(BD 102) Bible Doctrine Unit Two

Course Description

Ten lectures introducing, defining, and emphasizing the importance of sound doctrine. In this course, the doctrines of Pneumatology (Holy Spirit), Angelology (Angels), Anthropology (Man), Hamartiology (Sin), and Soteriology (Salvation) are studied.

NOTE: All material marked with * is to be studied for the evaluation.

What is sound doctrine?

The two greatest harms to Christian service today are professionalism and amateurism. (Tozer)

Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. (Titus 1:9)

1. The word for “sound” actually carries the idea of ___________________________.

2. The word “doctrine” simply means “_______________” or

3. The definition of “sound doctrine” is set forth in a familiar term

a. ortho means “________________________________________________.”

b. doxy means “_________________________________________________.”

The Importance of Sound Doctrine

Sound Doctrine has a direct bearing on:

1. ________________________________:

Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. (I Timothy 4:16).

2. ____________________________________________________________
(II John 1:9).

a. All spiritual endeavors are exclusive to those who
_____________________________________________ sound doctrine.
(Romans 16:17).

b. Sound doctrine finds its strength in the fact that it is unbiased in

3. ____________________________________ (II Timothy 4:2-3).

a. Spirituality must not be confused with _______________________________.

b. Spirituality is a _______________________________________________ to
the leading of the Holy Spirit toward God’s truth.

Why Study Bible Doctrine?

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________:
(I Peter 3:15).

4. _____________________________________________________________
(II Tim. 3:16-17)

a. Doctrine- ______________________________________
(I must _____________________ right)

b. Reproof- ____________________________, bring conviction of sin
(I must ______________ right)

c. Correction- _________________________________,
(I must ______________ right)

d. Instruction- ________________________________________
(I must __________________ right)

In this course, we will be studying the following doctrinal topics of the Word of God.

1. Pneumatology - ___________________________________________

2. Angelology - ______________________________________________

3. Anthropology - ____________________________________________

4. Hamartiology - ____________________________________________

5. Soteriology - ______________________________________________

Part One
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

The Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit

The Person of the Holy Spirit

*1. The Holy Spirit is the ________________________________ of the Godhead.

2. The ______________________________________ of the Holy Spirit is unknown.

a. However, The title “Holy Spirit” declares His __________________________.

b. Various qualities and operations are added to His name to point out His
____________________ and ____________________. For example:

(1) The Spirit of _______________ (Romans 8:2);

(2) The Spirit of ____________________ (Ephesians 1:13);

(3) The Spirit of ____________________ (John 14:17; 16:13);

(4) The Spirit of ____________________ (I Peter 4:14).

c. The Greek word ________________________ is translated in our King
James Version in the following ways:

(1) Spirit 111 times
(2) Holy Ghost 89 times
(3) Spirit (of God) 13 times
(4) Spirit (of the Lord) 5 times
(5) (My) Spirit 3 times
(6) Spirit (of truth) 3 times
(7) Spirit (of Christ) 2 times
(8) human (spirit) 49 times
(9) (evil) spirit 47 times
(10) spirit (general) 34 times
(11) (Jesus’ own) spirit 6 times
(12) (Jesus’ own) ghost 2 times

d. The use of the Greek word - ________________________________
(one who is called to another’s aid):

(1) designates Him as the person who is to act in the place of Christ after the
_______________________ (John 14:16; 16:7).

(2) The same word is translated ____________________________
referring to Christ in I John 2:1.

e. To view the the Holy Spirit as a mere _______________________________
is “robbing a Divine Being of the love and adoration which are His due.”

*3. The personalities of the Father; the Son, and the Holy Spirit are clearly seen in
the _____________________________________ between them.
(John 17:24; John 5:20; John 20:21; John 16:13-14)

*4. The personality of the Holy Spirit is clearly established by the presence of
personal ____________________________________________.

*a. The Holy Spirit has a ____________________: (I Corinthians 12:11)

*b. The Holy Spirit has ________________________: (Rom. 8:27; I Cor. 2:10-11)

*c. The Holy Spirit has _______________________: the Holy Spirit has feelings:
(Isaiah 63:10; Eph. 4:30; Heb. 10:29).

*d. The Holy Spirit has ___________________________________________:
(Acts 8:29; 10:19-20; 13:2; 16:7; Rev. 2:29; 22:17).

5. Another strong declaration of the personality of the Holy Spirit is the use of
(John 14:16-17; 16:13-15).

Vine notes: The personality of the Spirit is emphasized at the expense of strict grammatical procedure in John 14:26; 15:26; 16:8, 13, 14, where the emphatic pronoun ekeinos, He, is used of Him in the masculine, whereas the noun pneuma is neuter in Greek... We should avoid the use of impersonal pronouns such as it or itself when speaking of the Holy Spirit.

The Deity of the Holy Spirit

The Bible clearly presents the deity of the Holy Spirit.

1. He is ____________________________ as being God: (Acts 5:3-4).

*2. He possesses the divine ____________________________:

*a. The Holy Spirit is ____________________ (II Cor. 13:14).

*b. The Holy Spirit is _________________________: (Hebrews 9:14).

*c. The Holy Spirit is _______________________________: (Matthew 28:19).

*d. The Holy Spirit is _______________________________: (Rom. 8:11; 10:9).

*e. The Holy Spirit is ____________________________: (I Cor. 2:10-11).

*f. The Holy Spirit is ______________________________: (Psalms 139:7-8).

*g. The Holy Spirit is ____________________:

(1) His work is essential to _______________________. (Romans 8:8-9;
Matthew 12:32).

(2) His work is essential to ______________________________ life.
(Ecclesiastes 12:6,7; Isa. 40:7)

The Work of the Holy Spirit

His Work in Creation

*1. The Holy Spirit is the _______________________________ of all things.

2. The Holy Spirit was active in the creation of the ______________________.
(Job 26:13).

3. The Holy Spirit was active in the creation of the ____________________.
(Gen. 1:2-3).

4. The Holy Spirit was active in the creation of _______________.
(Gen. 1:26; Job 33:4).

5. The Holy Spirit was active in the creation of _________________________.
(Psalm 104:30).

The Work of the Holy Spirit Concerning Scripture

His Work in the Giving of Scripture

1. While over __________________________________ writers were employed in
the compilation of the Scriptures, it possessed only one
(II Peter 1:20-21; II Samuel 23:2; Acts 1:16; 28:25).

*2. Inspiration of the Word of God means that the Holy Spirit directed the
__________________________________________ in such a way as to keep
their writings from any form of ____________________ or
____________________________ with God’s intended message.

His Work in the Illumination of Scripture

*1. Illumination has to do with the Holy Sprit giving __________________________
to the ______________________________________________________.
Understanding what God ___________________________. (I Cor. 2:10-13).

*2. Illumination has to do with the Holy Sprit giving __________________________
to the___________________________________________________.
Understanding what God ___________________________________________.
(I Timothy 4:1).

His Work in the Life and Ministry of Christ

1. The work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry and life of Christ is not only evident, but
a _______________________ teaching of Scripture.

a. Their working unity is seen in the ______________________ given to the
Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:9).

*b. The Holy Spirit is the _________________________ of all service to God
while Christ is the_________________________ of all service to God.
(John 16:13-14; Col 1:19-20).

2. The working of the Holy Spirit is seen in every area of the
______________________________ and _______________________________
of Christ.

*a. Christ was _______________________________ by the Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:35).

*b. Christ was _________________________________ in the power of the Holy
Spirit. (John 3:31-36; Colossians 2:9).

*c. Christ was __________________________ by the Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 3:16; Acts 10:38).

*d. Christ was _______________ by the Holy Spirit.
(Matt. 4:1; Mark 1:12; Luke 4:1).

*e. Christ _____________________________ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 12:28; (Luke 4:14; 4:18).

* f. Christ was ______________________________________ in the power of the
Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 9:14).

*g. Christ was______________________________ in the power of the Holy
Spirit. (Romans 8:11).

3. Conclusion: Christlikeness requires a surrender to the ____________________
and _________________________________ of the Holy Spirit.

His Work Among Men

1. The Holy Spirit’s mission is to _______________________________________
in the world.

a. He works in the world in the realm of ______________________________.

b. He works in the church in the realm of ____________________________.

*2. The Holy Spirit _____________________ of sin, righteousness and judgment.
(John 16:8-11).

a. “reprove” means to ____________________________________________.”

b. Conviction is the result of __________________________________ with

*3. The Holy Spirit ____________________________________ the believer.
(John 3:5-7; Titus 3:5; I Peter 1:23).

a. “Regeneration” means a new ________________________ and

b. Biblical “regeneration” signals a new ________________________,
________________________, and ______________________________.
(II Corinthians. 5:17)

*4. The Holy Spirit _____________________________ the believer.
(I Corinthians 3:16; I Corinthians 6:19; Ephesians 2:21-22).

*5. The Holy Spirit ______________________________ the believer.
(Matthew 3:11; Ephesians 4:3-6; I Peter 1:23).

a. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is to be distinguished from the regeneration
and filling of the Spirit.

b. The baptism of the Holy Spirit happened on the day of
_______________________________________ (Ephesians 4:4-6).

c. The regeneration of the Holy Spirit happens the moment a person
_________________________________ (Acts 2:47; I Corinthians 12:13).

d. The filling of the Holy Spirit happens as the believer
(Acts 6:2-3; Ephesians 5:17-18).

*6. The Holy Spirit ________________________ the believer (Ephesians 1:13-14).

a. A seal denotes ________________________.

b. An earnest denotes a __________________ of _______________________.

*7. The Holy Spirit _______________________ and ________________________
the believer (Romans 8:16; Acts 9:31; John 14:16; 14:26; 15:26; 16:7)

*8. The Holy Spirit ________________________ the believer (I Corinthians 2:9-12).

*9. The Holy Spirit ________________________ the believer.
(Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:22; Ephesians 5:9).

*10. The Holy Spirit ________________________ the believer.
(I Corinthians 12:3-11).

*11. The Holy Spirit ________________________ the believer. (II Cor. 3:18).

12. Conclusion: The Holy Spirit is a person indwelling all believers in Christ. He is
the teacher, the comforter, the paraclete, that is; the one by our side, and the
guide in our lives.

Man’s Influence on the Holy Spirit

The influence of the Holy Spirit upon man is that of conviction, regeneration, and Christlikeness. Because the Holy Spirit is a person having desire and emotion, the response of man to His work has an effect upon the Holy Spirit.

*1. The sinner ________________________ the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51).

*2. The saint ________________________ the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30).

a. “Grieve” means to “affect with ________________________, cause grief and

b. Grieving the Spirit has to do with sins of _____________________________.

*3. The servant _________________________________ the Holy Spirit:
(I Thessalonians 5:18-21).

a. “Quench” means to ________________________________________.

b. Quenching has to do with the sins of _____________________________.

*4. The eternally doomed _________________________________ the Holy Spirit:
(Mark 3:28-29).

a. The word “blaspheme” means to “speak evil of” or “pronounce the sacred as

b. Some interpretations:

(1) a “dispensational sin” limited to the

(2) attributing the __________________________________________
Satan during Christ’s lifetime; (Matthew 12:24-32).

c. There are three basic truths communicated to the unbeliever by the Holy

(1) Man’s ________________________ condition

(2) Salvation only through ________________________;

(3) ______________________________________________ to get saved.

d. Satan seeks to counter each of these truths with a lie.

(1) Man is _______________________________________________;

(2) Salvation is through ________________________________________;

(3) There is _________________________________________________.

e. The sinner must choose which is true because

5. Conclusion: When a person professes that these messages of the devil are
true, he, at the same time, pronounces the message of the Spirit as being false.
In essence, he calls the Holy Spirit a liar and places Him among the ranks of
the “Father of lies.”

6. Comments: Evans writes: “...after Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came, and
presented to every man’s conscience evidence sufficient to prove the truth of
these [Christ’s] claims, the man who then refused to yield to Christ’s claims was
guilty of resisting, insulting, and that amounts to blaspheming the testimony of
the whole Godhead, of which the Spirit is the executive.”

Halley in his Bible Handbook almost echoes with, “But after His [Christ’s] work
was completed, and the Holy Spirit was come, then, in full knowledge, deliberate
and final rejection of the Holy Spirit’s offer of Christ would constitute the ‘eternal
sin which hath never forgiveness.’”

Ironside concludes: “These words were never intended to torment anxious souls
honestly desiring to know Christ, but they stand out as a blazing beacon warning
of the danger of persisting in the rejection of the Spirit’s testimony of Christ, until
the seared conscience no longer responds to the gospel message.”

7. As a closing thought about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, we should
compare Romans 1:28 with II Thess. 2:11-12:

a. The expression “reprobate mind” in Romans 1:28 means a mind that is
_____________________________________, and therefore hopelessly lost.

b. The difference between these two groups is that those during the Tribulation
Period are ______________ a strong delusion by God because of their
continual rejection; while people today are “given over” to their own

c. Ephesians 4:17-19 presents a class of people who are

8. _________________________ knows those who are given over.

Part 2
The Doctrine of Angels

The Holy Angels


“Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word” (Psalms 103:20)

1. The study of angels reveals two hosts of spirit beings:
a. ________________ angels

b. ____________________ angels called ____________________.

2. Over ____________ references are made to angels in the Bible.

*3. The word “angel” means _____________________, _____________________
or _____________________.

4. Facts concerning angels:

a. Angels are referred to in the ________________________ gender, though
________________ is never ascribed to angels.

*b. Angels are __________________ beings unable to ____________________;
and therefore, will never increase in ____________________.

5. Hebrews 1:14 reveals that angels are ministers of the ____________________.
(Heb. 1:14).

The Reality of Angels

1. As with God Himself, the Bible does not seek to ____________________ the
existence of angels; but rather states their existence as a _________________.

2. The work of angels is seen in every ____________________ of the Bible.

Some Old Testament Instances

1. At ________________________________ (Job 38:6 -7).

2. The __________________________________________ (Gen 3:24).

3. Comforted ____________________ (Gen. 16)

4. Appeared to ____________________ at Mamre (Gen. 18)

5. Appeared to ____________________ at Sodom (Gen. 19)

6. Appeared to ____________________ at Bethel (Gen. 28)

7. Appeared to ________________________ donkey (Num. 22)

8. Interrupted _________________________ dream (Judges 7)

9. Encouraged the hearts of _________________________ parents (Judges 13)

Some New Testament Instances

1. The ________________________________ (Luke 1)

2. Appeared to __________________________ (Luke 1)

3. Appeared to ____________________ (Matt. 1 and 2)

4. Appeared to __________________________________________ (Luke 2)

5. Concerning Christ:

*a. At His _____________________________ (Matt. 4)

*b. At His _____________________ (Luke 22)

c. At His ____________________ (Matt. 26:51-53)

d. At His _________________________________ (Matt. 28)

e. At His _________________________________ (Luke 24)

f. His ____________________ ____________________ (Revelation)

6. Christ’s teaching concerning angels:

the angels of ___________________ in Matthew 22:30
the __________________ and his angels in Matthew 25: 41
the angels as ___________________________ in Mark 8:38
the angels without ________ or _________________ desires in Matthew 22:30
the __________________ intelligence of angels in Matthew 24:36
the angels as the bearers of the _______________ to heaven in Luke 16:22
the angels ready to _________ their Lord in Matthew 26:53
the angels are ready to ___________________________ Christ at His return
in Matthew 25:31
the angels to assist in ___________________________ in Matthew 13:41-49
the angels joy over __________________ sinners in Luke 15:10
the angels as ________________________ of Christ’s confession in Luke 12:8
the angels are especially interested in God’s ___________________________
in Matthew 18:10

7. Particular Angels:

a. Of the vast host of angels, only ____________________ are named.

*b. _______________________________ who is the prince of Israel.

*c. ____________________ who is God’s herald.

*d. ____________________ who became _______________________.

Kinds of Angels

*1. Seraphim- _______________________________ of God’s throne.

*2. Cherubim - ______________________________ of God’s throne.

*3. Archangels - ____________________ angels.

Responsibilities of the Angels

1. They _______________________________ (Genesis 3:24; Revelation 21;12).

2. They _________________________ in actual bodily combat (Revelation 12:7-9).

3. They _______________________________________
(Gen. 19:1, 12-13; Acts 12:23; Rev. 8:6-7)

4. They __________________ to saints (I Kings 19:5-7; Heb. 1:14).

5. They _________ nations (Daniel 10:12-13; 12:1; 20-21).

6. They ___________________________ in trials (Matthew 4;11; Luke 22:43).

7. They _________________________________ to Gospel workers (Acts 10:3).

8. They __________________ preachers (Acts 8:26).

9. They minister before God (Revelation 8:2).

10. They bind __________________ and guard his abyss (Rev. 20:1-3).

11. They gather __________________ together (Matthew 24:31).

12. They __________________ the saints (Psalm 34:7; 91:11).

13. They __________________ the good from the bad (Matthew 13:49).

14. They ___________________________ Christ to earth (Matthew 16:27; 25:31).

15. They receive __________________ spirits Luke 16:22).

16. They impart God’s ___________ (Acts 5:19-20; 10:1-3).

17. They bring __________________ to prayer (Daniel 9:21-23).

18. They are present in the ______________ (I Cor. 11:10; Eph. 3:10; I Tim. 5:21).

19. Conclusion: When doubtful about angels, always remember Hebrews 1:14; Are
they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs
of salvation?

Satan and Fallen Angels


*1. Satan’s best and most unique work is to convince people that

2. The subject of Satan and the fallen angels appears prominently in the Scriptures.

a. Satan and his angels as a _________________, personal, corruptive, and
evil force in the affairs of man.

b. The fall of Lucifer, _____________________________ in the existence of
fallen angels and demons.

3. In Scripture, the battle between Christ and Satan started back in
______________________________ and continues to this day.

4. Understanding the nature of this evil _____________________ will prepare us for
the understanding of his _______________________________.

The Origin of Satan

1. God did not create Lucifer as a _________________. Lucifer made himself a

a. Satan was originally ___________________ along with the other beings,
principalities and powers in heaven.
(Col. 1:15-18; Ezek. 28:11-19; Isa. 14:12-14).

b. Before he sinned or iniquity was found in him, Satan was known as

c. As created, he was “full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.”

d. As the “anointed cherub,” he covered God’s throne and guarded it. Instead of
covering it, he ______________________________ it and so fell.

e. Lucifer’s fall provided a corrupt rulership.

*(1) Christ referred to Satan as “the ____________________ of this world”
(John 12:31;14:30).

*(2) Paul called him the _____________ of this world (II Cor. 4:4).

*2. The effective cause of Lucifer’s fall can be summed up in the word

Satan’s Character

1. Although still an angelic being, Satan has never manifested any of the
_____________________________________ characterizing unfallen angels.

2. From the moment of his fall, Satan has labored along with his evil hosts, to
destroy the __________________ work of God on behalf _________________.

List of The Names of Satan

*1. Personal, singular _____________________ are made of him and he is credited
with personal statements in such passages as Job 1:6-12 and Isaiah 14:12-14.

*2. Descriptions, names and titles given of him likewise indicate ________________.

Satan's Scriptural Names and Titles

1. ______________________ (Isaiah 12:12-14)
2. ______________________ (Matt. 13:39)
3. ______________________ (Matthew 10:25)
4. ______________________ (II Cor. 6:15)
5. ______________________ (I Peter 5:8-9)
6. ______________________ (Revelation 12:3-12)
7. ______________________ (II Cor. 11:3)
8. ___________ of this world (II Cor. 4:4)
9. ________________ of this World (John 12:31)
10. Prince of the ________________ of the Air (Eph. 2:1-3)
11. ______________________ of the brethren (Rev. 12:10)
12. _____________ and ________________ (Rev. 12:9)
13. Sower of ____________________ (Matt. 13:39)
14. ______________________ (Matt. 4:3)
15. _____________________________ (Matt. 13:19 & 30)
16. ______________________ (Psalm 91:3)
17. _______________ (John 10:13)
18. ______________________ (John 10:10)
19. ___________________________ (I Peter 5: 8-9
20. __________________ (John 10:10)
21. Father of _________________ (John 8:44)
22. ______________________ (John 8:44)

The Activity of Satan

The Bible is explicit when concerning the record of Satan’s
___________________ and ________________________ activities.

1. He was a ______________ from the beginning.
2. He was condemned for his ____________________________.
3. He goes from ____________________________.
4. He is a __________________________________________ ruler.
5. He has a realm divided into organized ____________________________ and is
the head of all the powers of _______________________________________.
6. He _________________________ fallen angels and fallen man.
7. He is active in ________________ and some __________________ affairs.
8. He sows tares among the wheat and is the _____________________________
of the church.
9. He is the _______________________ of persecution, tribulation and
_____________________ the bodies of men.
10. He ______________ with cunning snares and fiery darts and ______________
evil thoughts.
11. He has ______________ over man extending to death but not beyond it.
12. He was _______________________ by Christ.
13. He can be successfully _____________________ by the Christian.
14. He will share the ________________________ with all those he has seduced.

Satan and the Believer

Why does God permit the devil to continue his devilish work?

*1. Temptations and trials ____________________ the true nature of the heart.
(Matt. 13:20-21)

*2. Temptations and trials ____________________ (matures) true love and faith.
(James 1:12).

*3. Temptations and trials have an _____________________________ effect.
(II Cor. 12:7)

*4. Temptations and trials provide _______________________________________
______________________ (II Cor. 2:11).

*5. Temptations and trials provide a ______________________ for saints that they
may be ________________________ through overcoming (James 1:12).

6. Our responsibility regarding Satan is very clear. We must:

a. be __________________ and watch lest he devour us. (I Pet. 5:8)
b. give him no ______________________________ whatsoever. (Eph. 4:27)
c. resist him in ________________ of the cross. (Jam. 4:7)
d. put on the ________________________________ of God. (Eph. 6:10-11)
e. not be ignorant of his ________________________________.(II Cor. 2:11)
f. overcome him by ________________________. (I John 2:14)
g. triumph over him in ________________. (Heb. 2:14)
h. overcome him by _____________________ and ___________ (I John 5:18)
i. overcome him by the ________________________________ (I John 4:4)
j. overcome him by the ________________ of Christ (Rev. 12:11)
k. overcome him by our __________________________ (Rev. 12:11)

7. Things to remember:

*a. Satan does ______________ possess the divine attributes of God.

(1) He does not possess ____________________________ __ (Although he
can move swiftly from place to place, he is not everywhere at the same

(2) He does not possess ___________________________ (He is wise and
cunning, but not all knowing);

(3) Hedoes not possess _____________________________ (He is more
powerful than us, but still under the ultimate power of God.)

b. Satan is a ____________________ and ____________________ foe.
(I Cor. 10:13).

The Location of Satan

1. Satan’s present headquarters is located ________________________________
(Ephesians 6:12).

a. The word for high places is literally ______________________________.

b. The Bible presents ____________________ heavens (II Chronicles 2:6):

(1) the third heaven - where God’s ________________ is
(Psalm 102:19, Isaiah 63:15, II Corinthians 12:1-4)

(2) the second heaven - _____________________________
(Isaiah 13:10, Luke 21:26)

(3) the first heaven - the earth’s ________________________, or the
________ ( Job 35:11, Psalm 147:8).

*2. At present, Satan’s seat of authority is located in the _____________________
heaven, where he has ____________________ access to the throne of God to
accuse the saints; and ____________________ access to the earth to dispatch
his army of evil spirits to hinder the work of God (Job 1:6-11).

3. In the middle of the Tribulation Period, Satan will be cast down to the earth to
_________________________ the Anti-christ system for an all out attack
against Christ (Revelation 12:7-17).

4. Three and one half years later, at the close of the Tribulation, Satan will be bound
in the __________________________________________ for 1,000 years while
Christ reigns in His millennial Kingdom (Revelation 20:1-4).

5. At the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ, Satan will be released for a short
time to instigate one _______________________________________________
against God.

*6. He is then defeated and cast into the __________________________________
where he will remain forever (Revelation 20:7-10).

Devils and Demons

1. Paul cites ________ kinds of angels among those who rebelled with Satan
against God:

a. ________________________: these are chief rulers, those of highest rank in
the Satanic kingdom;

b. ________________________: fallen angels whose power is delivered from
Satan and who execute the will of their chief ruler;

c. ________________________________________: spirit world rulers who
assist in the plans of the god of this world;

d. ________________________________, who operate from the heavenlies
where Satan has his seat of operations.

2. These beings are divided into two distinct classes:

a. The ________________________ (Jude 6).

b. The ________________ (Eph. 6:12)

3. The word demon implies an ________________________ or _____________.
(Leviticus 19:31).

4. Believers must realize that demons can be made ________________ to them
even as they were ________________ to Christ (Matthew 12: 28).

5. Our only resources against these hosts of wickedness are watchfulness, prayer,
and appropriation of the __________________________ of God (Eph. 6:12-18).

Part Three
The Doctrine of Man

The Bible and Man

*1. The study of the doctrine of man is called ____________________________.

2. The entire Word of God has been inspired, written and preserved as God’s

3. Jesus emphasized the _______________________________ of man to God.
(Matt. 10:28-31).

4. Jesus Himself __________________________________________________.

5. Man was a unique and direct ________________________________________.

6. To understand what God has provided for man, it is important to have a knowledge of
man’s ___________________________________________________.

The Design of Man

1. Man, is the _________________________________ of God and has
_________________________ faculties and abilities.

*a. Man alone has the ability of seeing
_________________________________________________ (Rom. 1:19-20).

*b. Man alone can trace the evidences of
__________________________________________ (Psalm 104:24; 150:1).

*c. Man also has the ability of appreciating God’s
_____________________________________ (Psalm 33:5).

2. The earth was ______________________ and __________________________
for man.

a. He was given _______________________________________________ all
the earth and its beings.

b. The _____________________________________________ kingdoms were
under his care and for his use (Psalms 8:3-8).

3. Man was fashioned with the deliberation and council
___________________________________________________ (Gen. 1:26).

4. Both _________________________ and true _________________________
evidence prove that man was created by a _______________________ of God.

Material and Immaterial Parts of Man

1. Man is both material and immaterial.

2. God formed the material body of man out of the _________________________.

a. At death, the body travels back, by quick stages to its
_________________________________________ (Gen 3:19).

b. God made the earth for man and then made man

*3. God created man in His Image in that man possesses ____________________,
____________________________, and _________.

4. Man was created in God’s_________________________ image.

5. As God, man is a ______________________________________ (I Thes. 5:23).

*a. Man has a _________________________ which denotes
_________________________ consciousness.

*b. Man has a _________________________ which denotes
_______________________ consciousness.

*c. Man has a _________________________ which denotes
____________________ consciousness.

6. Conclusion: Man possesses distinguishing characteristics which separate him
from animal and plant life and connect him with the image of God. The design of
man is not one of chance or evolution; it is one of direct, divine creation.

The Decline of Man

1. Man forfeited his innocent and blessed position

*2. By the expression “total depravity of man” we mean that he is all

a. His _________________________ is darkened (Ephesians 4:17-18).

b. His _________________________ is debased, diseased and death-ridden
(Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 7).

c. His _______________ is weakened (Romans 7).

d. His __________________________________ is seared (I Timothy 4:2).

3. Natural man is:

*a. utterly ___________________ and ______________________ before God;
(Rom. 3:10-12, 9)

*b. a child of ____________________________________ (Eph. 2:2).

*c. _________________________ from God (I Cor. 2:14).

*d. unable to_________________________________ himself to God
(Romans 3:10-20).

The Destiny of Man

*1. Man in his present lost and sinful condition is destined to a place called
_____________ and, ultimately, the ___________________________________.
(Psalm 9:17; Matt. 10:28; Rev. 20:13-15).

a. When lost man dies, his _________________________________________;
and his ______________________________________________________.

b. At the great White Throne judgment, the lost are ______________________
and _______________________ with their bodies.

*c. Their _____________________________ body will be fitted for the

*d. The destiny of the lost can be altered through the work of
________________________________ (I Cor. 15:22).

2. When a believer dies, ______________________________________________;
and his spirit _____________________________________________________.

*a. At the close of the Church-Age, Christ and the
who have died will return to the air and call believers to meet

*b. The bodies of the living saints will be_________________________

*c. The bodies of the dead saints will also be raised, glorified, and

*d. This event is called _____________________________________________.
(I Cor. 15:51-58; Philippians 3:20-2; I Thes 4:13-18).

e. The present position of those who have put off the old man and have put on
the new is one of ______________________________________.

f. The future position of the redeemed is that of
___________________________________________ to a glorious kingdom.

Part Four
The Doctrine of Sin

The Existence of Sin

*1. The study of the Doctrine Of Sin is theologically referred to as

2. The Greek word hamartia means _____________________.

3. An understanding of the seriousness of sin which can only be found in

The Origin Of Sin

*1. Sin originated in the heart and mind of an angel, ________________________.

*2. This sin was ________________, the desire to be above God.

3. This sin brought ______________________________________________
(Ezekiel 28:15-17; Isaiah 14:12-15)

*4. After bringing sin into existence Lucifer became _____________________.

*5. Sin entered the human race through ____________________________.
(Gen. 3:1-8).

6. Conclusion: Sin originated with the devil and entered the world through
______________________ and became ____________________________,
resulting in spiritual and physical __________________________.
(Gen. 2:17; Rom 5:12; 6:23).

The Nature Of Sin

1. Sin is the______________________________________ of a divine command.

*a. The term transgression means ___________________________________.

b. It signifies the breaking of a ______________________________________,
going beyond assigned _______________________, thus to

2. Sin is the denial of God’s _______________________________ to command.
(I Tim 1:9).

3. Sin is also the failure to attain to the _________________________________.

*a. The most common word the Bible uses for sin means,
________________________________________ (Rom 3:23).

b. Sin is a deviation from _________________________________________.

c. Sin misdirects man from his _______________________________________
which is to _____________________________________.

4. What does the Bible say about sin????

*a. Sin is ____________________________ (John 8:44)

*b. Sin is ____________________________ (John 1:5-6; Eph. 6:12)

*c. Sin is ____________________________ (Isa 59:2).

*d. Sin is _________________________________ (Isa 64:6).

*e. Sin is ____________________________ (Rom. 6:16, 20, 23a)

*f. Sin is ____________________________ (Rom. 6:20-21; Eph. 2:2-3)

*g. Sin is ____________________________ (John 3:19; Prov. 12:2)

*h. Sin ____________________________ the soul (Isa. 1:6; 6:5).

*i. Sin ____________________________ the soul (Gen 6:12; Psalm 14:1).

* j. Sin ____________________________ the soul (Ezek 18:20).

Part Five
The Doctrine of Salvation

Terms Describing Salvation

1. ________________________________ (Acts 26:5; Gal. 1:13-14; Jam. 1:26-27)

*a. The word religion is found _________________ times in our English Bible.

b. There are two Greek words used:

(1) Ioudaismoswhich is used twice and refers to the ____________________.

(2) threskeia which comes from a root word meaning ______________
resulting in discipline.”

*c. Being right with God is a ___________________________ and not religion.

d. Religious _________ cannot produce a relationship with God.

2. _______________ (Matt. 1:21; Luke 19:10; Rom. 10:9, 13)

*a. The Greek word soteria, from which we get the word soteriology, means -to
__________________________ and make _____________________.

*b. The meaning of salvation in the Hebrew and Greek implies the ideas of

*c. The word saved denotes 3 things:

*(1) The need of __________________________- Situation.

*(2) The need of another’s _________________________ - Savior

*(3) The freedom from the ________________________ of danger - Safety

d. The word saved emphasizes the ____________________________ aspect
of our relationship with God.

3. _____________________ (Luke 13:3; 16:30; Acts 3:19; 17:30)

*a. The Greek word for repent means a change in _______________________
resulting in a change of _____________________.

*b. Before a person can see his/her need of salvation, he/she must experience
a change in thinking in three areas.

*(1) ___________

*(2) ____________

*(3) ___________________

c. The word repent emphasizes the ____________________________ aspect
of our relationship with God.

4. ____________________________ (Matt. 18:3; Mark 4:12; Acts 3:19)

a. The word for converted is epistrepho carries the idea of ceasing to go
_________________ and ____________________________ again.

*b. As repentance emphasizes a change of ______________ conversion
denotes a change of _____________.

c. The word “converted” emphasizes the ____________________________
aspect of our relationship with God.

5. __________________________________

*a. The term regeneration is more commonly understood as the

*b. The root word is genos from which we get our English word genealogy and
means to begat, produce ____________________________, or bring
__________________________________________ (Titus 3:5)

c. The word for regeneration is the root word genos with a prefix which means
again or _____________________.

*d. This verse also gives the Agent of the new birth which is the

e. Slightly altered the root word genos is slightly altered to means “to
_____________________________________________ (John 1:13; 3:3, 7).

*f. Thus we learn that the new birth makes the believer a
___________________________________ of God (I Pet. 1:23; I John 3:9)

*g. We further notice that the ____________________________ is the co-agent
in the new birth.

(1) The spiritual rebirth (Regeneration of The Spirit) is based on the law of

(2) The Greek word for belly used in John 7;38 means “the hollow or cavity
of the _________________ 12 of those times, the word is translated
(Some examples are: Luke 1:41-42; 2:21; John 3:4; Gal. 1:15)

(3) In I John 3:9, the Greek word translated seed means -that which
_____________________ or ____________________ conception.”

(4) The Greek word for seed used in I Pet. 1:23 is a different word which
simply means ____________________________.

(5) So, in the new birth, there is both a _______________________ (The
Word) and ____________________________ (The Spirit).

(6) When the seed of the Word of God is germinated by the seed of the
Holy Spirit in the __________________________ heart a new birth

(7) Here, we see the basis upon which spiritual conception and the new
birth take place which is _____________ (I John 5:1, 4, 18)

h. Then, we see the new creature is __________________________________.

i. It is not the new creature which is drawn after lust into sin; it is the mortal,
corruptible __________________ which one day must be changed
(I Cor. 15:50-57).

6. ____________________________ (Gal. 3:13; 4:4-5; Titus 2:14; I Pet. 1:18-19)

*a. The word redeem means to deliver on the basis of a

*b. Christ paid our sin debt through His perfect ___________________ and
precious ____________________.

7. ___________________________ (Rom. 8:15; Gal 4:5; Eph. 1:5).

*a. The Jewish rite of adoption has to do with a father _____________________
the son-ship of his child by pronouncing all of the rights and privileges of
sonship, including ____________________________, upon his son.
(John 1:12; I John 3:1-2)

b. We are not waiting to become the sons of God, He has declared that we are
_________________________ His sons.

c. There will be a future acknowledgment of our sonship through the ultimate
____________________________ of our bodies (Rom. 8:19, 23).

Grace and Mercy
(Gal. 2:21; 5:4; Eph. 2:8; Tit. 3:7; I Pet. 5:5)

1. “Grace” is commonly defined as ______________________________.

*2. Simply stated, “Grace is where we get what we _________________________.
(Matt. 9:13; Rom. 9:16; Eph. 2:4; Tit. 3:5; I Pet. 1:3)

3. Mercy is the __________________________________ aspect of forgiveness
where the believer does not receive eternal punishment which he of himself
does deserve.

4. Both grace and mercy are ____________________________ with our works.

(Heb 11:6)

1. Faith is the only basis upon which man can _______________________ God.

2. The word “faith” appears ___________ times in the Bible.

3. The New Testament Greek word means -to be persuaded by truth to the point of

*4. The three elements of saving faith:

*a. ______________________________ of the truth:
(John 8:32; Rom 10:14; II Tim. 1:12; I John 5:13)

*b. _________________________________ with the truth: (what God says)

*(1) ...concerning our ______________________________ (Rom. 7:18,24)

*(2) ...concerning Christ’s ______________________________ (Matt 9:28).

(3) Knowing the truth and ______________________________ the truth are
two different things (Jam. 2:19).

(4) Acceptance of the truth leads to conviction. The English word for convict is
defined as -the act or process of convincing toward fixed belief. The Greek
word is translated ______________________ in the King James Bible.
(Tit 1:9; Jude 1:15)

*c. __________________________ in the truth: (John 11:25-27)

(1) One common definition is based on the spelling of the word “faith:”
F__________________ A____ I T____________ H___________.

*(2) One great example of saving faith (faith imputed for righteousness) is
given in the example of _____________________________ in Romans


*1. Sanctification is the Greek word which means -to _________________________
and ______________________________ to God.

a. The concept of the word is seen in II Timothy 2:21 - If a man therefore purge
himself ___________ these, he shall be a vessel ________ honour, sanctified,
and meet for the master’s use, and prepared ________ every good work

*b. Sanctification carries the idea of turning from sin to God. The key words in his
verse are ______________ and ________________.

2. The Word of God presents sanctification as a process which we call
__________________________ sanctification.

3. We are not at the present what we were in the ___________; and we are not in
the present what we will be in the ____________________.

4. We are going through a sanctification process which began with
______________________ and will be complete when we are ______________.

The Past Aspect of Sanctification

1. ________________________________ is the status we receive the moment we
accept Christ as our Savior.

2. At the moment we receive Christ, we are sanctified from the ________________
of sin unto the _______________________ of sons.

The Present Aspect of Sanctification

1. As we daily surrender our lives to Christ, we are being sanctified from the
__________________________ of sin unto the _________________________
of servants (vessels).

2. As justification as to do with the soul, surrender has to do with

The Future Aspect of Sanctification
(Romans 13:11;I John 3:1-2).

When we are glorified, we will be sanctified from the _________________________ of sin unto the _______________________________ of the Son.

The Greatness Of Salvation

1. Salvation is great because of its ____________________________.
(Eph. 3:11; II Tim. 1:9; Titus 1:2; Rom. 5:8; Titus 1:2;I Peter 1:20).

2. Salvation is great because of the ____________________ to procure it.
(Matt. 20:28; John 1:12; Acts 16:30-31; 20:21, 28; II Cor. 5:21; Titus 3:5-8).

3. Salvation is great because of its _____________________________.
(Luke 16:19-31; John 3:16). .

4. Salvation is great because it is _______________________________________.
(John 10 28).

5. Salvation is great because it came to us _________________________.
(Isaiah 12:2; II Timothy 1:12).