(BI 103) Old Testament Survey II - The Historical Books
Student Handout

Course Description

Ten lectures covering the Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and the Books of Samuel. This course guides the student through a general survey of the people, places, and events from the entrance of the Israelites into the Promise Land until the Kingdom is established under King David.

Introduction To The Course

The Bible is divided into two main divisions: the Old Testament (Genesis- Malachi); and the New Testament (Matthew- Revelation). The Old Testament is divided into four parts: The Law or Pentateuch (Genesis- Deuteronomy); History (Joshua- Esther); Poetry (Job- Song of Solomon); and Prophecy (Isaiah- Malachi). In this course, we will be studying the Historical Books. The events recorded in these twelve books (Joshua to Esther) cover a period of time of about one thousand years. During this time, the Israelites enter into the promised land, mature into a mighty kingdom, rebel against God, and are carried away from the land into captivity by the heathen nations. The books surveyed in this study are:

(1) Joshua (2) Judges (3) Ruth (4) 1st Samuel (5) 2nd Samuel

Assignment for Lecture One: Read Joshua Chapters 1 - 12
Note: You will asked on the evaluation if you did all reading assignments.

Joshua Notes

Note: All question numbers marked by ( ) should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.

About the book of Joshua:

Purpose: The book shows how the faithful covenant God fulfilled His promises to the people of Israel by bringing them into the promised land. (Young; Keil)

Theme: Victory through faith in God’s Word.

Writer: Parts of the original account must have been written by Joshua (24:26); A Jewish tradition states that Eleazar added the account of Joshua’s death, and that Phinehas added the account of Eleazar’s death. Keil suggests that it was written, under Divine inspiration, by an elder who was an eyewitness of most of the events recorded in the book (see Joshua 5:1, “we;” Joshua 24:31; Judges 2:7).

Date of Events and Writing: 1406-1383 B.C. Based on dating the Exodus at 1446 B.C.
(I Kings 6:1; Judges 11:26)

Outline For the Book of Joshua:

I. The Conquest of the Land (Chapters 1-12)
A. The Campaign in the South (Chapters 1-10)
The Conquest of Jericho (1-6)
The Conquest of Ai (7-8)
The Craftiness of the Gibeonites (9)
The Confederacy of the Amorites (10:1-27)
The Completion of the Southern Campaign (10:28-43)

The Campaign in the North (Chapter 11:1-15)
The Confederacy of Jabin of Hazor (11:1-5)
The Confederacy of Jabin Vanquished (11:6-15)

The Campaign Summarized (Chapter 11:16-12:24)
The Land Conquered (11:16-22)
The Kings Conquered (12)

II. The Division of the Land (Chapters 13-24)
The Division Made At Gilgal (13-17)
The Division Made At Shiloh (18-19)
C. The Cities of Refuge (20)
The Towns of the Priests and Levites (21)
The Possession of the Borderland Inheritances (22)
The Last Counsels of Joshua (23-24)
Exhortation to Faithfulness (23)
Renewal of the Covenant (24:1-28)
Death and Burial (24:29-31)

The Conquest of the Land (Chapters 1-12)


Chapter 1

( 1.) Moses, the servant of God, was dead, but the ____________________ of God to Israel is still alive. Joshua’s personal success, as well as the success of each Israelite would depend on ______________________________ the Word of God.

Chapter 2

(2). The sending of spies not only had the practical benefit of gaining information, but also the providential benefit of the salvation of _________________ . There was an immediate response of her faith in the placing of the ________________________________.

Chapter 3

3. The miracle of the parting of Jordan was given to validate Joshua’s ___________________________ (3:7) and to ______________________________________ for the coming conquests. (3:10)

Chapter 4

(4.) The stones set in the River by Joshua represent _________________; while the stones set up by the twelve representatives at Gilgal represent ____________________________________.

Chapter 5

5. The keeping of the passover and circumcision (vs 1-9) had been neglected in the wilderness because of _____________________ (Heb. 3:19). The “captain of the host” was not an angel because he allowed Joshua to ______________________________.

Chapter 6

6. The frequent use of the expression “the people” shows that the strategy for taking Jericho required_________________________. The city was accursed because its contents were devoted to the Lord. A prophesy is given that would be fulfilled when _________________ rebuilt the city.

Chapter 7

(7.) The failure at Ai was the result of two other failures: the failure of ______________ to go up as an entire group; and the failure of _________________ to keep himself from the accursed thing.

Chapter 8

8. Correcting the problems brought _________________. The reading of the blessings and curses on Mounts Gerizim and Ebal represent the _____________________________________________.

Chapter 9

9. The tool of deceit used by the Gibeonites was false _____________________________ (vs 4-5). The mistake of the Israelite leaders was ___________________ (v14)

Chapter 10

10. As the southern campaign continued, various kings drew together against Israel, but were defeated. Two remarkable miracles of God to aid Joshua were ________________________________ and a _____________________________.

Chapter 11

11. Joshua was commanded to go forth against the combined army in the __________________ of God. The crippling of the horses and destruction of the chariots were because the Israelites were to put their __________________ in God. (Deut. 17:16; Psalms 20:7; I Kings 10:28-29)

Chapter 12

(12.) By viewing the map of Canaan on page 15 we can see that verses 9-16 give a report of the _________________________ campaign, while verses 17-24 list the cities conquered in the ___________________________ campaign.

Division of the Land (Joshua 13 - 24)


Chapter 13

(1.) The tribe of __________________________ was split, with half remaining on each side of the Jordan River. The tribes of _______________________ and __________ also received their inheritance beyond Jordan (Numbers 32:1-33). __________________, the soothsayer was killed, and the tribe of ____________ received no inheritance of land.

Chapter 14

(2.) ________________ was awarded Mount Hebron because of his willingness to trust God forty five years earlier when sent out as a spy by Moses from ______________________________________. (Numbers 13:1- 14:24)

Chapter 15

3. ______________________ was rewarded Achsah to be his wife because he conquered _________________________________.

Chapter 16

4. The tribe of _________________________ made a terrible mistake in allowing the ___________________________ to remain in the land to be taxed.

Chapter 17

5. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh exhibited a failure to _________________________ the land given them because of fear of the enemy.

Chapter 18

(6.) The site where the Tabernacle was first erected in the promised land was ___________________.

Chapter 19

7. The Children of Israel gave Joshua the land of _____________________________________, where he built a city.

Chapter 20

(8.) In obedience of the command given by Moses earlier (Exodus 21:12-14; Numbers 35:6, 11, 14; Deuteronomy 19:2-7), ____________________________ were appointed.

Chapter 21

(9.) The Levites did not receive a land inheritance because the ministry of the Lord was their inheritance. However, they were allotted towns to live in that were _________________________________ out among the other tribes. The purpose for this was that the instruction and ministry of the Word of God would be present throughout the land and every tribe.

Chapter 22

10. The two and one half tribes avoided civil war with their fellow Israelites by expressing that the Altar of __________ was merely a __________________ and not for the purpose of the offering of sacrifice.

Chapter 23

11. Joshua’s first address to the Children of Israel was to charge them to be _____________________ from worldly ____________________ and ______________________.

Chapter 24

12. Joshua’s second address begins with a reminder of God’s _____________________________ and a challenge to their __________________________. The book concludes with the death of Joshua and Eleazar and the burial of the remains of ____________________. (Genesis 50:25-26)


About the Book of Judges:

Purpose: The book continues the history of God’s covenant people from the death of Joshua to the time of Samuel. It shows the increasing need of the people of a righteous king.

Theme: Failure through compromise and unbelief; deliverance through the grace of God.

Writer: Unknown. Internal evidence suggests an origin during the early years of the monarchy, likely in the time of Saul (ca. 1020 B.C.); Samuel may have been the writer.

Date of Events: 1389 B.C. - 1070 B.C.

Key Phrase: “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord”

Outline for The Book of Judges:

I. Pattern of Apostasy (Chapters 1-3:6) [Project 3]
A. The Attitude of Israel Toward the Canaanites (1:1-2:5)
The Apostasy of Israel From the Lord (2:6-3:6)

Periods of Oppression (Chapters 3:7- 16)
Under the Mesopotamians (3:7-11)
Under the Moabites and Philistines (3:12-31)
C. Under the Canaanites (4-5)
Under the Midianites (6:1-10:5)
Under the Ammonites (10:6-12:15) [Project 4]
Under the Philistines (13-16)

Proofs of Apostasy (Chapters 17-21)
A. Idolatry of Micah and the Danites (17-18)
B. Iniquity in Gibeah (19-21)

Oppression and Deliverance (Judges 1 - 11)


Chapter 1

1. The victories of Judah and Simeon were marred by taking Adoni-bezek as a _________________________. By comparing verses 19, 28, 30, 32, 33, and 34, we see that the mistake of Judah and Simeon, Benjamin, Joseph, Zebulun, Asher, Naphtali and Dan was that they were all satisfied with an ___________________________.

Chapter 2

2. In Chapter 2, we see the reoccurring cycle of the time of Judges. Each cycle begins with Israel living in _________ (vv 2,11-13,17,19) which resulted in __________________ to heathen nations (vv13-14); which drove them to make _________________________ to God (v4) who sent __________________________ at the hands of a Judge (vv 16,18).

Chapter 3

(3.) First Cycle: Israel sinned (v7) and was enslaved by the __________________________________ (v8). They made supplication unto God (v9) and were delivered by ________________________ (vv 9-11)

(4.) Second Cycle: Israel sinned (v12) and was enslaved by
_______________________________ (vv 12-14). They made supplication unto God (v15) and were delivered by ___________ (vv 16-30)

(5.) Third Cycle: Israel in servitude to the _____________ was delivered by __________________________. (v 31)

Chapters 4 - 5

(6.) Fourth Cycle: Israel sinned (4:1) and was enslaved by Jabin and Sisera of __________________________ (4:2). They made supplication unto God (4:3) and were delivered by ____________________________________ (4:4-5:31)

Chapters 6 - 8:31

(7.) Fifth Cycle: Israel sinned (6:1) and was enslaved by the ____________________________ (6:2-6). They made supplication unto God (6:7) and were delivered by ________________________ (6:11- 8:30)

Chapter 8:32 - 9:57

8. By making _______________________________ king, the men of Shechem ignored the wise advise of _________________ (8:23). After the Shechemite revolt led by __________________, Abimelech was killed while seeking to conquer __________________.

Chapters 10 - 11

9. After the three years of the internal corruption of Israel through Abimelech, the next 45 years were judged by _____________ and ____________________.

(10.) Sixth Cycle: Israel sinned (10:6) and was enslaved by the Philistines and the ____________________________ (10:7). They made supplication unto God (10:10) and were delivered by _________________________ (11:1-40)

Oppression, Deliverance and Apostasy (Judges 12 - 21)


Chapter 12

1. During the years of Jephthah’s being Judge, a civil war broke out between Gilead and ________________________. The distinguishing password was ___________________________, and those who mispronounced it were _______________________.

2. The next 25 years following the death of Jephthah were judged by ___________________, ___________________, and ________________.

Chapter 13

(3.) Seventh Cycle: Israel sinned and was enslaved by

(4.) The next judge would be a ________________ born to the wife of ____________________, and would be named _____________________.

Chapter 14

5. Samson’s decline began with his desire to acquire a _________________ of the Philistines, and touching the ______________________ to acquire honey.

Chapter 15

6. Samson burned the Philistine’s crops because of displeasure with his ____________________________. He then slaughtered the Philistines because of their ________________ of his wife and father-in-law.

Chapter 16

(7.) Samson’s life followed the same cycle as the nation he judged. He sinned with ________________ and fell into servitude to the Philistines. He ______________ to God and was delivered through his own death. ____________________________ is mentioned more concerning Samson’s life than any other judge.

Chapter 17

(8.) Micah’s sin of ____________________ led to his being deceived by his own ____________________ religion.

9. The young Levite had allowed _____________ to dictate his ministry and service.

Chapter 18

10. The Danites sought to capture the land of ______________ for their inheritance. Upon doing so they built a city called Dan which became a center of __________________________.

Chapter 19:1 - 20:7

11. The moral condition of the men of Gibeah, who were of the tribe of Benjamin, had decayed to the same depraved depths as the ________________________. The Levite’s cutting up of the woman signified ___________________ among the tribes of Israel.

Chapters 20:8 - 21:25

12. The two victories brought false confidence to the Benjamites, but brought _______________ in dedication to the other tribes. The “daughters of Shiloh” given to the Benjamite survivors were actually taken from __________________________.


About the book of Ruth:

Purpose: The book is both a supplement to the Book of Judges and an introduction to the books of Samuel. It introduces the reader to the family of David (Samuel gives no account of David’s ancestors) and traces the line of the Messiah. This book is called the capstone of grace and victory to Judges, a book of defeat and disgrace. Judges closes with “no king in Israel.” Ruth gives a preview of the greatest king, David.

Theme: Providential preparation for the family of Messiah.

Writer: Unknown. It must have been written in David’s time (4:22), possibly by Samuel (ca. 1000 B.C.).

Date of Events: Probably about the time of the Midianite oppression, when Gideon was Judge (Judges 6-8), ca. 1200-1150 B.C.

Key Phrase: “the Lord”

The Title: The book is named for its principle character, Ruth the Moabite. Ruth follows the book of Judges in Our King James Version of the Old Testament, but in the Hebrew Bible it is found in the third part of the canon, which is known as the Writings.

Outline for The Book of Ruth:

I. Ruth’s Decision (Chapter 1)
A. Elimelech’s Retreat From the Promised Land (1:1-5)
B. Ruth’s Resolution (1:6-18)
C. Naomi’s Return to the Promised Land (1:19-22)

Ruth’s Service (Chapter 2)
The Kindness of Boaz (2:1-16)
The Dedication of Ruth (2:17-23)

Ruth’s Request (Chapter 3)
A. Naomi’s Plan (3:1-4)
B. Ruth’s Compliance (3:5-18)

IV. Ruth’s Reward (Chapter 4)
The Responsibilities of a Kinsman-Redeemer (4:1-12)
The Right of Redemption Refused (4:1-6)
The Right of Redemption Assumed (4:7-12)
The Rewards of the Kinsman-Redeemer (4:13-22)
In the Immediate Progeny (4:13-17)
In the Illustrious Posterity (4:18-21)

Providence and Redemption (Ruth 1 - 4)


Chapter 1

(1.) Elimelech was driven to ________________ because of a famine. After ten years, his wife, Naomi, was a __________________.

2. Naomi told her daughters- in- law that there was no hope of __________________________ with her, but Ruth had evidently observed the _________________ of God in Naomi’s life.

(3.) When Naomi returned to ________________, she requested that her name be changed to Mara which means ____________________________.

Chapter 2

(4.) The kinsman of Naomi was a wealthy man named _________. Ruth immediately set out to __________________ the fields.

5. Because of Ruth’s _____________________, Boaz provided the privilege of gleaning his fields and protection from the reapers. He commanded his reapers to give her complete _____________________.

6. Naomi reveals to Ruth that Boaz is one of their _____________________________. From Naomi’s speech to Ruth, we gather that gleaning was very _________________________.

Chapter 3

7. Naomi realized that the only hope of security and rest for Ruth was in the hands of a _______________________ . The plan of Naomi was based upon the ___________ .

(8.) The act of redemption also involved ___________________. Naomi’s plan guaranteed a redeemer for Ruth, either Boaz or another who was of ___________________ kin.

Chapter 4

9. The prospect of __________________ the land of Elimelech appealed to the first redeemer; but the _________________________ that came with redemption was more than he cared to risk.

(10.) The prayer of the people concerning the union of Ruth and Boaz was actually a ______________________. Their child’s name would be famous in Bethlehem, because Obed was the grandfather of ___________________.

The Books of Samuel

Purpose: The books of Samuel relate the account of the establishment of Israel’s monarchy and the progress of the earthly kingdom through the reign of David.

Theme: The sovereignty of God in His government in spite of man’s weakness and wickedness.

Writer: Unknown. Probably a prophet under the kings. Jewish tradition attributes most of it to Samuel. (The writer may have used material written by Samuel, Gad and Nathan. I Chronicles 29:29).

Date of Events: 1100 - 970 B.C. (I Samuel: 1100 - 1010 B.C.; II Samuel: 1010 - 970 B.C.)

Title: The Books of Samuel are named for the principle character of the first book, Samuel the judge and prophet. The first book deals with the life of Samuel, and the second book shows his influence in establishing the monarchy in Israel. In ancient times, the books of Samuel and Kings were one lengthy book simply called “The Books of the Kings.” Later these were divided into two books, “The Books of Samuel” and “The Books of the Kings.” Finally, due to the bulk of these two books, they were divided again into First and Second Samuel and First and Second Kings.

Outline For the Book of First Samuel:

I. Establishment of the Kingdom of Israel (I Samuel)
A. Samuel, the Last of the Judges (Chapters 1-7)
1. Samuel’s Birth and Call (1-3)
His Consecration Through Hannah’s Prayers (1:1-2:10)
His Contact With Eli’s Sons (2:11-36)
His Call To Prophetic Office (3)
Samuel’s Battles with the Philistines (4-7)
a. Chastening and Defeat (4-6)
b. Consecration and Victory (7)
B. Saul, the First King (Chapters 8-12)
1. Saul’s Appointment as King (8-12)
a. Israel’s Petition for a King (8)
b. Saul’s Private Consecration as King (9:1-10:16)
c. Saul’s Public Consecration as King (10:17-12:25)
2. Saul’s Rejection as King (13-15)
His Dynasty Rejected (13-14)
His Personal Rejection (15)
Saul’s Successor Prepared (16-30)
a. David’s Consecration for the Throne (16:1-13)
b. David’s Preparation for the Throne (16:14-31)
(1) David’s Placement Before the King (16:14-23)
(2) David’s Prominence Before the People (17:1-18:7)
(3) David’s Persecution by Saul (18:8-26:25)
(4) David’s Recourse to Achish in Philistia (27:1-30:31)
4. Saul’s death at Gilboa (31)

Samuel: The Last of the Judges (I Samuel 1 - 7)


Chapter 1

(1.) Elkanah preferred Hannah, but she was sorrowful because of her _________________________. In this passage, we find God referred to as _____________________________________ for the first time in Scripture.

2. Hannah’s vow was that if she received a son from God, he would be a _________________________. Although Eli later told her that her prayer would be answered, his first impression was that she was __________________________.

(3.) The name Samuel was appropriate because the child was __________________________________. In keeping with her promise to God, Hannah ___________________________ Samuel to the service of the Lord as soon as he was weaned.

Chapter 2

4. Hannah’s song of praise and thanksgiving is comparable to ________________________________. A key word that describes Samuel’s duty at Shiloh is ______________________________.

(5.) Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were “sons of _________________________” and committed sin in the Tabernacle of God. As Samuel grew and his parents were blessed of God, a prophet foretells the removal of the _________________________ from the house of Eli.

Chapter 3

6. This chapter records the call of Samuel to the
_____________________________. Samuel left one word out of what Eli told him to say, when he answered the call in the night. The word was ________________.

Chapter 4

7. The mistake of Israel was trusting in the ___________ of God. The Philistines, for fear of ___________________ to the Israelites, overcame their fear of the God of the Hebrews.

(8.) Eli, aged and fat, fell and broke his neck when he heard of the ___________________ of the ark. The grandson of Eli was named ____________________.

Chapter 5

(9.) The presence of the ark in Ashdod brought destruction to the image of ______________________ and a curse of _______________________ upon the inhabitants.

Chapter 6

10. The Philistines sent a trespass offering of five golden emerods and five golden ___________; one for each city afflicted. The men of Beth-shemesh let their __________________ lead them to sin.

Chapter 7

11. The enemies of God will seek to attack the unity of the people of God. Revival is not without its costs. When Israel obediently trusted in God, the enemy was ________________________. Samuel named the memorial stone ________________________. Samuel dwelt in Ramah (means “high places”), and served God and Israel.

Saul: The First King (I Samuel 8- 31)

Samuel and Saul (I Samuel 8- 15)


Chapters 8 & 9

1. The failure of Samuel’s sons and the expression “like all the nations” was a violation of God’s call of Israel to _____________________.

2. God told Samuel to let them have a king, and _______________ was selected.

Chapters 10 & 11

3. After Saul was anointed, the Spirit of God came upon him and he received a ___________________________.

4. Although anointed by Samuel, Saul was not truly recognized by the people until after his victory over the _______________________________.

Chapters 12 & 13

5. Samuel warned Israel of the danger of trusting in a human king and ___________________________.

(6.) Saul confirmed his willful disobedience in offering a sacrifice with the words, “________________________________.”

Chapters 14 & 15

(7.) _______________________ delivered Israel, but was also delivered from penalty of death by Israel.

(8.) The kingdom was taken from Saul for disobedience in sparing _____________ the Amalekite.

Saul and David (I Samuel 16- 31)


Chapters 16 & 17

9. As the Spirit of God came upon David, the Lord allowed an __________________________ to come upon Saul.

(10.) David’s faith in God’s ability to defeat Goliath was based on ________________________________.

Chapters 18 & 19

(11.) As Saul declined in favor, David captured the heart of the Israelites. Although hated by Saul, David won his daughter, ________________ by killing and circumcising two hundred Philistines.

12. David was able to escape Saul’s attempt to murder him through the deception of Michal and escaped to __________________ at Ramah.

Chapters 20 & 21

1. Jonathan, realizing the destiny of David, renewed his _______________________ with David that his children would be shown kindness when David is made king.

(2.) After eating of the shewbread of Ahimelech (Matt. 12:1-8; Mark 23-28; Luke 6:1-5), David deceived ________________________ by pretending to be insane.

Chapters 22 & 23

3. As a group of followers assemble with David at Adullam, Saul is informed by _________________ of the assistance of Ahimelech to David.

4. David is comforted and delivered from the wrath of Saul through Jonathan’s friendship and God’s _________________.

Chapters 24 & 25

5. David ________________ Saul in the cave of Engedi which brought a temporary end to the pursuit.

(6.) Nabel’s (means “fool”) unbelief and refusal to help David would have resulted in bloodshed had not ______________________ intervened.

Chapters 26 & 27

(7.) David prevented ____________________ from killing Saul, and Saul again eased his pursuit.

(8.) David fled to the land of the Philistines, and from the city of _____________________ he made raids on the Geshurites, Gezrites and Amalekites.

Chapters 28 & 29

(9.) When God did not answer the plea of Saul, He sought a witch of ________________ to call Samuel from the dead.

10. The lords of the Philistines feared David’s inability to fight against ____________.

Chapters 30 & 31

11. David shared the recovered spoil of the Amalekites with the ________________ and the elders of Judah.

12. The death of Saul is the first recorded _________________ in the Bible. (I Chron. 10:1-14)

Outline For the Book of Second Samuel:

I. Establishment of the Kingdom of Israel (I Samuel)

II. Progress of the Kingdom of Israel (II Samuel 1-24)

A. David’s Triumphs (Chapters 1-10)

1. As King Over Judah at Hebron (1-4)
a. David’s Lamentation For Saul and Jonathan (1)
b. David’s Reign as King at Hebron (2-4)
(1) His Anointing and Appointment (2:1-7)
(2) His Opposition in Israel (2:8-4:12)

2. As King Over All Israel at Jerusalem (5-10)
a. Jerusalem Established as the Capital of David’s Reign (5)
b. Jerusalem Established as the Center of Divine Revelation (6-7)
c. Jehovah’s Establishment of David’s Kingdom (8-10)

B. David’s Troubles (Chapters 11-24)

1. The Conquest of Carnality (11)

The Cost of Carnality (12-20)
The Death of David’s Child (12)
The Degradation of David’s Sons (13-14)
The Division of David’s Kingdom (15-20)

The Conclusion of David’s Reign (21-24)
His Execution of Divine Judgment on Saul’s House (21:1-14)
His Last Wars with the Philistines (21:15-22:51)
His Last Words (23:1-7)
His Mighty Men (23:8-39)
His Judgment for Pride (24)

David’s Triumphs (II Samuel 1-10 with applied readings from I Chronicles)


Chapter 1

1. As the Book opens, David __________________ and _________________ the death of Saul and Jonathan.

Chapter 2

(2.) David’s first capital headquarters as king of Israel was established at __________________. David’s throne was challenged by ______________________ who made _______________________ king instead. A battle led by _____________ and his brothers followed. (I Chron. 11:1-25)

Chapter 3

3. When accused of taking Rizpah, Abner sought a league with David who demanded ________________ be brought to him. Joab killed Abner upon the suspicion of his being a ____________.

Chapter 4

(4.) Mephibosheth, the son of _______________________ was crippled. _________________________________ were executed by David for the murder of Ishbosheth.

Chapter 5

(5.) At __________________, David was recognized as king over the unified tribes of Israel. After the capture of Zion, _______________________________ became the capital of Israel.

Chapter 6

(6.) The Ark of the Covenant brought death to ____________________, but it brought blessing to the house of _________________________. (I Chron. 13:1-14; 15:1-16; 15:25-16:3)

Chapter 7

(7.) Here we are introduced to ________________ the prophet who would be God’s messenger to David. The work of building a ___________________ would be given to David’s son rather than himself. (I Chron. 17:1-27)

Chapter 8

8. All of the monetary spoils of war were _______________________ by David to the Lord. The rule of judgment and justice during the reign of David has been compared to the ___________________________.

Chapter 9

9. Mephibosheth was living at ____________________ The account of the kindness shown by David to Jonathan’s son, is an excellent illustration of _____________________________________.

Chapter 10

10. The _____________________ of David’s servants turned an offer of kindness into a terrible defeat for ________________________.

David’s Troubles (II Samuel 11-24)


Chapter 11

1. Many Bible scholars believe that David’s fall into sin began through his sin of _______________________.

(2.) David’s sin with Bathsheba followed the ________________ of all sin.

(3.) In an attempt to hide his sin, David sought to first deceive _________________ and then have him killed.

4. The instruction given to the messenger by _____________ reveals that he had gone beyond what David commanded.

5. David thought he had hidden his sin; but in reality, both his _____________________ in sin and _____________ knew of his deeds.

Chapter 12

(6.) The restoration of David began through the obedience of ________________; the reception of his message by _____________; and the death of

7. When compared to verse 14, we notice that David had hoped to change God’s mind, but surrendered to God’s __________.

8. David named his second son by Bathsheba, Solomon; but Nathan called him ____________________.

Chapter 13

9. This chapter records the awful sin of Amnon in forcing his sister Tamar; David’s reluctance to deal with the problem and Absalom’s plan that resulted in Amnon’s death. But in the midst of this crisis, we also see the often overlooked power of influence through the subtility of __________________.

Chapter 14

10. Joab used the widow of _______________ to bring David to allow the limited return of Absalom.

11. Most scholars believe that David’s refusal to see Absalom bred a spirit of _____________________ in the young man.

Chapter 15

(12.) Absalom set up his rebellious reign in _________________.

13. As David left Jerusalem, he gave ________________ the opportunity to leave him; and after second thought, had __________________________ return the ark to Jerusalem.

Chapters 16 & 17

14. David accepted the cursings of _____________ because “he felt he deserved them and because God had permitted them.”

(15.) Because his plan was rejected by Absalom __________________, hung himself. Rather, Absalom accepted the counsel of _________________ to lead the army into battle himself.

Chapter 18

16. After killing Absalom, Joab was reluctant to allow _______________ to deliver the complete report to David.

Chapter 19

17. After the defeat of Absalom, David is rebuked by Joab for mourning his enemy’s death; Shimei is pardoned; Ziba is accused by Mephibosheth; and Barzillai is commended. However, the greatest point of interest is that David replaced Joab with ________________ as commander of his armies.

Chapter 20

18. This chapter records two revolts: the revolt and death of ______________; and the murder of Amasa by Joab to recapture his military position.

Chapter 21

19. When the Gibeonites killed the descendants of Saul, _________________ guarded the bodies of the slain. In the battle against the Philistines, David’s life is saved by _______________________.

Chapter 22

20. This chapter contains David’s psalm of ___________________________.

Chapter 23

21. In Chapter 23, we notice the list of David’s _____________________________.

Chapter 24

22. David’s sin of numbering the people of Israel brings the prophet, _____________ with three options for David.