Paul's Epistle to the Romans (Unit 2)

Ten lectures covering the last eight chapters of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans which cover the final two divisions of the letter: Sovereignty (Chapters 9-11) & Service (Chapters 12-16).

Author: Paul the Apostle
Date Written: c. A.D. 58
Written From: Corinth
Theme: Justification By Faith
Key Verses: 1:16-17

Assignment for Lecture One: Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.


Romans Unit I (Review)


A. Paul’s Salutation (1:1-7)

1. Authority of Paul’s Position (v1)

2. Authenticity of Paul’s Message (vs2-4)
a. The Scriptures
b. Christ’s Humanity & Deity
c. The Power of the Resurrection

3. Advancement of the Message (vs 5-7)
a. From God to the Apostles
b. From the Apostles to the Nations
c. To the Romans

B. Paul's Subject (1:8-17)

1. His Personal Interest (vs8-13)

2. His Personal Obligation (vs 14-17)

I. Condemnation (1:18-3:20)

A. Condemnation of the Gentiles (1:18-32)

B. Condemnation of the Jews (2:1-3:8)

C. Condemnation of the World (3:9-20)

II. Justification (3:21-5:21)

A. Justification by Faith Defined (3:21-31)

B. Justification by Faith Defended (4:1-25)

C. Justification by Faith Delineated (5:1-21)

III. Sanctification (6:1-8:39)

A. Freedom from the Old Master- Sin (6:1-23) Salvation

B. Freedom from the Old Husband- Law (7:1-25) Sanctification

C. Freedom from the Old Enemy- Flesh (8:1-39) Glorification

Outline - Romans Unit II (This Course)

IV. Sovereignty (9:1-11:36)

A. God’s Sovereign Right to Choose or Reject Israel (9:1-33)

B. Israel’s Freedom to Choose or Reject God (10:1-21)

C. God’s Plan to Restore Israel (11:1-36)

V. Service (12:1-16:27)

A. The Believer’s Spiritual Responsibility (12:1-21)

B. The Believer’s Civil and Social Responsibility (13:1-14)

C. The Believer’s Responsibility to Fellow Believers (14:1- 16:27)

1. To the Weaker Believer (14:1-15:13)

2. To the Servants of God (15:14- 16:23)

Conclusion: (16:24-27)


1. Chapters 9 through 11 deal with the __________________________________ of God.

*a. The word “sovereignty” means “to have ____________________ and ______________________________ authority.”

*b. God exercised His sovereignty in His choice of the nation of __________________________.

c. Those who contest God's choice of israel are challenging the ______________________________ of God.

d. God exercised His sovereignty in extending His offer of grace ____________________ the nation of Israel.

2. Israel exercised Its freedom by rejecting ____________________ the __________________________.

a. They chose to "worship" the law rather than the sovereign ______________________________.

b. They choose the "____________________" and rejected the ____________________.

*(1) The moral law pictured God's ______________________________.

*(2) The ceremonial law pictured God's ___________________________.

3. However, God also exercised His sovereign right in the ______________________________ of Israel from total destruction.

God's Right to Choose Israel
(Romans Chapter 9)

Verses 1 - 2

1. Paul loved the Jews despise their __________________ for him..

*2. Paul calls three witnesses to confirm his statement of ________________________________ love.

*a. ____________________ the embodiment of truth;

*b. His own ________________________________________;

*c. The ______________________________.

3. Paul's following statement is truthful, sincere, and in __________________________ with God.

4. The sincerity of Paul's love for the Jews is further acknowledged in his ___________________________.

a. "great heaviness" = unceasing _____________________.

b. "continual sorrow" = inward __________________________________.

c. This is the Biblical definition of "having a _______________________."

Verse 3

*1. Paul was willing to be separated from _________________________ to save Israel.

*2. However, Paul's being ______________________________ to save Israel was not possible.

*a. Paul was not a ___________________________ sacrifice for their sins.

*b. Paul himself was under the irrevocable ___________________ of God through Christ.

3. In Paul's statement, we find "________________" love truthfully illustrated.

4. The sincerity of Paul's statement is not marred because of its _________________________________.

5. Although Paul could not give his ____________ for the Gospel, he gave his ____________ for the Gospel.

Verses 4 - 5

1. Israel was a nation chosen and protected for the giving of the _______________________ of a coming Savior.

2. Israel was nation chosen and protected as the _______________________ lineage through which Christ would come.

3. Therefore, the history of israel is the history of the coming ________________________.

Verses 6 - 13

1. God's choice of Israel does not _____________________________ Scripture.

*2. Being a __________________________ child of Abraham does not automatically bring one under the Abrahamic Covenant.

a. Example: God chose Isaac instead of ________________________.

b. Both were ____________ of Abraham.

3. Being a natural child of ____________________ does not automatically bring one under the Abrahamic Covenant.

a. Example: God chose Jacob instead of ____________.

b. Both were ____________ of Isaac.

*c. The election here speaks of these men as they represent ________________________.

*(1) Jacob's children became the nation of _______________________.

*(2) Esau's children became the nation of ____________.

4. The term "Esau have I hated" means that God placed him at a _______________________________ in His divine plan.

Verses 14 - 18

1. The fact of God's absolute sovereignty often causes people to question His ________________________.

a. They question His right to choose one __________________ over another.

b. They question His right to __________________ other forms of religion.

2. Two facts to be considered:

a. The very offer of salvation is according to __________________.

b. The response to that offer must be according to __________________.

3. Two things to remember:

a. __________________ God is unthinkable.

b. The __________________ of God are unquestionable.

4. Two examples are given:

a. The statement of ____________: (EX. 33:19; Ex 33:19).

b. The statement to ________________________: (Exodus 9:16-17; Ex 9:16-17).

c. These two men were both given light.

1) Moses responded in faith and was ________________________ unto blessing (Heb. 11:23-29).

2) Pharaoh responded in works and was ________________________ unto judgment (Ex. 9:17).

5. Conclusion: God has the sovereign right to ________________________ the way of salvation and __________________ any other plan.

Verse 19

1. Two more questions concerning God's sovereignty are:

a. How can anything go __________________ to God's will?

b. Is God's lack of ________________________ judgment a sign of His approval?

2. Paul answers both questions by establishing a ___________________________ and giving an illustration.

Verse 20

1. The principle is that God has the absolute authority over His ________________________.

a. His plan is ________________________.

b. His purpose is ______________________________.

2. His __________________ need no correction or alteration.

Verse 21

*1. The "lump" is referring to Abraham's seed specifically and not ________________________ in general.

2. From the national standpoint, God made Israel a _____________________ unto honor. (Romans 9:5).

3. The word "honour" means "value based on a __________________ paid.

Verses 22 - 24

1. God's patience should not be viewed as His ________________________.

2. God's patience is a result of His having a _____________________________ will.

3. The principle is seen in Scripture: (Num. 14:18).

*4. God's permissive will allows 2 things:

*a. Space for ________________________ (II Pet. 3:9; Rom 2:3-4).

*b. Ripening for ________________________ (Rom 2:5; Rev. 2:20-21).

5. Since God has the unquestionable right to judge, he also has the right to judge ____________ and ____________ He pleases.

6. Those of every race who have yielded themselves to the mercy and grace of God through faith in Christ are ______________________________ to be glorified.

Verses 25 - 26

1. Hosea 2: 23 is quoted to show that God's blessing is not ____________________ to Israel.

2. God's ultimate mercy is according to ________________ and not ____________.

Verses 27 - 29

1. Isaiah 10:22 is quoted to show that God's blessing is still __________________ to Israel.

2. God's preservation of Israel is according to His promise and not their ________________________.

3. Israel’s being a vessel of honor had to do with their cargo and not their ____________________________.

Verses 30 - 33

1. The Gentiles trusted __________________, while Israel trusted the ____________.

*2. Isaiah 8:14 is quoted to present Christ a __________________ Stone to those who receive Him; and a ______________________________ Stone to those who reject Him.

3. The word for "ashamed" suggests the __________________ exposure of one who has been deceived.

Conclusion: Since God had the sovereign right to choose Israel as a special nation, He has the equal right to reject them through their violation of His divine standard for salvation which was faith.

Israel's Right to Choose or Reject God
(Romans Chapter 10)


1. In Chapter 10, we see Israel’s right to choose or reject God.

a. They (as a ___________________) had been God’s chosen vessel, through whom He would send His Son, Jesus Christ.

b. They (as ____________________________) were responsible to either choose or reject God’s plan.

2. In summary: the nation of Israel is preserved and blessed because of God's _____________________ choice; but Israelites are lost and condemned because of their __________________________ choice.

God's Rejection of Israel Was Their Fault

Verses 1 - 4

*1. Israel is rejected because they sought righteousness by ______________.

2. Two determining factors in israel's failure:

*a. ____________________________ of God's way;

*b. ____________________________ in their own way.

Verses 5 - 10

1. Paul shows the _____________________ between seeking righteousness through the law and faith.

*2. The law demands an unachievable ______________ for natural man.

*3. Faith demands an unfeigned ______________ in Christ.

4. Salvation by grace through faith involves:

a. __________ surrender to the Lordship of Christ stemming from a...

b. _______________ acknowledgement of unity with Christ stemming from a...

c. _______________ acceptance of the sufficiency of Christ.

*5. The expression "unto salvation" means a reference to something which happened in the __________.

Verses 11 - 13

1. The word "ashamed" means to be ____________________ as wrong.

2. Christ can stand the test of the _________________________.

3. Christ can expose the weakness of __________ worship.

4. God's abundant _______________ rebukes works salvation and heathen religion.

*5. The words "call on" mean to name Christ as _______________. (Acts 10:5 translated "surnamed.")

Verses 14 - 15

1. Isaiah 52:7 is quoted to confirm God's divine plan for _________________________. (I Cor. 1:18-

2. Basic Elements of New Testament evangelism:

a. The Gospel is a _________________________.

b. A _________________________ is required.

c. The messenger must be __________.

Verses 16 - 21

1. The message must be _____________________ by faith.

2. Because Israel rejected God's ____________________, He had the right to reject them as a _______________.

3. Because the Gentiles received ______________, God has the right to receive them into His _____________.

4. Although Israel rejected God's _______________________, He still has the right to receive them as

God's Plan to Restore Israel
(Romans Chapter 11)


1. Paul proved that God has the right to ___________________________________ whom He pleases.

a. He chose ________________________ as His blessed nation.

b. He rejected Israel due to their rejection of His offer of ________________.

*2. In Chapter 11, Paul will further prove two things;

*a. The rejection of Israel profited the ________________________.

*b. The rejection of Israel is only ________________________________.

The Rejection of Israel is not a Complete Rejection (vv 1-10)

Verses 1 - 6

1. Proof that God has not completely rejected Israel.

*a. Paul himself was a saved ________________________________.

*b. God has preserved Israelites in the ________________.

*c. God has a ________________________ remnant of Israelites.

*(1) They were elected to _________ the light.

(2) They were responsible to ________________________ the light.

Verses 7 - 10

2. Isaiah and David are quoted to show Israel's national ________________________________. (Isa. 29:10; 6:9; Psm. 69:22-23).

3. Christ used the same quotes to show the election of the ________________________. (Matt. 13:10-17)

4. Paul applies the principle established through God's dealing with ________________________ to the Jews.

The Rejection of Israel is not a Permanent Rejection (vv 11-36)

Verses 11 - 15

*1. The rejection of Israel was ______________________________.

*a. First, their fall brought the offer of ________________ to the Gentiles.

(1) God's used the Gentiles to provoke Israel to ________________.

(2) God's eternal plan ________________________ the Gentiles.

*b. Secondly, their ________________________________ will bring a greater future blessing.

(1) The world will experience a greater ________________________ blessing.

(2) The world will experience a more glorious manifestation of God's ______________________________.

*c. This will be experienced during the ________________________________________.

Conclusion: God's blessing to the world through ________________________________ Israel will be greater than His blessing to the world through ________________________ Israel.

God's Plan to Restore Israel

An Illustration

Verse 16

1. Word meanings:

a. firstfruit = fruit __________________________________________ the Lord.

b. holy = ____________________________ unto God.

c. lump = _____________________ of solid and liquid.

d. root = a ____________________________ process.

e. branch = an ____________________________.

2. Verse meaning:

a. The firstfruit-

(1) The key word is "holy" which shows that the firstfruit is not ____________________________ Israel.

(2) A firstfruit would have to be set apart to God and ___________________ to fulfill the meaning of "hagios."

(3) Helpful Scripture: Romans Chapter 4

*(4) The firstfruit refers to the ______________ of Abraham as the precedent for future believers.

b. The Lump-

(1) Again, the lump does not refer to _____________________ Israel.

*(2) In keeping with the illustration, we conclude that the lump is the ________________________________ upon which faith rests.

*(3) The precedent: faith grounded in God's promise equals ___________________ righteousness (4:18-22).

c. The root-

(1) The sprouting of the ______________ of faith.

*(2) _____________ Testament believers.

d. The branches-

(1) Faith in Christ is after the _____________________ of Abraham's faith. (4:23-25)

*(2) _____________________Testament believers.

3. Conclusion: Salvation by grace through faith is _________________________ by God in every phase of history.

4. Paul is laying the groundwork for two statements:

a. God has been faithful to the principle of salvation to those ___________________________ who applied the principle through faith.

b. God has been faithful to the same principle of salvation to ___________________________ who applied the principle through faith.

A Warning

Verses 17 - 21

*1. The believing Gentiles are warned against _____________________.

2. The basis of their engrafting is the sheer _____________________ and ____________________ of God.

3. God can take away the light from the ____________________________ as He did the Jews.

Verses 22 - 24

*1. The Gentiles are warned against ___________________________________.

2. The Gentiles' _____________________ is not to be presumed permanent.

3. Israel's ____________________________ is not to be presumed permanent.

4. To presume salvation on the basis of race is a _____________________ of God's holiness and integrity.

a. His holiness excludes _____________________.

b. His integrity guarantees ____________________________.

*5. Faith in Christ marks the ____________________________ between God's goodness and severity.

Verses 25 -29

*1. Israel's blindness will cease after the ___________________________________.

2. Although unbelieving Israel is opposed to Christ, they are still under God's covenant of ____________________________ preservation.

*3. The expression "all Israel shall be saved" is referring to ____________________________ Israel

Verses 30 - 32

1. The Gentiles' faith was in a _____________________ given to them because of Israel's ____________________________.

2. Verse 31 is explained by verse 11:

"I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy."

*3. The term "concluded them all" is referring to the __________________________________ of the Human race.

Verses 33 - 36

*1. Verses 33 through 36 are a ____________________________.

2. Six great truths:

a. God's _____________________ is unsearchable.

b. God's ____________________________ are infinite.

c. God's _____________________ is indescribable.

d. God is the ____________________________ of all good.

e. God is the _____________________ of all good.

f. God is the _____________________ of all glory.

Conclusion: Two thousand years before Christ came in the flesh, God promised Abraham, the father of Israel, that He would make him a great nation, and through Abraham’s great nation of Israel, would all the families of the earth be blessed. God had this plan in mind before the world was ever created. God raised up Israel, and through Israel came the Savior, Jesus Christ. God knew of their rejection by His foreknowledge, thus; He turned to the Gentiles and blessed us with salvation. One day, the day of the Gentiles will be over and the scales will fall from Israel’s eyes. It is then that the nation of Israel will be restored.

Chapters 12 - 16


*1. “Service”, which means “to answer to, and be in harmony with, ____________________________.”

a. It comes from the Latin word which means “_____________________.”

b. "Obedience _____________________________ service, no matter how apparently small the task may be.

c. Disobedience ______________ service, no matter how apparently great the task may seem.

d. Only ____________ can call a believer to service.

*2. Therefore, the word "service" is defined as doing God's ______________.

3. Service is willful ___________________________________ to God.

4. “Responsibility” is the key word for the remainder of Chapters 12 through 16.

a. In Chapter 12, we will see our ____________________________ responsibility.

b. In Chapter 13, we will our see our _____________________ responsibility.

c. In Chapters 14, 15, and 16, we will see our ____________________________ responsibility to fellow believers.

Spiritual Responsibility

Verses 1 - 2

*1. The beginning of service is ____________________________ to the will of God.

2. The _____________________ will of God is for all believers and includes such things as praying, Bible study, witnessing, church attendance, giving, etc.

3. The _____________________ will of God is God's particular plan for each individual believer which has to do with the individual's:

a. _____________________ (Eph. 4:1). This answers the "What am I going to do with my life?" question.

b. _____________________ (Acts 11:12; 16:7-10). This answers the "Where am I going to serve?" question.

c. _____________________: (Acts 18:11, 20-21; James 4:13-15). This answers the "How long am I going to serve at a particular place?" question.

Determining God's Perfect Will

1. The first consideration concerning God's will is the realization that it is a _________________________ to serve God on any level, any place, at any time.

a. The _____________________ person must be willing to be unnoticed.

b. The _____________________ person must be willing to stand before kings.

2. Where ever God chooses to place us, the privilege is because of His “_____________________”.
*3. A person will never know God's perfect will for his/her life until he/she is faithful to God's ____________________________ will.

4. Paul shows us in verses 1 and 2 that a person does not ____________________ to God's perfect will, he
________________________________ to it.

a. God will not show His will to us until we are ________________________ to do His will.

b. True service is ________________________________ to God.

c. True service finds the believer ________________________ to do whatever pleases God.

The Living Sacrifice

1. The expression “living sacrifice” at first seems to be ________________________________.

*a. The word “sacrifice” denotes an offering of a living thing, or more concisely, “________________.”

*b. The word “living” denotes ______________.

c. The word “present” means to stand before the Lord as to make one's self ___________________________.

2. The expression "presenting a living sacrifice" fully describes the ________________________________ life.

a. To “sacrifice” is to lay before the Lord and denotes our ________________ to self (Rom. 8:13; Col. 3:5).

*b. The words "living" and "present" reflect ________________________ of life in Christ (Matt. 16:25; Rom. 6:1-13; Col. 2:12-13).

The Renewed Mind

1. Determining God's perfect will involves separation from the world which involves a renewing of our ___________________________.

a. The ________________________ mind has a tendency to be follow the direction of the world.

*b. The word “conformed” means "to be ________________________ by a mold or pattern."

c. The word for “world” carries the idea of not structuring our lives according to the _____________________ state of things.

2. The renewing of the mind means an ________________________________ surrender of our lives to God.

a. The unconditional surrender of our lives to God results in a ________________________________.

b. The unconditional surrender of our lives to God results in the ability to ________________________ God's perfect will.

c. The unconditional surrender of our life to God is the ________________________________ of being saved.

d. The unconditional surrender of our life to God will be the basis of our _____________________________.

e. The unconditional surrender of our life to God is the full execution of our ________________________.

(1) Our being “priests” refers to our present office under ________________________ High-priesthood.

*(2) As priests unto God, we have the authority to make a sacrifice. Here, Paul tells us what that sacrifice is. It is _____________________________.

3. The degree of our _______________ with Christ will be according to the degree of our self- sacrifice. (Matt 25:21).

Operating Within God's Perfect Will
(Romans 12:3-21)

Verses 3 - 5

1. True service is also a ____________________________ to take our proper place in God’s plan.

*2. God has given each believer a "_____________________ of faith."

*a..The word "measure" means "a ____________________________ extent, portion, or limit."

b. The word for "dealt" means; "to _____________________ and ____________________________."

*3. God's design for the body of Christ is illustrated by the design and function of the _____________________ body. (I Cor. 12)

a. God’s design is for each part of the body of Christ to have its own ____________________________.

b. There is no _____________________ position than God’s will.

Verses 6 - 8

1. There are three realizations concerning the perfect will of God.

*a. The realization of our _____________________ in God's divine plan (v3)

*b. The realization of our _____________________ in the body of Christ (vv4-5)

*c. The realization of our ____________________________ development in our ability. (vv6-8)

2. Areas where this maturity principle applies:

a. “prophecy” __ Maturity in the ______________.

b. “ministry” __ Maturity in _____________________.

c. “teaching” __ Maturity in ____________________________.

d. “exhorteth” __ Maturity in ____________________________.

e. “giving” __ Maturity in ____________________________.

f. “ruleth” __ Maturity in ____________________________.

g. “showeth mercy” __ Maturity in ____________________________.

3. Exercising present faith results in _____________________ of faith to grasp greater opportunities.

Verse 9

1. The ____________________________ of service is to do good with love and a sincere heart.

2. We must not be ___________________________________ in our service to God.

3. No matter what the motive may be, or even the end result, it is never God’s will to _____________________.

Verses 10 - 12

1. God urges us to take care in maintaining the proper ________________________ in our service.

2. We must have a ____________________________ to "pay the price" or _____________________ ourselves for the welfare of fellow believers.

3. We must constantly be watchful to maintain the balance of _____________________ in our service to God.

4. We must be in constant ___________________________________ with God concerning the step by step execution of His divine will for our lives.

Verses 13 - 16

1. Not only must our _____________________ be right, but our _____________________ must also be right.

*a. _____________________ should always be the forerunner of _____________________.

b. Attitude and action, or motive and motion, work together and must be constantly _____________________.

2. The key to maintaining a proper attitude is to guard against ____________________________ and _____________________.

a. _____________________ keeps us realizing that we are God's servants.

b. ____________________________ helps us realize that we are not the only servants.

3. Do not do the right things for _____________________ glory, or don't waste your abilities on ____________________________.

Responding to Persecution

1. We are warned not to govern our actions by ________________________.

2. The two greatest areas of pride a man can fall under are his ability to _____________________, and his ability to _____________________.

Verse 17

*1. We must respond ____________________________.

a. Don’t become an ____________________________ because you were done evil.

b. Determining ahead to keep a level head can prevent an ___________________________________.

Verses 18 - 19

*2. We must respond ____________________________.

a. There is no way to live in peaceful ____________________________ with doctrinal error, sin, and heresy.

b. Wrath toward sin and the works of darkness can provoke us to _____________________, but should never provoke us to the personal ____________________________ of others (Eph.4 26-27).

Verses 20 - 21

*3. We can respond ____________________________.

a. The word for “enemy” and the the word “thine” denote _________________________ conflicts.

b. There is a ______________ in every conflict.

(1) ______________ wins when we are brought down to evil reactions.

(2) ______________ triumphs when we react in goodness.

Conclusion: Romans Chapter 12 teaches us to do good to the _______________ of Christ, according to the ____________ of God.

Responsibility to Civil Authority
Chapter 13

Verse 1

*1. Paul shows that human government is ________________________ of God.

2. This command is ________________________________:

3. Civil government was instituted at the beginning of the Dispensation of ________________________________ following the flood as recorded in Genesis 9:1-7.

*4. The word for “powers” has to do with both ________________________ and ________________________.

*a. Civil law which has the liberty to ________________________.

*b. Violation of laws can result in the offender's lose of ________________________.

Verse 2

1. Civil laws, as with natural laws, operate on the "_________________________________________" principle.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." (Gal. 6:7-8)

2. The word used is “damnation” is not necessarily speaking of __________________ judgment, but civil _________________________________.

Verse 3

*1. God ordained human government to __________________ the lawful and __________________ the wicked.

2. Civil rulers are entrusted by God with authority to keep law and order. As designed by God, civil law was to:

a. condemn _________

(1) The word “terror” means internal __________________ that prevents certain __________________.

(2) The word “evil” means "thinking, feeling, or acting in a __________________ way."

b. commend the ______________. The word “praise” means "to praise, to __________________, to ___________________________."

Verse 4

*1. Civil Rulers are ___________________________ by God with authority to punish evil doers.

a. The word “minister” refers to one who executes the ___________________________ of another.

b. "Good" is the Greek word which denotes a _______________________________ bond produced by kinship and worship.

2. Civil authority as a “revenger” holds the right to execute a ___________________________ or issue ___________________________.

Verse 5

1. We have the obligation to __________________ to civil authority.

*a. The word “conscience” refers to our ability to ____________________________________ good and evil.

b. The believer is indwelt by the ___________________________ who instructs and convicts.

c. We should obey civil and moral laws to maintain inner as well as outer peace. (I Tim. 1:19; 4:2; Heb. 13:18)

Verses 6 - 7

2. We have the obligation to __________________ civil government with...

a. ...our ___________________________.

(1) “tribute” means ___________________________. referring to both property and personal tax.

(2) “custom” carries the idea of a finished transaction; hence, a ______________ or ________________ tax.

b. ... our___________________________.

3. Although we are responsible to civil authorities, civil authorities will give account to _____________.

4. Christians are to instruct their children to ________________ the punishment of the law, and to __________________ the protection of the law.

*5. ___________________________ is the highest law and authority.

*a. We are to obey _________ rather than _________.

b. example:
"And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." (Acts 4:18-20)

Responsibility to Fellow Citizens

Verses 8 - 10

1. We are to avoid ___________________________ in action or motive.

a. The expression "owe no man anything" dealing with the idea of "________________________" for each other.

b. We should do things for each other out of __________________, and not __________________.

c. ___________________________ for a person will keep us from _________________________ that person.

Verses 11 - 12

2. We are to avoid ___________________________.

a. In light of ____________________________________.

b. In light of our ___________________________ spiritual development.

Verse 13

3. We are to avoid ____________________________________.

Verse 14

4. We are to avoid ____________________________________...

a. because of our __________________ to __________________.

b. because of the ___________________________ of the __________________.

The Believer's Responsibility To Other Believers

Responsibility to Weaker Believers
(Romans Chapter 14)

Verses 1 - 6

*1. A weaker Christian is one who is not ________________ in the Word, or in the faith.

a. He is limited to his own ________________ and the ________________________ of others.

b. A weak believer is in danger of becoming ________________________________ or _______________________ by his own ideas.

c. God wants every Christian to mature to the point where he can personally base his life on the message of God and the ________________________ of Christ.

2. Our first responsibility to the weaker brother is not to reject him merely on the basis of different ________________________________.

3. Paul uses two examples of contention:

a. The Jews were commanded under the law to esteem certain days above others, especially the ________________________, and not to eat ________________________________.

b. However, to the Believer;

*1) The Sabbath was a picture of resting from our own ______________ and resting in ________________.

2) Dietary laws have no bearing on ________________________________.

c. The weakness here is the lack of faith to leave the law and place complete trust in the fact that ________________________ fulfilled the law.

4. The moment we begin to argue and fight over convictions, we both become ________________________________ to God.

5. This is referring to those who are saved by grace through faith in Christ; yet, believe that service to God is keeping the old ________________________________ of the law.

Verses 7 - 12

1. We have the responsibility not to ________________ the weaker believer by our liberty.

a. There are no grounds for disciplining a weak believer because of a ________________________.

b. The immaturity is believing that following any part of the law brings or maintains ________________________.

2. We should not become so involved with the discipline of others that we fail to discipline _______________________.

3. At the Judgment Seat of Christ, all believers will realize a ________________________________ for living than arguing about diets and special days.

Verses 13 - 21

1. Argument, contention, and hatred towards others on the basis of conviction is not going to ________________________the work of God.

a. The Greek word for “destroy” means to ________________________________ or ______________________.

b. A quarrel between two believers will disjoin them from the work and bring ____________________________.

c. The mature believer can slide down into immaturity by _____________________ or _____________________ about his liberty.

2. We are exhorted to be careful that our liberty does not influence a weaker believer to _____________________.

Verses 22 - 23

1. If a weaker believer eats pork just because you do, he is going to ________________________________.

2. When he grows in grace and knowledge, his faith will rest in knowing it is _______________________________ unto God whether or not he chooses to eat it.

3. True maturity is being able to distinguish conviction from _______________________________.

4. A person who places his faith in the complete work of Christ is ________________ whether or not he eats pork.

5. Denying our liberty and being freed from the law to come under the _____________________________ of Christ, is the key to Christian ________________________.

Chapter 15
Verses 1 -2


1. The weaker Christian will do one of three things:

a. Build convictions upon his own immature __________________,

b. Become an ______________________________ of someone else, or...

c. Study and mature under the ________________________ of teachers and the Holy Spirit.

2. Stronger Christians, are to ________________________ the weaker Christian toward Christ.

Verses 3 - 7

1. Paul also exhorts us to follow the ______________________________.

2. Christ ________________________ His will to the will of the Father for us.

3. As Christ received ______ to the glory of the Father, we should receive the ______________________________ to the glory of Christ.

Verses 8 - 11

1. Paul again reminds the Jews that God’s plan for Israel’s Messiah also included the ______________________.

2. It would be an atrocity for any local church not to have:

a. ...a __________________ for the lost to come and hear the Gospel...

b. ...enough ________________________ to allow a weaker Christian to grow in grace.

3. Note: Please remember that is not talking about a ________________________ Christian.

a. This is talking about the __________________ Christian.

b. We ought to be the example of Christ before him, taking care not to cause him to ______________________.

4. Through the Holy Spirit, we can have joy, hope and peace with God, ourselves, and

Verses 12 - 13

*1. Maturity __________________ with trusting Christ,

*2. Maturity ________________________ in the power of the Holy Spirit .

*3. Maturity is _______________________ in our patient experience in admonishing others and being admonished.

The Believer's Responsibility To God’s Servants
(Romans 15:14-16:27)

Verses 14 - 21

1. We also have the responsibility to ________________________ a minister’s ministry for what it is.

2. If we recognize him as a minister of Christ, we will have ________________________ in his ministry and ________________________ for his welfare.

Verses 22 - 33

1. We have the responsibility to ____________ for the ministers and servants of Christ.

*2. Paul asked for three things;

*a. ______________________________ from his enemies,

*b. ______________________________ in his service,

*c. and ____________ in their fellowship.

Chapter 16
Verses 1 - 16

*1. The Roman Letter was delivered by ____________________.

2. We are to ________________________ their needs in the ministry.

3. We are responsible to ________________________ the servants of Christ.

*4. The best protection against religious sham is to:

*a. a ________________________ of a good local church...

*b. ...and support mission work through our local church ________________________.

Verses 17 - 20

1. In verses 17 through 20, we have the responsibility to help God’s servants ______________________________.

2. The enemies of Christ are very different than believers who are merely ____________ and ________________________ in the faith.

*a. The enemies are those who have __________________ and are in ___________________________ to sound doctrine.

b. The false teacher serves his own __________________________________________.

c. We should be faithful to stand with those who are ____________________________________ evil and the works of the devil.

3. We are told to be ___________________ with the weak Christian, and ______________________ his weakness.

*4. When it comes to those who are anti-Christian, not to be ________________________, but to ____________ and __________________ them.

Verses 21 - 27

1. Paul closes the book of Romans with final ________________________ and ultimately, ______________ to God.

2. Paul ends the epistle by testifying that the Gospel of Christ is ________________________ to and in ______________________________ of the Holy Scripture given by God.