Romans (Unit One)
Course BC 101

Ten lectures covering the first eight chapters of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans which present the first three divisions of the letter: Condemnation (Chapters 1-3:20), Justification (Chapters 3:21-5), & Sanctification (Chapters 6-8).

Student Handout Lecture Notes

Assignment for Lecture One:
1) Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.
2) Read Introduction material.
3) Read: Romans 1:1 - 3:20

Preliminary reading in preparation for Lecture One:

( BC 101) Romans

Introduction To The Course

Comments About The Epistle

“The Epistle to the Romans stands pre-eminent among the writings of the Apostle Paul. It is without question the most important production of his pen, if we except Ephesians which is as mystically sublime as Romans is logically profound.”
(C. Norman Bartlett)

“It is the true masterpiece of the New Testament, and the very purest Gospel...” (Martin Luther)

“If we are asked what portion of the New Testament should a Christian study the most, we answer always, unhesitatingly, the Epistle to the Romans.” (Arno Gaebelein)

“The Epistle to the Romans is undoubtedly the most scientific statement of the divine plan for the redemption of mankind that God has been pleased to give us.” (Harry Ironside)

“In the Book of Romans Paul has left on record his strongest theological arguments, the nearest to systematic theology in the New Testament.” (William S. Deal)

“Romans is the greatest and most influential of all Paul’s epistles, the first great work of Christian theology.” (Merrill F. Unger)

Becoming Familiar with Romans

Key Verse: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).

Summary : The book of Romans is divided into five major divisions;

(1) Condemnation,
(2) Justification,
(3) Sanctification,
(4) Sovereignty
(5) Service.

To begin this study, we will briefly examine these divisions and determine just what each of these words mean.

Basic Outline of Romans

1) Condemnation means “to declare guilty, to inflict penalty or declare unfit for use.” So, condemnation is the guilt of man, or man’s need of salvation. Why is man guilty? Very simply, because of sin. In Chapters 1 through 3:20, Paul skillfully proves that all men are sinners condemned before God.

2) Justification is the subject of Chapters 3:21-5:21 and means “to free from guilt, to declare innocent.” These few words; “Just as if I had never sinned,” is an easy way to remember the definition of justification. When I am justified, my sins are not only forgiven, but they are also forgotten. In God’s eyes, it is just as if I had never sinned. Justification is the grace of God in providing salvation. This provision of salvation is made only through Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

3) Sanctification means “to set apart for God’s use.” When something is sanctified, God sets it apart and consecrates it to His use. This is the guarantee of grace, or man’s position as a result of salvation. When we receive Christ as our Savior and are saved, from that moment on, God has guaranteed that there are certain things which will take place in our lives. Sanctification is by Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. The subject of sanctification is expounded upon in Chapters 6 through 8.

4) Sovereignty means “to have absolute and unquestionable authority.” In Chapters 9, 10, and 11, we find the sovereignty of God set forth in His dealings with Israel and the Church. Sovereignty expresses the greatness of God, or God’s revelation by the Gospel. God has shown us how great He is through the Gospel. God’s sovereignty is set forth by the work of Christ and illustrated by God’s dealings with the nation of Israel.

5) Service is “to answer to, and be in harmony with, authority.” This means surrender to the one who has authority and sovereignty over you. The Latin word for service means literally “a slave”. Service is the gratitude of man and his willful submission to God. In other words, man is grateful for what God has done in saving him when he was condemned and lost; and sanctifying him so that now he willfully submits himself to the sovereignty of God. Chapters 12 through 16 cover the aspects of personal, civil, and practical Christian service.

Profile on the Apostle Paul

“Born to Jewish parents in a thoroughly observant home in Tarsus (now in Turkey), Paul was originally named “Saul” for the ancient Hebrew king Saul. On the eighth day he was circumcised, as stipulated by the Jewish Law; indeed, in all respects he was reared in accordance with the Pharisaic interpretation of the Law. ... his patterns of thought also reflect formal training in the Jewish Law received in Jerusalem from the famous teacher Gamaliel the Elder (flourished a.d. 20-50).

By his own account Paul excelled in the study of the Law. "And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers" (Galatians 1:14). "Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless" (Philippians 3:6). His zeal for it led him to persecute the nascent (newly emerging) Christian church, holding it to be a Jewish sect that was untrue to the Law and that should therefore be destroyed. "For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it" (Galatians 1:13). Acts portrays him as a supportive witness to the stoning of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

Paul became a Christian after experiencing a vision of Christ during a journey from Jerusalem to Damascus (see Acts 9:1-19, 22:5-16, 26:12-18). Paul himself, in referring to this event, never uses the term conversion, which implies shifting allegiance from one religion to another; he clearly perceived the revelation of Jesus Christ to mark the end of all religions, and thus of all religious distinctions. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28).
Instead, he consistently spoke of God's having “called” him. Paul viewed his call to be a Christian and his call to be an evangelist to the Gentiles as a single and indivisible event. He recognized the legitimacy of a mission to the Jews, as carried out by Peter, but he was convinced that Christianity was God's call to all the world, and that God was making this call apart from the requirements of the Jewish Law.

According to the widely known account recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, Paul carried out three well-defined missionary journeys. ...From Acts it is known that Paul was arrested in Jerusalem after riots incited by his Jewish opponents, and that he was finally taken to Rome; it is also in Acts that Paul speaks of the possibility of his own death.

"But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24).

"Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him unto the ship" (Acts 20:38). He was executed in Rome in A.D. 67.” (Encarta)

Stalker makes the following observations about the Apostle Paul from which we paraphrase:

(1) He was given to Christianity by God when it was in its most rudimentary beginnings. ...when Paul appeared upon the stage the Christian movement was in utmost need of a man of extraordinary endowments.

(2) Christianity obtained in Paul an incomparable type of Christian character. Unlike its Founder, Christ, Paul was an imperfect human. His conversion proved the power of the Gospel of Christ to overcome the strongest prejudices. From the moment Paul came into contact with Christ, he was so overmastered with Christ’s influence that he never afterward had any other desire than to be the mere echo and reflection of Christ to the world. Nor was it ever doubtful either to himself or to others that it was the influence of Christ which made him what he was.

(3) In Paul, Jesus Christ went forth to evangelize the world, making use of his hands and feet, his tongue and brain and heart, for doing the work of giving and spreading the Gospel. There was never such an accumulation of difficulties victoriously met and of sufferings cheerfully borne for any cause.

Deal writes: “Probably no other natural man, with the exception of Moses, has had so profound or lasting influence for good upon the world as Paul. When reading his writings, remember you are sitting at the feet of one of the most brilliant minds, most devout souls, and mightiest of the apostles of Christ who ever lived.”

Assignment for Lecture One: Read Romans 1:1 through 3:20

Introduction: Romans 1:1-16

The Identity of the Author (Romans 1:1)

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.

1. The word "servant" denotes Paul's ___________________________ to Christ.

*2. The word "apostle" refers to Paul's ________________________________ from Christ.

3. The word "separated" signifies Paul's ________________________________.

The Authenticity of the Message (Romans 1:1b-5)

1. The Gospel is legitimate because it was of ________________.

2. The Gospel is _________________________ because it was in ________________________ with the Word of God.

3. The Gospel is legitimate because it was concerning God’s ________.

*4. The progressive message of the Bible is ________________________________________.

5. The expression "seed of David" refers to the ___________________ of Christ.

6. The expression "Son of God" refers to the ________________ of Christ.

7. Christ's divine power was declared through His___________________ and

8. Paul's authority and power was ________________ to him through ________________.

Paul’s Sympathy With The Readers (Romans 1:6-16)

1. Paul designates the Roman believers as ________________.

2. Paul is thankful for the Roman believers' ________________________ of faith.

3. Paul is prayerful for them because of his________________________ in service.

4. Paul's desire to come to Rome was that he might ________ and ________________ a blessing.

5. Paul considered himself as being ________ ________________ to the people of the world.

6. Paul was ________________________ in the power of the Gospel of Christ.

7. To be ashamed of the Gospel is to be ________________________ of God and Christ.

Condemnation of the Gentiles
(Rom. 1:17-32)

The Principle of Condemnation Established (1:17-20)

*1. The principle of condemnation is based on three revelations:

a. The revelation of the________________________________ of God. (v17)

b. The revelation of ________ ________________ against sin. (v18)

c. The revelation of ________ ________________. (verses 19-20)

(1) The truth of God is ________________.

(2) The truth of God is _______________.

(3) The truth of God is _________________________.

The Principle of Condemnation
Applied to the Gentiles (1:21 - 32)

1. The Gentiles rejected the _____________________ and worshiped _____________________.

2. The three steps of _______________ __________________.

Step One: When given up to the ____________________ ________________ of the flesh, they were freed from the _____________________ ____________________ of God.

Step Two: When a person becomes “__________________________________________,” self _____________________ ultimately follows.

Step Three: When recognition of _____________ is refused, recognition of __________ departs.

*3. Three Steps summarized:

a. self _________________________

b. self __________________________

c. self _____________

Condemnation of the Jews
(Rom. 2:1 - 3:8)

The Principle of Condemnation
Established (2:1-17)

The Principle: God will judge all sinners _______________________.

God's Judgment Will be According to Truth (Romans 2:1-5)

*1. God's judgment will be according to _____________________.

2. With the condemnation of all sin comes the condemnation of __________ __________________.

3 . God's __________________________ should not be interpreted as His _____________________ or _____________________ concerning sinful acts.

God's Judgment Will Be According To Man's Works (Romans 2:6-11)

*1. God's Judgment will be according to _____________ ______________.

2. _________________________ is not according to a man's works.

*3. The distinction between "well doing" and "evil doing" is summed up in the word ________________________.

4. God's condemnation of all is a _____________________ to repent while Christ's offer of Grace is an ____________________________ to be saved.

*5. Rejection of Christ is a sin against God's offer of __________________and __________________.

Judgment Will Be According To The Light One Is Given (Romans 2:12-15)

*1. Judgment will be according to the__________________ one is given.

*2. The Gentiles sinned against their own __________________________.

*3. The Jews sinned against the ___________ ________ _______________

Judgment Is Going To Be According To The Gospel (Romans 2:16-24).

*1. Judgment is going to be according to the _____________________

2. These verses reveal the deceptive power of ____________ ____________________________.

3. These verses reveal the harmful effects of _____________________________.

The Principle of Condemnation Applied To The Jews (2:25 - 3:8)

*1. ___________________ ___________________ does not exempt from judgment.

2. Circumcision (as all God given rites and ordinances) is profitable as a _____________ of inward purity.

3. Circumcision is unprofitable as a ___________________ for inward purity.

*4. The Jews had the ___________________________ of having the truth.

5. The Jews had the _____________________________ of sinning against the truth.

Condemnation of Mankind
(Rom. 3:9-20)

Proof From Scripture That Both Jews And Gentiles Are Condemned (3:9-18)

*1. Paul proves that ___________ puts all men and women in the same ______________________ of condemnation .

*2. In verses 10 through 12 Paul quotes largely from ___________________ and _____.

3. These Psalms express man's ____________________ condition.

4. Verses 13 -18 express man's _______________________ conduct.

*5. Man is depraved in their _______________________.

*6. Man is depraved in their __________________.

*7. Man is depraved in their ___________________.

*8. Man is depraved in their _______________________.

Proclamation Of The Law That All Mankind Is Condemned. (3:19-20)

1. The law was not designed to be an _______________________ of salvation.

*2. The law was given that man could see his _________________ _______________________ and _______________________ to save himself.

3. All the law can produce is a _______________________.



1. Sin can not be _______________________, it must be _______________________.

*2. Justification means: "the act of God declaring men ____________ from ________________
and _______________________ to him."

Justification By Faith Defined (3:21-31)

1. The _______________________ nature of the _______________________ of the law could only
point to a future perfect and _______________________ Sacrifice.

2. Justification is defined as being:

*a. by ___________________

*b. _______________________ to all

1. This principle is seen in the giving of the _______________ _______________________.

2. God is no respecter of persons in His ____________ of _______________________.

*c. only through ___________________.

1. The Gospel of Christ declares its ___________________________ when it comes to _______________________

2. Christ, a ______________________ for our sins, which means a ______________________

*d. For God’s Glory (verses. 26-27)

*1. Justification through faith is for ____________ ___________________.

2. All ____________________ is _______________________.

3. All _______________________ are _______________________.

Conclusion (Verses 28-31)

1. Being the only True and Living God makes Him _______________________ over all things and people.

2. The expressions "by faith" and "through faith" express the _______________________ and
_______________________ work of Christ.

3. The law is established in ________________________ in its condemnation of all people.

4. The law is established in _______________________when it brings a sinner to accept God's mercy through Christ.

Justification By Faith Defended
(Rom. 4:1-25)


1. The key word in understanding this chapter is the word " _________________________"

*2. It is the Greek word "logizomai" which means to “________________________” to put something into someone else’s _____________________.

*3. When we receive Christ by faith, ____________________ _________________________ is placed into our account.

4. The same word is translated:

a. “_________________________"

b. “ _________________________”

c. “ _________________________”

*5. In Chapter 4, Paul uses the example of _________________________ to defend his position of
salvation by grace through faith.

6. Chapter 4 is divided as follows:

a. Verses 1 - 12: Abraham justified without _____________.

b. Verses 13 - 25: Abraham justified without ________ ___________.

Abraham Justified Without Works
(Verses 1-12)

1. Paul does not _______________ the fact of Abraham's salvation.

2. Paul declares the ______________________ by which Abraham was saved.

*3. Using a direct Old Testament quote (Gen. 15:6), Paul proves that Abraham was saved through ______________.

*4. Paul proceeds to show from Scripture that Abraham was saved by _______________.

5. Faith is only as _______________________ as what it is placed in.

*6. Grace is “ ____________________ _____________________”

7. In the case of the sinner, grace is considered favor _____________________ merit.

8. Paul quotes _________________________to show that King David was justified by grace.

9. David received grace ____________________ works.

10. David received mercy _________________________ works.

11. The Jews trusted in three things for salvation.

a. The fact that they were ________________.

b. The rite of _________________________.

c. Their possession of the __________.

*12.Abraham was imputed righteous ______________________he was circumcised.

Abraham Justified Without The Law
(Verses 13-25)

*1. Abraham was counted righteous_____________ ________________ before the law was given.

2. Abraham's faith expresses _________ ___________________ of God.

a. The promise of the preservation of the nation of __________________.

b. The promise of ____________________ _________________________to those who trust in Christ.

3. Abraham's faith is given as a ______________________ for us.

4. He _________________________ the ____________________ of God

5. He _________________________ the__________________ rather than the difficulties.

6. He _________________________ on the ___________________ of God.

7. He ______________________ in God's _______________________ and power.

*8. True saving faith in God is based upon what He has _________________________ in Christ.

9. The resurrection of Christ assures us that we have been _________________________ and _________________________.

Justification By Faith Described
(Rom. 5:1-21)

The Future of Those Justified is Secure (Verses 1 - 11)

*1. The _________________________ of the believer before God is eternally secure.

2. A position of _______________.

3. A position of _______________.

*4. The _________________ of the believer may change from day to day.

5. My standing has to do with my ___________________ ______________________, while my state has to do with my ___________________ _________________________.

6. My standing in Christ gives me the power to recognize the ____________________of _________________________.

7. Tribulation ( _________________________ to God's love and power.)

8. Patience ( _________________________ of God's love and power.)

9. Experience ( _________________________ of God's love and power.)

10. Hope ( _________________________ of God's love and power.)

11. The offer of grace is not based on man's _________________________.

12. The offer of grace is not based on man's___________ ___________ ______________.

*13. The key phrase for the rest of Chapter 5 is "______________ ______________."

14. Through Christ, we are much more _________________________ than we were _________________________.

15. Much was accomplished through the _________________________ death of Christ.

16. Much more is to be expected through the _________________________ life of Christ.

*17. The word "atonement" means _________________________or _________________________.

The Foundation of Justification is Sufficient (Verses 12 - 21)

*1. Adam stood as our divinely appointed _________________________.

2. We are Adam's ____________________ off spring. ("sin entered")

3. We are Adam's _______________________ offspring. ("death passed upon all")

*4. Through Adam's transgression, sin was _________________________ to the human race.

5. As a result of an inherited ___________ ____________________, we practice personal sin.

6. Verses 13 through 17 form a _________________________ statement.

*7. The Adamic law of "________ _________________ ________________" was in effect long before the Mosaic law of "obedience equals life."

8. The fact of death from Adam to Moses expresses a _________________________ law which was violated through _________________________.

9. The word “ __________________” shows that Adam was a type of Christ.

10. The work of Adam is _______________________ with the work of Christ.

11. Adam initiated the ______________ _______ ______________,
Christ initiated the______________ _________ _______________.

12. Adam brought _________________________ and _________________________,
Christ brought _________________________ and _______________.

13. Adam brought the _________________________ of ________________:
Christ brought the _________________________ of_______________.

14. Adam brought universal _________________________:
Christ brought the universal __________________ _______ _________________________.

15. Adam brought a disobedient ___________________:
Christ brought an obedient ___________________.

16. Compared with the work of Adam, the work of Christ offers "_____________ ______________."

*17. The law was given to show the _______________________ and ________________________
of sin.

18. The Gospel of grace was given to reveal God's ____________ and _________________ to save.



*1. Sanctification means to _________ ________________ for God’s use.

*2. The two aspects of sanctification are:

a. set apart ____________ something;

b. set apart ________ something.

Freedom From The Old Master, Sin
(Rom. 6:1-23)

The Believer Died With Christ To Sin (Verses 1 - 3)

1. The idea of continuing in sin _________________________ the whole principle of salvation.

2. Conviction is sharing God's attitude concerning the _____________________ of sin.

3. Our new nature shares God's attitude concerning the _____________________ of sin.

*4. "Baptism" here refers to the __________________ __________________ with Christ rather than
the _________________________ picture.

The Believer Raised With Christ To Holiness (Verses 4-5)

1. Continuance in sin is contrary to the ________________ of Christ.

2. Continuance in sin is contrary to the ______________________ of nature.

3. Continuance in sin is contrary to the expression, " _____________________ ______ ___________"

The Believer Is Unified With Christ To Freedom (Verses 6-10)

1. Christ yielded Himself to the ______________________ of sin for us. (John 10:17-18)

2. Christ never yielded Himself to the ___________________ of sin.

*3. Christ defeated the ___________________ of sin over us by paying the ___________________ of sin for us.

The Believer’s Position In Christ Acknowledged
(Verse 11)

1. In Christ, __________ ____________ the believer as being dead to sin and alive to righteousness.

2. The believer ______________ ___________ ____________________ as being dead to sin and alive to righteousness.

The Believer Is Responsible To Christ In Yielding
(Verses 12-14)

1. The words "let not" show that our freedom has been _________________________.

2. Refusing to obey sin shows that our freedom is being _________________________.

3. Our old, habitual ___________ ___________ still command us to sin.

*4. Our new _____________________ in Christ will offer an alternative to sin.

5. In Christ we have the __________________ to _______________________ to whom we desire.

6. Our _____________________ _______________________ will be used by whom we yield them.

The Believer’s Allegiance To Christ Manifested Through Obedience (Verses 15-18)

1. Continuance in sin contradicts the whole concept of _________________________.

2. Continuance in sin contradicts the principle of _________________________.

3. The believer should realize and share _______________ attitude toward sin.

4. Salvation is a ___________________ responsibility to God.

The Believer’s Potential In Christ Realized Through Proper Yielding (Verses 19-23)

1. The weakness of the flesh allows us to be ______________________ by sin.

2. The power of of our freedom in Christ prevents us from being ______________________ in sin.
3. Yielding to sin is _________________________.

4. Yielding to righteousness is _________________________.

*5. The believer's outward actions reveal his ____________________ _______________________.

6. Continuance in sin contradicts our _________________________ in seeking salvation.

7. Continuance in sin is a ______________________ expression of the grace of God.

Freedom From The Old Husband, Law (Romans 7:1-25)

The Believer’s Relationship With Christ (Verses 1-6)


*1. The sanctification process is known as ______________________ ________________________.

2. The Believer's union with Christ is ______________________.

3. Human ________________ with the law is _______________________.

4. Human _________________________ to the law is _______________ death.

5. Human _________________________to the law is ______________ death.

6. Human union in marriage is devolved at ________________.

7. Human partners are ________________ to remarry at the death of their mate

8. Through Christ, two things happened in ______________________ ________________________
with the law.

9. The _________ ____________ under the law was crucified and buried.

10. The new, __________________ ____________was then free to be unified with Christ.

11. Our old union with the law yielded _____________, _____________________ fruit.

12. The Believer's union with Christ is __________________.

13. Our new union with Christ produces _______________, _____________________ fruit.

*14. The believer's relationship with Christ is one of willing _________________________ rather than forced _________________________.

The Believer’s Relationship With The Law (Verses 7-14)

1. Our past relationship with the law did not ______________ us sinners.

2. Our past relationship with the law __________________ that we were sinners.

3. If the law were_______________________, it could not condemn or reveal sin.

*4. The law forbids sin by its _________________________.

*5. The law reveals sin by its _________________________.

6. Sin can deceive by _________________________ the purpose of the law.

*7. The law exposes sin through two means:

a. First, through ______________________ by defining and forbidding sin.

b. Secondly, through ______________________ by displaying its perfect nature.

Paul’s Conflict With Himself (Verses 15-20)

*1. Paul realizes that being freed from the ____________________ of sin does not automatically free from the ______________________ of sin.

*2. Paul's conflict was between his __________ ______________, and his __________________.

3. The presence of this internal conflict is common to ___________________ believer.

4. Paul's failure, as ours, was that he _______________________ to the flesh.

5. Paul's recovery, as ours, was in his _________________________ of the problem.

Paul’s Conclusion About Himself
(Verses 21-25)

1.This internal conflict is: ______________________ to every believer; ______________________ to every believer; and according to a set _______________________.

*2. The three laws:

a. the law of _____________, which prompts toward goodness;

b the law of______________, which prompts toward evil;

c. and the law of ____________________, which produces an ever present ________________.

3. The influence of the old dead enemies of the past is realized through our ___________________ enemy, the ________________.

4. Paul sees no deliverance from the _________________________ of this enemy in this life; but he does see deliverance from the ______________________ of this enemy in this life.


*1. The future blessing of freedom from the flesh is called _________________________.

The Present Blessings Of Freedom
From The Flesh (Chapter 8 Verses 1-16)

1. In verses 1 and 2, Paul ____________________ the first two freedoms.

2. The believer is freed from the condemnation of ___________ and the ___________.

3. Chapter 7 presented three laws. Here, we are introduced to another law which is the law of the
_________________ _______ ________________.

4. As the Mosaic law produced ______________________, this law produced __________________.

5. The Mosaic law revealed our _____________________ to the flesh, this law proclaims our _____________________ over the flesh.

6. The old law was _______________________ while the new law is _________________________ in nature.

7. The strength of the old law was our inability to ___________________ _________ outwardly.

8. The strength of the new law is our ability to _____________ _____________ inwardly .

*9. The flesh is our enemy because it is __________ _____________________.

10. The Spirit is our Friend because ___________ ________ ____________.

11. Our life and peace depend on with whom we ______________________.

12. Because of this freedom, we have the _________________ _________________ to serve God.

13. Because of this freedom, we are God’s _________________________ at this moment.

The Future Blessings Of Freedom
From The Flesh (Verses 17-39)

1. The future blessing of freedom from the flesh is summed up in the word “____________________."

2. Future glorification is provided through our _______________________ with Christ.

3. Future glorification is proven through our ________________________ with Christ.

4. Our suffering is _______________ in _________________________.

5. Our suffering is ___________________ in ______________________.

6. ________ __________________ will benefit from the glorification of the children of God.

*7. Three groanings for the glorification of the children of God:

a. ____________________ groans for the glorification of the saints.

b. The _____________ themselves groan for glorification.

c. The ____________ ________________ groans for our glorification.

*8. God's _________________________ ______________ includes glorification.

*9. To doubt is to deny God's _________________ for the believer .

10. To doubt is to deny God's ___________________ over His creation.

11. To doubt is to deny God's ___________________ through the giving of His Son.

*12. God's __________________ _____________ assures glorification.

*13. God's love in Christ is _________________________.

*14. God's love in Christ is _________________________.