(BC 105) Revelation (Unit 1)

A verse by verse study of the Book of Revelation focusing on the six series of sevens presented in the writing. This is a comparative study including the interpretations of many Bible believing authors and teachers. In this first unit, there will be ten lectures on the first series of seven, The Seven Churches. The Seven Churches will be examined from the historical, the dispensational, and the practical standpoints.

Student Handout Lecture Notes

Assignment for Lecture One:
1) Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.
2) Read Introduction material.
3) Read: Revelation Chapter 1


Chapter One

Verse 1

1. Avoid using the ______________ term ___________________________ when referring to the Revelation.

2. The Book of Revelation is the ________________________________________________ and ________________________________________ of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

3. The expression "which God gave unto him" is not denying the doctrine of the ________________________ or the ________________________________________________ of Christ.

a. Most scholars believe that this statement is evidence for the ________________________ theory.

b. Others hold that the statement is simply a reference to the entire __________________________________________________________________ delivered into the hands of Christ.

*3. We must discard the idea that the Revelation is a ___________________ book.

a. However, the book is addressed to ________________________of Christ.

b. The Revelation is open to all who are ________________ and _______________________________ to service.

4. The phase "shortly come to pass" reveals the ________________________________ nature of the book.

5. The Revelation is a result of God's desire to ________________________________ His servants.

*6. The word "angel" simply means "a ________________________________________."

Verse 2

1. Verse 2 gives the complete scope of _______________________________________________________.

*a. The "Word of God" signifies the ________________________ aspect of the Bible.

1) Emphasizes _____________________.

*2) This aspect has to to with the ________________.

*b. The "testimony of Christ" refers to the _______________________________ aspect of the Bible.

1) Emphasizes the ________________.

*2) This aspect has to to with the ________________________.

*c. The "things that he saw" refers to the ________________________________ aspect of the Bible.

1) Emphasizes the _____________________________________________.

*2) This aspect has to to with the ________________.

2. That which is seen must must always be put to the test of that which is ___________________________________________.

Verse 3

*1. The promised blessing in verse 3 is very ____________________.

*2. This blessing is promised to those who have a

*a. _______________________________________ attitude;
*b. _____________________________________ heart;

3. The word "keep" emphasizes ________________________________________________.

a. The warning of James 4:17 is to ___________ these things.

b. The defining of the "good ground" in the parable of the sower:

(1) Matt. 13:23 He that ________________________________________

(2) Mark 4:20 They that hear and ________________________________

(3) Luke 8:15 They having heard the word, ________________

4. The Book of Revelation is a __________________________ book, both historically and prophetically.

5. Our trust in the message of the Revelation is based on the biblical __________ of prophetic accuracy.

a. Deut. 18:18-22 establishes the principle of _______________________________ prophetic proof.

b. The example of Christ is seen when He ________________________________ and _______________________________________________.

Verses 4-5

*1. The human author of the Revelation is John the _________________________________.

2. Historically, these seven churches actually existed in _________________.

3. Verses 4 and 5 strongly present the ______________________________.

a. "he which is, was, and is to come" presents God the __________________ (Ex 3:13-14).

*b. "the Seven Spirits" presents the Holy Spirit in all His ________________.

(1) There is no ____________________________ with Eph. 4:3-4.

(2) Isa. 11:2-4 gives the seven _________________________ of the Holy Spirit.

(3) This fullness of the Spirit dwelt in ________________________. (John 3:34; Col.2:9)

c. Jesus Christ is God the ____________.

*(1) "Faithful witness" presents His perfect _________________________________________ of God. (John 1:14-18; John 14:8-9; Heb. 1:1-3).

*(2) "first begotten from the dead" presents His perfect __________________________________________________________________ (Rom. 4:25).

*(3) "prince of the kings of the earth" presents His __________________________________ authority (Col. 1:18; Heb. 1:2; Phil. 2:9-11).

(a) The "prince" is the next to ________________________.

(b) __________________ will be dethroned and Christ will rule the kings of the earth (Rev. 11:15).

*(4) "him that loved us" presents the purity of His ________________________. (Rom. 5:8-10)

*(5) "washed us from our sins in His own blood" presents His perfect work of ____________________________________ (I Pet. 1:18-19; I John: 1:7-9).

Verse 6

1. First, we notice the work of the Trinity on the life of the ______________________________.

*a. "made us kings" emphasizes the believer's ____________________________________ and ______________________________ . (I Cor. 6:2-3; Rev. 20:4-6)

*b. "and priests" emphasizes the believer's _________________________________________________ to God. (I Tim. 2:5; Heb. 4:14-16)

Verse 7

1. Verse 7 speaks of the work of the Trinity on the life of the _____________________________ (Rom. 1:18).

*2. Christ's coming in glory will be preceded by His coming in ___________________________ (Rev. 19-20).

Verse 8

1. The first utterance of Christ is concerning:

a. The ______________________________ of Christ.

b. The __________________________________________ of Christ.

c. The ______________________________ of the Revelation.

d. The __________________________________________ of the Revealer.

2. Thus, establishing the ______________________________ of the Revelation Epistle.

The Glory of Christ
(Revelation 1:9-19)

Verse 9

*1. As John is writing this letter, Christians were undergoing great persecution at the hands of the evil Roman Emperor, ________________________________.

2. John had been banished to the Isle of Patmos, a small, desolate, uninhabited island off the coast of ________________________________________.

3. Patmos could have been a discouraging experience for John, but through faith in Christ, it resulted in a ________________________________ for John and us.

Verse 10

1. Although John is alone, he was still prompted by ________________________________ to set aside time for ___________________.

2. The Lord's day is ________________________, the day of His ________________________________.

3. The expression "heard behind me" is according to the principle of ___________________ preceding _______________. (John 3:1-5; I Pet. 1:23; Rom. 10:17)

4. This is very important in establishing the fact that this a continuance of the revelation that is written, and not some new vision outside the established ________________________________________ and ________________________________ of the Bible.

Verse 11

1. John had known Christ as He pertained to time as a ________________________________________. Now, he will see His relationship to ________________________________ as the glorified Son of God.

2. These seven churches were ________________________ churches in John’s day.

3. This verifies that the plan of God for this age is to be carried out under the
________________________________________________ of the local church.

Verse 12

1. These lamps were made from pure gold and mounted on a seven branched stand like the one in the Old Testament __________________________________ and __________________________.

2. The golden candlesticks in the Old Testament represented Christ who is the perfect (number 7), pure and divine (gold) ________________________________________________________.

Verse 13

1. Here in the post-incarnation and glorification of Christ the seven golden candlesticks are ________________________________ from Him.

2. As a hint to the identity of these seven candlesticks, remember that Jesus said that His believers were the ______________ of the world in this present age.

3. The appearance of Christ is different from the humble Nazarene that John had walked with some ______________ years earlier.

*a. Here, He is seen as the Christ, the one anointed to fulfill and fill the _______________________________ of prophet, priest and king.

b. Here, we see the “Son of Man” in all the honor and glory of the ______________________________.

c. The garment represents _______________________________, and the girdle represents ________________________________________ to work and judge.

Verse 14

1. John had invisioned the glorified Christ at the _______________________________, (Matthew 17:1-2; Mark 9:2-3);

2. The purity and radiant glory of the glorified Christ are now ________________________ present.

Verse 15

*1. Fire and brass both symbolize _______________________ in the Word of God.

2. The sound of many waters could carry both a ____________________________ or __________________________ sound depending on where you are standing.

Verse 16

1. We will be told what these seven stars represent in verse 20; but the sharp twoedged sword: speaks of the ___________________________ in its power. (Hebrews 4:12; Rom. 2:16).

2. When Christ comes in judgment, those who have rejected Him will find that the one who had pleaded with them to “come unto me” will be ______________________________ in the brightness of His glory and vengeance.

Verse 17

1. John had walked with Christ for three years and had become one of the closest disciples to Christ; yet, he still ________________________ Him.

2. John recognized the hand of Christ because it had been laid on him under similar circumstances at the _________________________________ (Matt. 17:1-7).

Verse 18

1. The right hand speaks of power, especially the power of ___________________. At the transfiguration, the hand of Christ comforted the frightened disciples. Here, John is comforted by the authority of the ____________________________. (John 2:18-22).

2. John had heard Jesus say this and witnessed Christ’s resurrection and ascension; but now, he was taken to a new level of ________________________.

3. Christ reminds John that He was resurrected and is the _____________________________.

4. Christ arose victorious and possesses the keys of hell and death. A key has a two-fold purpose:

a. The ________________________________ is locked in through rejection of Christ.

b. The ___________________________ is locked out by the grace of God in Christ.

Verse 19

John is commanded to write three things: (1) the things which thou hast seen; (2) the things which are; (3) the things which shall be hereafter. These three make up the outline for the Book of Revelation.

*1. In Chapter ________ John has written the things he has seen.

*2. Chapters ________________________ give the things which are.

*3. Chapters ________________________________________cover the things which shall be hereafter.

The Mystery of the Seven Churches
(Revelation 1:20)

1. The seven stars and the seven candlesticks are defined by Christ as a __________________ mystery.

2. When referring to a body of believers the word church means an ______________________ or _________________________ group of people which represents and honors Christ.

3. Possibilities as to how Christ grouped these assemblies:

a. _______________________________ simply dealing with location.

b. _______________________________ dealing with time periods.

c. _______________________________ dealing with problems and circumstances common to all assemblies?

Views Concerning The Seven Churches

The three commonly accepted views of these churches are:

*1. These churches represent only the ________________________ churches of John’s day. (Historical)

*2. These churches represent different kinds of churches with different kinds of _______________________ and ____________________________ at any time during the Church Age. (Practical)

*3. The third view holds that each of these seven churches represents a particular _______________________________________ during the Church Age. (Dispensational)

*a. We will refer to this view as the “________________________________.”

b. According to this view:

(1) Ephesus describes the early ________________________________ church (30-90 AD);

(2) Smyrna, the ________________________________ church (90-300 AD);

(3) Pergamos, the founding of the “________________________ church” (300-590 AD);

(4) Thyatira, the ________________________________________ (590-1500 AD);

(5) Sardis, the Protestant ________________________________ (1500-1750 AD);

(6) Philadelphia, the “________________________________” church (1750-1930 AD);

(7) Laodicea, the present ________________________________ church.

4. None of these views are ________________________.

The Seven Stars/ Angels

*1. To those who view the churches as referring only to the actual churches of John’s day, the seven stars would simply represent the __________________ of each church.

*2. To those who view the churches as referring to church characteristics, the stars would also represent the ___________________, or even, the _________________________________ of any church.

*3. According to the “period theory,” the seven stars are the seven messengers and guardians of the seven churches which are seven groups of people who faithfully ____________________________________________ during each period of time.

a. The seven candles represent the churches giving _____________ in the face of Christ in a dark world. (II Cor. 4:5-7)

b. The seven stars represent those who contend that this must be ________________________ and must be directed toward Christ and not man, or even the church itself.

4. The seven candlesticks represent anyone who _________________ to represent Christ during the church age. However, the stars are those who _______________________________________________ represent Christ.

Biblical Basis for the “Period Theory”

1. Distinction #1: There is a difference between someone who merely _____________________ Christ and someone who really _________________________Christ. (Matt. 7:21-22; 15:8).

*2. Distinction #2: There is a difference between __________________________ and ____________________________.

*a. Christendom includes all who ___________Christ as Savior, leader, etc.

*b. Christianity includes only those who are truly ________________.

c. Christendom is the ________________ group of people who profess that Christ is their Savior, while genuine Christianity is the group __________________ the professing group who truly know Christ as their personal Savior.

“Period Theory” Conclusion:

1. The seven candlesticks could represent the entire ________________________ church from the beginning to the end.

a. These candlesticks are supposed to show light on the face of Christ that the world can see a ______________________________________ of Him (II Cor. 4:3-6)

*b. The candlesticks represent Christendom and the _________________________ of the professing church.

c. Within (among) the professing church (Christendom), there are __________________________________________ (Christians).

*2. The seven stars represent the ___________ messengers of the church age.

a. As the professing church drifts farther and farther away from Christ into darkness, the stars are drawn closer and ______________________________________.

b. These are the angels (messengers) who know the truth and are responsible to proclaim truth and denounce ________________.

c. The true believers are the stars in Christ’s hand who are responsible to cast a true light in His face as the _________________________ light of the professing church (candlesticks) dims, flickers and goes out.

3. The seven candlesticks are seven periods in church history and the seven stars are those who were faithful ________________________ during each period.


*1. According to the “period theory,” the seven churches represent the entire professing church (Christendom) from the giving of the __________________________ at Pentecost up to the ______________________.

2. The seven stars represent the true believers (Christianity) dwelling among the false __________________.

Period Theory Clarification:

1. The “period theory” does not deny the past historical ______________________ of the literal churches or their practical ___________________________ to present churches.

2. Chapters 2 and 3 are a running _________________________________ prophecy that establishes the credibility of the _______________________________ prophesies from Chapter 4 to the end of the Revelation. (Deut. 18:18-22)

3. At the conclusion of every period the ________________________ “he that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” is given.

a. As the church age ___________________________ from period to period, each group could understand what was going on by studying these seven churches.

b. Also, they could stand assured as they noticed how _______________________ the Word of God foretold the characteristics of the previous period.

c. John saw these seven periods as __________________________: today, we see them as _________________________.

d. Therefore, we have the added assurance and confidence that the things prophesied in Chapters 4 through 22 will also be __________________________.

The Seven Churches (Revelation 2:1-3:21)

Ephesus (2:1-7)

Ephesus (Historical View)

1. Historically, there was an actual city of Ephesus during the apostolic days (time of the apostles).

*2. The actual city of Ephesus was the center of the worship of the heathen goddess, ___________________.

3. The account of the actual Ephesian Church is recorded in Acts Chapters __________________.

4. John was very familiar with the church at Ephesus because he had lived there many years and considered the Ephesian church as his ________________________________________________.

Ephesus (Dispensational View)

*1. Dispensationally, this church represents the early years of the church age better known as the __________________________________________ Age.

*2. The word “Ephesus” means “__________________________________________.”

3. The apostles were chosen by Christ to establish the early church and oversee the affairs and organization of the churches; thus, we call this period of time the Apostolic Church. The apostles guarded the church against false ______________________________ and false ______________________________.

*4. The Nicolaitanes were those who sought to ____________________________________ others.

*a. The word comes from two Greek words: nikao which means “______________________________,” and laos which means “____________________________________.”

b. Christ set forth to this church as “he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks” to declare His __________________________________ and ______________________________.

c. Throughout the church age, there have been those who have sought to dominate others. This was evident even in the early church, but the faithful “__________________” suppressed it.

5. The leaving (“left,” not “lost”) of the first love refers to:

*a. the drift away from pure ______________________ toward ______________________

b. and from the headship of Christ toward ________________________________________________.

c. When the “church” seeks to go beyond its God ordained organizational position as a body to try to control the administering of _________________________________ as its head, it has left it’s first love.

Ephesus (Practical View)

From the practical stand point, the church at Ephesus is reported as having a zeal and concern for the truth; yet, had left its original ______________________________.

The commendation given to the "stars" - "But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate."

Smyrna (2:8-11)

Smyrna (Historical View)

1. Smyrna was a leading city for overland trade, and takes its place with Pergamos and Ephesus as one of the ________________________ cities in Asia Minor.

*2. Because of the continual destruction by earthquakes, floods and fires, Smyrna has been called “the ____________________________________ city” of the area.

3. The early Christians there were forced daily to deal with Greek philosophy and both Jewish and Roman __________________________________________.

4. Tradition holds that __________________________, the pastor of the church there, died a martyr’s death.

Smyrna (Dispensational View)

*1. Dispensationally, Smyrna represents a troubled time in church history which lasted over 200 years (ca. 90-
300 AD).

*2. Smyrna means “________________________” a fragrance used in anointing and embalming the dead. However, before its fragrance could be obtained, it had to be ________________________.

3. Christ warned the church of “ten days” of tribulation, and this promise is definite _____________________ to us who look back on this troubled time.

4. Many false professors would ____________________________________ their faith in Christ when persecution came upon the church, but the true believers remained _____________________ unto death.

*5. The “synagogue of Satan” speaks of the _________________________________________ of Christians.

Smyrna (Practical View)

1. Persecution comes to local churches through government and organizations that reject godly ____________________________________.

2. Persecution comes to individual believers both ____________________________________ and ____________________________________ (see James 1:12).

The challenge given to the "stars" - "be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Pergamos (2:12-17)

Pergamos (Historical View)

1. Historically, Pergamos was a Greek/Roman city, it was a nesting hive for philosophy, art, and ____________________________________________________________.

a. During the ________________________ period, it provided altars and temples for the worship of many false gods.

*b. Under Roman rule, a temple to Augustus was built along with the world renowned temple of Aesculapius, the god of ____________________________________.

c. Multitudes of Roman citizens flocked to the city for healing and __________________________ worship.

*d. Pergamos was also the discoverer and manufacturer of a paper called ___________________________.

2. Whether or not Paul visited the city is not known for sure.

a. Many historians believe that he could have passed through the city while on his __________________ missionary journey.

b. Traditionally, John is credited with starting the church there. However, we do learn from this letter that a faithful servant of God named ______________________________ was martyred there.

Pergamos (Dispensational View)

*1. Dispensationally, Pergamos represents the period in church history from 300 to 590 AD by the establishment of the Roman ________________________ church.

*a. The word “Pergamos” means “joined or elevated through ____________________________________”

(1) Historically Pergamos was a blend of Greek ____________________________________ and Roman __________________________________________.

*(2) Dispensationally, Pergamos represents a uniting of church and ________________________.

*b. This came about through the Emperor ________________________________________ (280- 337 AD)

(1) He is called the first “__________________________________________” emperor of Rome.

(2) He claimed to have a __________________ of Christ in _________ A.D. promising victory in battle.

c. Probable motive: Realizing that Christianity was powerful and could not be overcome by the sword, he sought to “__________________” with the church for his _____________________________ gain.

2. This marriage of church and state is here referred to as “Balaamism” and “Nicolaitonism.” Balaam told Balac to persuade God’s people to ____________________________________ with the heathen thus defiling them and hindering their cause (Num.31:15-16).

3. The expression "where Satan dwelleth" shows Satan's greatest power which is __________________________________________ and ____________________________________.

*4. Constantine also brought the “church” under man’s rule which was the sin of the “Nicolaitanes” which means “______________________________________________________.”

5. One author defines this period as when “...the church gave up her ______________________________ character, (and) settled down in the world...”

Pergamos (Practical View)

*1. Practically, Pergamos helps us to see our need to guard our relationship to the ________________________.

a. We are in the world, but not of the world.

b. Compromising and giving in to the world to relieve persecution is the sin of ________________________________________________.

2. We also see a practical lesson in the Martyrdom of Antipas. His name means “in the place of the ______________________________.”

a. Satan hates us because we love the Father and are His ________________________________________ here on earth.

b. The greatest help to Satan's __________________________________________ cause is the worldly compromising professor of Christ.

3. Denying godly ____________________________________ to “fit in” with the world always results in spiritual shipwreck.

The challenge given to the "stars" - "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it].

1. "hidden manna" represents God's ___________________________________ power.

2. The "white stone" represents a ________________________________________ for faithfulness.

3. The "new name" refers to _________________________ rather than just a title.

Thyatira (2:18-29)

Thyatira (Historical View)

1. Thyatira, because of its location was established as a strong ______________________________ outpost.

*2. Thyatira is only mentioned one other place in Scripture, and that is in relation to Paul’s _______________________________ missionary journey (Acts 16:12-15).

*3. The mention of ________________________, sheds a great light on the economic condition of her hometown of Thyatira.

Thyatira (Dispensational View)

*1. Dispensationally, Thyatira represents the period in church history from __________ to ____________ A.D.

*2. The mention of Jezebel and idols refers to the incorporation of ________________________ into the Roman worship system.

a. Jezebel would represent the worship of the ______________________________.

b. "Idols" would represent the worship of the images of __________________.

3. Fornication is a sexual relationship outside the ________________________ of God.

*4. Spiritual fornication is worship that is not in harmony with the ____________________ of the Word of God.

5. Verses 22 and 23 speak of Christ’s ultimate judgment on this false church which occurs in Chapters ______ and ______.

6. Jezebel and her children will eventually grow into a strong political and commercial movement known as “_______________________________________________________, (Rev. 17:5).

7. The stars are reminded that they will __________________ with Christ.

a. Under the dispensational view, the "coming" of Christ would refer to the __________________________ of the Church which occurs before the Tribulation Period.

b. However, the believer's position of authority in the Kingdom will be determined by the degree of __________________________________________during his/her lifetime.

Thyatira (Practical View)

1. Thyatira's fault was placing the wrong ______________________________ on things.

*2. ____________________________________ idolatry is when things become a distraction.

3. __________________________________ Idolatry is when a system of worship is lifted above God's truth.

Sardis (3:1-6)

Sardis (Historical View)

*1. Today Sardis lies in __________________.

2. Sardis was a center of the worship of _____________________ known as the ______________________ of the gods.

3. Sardis was destroyed by the Mongol conqueror Tamerlane in ____________.

4. Among the ruins is a standing wall of a ______________________________________________________ building dating back nearly 1500 years.

Sardis (Dispensational View)

*1. Sardis represents a period in the church age known as the Reformation which lasted from _____________ to _____________ A.D.

2. It is called the Reformation because many great religious leaders sought to reform the __________________________________________ Roman Church.

a. The main protest of the Reformers was that the Roman Church and her leaders had taken authority over the ____________________________________.

b. Because of this protest, these reformers were called ____________________________________.

c. The Protestant __________________________________________ of today came out of the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation.

*d. Most of the Protestant denominations are going back into the dead lifeless Roman world church from which they escaped. That’s what Sardis means, “__________________________________________.”

3. Christ's identification as “he that hath the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars” signifies His ________________________ and ____________________________________.

Sardis (Practical View)

1. We should evaluate our worship, service, and association by ______________________________.

2. We should trust Christ's ____________________________________ power as we escape false teaching.

3. The commendation given to the stars because of their willingness to stand against the ________________ in their love for the truth.

Philadelphia (3:7-13)

Philadelphia (Historical View)

1. Philadelphia was founded in ________ BC by Attalus II Philadelphus.

*2. The dominant pagan god worshiped there was ___________________________________.

3. The local church there was ______________________ and _____________________________________.

Philadelphia (Dispensational View)

*1. Philadelphia means “______________________________________________________” and represents the period of time from ________________ until about ________________.

*2. The Philadelphian period was a time of _____________________ and _____________________________.

3. The Philadelphian period faded with the infusion of “________________________________________.”

4. During the Philadelphian period, a special measure of ________________________________ is placed upon the opposition.

5. The "synagogue of Satan" and the false Jews represent all other teachings and teachers contrary to ________________________________________________________________________________.

*6. During the Philadelphian period, the church seemed to grasp the teaching of an ______________________ Rapture.

Philadelphia (Practical View)

*1. The church of Philadelphia teaches the importance of being _____________________________ in the ________________ of the Gospel.

2. The requirements for a Philadelphian Church are:

a. “a little strength” - ________________________________;

b. “kept my Word” - ________________________________________;

c. and “not denied my Name” - ________________________________________.

Laodicea (3:14-22)

Laodicea (Historical View)

1. Laodicea formed a tri-city area with Hierapolis and Colossae and was considered as ________________________________________________ due to the many streams of trade it enjoyed and its own industries.

2. A special type of cloth made from the wool of local herds was produced there along with ________________________________________ supplies.

3. After being destroyed by an earthquake in 65 A.D., Laodicea was able to rebuild without the aid of any ________________________________________________.

4. The decay of the city seemed a ____________________________________________________________, and the ruins of Laodicea still exist today.

Laodicea (Dispensational View)

*1. Laodicea means “________________________________________________________.”

*2. The Laodicean church represents the religious world of ____________________________________ today.

a. This is the day of “________________________________” which teaches that man has the power ________________________________________ to do what he needs to do.

b. During the Laodicean period, Christ is ________________________ the professing church.

3. Today, even ________________________________ has sought to push Christ out of the door of the church.

*4. This church of the people will be spued out of the mouth of Christ and become _______________________, the harlot church of the Tribulation Period.

5. The stars will be ________________________________, repent and be caught away at the Rapture.

Laodicea (Practical View)

*1. The Practical application is seen in the condition of the Laodicean Church which is summed up in one word: "________________________".

2. It was a church that directed its energies and resources toward ___________________________________, and had become ________________________________________________ about spiritual things.

3. The Laodiceans have falsely interpreted material gain as God’s favor, when instead, it was the cause of His ________________________________________________.

a. Christ wants gold tired in the fire. In other words, ______________________________________ in Him.

b. Christ is counseling these people ________________________________________________.

4. Paul defined this generation when he wrote to ________________________________:

5. We must realize that those who go on in worldliness and hypocrisy ________________________________ are not the children of God. (Heb. 12:6-8)

6. This unsaved multitude of professing “Christians” will __________________________________________ when the Rapture occurs.

7. When truth is compromised, the ability to ________________________________ truth is soon lost.

The Sanctuary of Heaven (Revelation 4:1-11)

Chapter 4
Verses 1-2a

1. In Chapter 4, the scene changes from the church on earth to the ________________________________________________________________________.

*2. John here represents the _________________________ at the time of the _________________________.

3. John saw:

a. ...a door opened in heaven, which represents _____________________. (John 10:7-10)

(1) The thief steals ________________________________________________________.

(2) Christ takes that which _____________________.

b. ...heard the sound of a trumpet representing the ____________________________________________ (I Cor. 15:52; I Thes. 4:16)

*(1) The trumpet indicates a ________________________________________ (Matt. 24:31)

*(2) The trumpet sounds the _________________________________________________ (I Cor. 14:8)

c. ...and a voice saying “come up hither” signifying Christ's ______________________________________________________________________ to the church.

(1) The command to be _____________________ (Matt. 11:28-29) given to sinners.

(2) The command to be ___________________________________ (II Cor 6:17) given to saved.

(3) This command to be _____________________ which is ________________________________. given to the Church.

*4. The expression “and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter” marks the end of the ____________________________ and the beginning of the _________________________________________.

5. The word “immediately” in verse 2 denotes the “moment in the twinkling of an eye” spoken of by Paul (I Cor.15:51-54; I Thess.4:13-18), while the expression “in the spirit” speaks of our change from ___________________________________ to ______________________________________________.

6. The rapture takes place here at the beginning of Chapter 4, and the word "church" is not used again until the close of the letter in Chapter _______.

7. The church is taken up into heaven here and remains there until Christ’s revelation in Chapter _______ when we return with Him.

Verses 2b-3

1. In heaven, John saw the vision of God on His throne, but notice that John sees God ________________________________________ (John 1:18).

2. God uses three stones to picture Christ: each of which represent a ____________________________________________________ (Ex. 28:15-21).

*a. The sardine and jasper stones represent Reuben and Benjamin, the _________________________________________________________________.

*b. The emerald represents Judah, the tribe of the ____________________________. Judah means “_________________________________________________.”

c. These picture Christ the Messiah from the tribe of Judah and the ___________ and the ____________.

*3. The rainbow represents ____________________________ based upon past faithfulness.

Verse 4

*1. The twenty four elders represent the ______________________________________________________.

2. They have crowns of gold representing _________________________________________________.

Verse 5

1. The thunders and lightnings proceeding out of the throne represent the __________________________________________________________________ of God (Ex. 19:16-21).

2. The seven lamps are the seven Spirits of God (see Chapter 1).

a. The seven lamps of the Old Testament Tabernacle represented the _________________________________________________ of Christ.

b. This work of Christ and the Holy Spirit are ___________________________________. (John 16:7-9)

*3. The seven Spirits of God represent the perfect ____________________________ of the Spirit in Christ (John 3:34-35, Col. 2:9).

4. In essence, this was a vision of _________________________ in His glory and completeness.


1. In the first verses of this chapter, we find John transported up into heaven to the __________________________________________ of God.

2. The word "sanctuary" is an Old Testament Hebrew word which means a consecrated, holy, and sacred place and primarily refers to the __________________________________________of God.

3. In Exodus 25, God told ________________ to build an earthly sanctuary for God to meet with His people (Ex. 25:8-9)

4. The earthly sanctuary, the Tabernacle) was a _________________________ of the heavenly Sanctuary.

Verse 6-7

*1. The “sea of glass” here represents the _____________________________________________________ that is necessary before we can enter into the presence of God.

*2. The four beasts represent the __________________________________________.

a. The word “beast’ is the Greek word from which we get our English word “zoo” and means literally “________________________________________________________”

*b. The created beings mentioned here have the four __________________________________________ of the angels.

*(1) Lion - the lion speaks of _____________________________. (II Sam. 24:15-17, Matt. 13:39-42).

*(2) Calf (Oxen) - The calf represents ____________________________. (Heb.1:13-14).

*(3) As a man - it says “as a man,” not a man. Angels have taken on the ______________________ of a man many times in the Bible (Heb. 13:1-2).

*(4) Eagle - the eagle represents ________________________________. (II Kings 6:13-18). Also, the angels with their wings spread over the mercy seat symbolized the ______________________ of those under the blood of Christ.

Verses 8-9

1. These “beasts” are further described as the “___________________________” mentioned in Isaiah 6:2-3.

2. The "eyes within.” have a two-fold representation:

a. ...the ____________________________ light of recognizing the glory of God;

b. ... the _____________________________ watchfulness of over God's business.

3. Out of this inward light comes ____________________________ to God for His glory, honor and provision.

Verses 10-11

1. We are told in Scripture that there are various crowns which the believer can earn here on earth. These are:

*a. The Crown Of __________________________________________ given to the believer who looks for _____________________________________ (II Tim.4:5-8).

*b. The Crown of ___________________________________ given to the believer who is a faithful ___________________________________ for Christ (I Thes. 2:19-20).

*c. The Crown Of _____________ given to the believer who ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (James 1:12).

*d. The Crown Of _______________ given to the believer who isa faithful ________________________ of Christ. (I Peter 5:2-4).

*e. The _________________________________________________ Crown is given to the believer who faithfully dedicates himself to the _________________________________ of Christ (I Cor. 9:24-27).

2. Verse 10 gives the reason for seeking these crowns.

a. They are not given to the believer for ___________________________________.

b. They are given to the believer to ________________________________________________________.

3. Verse 11 presents the ___________________________________ of praise and honor. (Rev. 1:6, 5:10, 20:6)