(BD-101) Bible Doctrine I

Course Description

Ten lectures introducing, defining, and emphasizing the importance of sound doctrine. In this course, the doctrines of Bibliology (Bible), Theology (God), and Christology (Christ) are studied.

Assignment for Lecture One: Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One.

What is sound doctrine?

Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. (Titus 1:9)

NOTE: All material marked with * is to be studied for the evaluation.

1. The word for "sound" comes from a Greek word which actually carries the idea of

*2. The word "doctrine" simply means "___________________________" or


3. The definition of "sound doctrine" is set forth in a familiar term - "________________________."

a. "ortho" means "able to _____________________________________________."

b. "doxy" means "_______________________________________________________________."

The Importance of Sound Doctrine

Sound Doctrine has a direct bearing on:

1. ____________________________________: (I Timothy 4:16).

2. ___________________________ and ____________________________________; (II John 1:9).

a. All spiritual endeavors are exclusive to those who _______________________________________
sound doctrine. (Romans 16:17).

b. Sound doctrine finds its strength in the fact that it is unbiased in ____________________________.

3. ____________________________________ (II Timothy 4:2-3).

a. Spirituality must not be confused with "___________________________."

b. Spirituality is a _____________________________________________ to the leading of the Holy Spirit toward God's truth.

Part One
The Doctrine of the Scriptures

*1. The study of the doctrine of the Scriptures is called ______________________________.

*2. The word "Bible" means "________________________________________."

Key Scripture: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (II Tim. 3:16-17)

*3. The first step in the study of Bibliology is to define the expression "____________________________."

4. Many writings claim to be the ________________________________________.

How can we know that we have the complete and exclusive Word of God?

The Completeness of the Bible

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (II Tim. 3:16-17)

What do we mean by "all Scripture"?

1. Two questions which we must answer are;

a. When did the Bible become complete?

b. How do we know the Bible is complete?

*2. The term "all Scripture" has to do with the _________________________ of the Bible.

*a. The word "canon" means "_____________________________________________."

b. The Bible is the ________________________________________ of our faith and practice.

3. Canonicity has to do with how the Bible received its ________________________ by the Church.

*4. Reasons for establishing the New Testament canon.

*a. Roman _________________________________

*b. A Multitude of ___________________________

*c. Marcion's __________________________________________________

*d. _______________________

5. The rules for determining which books were to be included in the canon were based on the
___________________________________and_______________________________ of God.

*6. The 5 rules of canonicity are:

*a. Is the writing ___________________________________?

*b. Is the writing _________________________________?

*c. Is the writing _________________________________?

*d. Is the writing _________________________________?

*e. Is the writing _________________________________?

7. Several books in the Bible today were _____________________________ as canonical at first.

*a. These books were called _______________________________ books.

b. The following Old Testament Books were challenged at first:

(1) Ecclesiastes (___________________________ philosophy);

(2) Song of Solomon (_____________________ language);

(3) Esther (_________ is not mentioned by Name);

(4) Ezekiel (The ___________________________________ were given for the temple);

(5) Proverbs (Supposed ______________________________ Example: 26:4-5).

c. The following New Testament Books were challenged at first:

(1) Hebrews (No_________________________ named);

(2) II Peter (_______________________different from I Peter);

(3) James (Called servant rather than _______________________);

(4) Jude (Same as ___________________);

(5) II John (Author called a ____________________);

(6) III John (Author called a ____________________)

(7) Revelation (Excessive ______________________).

d. These books all passed the test of canonicity through demonstration of their divine

e. These books are in the canon today because they are ___________________________
_____________________________________________ by God.

8. Some 14 Books are still rejected by ________________________ and ______________________ today.

a. These books are called the Apocryhpha books which means "____________________ " or

b. Most of these are included in the __________________________________________ Bible.

c. The reasons for their being rejected are:

(1) Never formed a part of the ______________________________________;
(2) Never quoted by __________________________________;
(3) Never accepted by ________________________________;
(4) None claim ____________________________;
(5) Some are childish ____________________;
(6) Historically _____________________________;
(7) Contain false __________________________.

9. Fundamental, Bible believing believers today believe in a ___________________________________.

a. By this we mean that the Bible is ________________________ and _______________________
in the 66 Canonical Books.

*b. The Bible student must remember that canonicity was _______________________________ by
God; and _______________________________________by man.

(1) The true Books of the Bible were Canonical the moment they were ________________________.

(2) Canonicity has to do with how the Bible was _____________________________by the Church.

(3) Canonicity shows God's _________________________________ in the preserving of His Word.

c. The Old Testament was pronounced closed by _____________________ Himself. (Matt. 5:18-19).

d. The New Testament was pronounced closed in the final chapter of the ________________________.

10. By believing in a closed canon we look for:

*a. no ______________ revelation. (Gal. 1:6-9).

*b. no _______________ revelation. (Rev. 22:18-19).

The Inspiration of the Bible

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (II Tim. 3:16-17)

Defining Inspiration

*1. The Greek word is "Theopneustos" which means " ___________________________________."

2. The term means that the writings of the 66 Books of the Bible are the result of a certain
________________________________ exerted by God upon the authors.

3. Inspiration can be illustrated by:

a. __________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________

*4. Inspiration has to do with the overseeing of the recording of the Word of God by the Holy Spirit to
assure its ______________________________ and protect it from _________________________.

False Theories of Inspiration

*1. ________________________________ held by ( _______________________________________)

*2. ________________________________ held by ( _______________________________________)

*3. ________________________________ held by ( _______________________________________)

*4. ________________________________ held by ( _______________________________________)

*5. ________________________________ held by ( _______________________________________)

The Extent of Inspiration

In answer to these false concepts of inspiration, we proclaim without question that the Bible is plenarily and verbally inspired of God.

Plenary Inspiration

*1. By plenary, we mean that the Bible is ______________________________________of God.

a. The New Testament _________________________ the Old Testament: (II Timothy 3:16; Rom 3:1-2;
II Pet. 1:20-21).

b. The New Testament ___________________________to the Old Testament: (II Pet. 3:2)

c. The New Testament claims equality among _____________________________________:
(II Pet. 3:15-16; I Pet. 1:25; I Thes 2;13).

d. ________________________ testified of the plenary inspiration of the Bible: (Luke 16:31).

Verbal Inspiration

*2. By Verbal, we mean that the _______________________ of the original writers were inspired of God.
(II Samuel 23:2; I Corinthians 2:13).

a. God gave man the ________________________words: (Jer 1:9; Ex 34:27).

b. God commanded that the ______________ words be recorded: (Jer. 30:1-2; Ex 34:27).

c. ________________ testified of the verbal inspiration of the Bible: (Matt. 5:18-19).

Practical Proof of Plenary Verbal Inspiration

How can we know that the Bible is Plenary and verbally inspired?

1. The Character of __________.

2. The Character of the ________________________

a. Declares___________________Standards

b. Demands for _______________________

c. Denounces Every Form of _____________

d. Declares the Way of __________________

*3. The Unity of the Bible

*a. __________ human authors

*b. __________ years

*c. __________ Books...

*d. Yet, not one __________________________or variation in the great ___________________.

The Preservation of the Bible

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. (I Peter 1:23-25).

*1. The Revelation Of Scripture- The Imparting of _______________________________ (Holy men of God).

*2. The Inspiration of Scripture- Accurate ____________________ of the revelation (Original Manuscripts.)

*3. The Transmission of Scripture- Accurate_____________________________of the originals (Ancient

*4. The Translation of Scripture- Accurate reproduction into ______________________________

*5. The Interpretation of Scripture- Accurate reproduction in the ________________ of the reader
(Knowledge of Biblical Truth)

*6. The Illumination of Scripture- Accurate reproduction in the _______________ of the believer (The work
of the Holy Spirit) (I Corinthians 2:11).

*7. The Application of Scripture- Accurate reproduction in the ________________ of the faithful believer.
(I Thessalonians 2:13).

8. Communication of Scripture - Experiencing the same power of God with the same full assurance as the
_______________________________________________ (Jude 3; I John 1:1-4).

The Inspiration of the Bible and Church History

1. The___________________________ contended for the truth of inspiration. (30 - 100 A.D.)

2. The ________________________________________________________ held no reservation in their
belief in the inspiration of the Bible (90 - 500 A.D.)

a. ___________________________ (90 A.D.)

b. ___________________________ of Rome (100 A.D

c. ___________________________ (200 A.D.)

d. ___________________________ (400 A.D.)

3. The ____________________________ held to the divine inspiration and absolute authority of the Bible.

a. ____________________________________ (1483-1546)

b. ____________________________________ (1509-1564)

c. ____________________________________ (1703-91)

Attacks on the Inspiration of the Bible

1. The Roman Catholic Church responded to the Reformation with a "_________________________
____________________________________" during the 16th and 17th centuries.

2. Out of this reaction came ___________________________________ during the eighteenth century.

3. Three amazing facts:

a. The greatest attack on the plenary verbal inspiration of the Bible has been since ________________.

b. The greatest attack on the plenary verbal inspiration of the Bible has come at the hands of ______________________________ people.

c. The attack on the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible directly coincides with the rise of the
teachings of ____________________ _____________________________.

4. Three modern stages of development in the attack on the inspiration of the Bible.

a. Liberalism - An attempt to _______________________ theology with Rationalism. (A Bible with good

b. Neo-Orthodoxy- Sought to separate God's truth from ___________________________ in the Bible.
(A Bible which could be ________________.

c. New Evangelicalism - An attempt to ________________________ the doctrine of inspiration without
offending false teachers. (A Bible which ______________________________________.)

d. New Charismaticism - Spiritual authority is secondary to __________________________
_______________________________. (A Bible being ________________________________.)

e. New Spiritualism - The use of a multitude of _________________________ to determine the course
and destiny of a person's life. (An ________________________ Bible).

Part Two
The Doctrine of God

The Existence of God

"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." (Psalm 14:1)


1. The ________________________________________________________: (Gen. 1:1).

2. The _________________________________________________________.

a. _______________________________________________________ (Rom. 2:14-15).

b. The perfection of __________________________________ (Rom. 1:20).

c. God's hand in _____________________________________ (Acts 14:15-17).

3. The law of ____________________________________________________. (Psalm 8)

*4. The design of __________________________________________________. (Psalm 8)

*5. Man's need to ___________________________________________.

6. The recognition of ________________________________________.

7. The existence of God best explains the__________________________________________________.

The Mystery of the Trinity

What is the Trinity?

1. The most _______________________________________________________ doctrine of the Word of
God and the Christian faith is the Doctrine of the Trinity.

2. The Doctrine of the Trinity, forms the foundation and structure for _______________________________.

*3. By the "Trinity" we mean that there is __________________ who exists in ______________________.

4. The Doctrine of the Trinity must be _________________________________________.

Reasons why men reject the Doctrine of the Trinity

1. The word "trinity" is _______________________________________________________.

a. The word "trinity" comes from a Latin word meaning "_____________________________________."

*b. The word "trinity" was first used as a theological term in the 2nd century by __________________.

c. The word was formally accepted as the expression of the three-in-oneness of God during the

d. Although the word does not appear in the Bible; the teaching of the Trinity is a

2. Secondly. there is the inability to ____________________________________ the Doctrine of the Trinity.
(I Tim 3:16).

a. The key to accepting the doctrine of the Trinity is acknowledging God's _______________________
and our own ______________________________. (Rom. 11:33-36)

b. There is much in the ________________________________ world which must be accepted by faith.

c. The very foundational truths of the ____________________________________ require faith.

d. There may be many illustrations of the Trinity; but there is no _______________________________
for the Trinity.

e. When we limit God to our own understanding, we consider ourselves _________________________
in understanding.

The Biblical Basis For Accepting The Doctrine Of The Trinity

*1. The only source for the doctrine of the trinity is the ________________________________.

2. The doctrine of the Trinity is a __________________ which transcends _____________________

Old Testament Teaching Of The Trinity

1. Although the Old Testament does not fully __________________ all concerning the Trinity, it
definitely _______________________________________ it.

2. Examples:

a. The use of __________________ nouns with __________________ verbs.

b. The use of the name " __________________."

(1) The English word "God" is found ____________ times in the Old Testament. _______________ of these is the Hebrew word ______________________.

(2) This ______________ noun in the _______________ number reveals the doctrine of the Trinity.

c. The use of ___________________________________ when speaking of one God. (Gen. 1:26;
Gen. 3:22; Gen. 11:6-7; Genesis 16:2-13, 22:11-16; 31:11-13; 48:15,16; and also Exodus 3:2,4- 5).

d. The ancient Jewish interpretation of the high priests ______________________________:
(Num 6:24-26).

New Testament Teaching of the Trinity

*1. The names Father, Son, and Spirit are used both __________________ and __________________.
(John 8:54; John 1:1; Acts 5:3-4).

2. The Apostles presented the ______________ God as the core of New Testament _________________.

*3. The three Persons of the Godhead are:

*a. equal in divine __________________;

*b. equal in divine __________________.

4. The New Testament presents One God consisting of:

a. A Father who is ___________________________; (Eph. 4:6).

b. A Son who is _____________________________: (Col. 1:19).

c. A Spirit who is _____________________________; (John 16:13a)

5. Examples:

a. Christ's ______________________: (Luke 1:35).

b. Christ's ______________________: (Matt 3:16-17; Mark 1:10-11, Luke 3:21-22, John 1:32 & 34).

c. Christ's ______________________: (John 14:23-26).

d. The ___________________________: (Matt 28:19).

e. The Apostolic ______________________: (II Cor 13:14).

False Concepts of God's Tri-unity

1. God is _____________________ person - Unitarianism

*2. Christ is a _________________________ being- Anti-trinitarianism (Jehovah's Witness)

3. The Holy Spirit is an impersonal ______________________________ - (Liberalism)

False Concepts of God's Existence

1. Atheism - __________ God

2. Agnosticism - No way of _____________________. (Humanism)

3. Pantheism - God is __________________ and __________________ is God. (Nature Worship)

*4. Polytheism - There are _______________ __________. (Idolatry)

5. Dualism - There are__________________ gods. (Modern Gothicism {Dark Side, etc.])

6. Deism - God created the world and left it to itself. God exists but has no __________________________
_________________________ in the affairs of men and creation. (Theistic Humanism)

The Nature and Attributes of God

The Nature of God

*1. As to the nature of God, He is an _______________ _______________: (John 4:24).

2. This means that God is not confined to the limitations of _________________________.

3. God is infinitely:

a. _______________ in degree,

b. _______________ in quality,

c. differing from and immeasurably superior to _________________________________.

The Attributes of God

1. The American Heritage Dictionary defines as attribute as "A _________________________ or
_________________________ inherent in or ascribed to someone or something."

*2. There are two kinds of attributes pertaining to God.

*a. _______________ attributes which manifest the __________________________ of God.

*b. ___________________ attributes which exhibit the _______________________of God.

The Natural Attributes of God

*1. God's _______________________

a. This means that God is _______________________________________ (Rom. 11:33-36).

b. Examples:

(1) God knows the _______________: (Acts 15:18).

(2) God knows the _____________________________:

(a) A perfect knowledge of _______________________: Psalm 147:4-5).

(b) A perfect knowledge of ___________:

-1- He knows our ____________________ (Heb. 4:13).

-2- He knows our _______________ (Psalm 139:4; Matt 12:36).

-3- He knows our _______________ (Psalm 139:2).

-4- He knows our _______________ (Acts 1:24).

(3) God knows the _______________: (Matthew 6:8).

*2. God's ________________________________________.

a. This means God is all ____________________.

b. Examples:

(1) He has power over ___________________ (Psalm 33:6-9; Isa. 40:12; Psalm 107:25-29).

(2) He has power over _______________________ (I Chron. 29:11-12).

(3) He has power over _______________ (Dan 4:30-37).

(4) He has power over _______________ (Job 1:12).

(5) He has power over _______________ (Jonah 2:9; II Cor 5:17).

*3. Thirdly, we notice God's ______________________________

a. By this we mean that He is _______________________________________.

b. Key passage: (Psalm 139:7-10).

c. Examples:

(1) God is in ______________________ (Psalm 11:4).

(2) God is in ______________________ (Isa 40:22).

(3) God is on _____________________ (Matt 28:20).

*4. Next, we will consider God's ____________________. This means that He never _________________.
(Mal. 3:6; James 1:17; Heb. 13:8).

5. Finally, God is ______________________. He has no beginning and no end. (Psalm 90:2; I Tim 6:16).

The Moral Attributes of God

*1. The first moral attribute of God is _______________..

*a. Definition:

*(1) God is separate from ___________ _________ and ___________.

(2) Therefore, this attribute is ___________________________ more by God Himself than all other
individual attributes.

(3) This attribute is actually a __________________________ of all God's attributes.

(4) The Greek word for "________________________" is the word hagios which means

(5) However, God's holiness is __________________ in nature rather than just His relationship

b. The meaning of this attribute:

(1) God is __________________ _______________.

(a) The __________________: Psalm 99:9).

(b) The _____________________ (Luke 1:35; Acts 3:14).

(c) The _________________________ (Acts 13:52).

(2) God is ____________________ _______________ (Job 34:10; Hab. 1:12-13).

c. Three conclusions:

(1) The great __________________ between God and man.

(2) Man needs a __________________ in order to approach God.

(3) Man must approach God with __________________ and Godly__________________:
(Heb. 12:28-29; also Isa. 6).

*2. The second moral attribute of God is ______________________________.

*a. Definition

*(1) Righteousness is the _______________________________________ of God's holiness in that
He always does __________________________________ (I Sam 12:7; Psalm 11:7).

(2) The word means "to be ___________ and __________________."

(3) God's actions never contradict or stray from His divine _________________________________.

b. Description

(1) God is righteous in His _____________________________________________ (Psalm 11:4-6).

This is called God's __________________________ Justice.

(2) God is righteous in His _______________________________________________________:
(Heb. 6:10; Heb. 11:6).

This is called God's _________________________ Justice.

*3. The Third moral attribute to be considered is _______________.

a. Definition:

(1) The virtue by which God delights in His own ________________________________ and in man
as the ______________________________________ of His image (I John 4:8; I John 4:16).

*(2) The word for divine love is agape which denotes a ___________________________________
____________________________________ for the loved object.

b. Manifestations of God's love:

(1) In the making the infinite __________________ for the salvation of men: (I John 4:9-10)

(2) In the objects of His love:

(a) His ___________________________ (John 17:24).

(b) ______________________________ (John 17:23; I John 4:7; I John 4:16; Prov 8:17)

(c) _______________________________ (Rom. 5:6-8).

c. In the effects of His love:

(1) In the giving of _________________________. (John 3:16).

(2) In _________________________________ us (Eph 2:4-6).

(3) In __________________________________ us (I John 1:9).

(4) In making believer's ______________________________________________ (I John 3:1).

(5) In ____________________________________________ us (Heb 12:6-11).

d. The nature of God's love. God's love is ____________________________, and did not come into
existence with creation.

e. The power of God's love.

(1) The love of God in itself does not ___________________________.

(2) The love of God prompted Him to _____________________________________________
for man to be saved.

*4. The fourth moral attribute of God is__________________.

*a. Definition: Mercy is the manifestation of God's _______________________________________
toward those in danger or misery.

b. The manifestations of God's mercy:

(1) _______________________________ of the saints (Psalm 32:10).

(2) ________________________________ the repentant sinner (Eph. 2:4-5; Rom. 5:8).

(3) ________________________ of the human race: (Lam. 3:22; II Pet 3:9).

*5. The fifth moral attribute of God is ___________________________.

a. The importance of this attribute:

*(1) If there is no ____________________________________________ for truth, there is no truth.

(2) If God is not true, then, His __________________ is not true.

b. Proof from __________________________________ (Titus 1:2; Deut 32:4).

c. Proof from God's _____________________________:

(1) God is too ________________________ to lie (Prov. 17:4; Prov. 10:18; Prov. 19:1).

(2) God is too __________________ to lie. Only a weak person lies (I Sam 15:29; Psalm 62:11).

d. Proof from God's ______________________________:

(1) His absolute ______________________________. (I Sam 15:29).

(2) His __________________ and __________________. (Heb. 6:13-18).

Part Three
The Doctrine of Christ

The Importance of Studying the Doctrine of Christ

1. Christ’s __________________________________________ (Matthew 11:29)

2. Christ’s ________________________________ Place in the Word of God (John 5:39; Luke 24:27, 44)

*3. Knowing Christ is Essential to _____________________________________ (Philip. 3:8-10; I Cor. 2:2)

4. Knowing Christ Brings Full ________________________________________ (II Timothy 1:12)

5. Knowing Christ is Essential to the __________________________________________ (Philip. 1:9-11)

The Eternal Christ
(The Pre-incarnate Christ)

*1. Definition: Pre (before)- Incarnate (become a man) Christ existed before He was

2. Proof:

a. In _________________________ Past (John 8:57-58; Luke 10:18).

b. In ______________________________________ Past (John 17:5; Ephesians 1:4; John 1:1-2)

3. Conclusion: Because Christ existed before and at the beginning, we conclude that He is eternal and
existed before He became a man.

The Divine Christ
(The Deity of Christ)

*1. Definition: Deity- To be ________________________ Christ is __________________________.

2. Proof:

a. The _______________________- God in Three Persons (Co-equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit)

*(1) In ____________________________________________ (Romans 1:20; Genesis 1:26-27).

*(2) In ________________________________ (I Timothy 3:16; Matthew 28:19; II Corinthians 13:14)

b. Jesus- declared the God the Son

*(1) The _________________ (logos) means a manifestation of the unseen. Christ is the perfect
manifestation of the unseen Godhead. (John 1:14, 18; John 1:1-2; I John 1:1-2).

*(2) The Son of God

(a) Equal to God (Philippians 2:5-6)

-1- Equal In His _____________________________________ (John 5:19).

-2- Equal In His _____________________________________ (John 5:20).

-3- Equal In His _____________________________________ (John 5:21, 28-29)

-4- Equal In His _____________________________________ (John 5:22,27)

-5- Equal In _______________________________ (John 5:23).

-6- Equal In Giving ____________________________________________ (John 5:24-25).

-7- Equal In His _______________________________________________ (John 5:26).

(b) Conclusion: Because He is equal in every way to God the Father, we conclude that He is God
the Son.

The Identity and Work of Christ

*1. His identity as Creator

*a. Creator of ____________________________________ (John 1:3; I Cor. 8:6; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:15-17).

note: The expression “first born” has to do with the Jewish teaching of heirship. (Hebrews 1:2)

*b. Creator of ____________________________________ (Hebrews 12:2)

*c. Creator of the ______________________________________ (II Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10; 4:24).

*d. Creator of _____________________________________ (Eph. 2:15; 5:24-25)

2. His identity as God Incarnate

a. The _________________________________________ (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:31-34)

*b. ___________________________________ (Matthew 1:23)

c. ____________________________________ (Matthew 1:21)

3. The Divine Characteristics of Christ

a. Worthy to ________________ _____________________ (Hebrews 1:6)

b. He is_____________, _____________ and Free from all _______________________ (I John 3:3-5).

c. He is ____________________________________ (Hebrews 1:8).

d. He is ____________________________________ (Hebrews 1:11)

e. He is____________________________________ (Hebrews 1:12)

f. He is ____________________________________ (Hebrews 1:13-14).

Conclusion: There are things said about and attributed to Christ that could only be said about God.

*4. The ___________________________________ of Christ (Philippians 2:5-8).

note: “The self-emptying (kenosis) of Christ, which was a voluntary act, consisted in the surrender of
the independent exercise of the divine attributes.” (E. H. Bancroft)

The Work of Christ

1. His Death

*a. A _______________________________________ Act (John 10:17-18).

*b. A _______________________________________ Act

*(1) Profitable as the __________________________________________________ (Heb. 10:10, 14).

*(2) Profitable as the ____________________________________________________ (Matt. 20:28).

*(3) Profitable as the ______________________________________ of God’s Demands (I John 2:2).

(4) Profitable as the ____________________________ Sacrifice Isaiah 53:5-6; I Cor. 5:7; Heb. 9:26).

*c. An _________________________________ Act

(1) Christ Died for the _______________________________ (John 3:16; I John 2:2).

(2) Christ Died for ________________________________ Romans 5:8).

(3) Christ Died for ______________________________________ (Eph. 5:25-27; Titus 2:14).

d. An _________________________________ Act

(1) Salvation and Sanctification for the __________________________________ (Eph. 1:7).

(2) The Power of _______________________________________ (Col. 1:19-20).

(3) Liberation From the Power of _________________ and ___________________ (Heb. 2:14-15).

(4) Assurance of ___________________________________ (Romans 8:32).

The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ

The Resurrection

*1. The Resurrection is mentioned over _______________ times in the New Testament alone.

2. The Resurrection was promised in ________________________________
(Psalms 16:10; Matt. 16:21; 17:9; Mark 9:9; John 2:18-22; Acts 2:25-31)

3. The Resurrection was announced by __________________________________ (Matthew 28:5-7)

4. The Resurrection was confirmed by __________________________________ (Matthew 27:52-53)

5. The Resurrection was validated by ___________________________________
(John 20:16-18; Luke 24:13-15, 36; John 20:26; John 21:4, 12-14; I Cor. 15:5-7)

6. The Importance of the Resurrection

a. Pertaining To Christ Himself

(1) He entered into a ______________________________ human existence (Acts 2:24, 32-33, 36)

(2) His __________________________ was confirmed (Romans 1:4; Eph. 1:19-20)

b. Pertaining to the _____________________________________________ (I Cor. 15:1-4; Rom. 10:9)

c. Pertaining to the Believer

*(1) The resurrection of Christ validates our claim of __________________________ (Rom. 4:24-25)

*(2) The resurrection of Christ provides ______________________ and eternal ________________.
(I Peter 1:3-4)

*(3) The resurrection of Christ provides present and eternal ________________________________
_________________________________ (Rom. 8:11)

*(4) The resurrection of Christ assures us of our own _____________________________________
(II Cor. 4:14)

The Ascension of Christ

1. The Ascension of Christ is a necessary part of the____________________________________ of Christ.
It is stated in Scripture: (Luke 24:51; Acts 1:8-9).

*2. The Destination of the Ascension is the ____________________________________ and the
___________________________________ of God (Mark 16:19; Heb. 1:3; 12:2).

3. The Provision of the Ascension

*a. The ascension of Christ provided the ___________________________________ (John 16:7;14:26).

*b. The ascension of Christ provides divine_________________________________. (Heb. 9:24; 7:25)

*c. The ascension of Christ provides access to divine ____________________________________.
(Heb. 4:14-16)

*d. The ascension of Christ provides _______________________________________ (Eph. 4:8)

*e. The ascension of Christ provides an _____________________________________ for the believer.
(John 14:2-3)

Sources For This Study

Bancroft, Emery. Elemental Theology Grand Rapids, Zondervan

Cairns, Earle E. Christianity Through the Centuries Grand Rapids, Zondervan 1954

Cambron, Mark G. Bible Doctrines, Beliefs That Matter Grand Rapids, Zondervan 1954

Evans, William. Great Doctrines of the Bible Chicago, Moody Press 1912

Eaves, Roger. Lectures on Christian Doctrines Greenville, SC. Bob Jones University

Greene, Oliver B. Bible Truth Greenville, SC. Gospel Hour 1968

Harlow, R.E. Basic Bible Doctrines Oak Park, IL, Emmaus 1968

Jones, J.L. Life of Christ Lindside, WV. Cherith 1986

Thomas, W. H. Griffith. How We Got Our Bible Chicago, Moody Press 1926

Vine, W.E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Walvoord, John F. Jesus Christ Our Lord Chicago, Moody Press 1969

Wuest, Kenneth S. Wuest’s Word Studies Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans 1973