C. The Expression Of The Tongue (13-18)

IV. Faith In Action (Chapters 4-5)
A. God’s Alternatives to:
1. Lust- Prayer (4:1-5)
2. Pride- Humility (4:6-10)
3. Evil Speaking- Silence (4:11-12)
4. Boasting- Glorifying God (4:13-17)
5. Pleasure- Labor For The Lord (5:1-6)
6. Impatience- Patience (5:7-11)
B. Conclusion: Faith in action and the result of faith in action (5:12-20)


I. Faith In Response (Chapter 1)
How we respond to trials, temptation with the tongue reveals the existence and quality of our faith.

II. Faith In Respect (Chapter 2)
True faith puts God and man in their proper place and gives respect accordingly.

III. Faith In Communication (Chapter 3)
One of the most powerful manifestations of faith in God is control of our communication.

IV. Faith In Action (Chapters 4-5)
The believer should surrender himself to godly alternatives with the same fervor he has committed himself to the lusts of the flesh. Both sin and godly conduct are but the outward expressions of how we have yielded to temptations and alternatives.

The Epistle of James

Introduction and Historical Background (1:1)

*1. It is most likely that James, the brother of _________________________________, is the author because of his position and respect in the ______________________ Christian community.

2. James was accepted as the _________________________________ of the Christian community at Jerusalem.

3. It is held by tradition and historians that James was stoned to death by the _________________________________ Jews about a year before the_______________________________ of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

The Epistle of James

I. Faith In Response (Chapter 1)

1. In the first chapter of his epistle, James gives a “_________________________________” to believers.

*2. The three Ts that form the “litmus test” for the Christian are:

*a. ______________________________ which reveal our inward secret desires.

*b. ___________________ which reveal the seriousness of our commitment.

*c. The _________________ tells how we are dealing with trials and temptations.

Response To Trials (1:2-11)

1. _________________________________ is made manifest by patience.

2. Patience is the trust in God’s ______________________ wisdom that enables the Christian to endure _________________________________ hardship.

3. Our requests to God must be in faith and focused on receiving according to His _________________________________.

a. He knows who needs to be ______________________ and who needs to be ______________________.

b. All believers will be ______________________ in glory having only one ______________________- their relationship with God through Christ.

4. James makes it clear that the test is for our ______________________.

Response To Temptations (1:12-18)

1. With the impossibility to ______________________ all temptation, we have a counter promise of the power to ______________________ all temptation and a reward for so doing.

*2. The great inward temptation that comes with outward temptation is to _________________________________ and ______________________ God.

3. God allows us to be tempted that we can evaluate our _______________________________________________________.

4. The devil uses the ___________________ to tempt the ___________________.

5. God knows the danger of ___________ maturing into ___________ to bring _____________.

6. We should trust in God’s ______________________ in allowing trials to ______________________ the areas that lack God- likeness?

Response To Truth (1:19-25)

1. The truth that saves the soul from hell, saves the life from destruction.

2. The same weakness that is ______________________ by the trial has already been ______________________ in the Word.

3. The ___________ acts as the mirror that shows us our dirty face, but _________________ is the water that washes it.

Response With The Tongue (1:26-27)

*1. The tongue has the power to respond in two ways.

*a. It can express _________________________________ by asking for ______________________;

*b. It can burst out in ______________________ and _________________________________.

2. The word religious in verse 26 means “_________________________________.”

3. The word religion in the same verse is a different word meaning “____________________________________________.”

4. Our English word, religion comes from a Latin word which carries the idea of _________________________________.

*5. Pure religion of the heart will form _________________________________ and _________________________________ for the outward life.

6. The Greek word for “visit” means “to look upon or after, to ______________________, to ______________________ with the eyes, in order to help or ______________________, to have a care for, to ______________________ for.”

7. When God looked upon our need, He came down with ______________________ and __________________.

II. Faith In Respect (Chapter 2)

Not According To Social Status (2:1-7)

*1. James points out a common problem in society, and sadly, in local churches as well which is the problem of ________________________________________.

a. The faith of Christ and respect of persons are as diverse as ________________and ________.

b. The very nature of the faith of Christ is too ignore ________________________________________________ and meet the ________________________________________________.

c. Many local assemblies are trying to violate this divine principle in showing partiality toward those who exhibit more ________________________________.

2. He who uses the church to display his glory is in direct ________________________________ with Christ.

According To The Royal Law (2:8-13)

*1. Love for ________ and love for our ________________________ make up the royal law.

*a. These are considered “royal” because they ________________ all other commandments.

b. Respect of persons is sin because it is an outward ________________________________ of an inward ________________________ against the royal law.

2. The royal law can only be fulfilled through the law of _______________________.

a. We must be liberated from ____________ before we can ________________ God, Christ and others.

*b. Under the law of liberty, we will be ________________________ as those who are free to do right .

According To The Power Of Faith (2:14-26)

1. The power of faith is ________________.

2. Faith that does not have the power to evidence itself in the outward life is not ________________ faith.

*3. Substance and evidence are the ________________________________ of faith.

*a. Substance is the ________________________ aspect and describes what faith is within the believer.

*b. Evidence is the visible, ________________________ aspect in the outward life.

c. Substance without evidence and evidence without substance are both ________________________________________.

*4. James uses the examples of ________________________ and ________________ who both evidenced the substance of their faith through works.

a. True, substantial faith will ________________________ itself in the ________________________ life.

b. Those showing respect of persons are evidencing the absence of the ________________________________ in their hearts.

Faith In Communication (Chapter 3)

The Evidence Of Self Control (3:1-3)

1. Those who speak have a great responsibility and will be _________________________ by men for their _____________________ to use this privilege properly.

2. People will _____________________ remarks made in a moment of weakness or emotion long after we _____________________

*3. The control of the tongue is not an ____________________________ accomplishment, but a _____________________ concern.

The Ability Of The Tongue (3:4-12)

1. The tongue has the ability to _____________________ our profession of faith.

2. James shows us that the tongue of a Christian is the ______________ of his spiritual ______________.

3. The power of the tongue is a continuing topic throughout the Word of God.

*(1) The tongue has power to ______________ (Verses 3 -4)

*(2) The tongue has power to ______________ (Verses 5- 8)

*(3) The tongue has power to ______________ (Verses 9 -12)

The Expression Of The Tongue (3:13-18)

1. Meekness means ____________________________.

2. Most of the work of God is done with the ______________, and at the same time, most of the work of the devil is done with the ______________.

3. ______________________ and ____________________________ reveal the fact that envy and strife are in the heart.

4. If the pure wisdom of God is in the heart, _________________________________________________ will proceed out of the mouth.

5. A lashing, spiteful tongue is not sowing the seeds of ___________________________________.

Faith In Action (Chapters 4-5)
God’s Alternatives

God’s Alternative to Lust- Prayer (4:1-5)

1. All strife and envy come from a ___________________________________ in a person’s heart.

*2. ______________ is the alternative to lust.

3. When we desire something to our own _____________________, we become bitter when we are denied that thing.

4. In God’s will, we will ______________ the denial as God’s will and the best thing for us.

5. Those who lust after the world are ___________________________________ the will of God for their lives.

God’s Alternative to Pride- Humility (4:6-10)

*1. Pride ______________ grace, being confident in itself.

2. The only way to gain the victory over the devil is to _________________________ ourselves to God in humility.

*3. Drawing nigh to God is summed up in verses 8 through 10.

*a. Cleanse your hands... PERSONAL ____________________________

*b. Purify your hearts..... . PERSONAL ____________________________

*c. Be afflicted and mourn . . . . PERSONAL ____________________________

4. If we would humble ourselves in the sight of God, rather than trying to exalt ourselves in the sight of _______, we would be _________________ in time of need.

God’s Alternative to Evil Speaking- Silence (4:11-12)

1. God is the only judge, and all of us are under the law and under ____________________________

2. If the law condemns a person, that is ______________, but if we condemn another we are placing ourselves ______________ the law.

3. If folks know to do good and do it not, they __________________________________________.

God’s Alternative to Boasting- Glorifying God (4:13-17)

1. If we ______________ our endeavors glorying God, we will _____________________ to glorify God.

2. Time is wasted when ______________ is _____________________ from your life.

3. Many are on the shelf of ____________________________ because they went after sinful pursuits.

4. If a person lives to the end of glorifying himself, he is living in sin, and even his labor is an ____________________________ unto God.

God’s Alternative to Pleasure- Labor For The Lord (5:1-6)

1. James warns the rich men who have lived their lives in pleasure and wantonness (wastefulness) to consider the ______________ of riches to ______________.

2. He urges them to look ahead to ______________.

God’s Alternative to Impatience- Patience (5:7-11)

*1. Patience is the key to _____________________ God’s alternatives to lust, pride, evil speaking, boasting and pleasure.

2. James uses the example of the ____________________________ who has to wait before he can receive the fruit of his labor.

*3. The word “grudge” in verse 9 means “to ___________________________________”

4. The Old Testament saints patiently ______________ and ______________ their reward.

5. Through patience, Job discovered that the _______ and ______________ of God are more abundant than the ______________ and ______________ of this world.

Conclusion: Faith in Action and the
Result of Faith in Action (5:12-20)

*1. James warns believers to keep their _____________________ before the men and women of the world.

a. Again, James deals with the control of the ______________.

b. We should never seek ______________ against man or _____________________ God as a result of trials and temptations.

2. If we are afflicted, we should react _____________________ in prayer, rather than in _____________________ complaint.

*3. Prayer for the sick is a ____________________________ ministry.

*4. Humility and grace are the ____________________________ of righteousness.

5. The same Spirit who _____________________ us in prayer wrote the Word that _____________________ the will of God for our lives.

6. James uses the example of ______________ (Elias) to illustrate Faith in Action.

7. The word “convert” refers to turning a _________________________________ from his error, back to the will of God and fellowship of the church.

8. Verse 20 of Chapter 5 deals with the result of restoring a _____________________.

a. The word “soul” means the ____________________________ of the body.

b. When sin is allowed to continue or is dealt with in a slanderous, broadcasting fashion, the ______________ of faith and grace is marred before the ____________________________.

First Epistle of Peter
General Outline

Introduction (1:1-2)

I. Preparation For Trials (Chapters 1-2:10)
A. Understanding The Eternal Purpose And Plan Of God (1:3-12)
B. Understanding The Eternal Position Of The Believer (1:13-2:10)
1. Children Of God (1:13-21)
2. Purified In Truth (1:22-2:5)
3. People Of God (2:6-10)

II. Response To Trials (Chapter 2:11-5:11)
A. The Example Of Christ (2:11- 4:19)
1. Christ’s Pattern As A Stranger And Pilgrim In The World (2:11-25)
2. Christ’s Pattern For Wives And Husbands (3:1-7)
3. Christ’s Pattern of Suffering For Righteousness Sake (3:8-22)
4. Christ’s Provision For Overcoming The Flesh (4:1-6)
5. Christ’s Provision For Glorifying God (4:7-11)
6. Christ Glorified Through The Believer’s Suffering (4:12-19)
B. The Exhortation Of Christ (5:1-11)
1. Exhortations Concerning Elders (5:1-7)
2. Exhortations Concerning The Work Of Satan (5:8-9)
3. Exhortations Concerning The Glory Of Christ (5:10-11)

Conclusion (5:12-14)


I. Preparation for Trials (Chapter 1-2:10)
Peter lays the ground work for responding to trials. The foundation and anchor that the believer has is centered in two things: the purpose of God in the world, and the position of the believer in Christ. As we seek to understand and trust the wisdom and sovereignty of God and our security in Christ, we find the faith and grace to respond to trials.

II. Response To Trials (Chapter 2:11-5:14)
Chapter 2 sets forth our responsibility to human and social relationships, which inevitably bring trials to our faith. The example of Christ is used. Chapter 3 deals with the domestic relationship of husbands and wives. Also, personal responsibility to the fellowship of fellow believers is stressed. Again, Christ is the perfect example. Chapter 4 continues the thought of personal responsibility and charity among the brethren. Peter closes Chapter 4 expressing God’s purpose in allowing trials to enter the household of faith. Chapter 5 gives the attitude and relationship of ministers to their congregations, and concludes with a call to sobriety and watchfulness in light of the present work of Satan and the present and future work of Christ.

Introduction and Historical Background (1:1)

1. Simon Peter, along with James and John, was considered as a member of Christ’s____________________________ of disciples.

2. Christ gave him the name of Cephas, which means Peter, or “______________”

3. Peter was a _____________________ man, thus destroying the Romanistic myth that Peter was the first ______________.

4. Peter was a prominent figure in the ____________________________ of the Early Church.

5. Many times Christ had to __________________ Peter for his ____________________________ statements and actions.

6. Peter addresses the letter to Jewish believers who were scattered all over the world by the great ____________________________ that had come upon the church at Jerusalem.

Preparation For Trials (Chapters 1-2:10)

Understanding The Eternal Purpose
And Plan Of God (1:2-12)

1. God chose the nation Israel as His ____________________________ through which He would send _____________________.

2. We find the work of the _____________________ in salvation.

a. God the Father ______________ the plan.

b. The sanctification of God the Spirit _____________________ the plan.

c. The blood of God the Son _____________________ the plan.

*3. Preparation for trials must begin by understanding the ___________________________________ and plan of God.

a. The plan begins with God’s ___________________________________ in verse 3 and ends with the eternal security and glory of the believer in verse 5.

b. Also, we have an eternal ____________________________ which is is summed up as:

(1) Undefiled - ______________________;

(2) Fadeth Not Away - _____________________;

(3) Reserved - _____________________

(4) For You - _____________________

4. Peter gets to his ______________, “The Trial of Your Faith” in verse 6.

*5. Peter uses the word “_____________________” to describe trials.

*6. The Old Testament prophets did not ____________________________ the suffering of Christ.

7. The Holy Spirit has revealed the _____________________ of the sufferings of Christ.

8. Even the angels do not have the ____________________________ understanding and relationship with God that we have through Christ.

Understanding The Eternal Position Of
The Believer (1:13-2:10)

Children Of God (1:13-21)

1. The expression “gird up the loins” means to get ready to ___________________________________.

2. God’s desire of us is _____________________ unto _____________________.

3. The blood of Christ is eternal buys ____________________________ and _____________________ for the believer.

4. Through Christ, we can turn our hope away from temporary, _____________________ things and have the eternal ______________ of righteousness.

Purified In Truth (1:22-2:5)

*1. The truth of the Word of God will be the __________________________________________ in every judgment of God.

2. Through faith in Christ, we enter into a ____________________________ relationship with God and a ____________________________ relationship with all believers.

3. We were purified from the _____________________ of sin through the Word of God.

a. The Word of God is ______________and _____________________.

b. The glory of man is ______________ and _____________________.

4. Peter put forth the principle of choosing the temporary ______________________ and eternal ______________, rather than the temporary human ______________and eternal ____________________________.

5. This destruction applies to the _______ of the unbeliever and the ______________ of the believer.

6. We should choose the Word of God rather than _____________________ pleasure and self glory.

7. We should also choose the Word of God rather than the ______________ desires of our old corrupt nature.

*8. Malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy and evil speakings are all attitudes that ___________________________________ of the believer.

9. The example of a newborn baby is used.

a. When a baby is born, he is _____________________.

b. What he feeds on will ____________________________ his growth and health.

c. We should avoid partaking of the ____________________________ food of the desires of the flesh.

People Of God (2:6-10)

1. Christ is the head cornerstone, and we are the stones that make up the ___________________________________ of God.

*2. The cornerstone determines the _____________________ and _____________________ of the building.

3. The people of God are:

1. A CHOSEN GENERATION (The _____________________)

2. A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (The ____________________________)

3. AN HOLY NATION (The _____________________)

4. A PECULIAR (Particular _____________________) PEOPLE (The _____________________)

5. THE PEOPLE OF GOD (The _____________________)

II. Response To Trials (Chapter 2:11-5:11)

The Example Of Christ (2:11- 4:19)

Christ’s Pattern As A Stranger And Pilgrim
In The World (2:11-25)

1. Peter beseeches us as believers to _____________________ our relationship to this world.

*a. The title “strangers” has to do with the _____________________ view of us.

*b. The expression “pilgrims” represents our view of the ______________.

2. The three key words in verses 11 through 20 are:

a. ABSTAIN- We should abstain from ___________________________________.

b. SUBMIT- We should submit ourselves to the law of the land and those who ____________________________ the civil law.

c. HONOUR- We are to honor _____________________.

(1) The word “honour” means to ______________.

(2) We honor the brotherhood as the _____________________ of God.

(3) We are to fear (_____________________) God for who His is.

(4) We are to honor _____________________ officials for their position of authority.

3. Christ’s time of sojourning here on earth included _____________________.

4. We can be assured that our present sufferings will result in our _____________________ and be to the ______________ of God.

Christ’s Pattern For Wives And Husbands (3:1-7)

1. Christ is the head of the _____________________, as the husband is the head of
the ______________.

2. The Church is the ______________ of Christ, as the wife is the ______________ of the

3. Peter begins by exhorting wives to be in subjection to _____________________.

4. An _____________________ wife could win her lost husband to the Lord.

5. The words “adorning” and “adorned” mean “to arrange or put in ______________.”

6. Women who obey their own husbands will be safe without amazement (______________) in God’s sight.

7. A husband is also to honor his wife, as the ____________________________.

*8. The expression “as being heirs together of the grace of life” is speaking of God’s sanction on ____________________________ through marriage.

9. The devil will seek to destroy any marriage because he realizes that the husband-wife relationship is a picture of the ____________________________ relationship.

Pattern of Suffering For Righteousness Sake (3:8-22)

1. Verses 8 through 12 warn us that this suffering should be for ____________________________ sake and not for _______.

2. If we show grace and love unto others and eschew evil, we will have:

a. Blessings through _____________________ and _____________________ (Vs. 8,9)

b. Life and good days through control of the ______________ (V. 10)

c. Peace and answered ______________ through eschewing evil (Vs. 11,12)

3. We should be happy that we are _____________________ with Christ in righteousness.

4. If we suffer for ____________________________ sake, it will be for our ______________ glory and the glory of Christ.

*5. The baptism that saves us is a _____________________ baptism and not a ______________ baptism.

*6. The souls in prison are the lost souls in hell, who were preached to by the Spirit through ______________ during the preparing of the ark.

a. Those who refused to enter the ark, refused ______________.

b. When the people of the Old Testament rejected the _____________________ provision that pointed to the _____________________ provision; they rejected Christ.

7. Suffering for righteousness sake in the will of God will result in ____________________________.

a. Those who persecute and humiliate us will one day see our glory and be __________________.

b. Those who through the ages have rejected the message of God’s salvation in Christ will behold the ______________ side of Christ’s glory.

Christ’s Provision For Overcoming The Flesh (4:1-6)

*1. The suffering of Christ as the believer's example is the ________________________ thought in this epistle.

2. The expression “he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin” does not mean that physical suffering ____________ us from sin.

a. It means when we ____________ the lusts of the flesh, we __________________ sin.

b. When the lusts of the flesh suffer _________, we gain ___________________________.

*3. In these first six verses of Chapter 4, Peter shows the __________________ between the will of God and the will of the flesh.

a. The will of God is __________________, BUT the will of the flesh is __________________ (v1)

b. The will of God is Temporary __________________, BUT the will of the flesh is Temporary ___________________________ (v2)

c. The will of God is Self ___________________________ BUT the will of the flesh is Self ___________________________ (v3)

d. The will of God is ___________________________ from the World, BUT the will of the flesh is _________ with the World (v4)

e. The will of God is Preparation for the ___________________________, BUT the will of the flesh is to __________________ Preparation (vs5,6)

Christ’s Provision For Glorifying God (4:7-11)

1. Verse 7 reminds us of the nearness of the __________________ of the Lord. Therefore, we should:

a. judge things with __________________ and pray as we wait for the Lord to come.

b. __________________ ourselves to love fellow-believers, especially in the local assembly.

c. avoid __________________ and show kindness to ___________________________.

2. We should minister according to the ___________________________ given to us.

Christ Glorified Through The Believer’s Suffering (4:12-19)

1. When a trial comes into our life, we are to __________________.

2. The world ___________________________ the body of Christ and ___________________________ His name; yet, we suffer and glorify His name.

*3. The judgment of the house of God fits into the context of the __________________ of the believer.

*a. The judgment mentioned in our text is the judgment of __________________.

b. God allows trials to come into our lives in order to __________________ our faith.

4. The unbeliever will suffer the ___________________________ of God in hell and the lake of fire.

5. Believers should receive our __________________ suffering as God’s _________ for our good.

The Exhortation Of Christ (5:1-11)

Exhortations Concerning Elders (5:1-7)

*1. The term “elders” refers to the __________________ leadership of the local church which are the __________________ and __________________.

*2. The word “witness” here is the same word from which we get our English word “__________________,” which means “to avow until __________________.”

3. Peter’s confidence lies in the __________________ of Christ instead of his own __________________.

4. The elders are to:

a. _________ and _________ the flock,

b. not merely to claim an office or position, but to __________________ and __________________ it.

c. not to be in the ministry for the __________________.

e. be a __________________ as well as a leader.

5. There will be an eternal ___________________________ awarded to the faith minister.

6. A young minister who learns to submit himself to those who are more mature and learned, will ____________________________________ himself.

Exhortations Concerning The Work Of Satan (5:8-9)

1. Peter warns us that the devil is ready to __________________ or __________________.

2. When we are __________________ to be tempted by the devil, it is never beyond that which we can __________________ (I Cor. 10:13).

a. The devil cannot devour our _________, if we are saved.

b. He can devour our __________________,the _________ of our lost loved ones, and our ___________________________ before the world.

3. If it were not for the grace of God, we would fall under the same ___________________________ and ___________________________ as the people of the world.

Exhortations Concerning The Glory Of Christ (5:10-11)

1. A life that glorifies Christ will be a __________________ life in the eyes of God and true believers.

2. The shortest phase of our eternal existence is spent in these ____________________________________, but the glory beyond this life is eternal.

Conclusion (5:12-14)

1. The purpose of the letter is summed up in two words: "__________________" and "__________________."

2. The "kiss of charity" was a ___________________________ in the Eastern culture.

3. Peter speaks of a __________________ peace that comes only in Christ, without which no ___________________________ peace is possible.

Second Epistle of Peter
General Outline

Introduction (1:1-2)

I. Remembrance Concerning God’s Promises (1:3-12)
A. Precious Promises (3-12)
1. The Promise of Divine Nature (3-4)
2. The Development of Divine Nature (5-12)
B. A Personal Promise (13-14)
C. Prominent Promises (15-21)
1. The Authenticity of Promise (15-18)
2. The Availability of Promise (19-21)

II. Remembrance Concerning False Prophets (2:1-22)
A. Warning of False Prophets (1-3a)
B. Judgment of False Prophets (3b-9)
C. Characteristics of False Prophets (10-22)

III. Remembrance Concerning The Last Days (3:1-18)
A. The Lord’s Coming Rejected (1-7)
1. Scoffer’s Argument Proclaimed (1-4)
2. Scoffer’s Argument Illustrated (5-7)
B. The Lord’s Coming Remembered (8-18)
1. The New Heaven and Earth (8-13)
2. The Challenge of Remembrance (14-18)


I. Remembrance Concerning God’s Promises (1:3-12)
The promises of God are prominently available to all believers, and should be claimed by faith. Peter is faithful to remind those believers to whom he ministered that the inspired written Word of God is just as sure as the spoken words of the apostles.

II. Remembrance Concerning False Prophets (2:1-22)
Peter reminds the readers of the existence and sure opposition of false prophets. He also reminds them that God’s judgment is sure on those who oppose and pervert the Gospel of Christ. He teaches them how to distinguish false prophets through the means of various illustrations.

III. Remembrance Concerning The Last Days (3:1-18)
Peter begins by calling to remembrance the fact that scoffers, as they always have, will reject the idea of the Lord’s return in judgment. They base their unbelief on the pattern of the things of this world. The consistency of nature should cause them to believe, but instead becomes an excuse for unbelief. On the other hand, we who believe should lay hold of the promise of the Lord’s return and live according to His righteous principles. We base our belief on the promise of a new earth.

Introduction (1:1-2)

1. Peter introduces himself as “a __________________ and an __________________ of Jesus Christ.”

a. The position of an apostle was one of __________________.

b. Peter first acknowledges the authority of __________________. He writes to those who have obtained like precious faith.

2. “The faith” speaks of the entire _________ and __________________ of Christ in this age.

3. “Faith,” is the ___________________________ belief in the promise of God.

*4. The central theme for II Peter is “___________________________.”

I. Remembrance Concerning God’s Promises (1:3-21)

Precious Promises (1:3-12)

The Promise of Divine Nature (1:3-4)

1. God’s nature is imputed to the believer through ___________________________ and the ___________________________ of the Holy Spirit.

2. Our natural condition was that of a _______________________________ nature.

3. The believer is urged to claim the more ___________________________ of the divine nature.

The Development of Divine Nature (1:5-12)

1. Next, we discover the pattern for developing the divine nature in our outward lives.

a. Faith - Faith in Christ is the ___________________________ on which all of the following building blocks are laid:

b. Virtue- Moral __________________.

c. Knowledge- Understanding through ___________________________.

d. Temperance- ___________________________.

e. Patience- __________________.

f. Godliness- ___________________________.

g. Brotherly Kindness- “Philadelphia” - love for the __________________.

h. Charity- A love that and _________ and __________________.

2. We must remember that Peter is dealing with developing godliness in our __________________ lives before the world.

3. Salvation is confirmed in the fact that God _________ that we are saved.

4. The Christian life is confirmed only to the degree that the believer realizes that God has saved him and given him a spiritual ___________________________.

5. The abundant entrance, spoken of here, gives the idea of a victorious __________________ or __________________receiving a celebration as he returns home.

6. The ___________________________ Christian will not have the rewards that he could have obtained through allowing the divine nature to rule his life.

A Personal Promise (1:13-14)

1. Christ had revealed to Peter that Peter’s ________________ was soon.

2. Peter exhibits the attitude of __________________ for the cause of Christ and the __________________ of fellow believers.

Prominent Promises (1:15-21)

The Authenticity of Promise (1:15-18)

1. The idea of prominence shows that something is _________ for all to _________.

2. Peter explains that he was an __________________ of Christ’s majesty and glory.

The Availability of Promise (1:19-21)

*1. Peter proclaims that the ___________________________is a more sure word of prophesy than the cunningly devised fables of man.

2. The day star appeared just before _________ and announced the end of __________________.

3. Peter uses the doctrine of __________________ to prove that these promises are there for all believers.

a. The expression “no prophesy of the Scripture is of any private interpretations” means that the Word of God is not the work of __________________.

b. The word “for” in verse 21 introduces the fact that the men who wrote the Word of God were not relating ___________________________.

c. The same Spirit that _________ men to write the Word of Promise is living in the heart of every believer enabling him to __________________ God’s promises.

II. Remembrance Concerning False Prophets (2:1-22)

*1. False prophets fall in two categories:

*a. selfish __________________

*b. selfless __________________

2. As we serve Christ, we should never forget that Satan has his __________________.

Warning of False Prophets (2:1-3a)

1. Through damnable __________________, false prophets deny the Lord.

*a. The word “heresy” means “__________________.”

b. The personal faith relationship of each individual with the work of Christ on Calvary is the division between __________________ and __________________.

*2. How can I know whether I am dealing with a false prophet or not?

*a. First, they deny the _________ of Christ.

*b. Secondly, they deny the __________________ of Christ.

3. Pernicious ways are ___________________________ ways.

4. Through feigned (fabricated) words, they make ___________________________ of God’s people.

5. Success oriented false teachers seek to persuade people simply for the purpose of having a ___________________________.

Judgment of False Prophets (2:3b-9)

1. God is consistent in__________________ sin.

2. The ___________________________ was judged by God in the flood, while Noah and his family were spared.

3. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed and _________ was delivered.

4. God is __________________ in judgment, and He will judge these false prophets in His own time.

Characteristics of False Prophets (2:10-22)

1. The first characteristic of false prophets is __________________.

2. The second characteristic of false prophets is __________________.

a. They beguile (___________________________) unstable souls.

b. The expression “clean escaped” means “__________________ for a while” or “gone a little __________________ from.”

3. Also, there is ___________________________ involved. They desire more and more.

a. Balaam was under the control of _________.

*b. Balaam’s council was that ___________________________ would bring destruction on the children of Israel, rather than an open opposition.

*4. The word “corruption” means “to bring something or someone into a ____________________________________.”

5. The word for “knowledge,” in verse 20, means ___________________________ or _________ knowledge.

a A mere mental ___________________________ will wear off and they will return to their _________.

b. They temporarily escaped the __________________ of the world, but never truly escaped the __________________ of sin.

III. Remembrance Concerning The Last Days (3:1-18)

The Lord’s Coming Rejected (3:1-7)

Scoffer’s Argument Proclaimed (3:1-4)

*1. Scoffer’s are confident that the things of the earth are __________________ and _________.

2. Peter is urging believers, to patiently trust the promise of Christ’s return, regardless of the __________________ of the world.

Scoffer’s Argument Illustrated (3:5-7)

1. Next, we discover that these scoffers will fall under __________________.

2. Scoffers __________________ Noah’s warning of judgment until the flood came and destroyed them.

3. They should have recognized the ___________________________ and ___________________________ of nature as a __________________ of the power and promise of God.

The Lord’s Coming Remembered (3:8-18)

The New Heaven and Earth (3:8-13)

1. The heavens and earth are ____________________________________ by the power of God until the time of judgment.

2. What men may consider __________________ on God’s part God’s ___________________________ in giving them opportunity to repent and be saved.

3. The Day of the Lord is a _______________ of time, rather than just one _______________.

*a. The Day of the Lord is the time of ___________________________.

*b. The destruction by a fervent heat could mean:

*(1) __________________ Destruction

*(2) ___________________________ Purging

4. Righteousness cannot be ___________________________ and will ___________________________ on into the new heavens and new earth.

The Challenge of Remembrance (3:14-18)

1. Peter challenges the believer to remember the _________________ of the Lord.

2. We have the longsuffering of Christ in __________________, but our selfish works will be __________________.

3. Peter reminds us of the writings of Paul.

a. Verse 16 proclaims that the writings of Paul are _________ to the other Scriptures.

b. God used the Apostle Paul to _________ many things pertaining to the Second Coming of Christ and the end times.

c. These writings of Paul were already in ___________________________ and ___________________________ to be the Word of God in Peter's day.

4. Peter closes the letter with a warning to believers to avoid being “side tracked” by the ___________________________ of the world and fall from their steadfastness.

a. Because we are eternally saved, we should never think that we are exempt from ___________________________ heartaches, sorrows and defeats.

b. __________________ is what we need because of our inability to please God in ourselves.

First Epistle of Jude
General Outline

Introduction: (vv1-2)

I. The Proclamation of Apostasy (vv3-4)
A. The Proclamation of the Gospel Demands the Preservation of the Gospel (v3)
B. The Proclamation of Apostasy Demands the Identification of Apostasy (v4)

II. The Progression of Apostasy (vv5-7)
A. Begins With Unbelief (Example of Israel) (v5)
B. Progresses With Rebellion (Example of Angels) (v6)
C. Ends in Depravity and Judgment (Examples of Sodom and Gomorrah) (v7)

III. The Description of Apostasy (vv8-13)
A. Despise Dominion (vv8-10a)
B. Digress Through Baser Natural Instincts (vv10b-13)

IV. The Destiny of Apostasy (vv14-15)
A. Their Judgment Announced (v14)
B. Their Judgment Sure (v15)

V. The Identification of and the Alternative to Apostasy (vv16-23)
A. Identification (vv16-19)
B. Alternative (vv20-23)

Conclusion/ Doxology (vv24-25)


Introduction (1-2)

1. The author of this epistle is Jude, the brother of ________________.

a. The name of Jude is synonymous with the name ________________.

b. The author of this letter is the ________________________of our Lord.

2. Three words set forth three characteristics of the Christian life.

a. Sanctification means literally “________________________ unto God.”

b. Preserved means “continuous preservation as a ________________________ from beginning to end.”

c. The Greek word for called means literally “________________.”

Division One: The Proclamation Of Apostasy (Verses 3-4)

1. The expression “common salvation ” shows:

a. There is only ________________________ to be saved.

b. The word “common” means “______________________ having the ___________.”

c. The Gospel has not ______________________.

2. The faith mentioned here refers to the entire realm of _________________________________ truth.

3. The word “contend” means to “___________ or engage in _________________.”

4. Lasciviousness is a lack of ___________, ___________, and ___________.

*a. Turning away from the truth is what we call “______________________.

*b. Those who turn away or pervert the truth are called “______________________.”

5. The expression “ordained to this condemnation” means that God ordained their ______________________ for their ______________________actions.

Division Two: The Progression Of Apostasy (Verses 5-7)

1. The first step of apostasy is ______________________

a. Israel forgot the ______________________ and ______________________ of God and refused to enter His promised land.

b. Through unbelief they refused the ______________________ of God.

2. The next step of apostasy is illustrated by the fallen angels and their ______________________.

3. The third stage in the progression of apostasy is ______________________.

4. The words destroyed, judgment, and suffering describe the horrible _________________________________ of the apostates.

Division Three: The Description Of Apostasy (Verses 8-13)

1. The word for “dreamers” means “those _______________________________ in their sleep.”

2. The flesh only knows two things: ______________________ and ___________.

a. The only way to overcome the flesh is by the ______________________.

b. The natural man will naturally “defile the flesh” (______________________) and “despise dominion” (___________).

3. Jude tells us here that Michael the Archangel ______________________ the power of Satan.

4. Not only do apostates despise dominion, but they also live according to their _________________________________ instincts.

5. The three examples of the corruption of the flesh:

*a. Cain and Israel as examples of ______________________.

*b. Balaam and the Fallen Angels as examples of ______________________.

*c. Korah (Core) and Sodom and Gomorrah as examples of _________________________________.

6. Illustrations of the digression of apostasy:

a. Spots in your feasts of charity - Their mode of operation is _________________________________.

b. Clouds without water - They have the appearance of being religious, yet their religion is _________________________________.

c. Trees without fruit - Cursed as the fig tree that bore ______________________.

Raging Waves - ______________________ and ______________________.

Wandering Stars - Outside of God’s _________________________________.

Division Four: The Destiny Of Apostasy (Verses 14-15)

1. The judgment of God on those who live in unbelief, rebellion, and depravity will be ______________________.

2. Christ will return to the earth ___________ the Tribulation Period with His saints and ______________________ the apostasy of Anti-christ.

3. At the Great White Throne, Christ will judge the ___________of the ages.

4. All ______________________ will be eternally judged.

Division Five: The Identification Of And The Alternative To Apostasy (Verses 16-23)

1. The first identification of an apostate is that he uses his _________________________________ to draw men to __________________.

2. The separation in verse 19 is not speaking of separation from ___________.

3. The alternative to apostasy is summed it as:

a. ___________ in the faith,

b. ___________ in the Spirit,

c. ___________ in truth.

Evangelism extends into the ______________________ and ______________________ of the new convert.

Conclusion and Doxology (Verses 24 and 25)

1. This is a ______________________- a joyful praise unto God.

2. The message of Christ is the __________________ against apostasy.

3. Apostasy gives glory and dominion to ___________, while truth gives eternal glory and dominion to ___________.