Cherith Home Bible Institute was organized in 1986 as a correspondence Bible study program. These are the same courses that are offered at Cherith Bible Institute Online in the printed format. The courses are mailed out to the student in a designated order. Courses are sent out in printed format (for students in the U.S.) or PDF files (for students outside the U.S.). All students outside the United States must take the PDF file format. Students in the U. S. can also choose the pdf format. The student goes through the course assignments and worksheets and returns the evaluation to the Cherith Office for grading. The next course is then sent.
Plans of Study
Twenty Unit Certificate of Biblical Studies
Courses are taken in this order:
1. (BI 101) Old Testament Survey I (Pentateuch- Genesis - Deuteronomy)
2. (PR 101) Hermeneutics I (Principles of Biblical Interpretation)
3. (BD 101) Bible Doctrines I (The Bible, God, and Christ)
4. (BD 102) Bible Doctrines II (Holy Spirit, Angels, Man, Sin, Salvation)
5. (BI 102) New Testament Survey I (Gospels and Acts)
6. (BI 103) Old Testament Survey II (Old Testament History - Joshua - II Samuel)
7. (BC 101) Epistle to the Romans I (Romans Chapters 1-8)
8. (BC 102) Epistle to the Romans II (Romans Chapters 9-16)
9. (BI 104) New Testament Survey II (I & II Corinthians, Galatians)
10. (BI 105) Old Testament Survey III (Old Testament History - I Kings - Esther)
11. (BC 103) Epistle to the Hebrews I (Hebrews Chapters 1 - 8)
12. (BC 104) Epistles to the Hebrews II (Hebrews Chapters 9 - 13)
13. (BI 106) New Testament Survey III (Ephesians - II Thessalonians)
14. (BC 109) The General Epistles (James, Peter, and Jude)
15. (BI 108) New Testament Survey IV (Pastoral Epistles- I Timothy - Philemon)
16. (BC 110) Epistles of John
17. (BC 105) The Revelation I (Revelation Chapters 1-4)
18. (BC 106) The Revelation II (Revelation Chapters 5-11)
19. (BC 107) The Revelation III (Revelation Chapters 12-16)
20. (BC 108) The Revelation IV (Revelation Chapters 17-22)
Thirty Unit Diploma of Biblical Studies
Courses are taken in this order:
1. (BI 101) Old Testament Survey I (Pentateuch- Genesis - Deuteronomy)
2. (PR 101) Hermeneutics I (Principles of Biblical Interpretation)
3. (BD 101) Bible Doctrines I (The Bible, God, and Christ)
4. (BD 102) Bible Doctrines II (Holy Spirit, Angels, Man, Sin, Salvation)
5. (BI 102) New Testament Survey I (Gospels and Acts)
6. (PR 102) Principles of Biblical Communication
7. (BI 103) Old Testament Survey II (Old Testament History - Joshua - II Samuel)
8. (BC 101) Epistle to the Romans I (Romans Chapters 1-8)
9. (BC 102) Epistle to the Romans II (Romans Chapters 9-16)
10. (BD 103) Ecclesiology I (The Organism and Organization of the Church)
11. (BI 104) New Testament Survey II (I & II Corinthians, Galatians)
12. (PR 104) Principles of Leadership
13. (BI 105) Old Testament Survey III (Old Testament History - I Kings - Esther)
14. (BC 103) Epistle to the Hebrews I (Hebrews Chapters 1 - 8)
15. (BC 104) Epistles to the Hebrews II (Hebrews Chapters 9 - 13)
16. (PR 105) Religious Trends I (Religious Cults)
17. (PR 106) Religious Trends II (World Religions)
18. (BI 106) New Testament Survey III (Ephesians - II Thessalonians)
19. (PR 103) Christian Ethics (The Christian in the World)
20. (BI 107)Old Testament Survey IV (Major Prophets: Isaiah -Lamentations)
21. (BC 109) The General Epistles (James, Peter, and Jude)
22. (PR 107) Spiritual Conflicts (Christian Warfare)
23. (BI 108) New Testament Survey IV (Pastoral Epistles- I Timothy - Philemon)
24. (BI 109) Old Testament Survey V (Major Prophets: Ezekiel - Daniel)
25. (BC 110) Epistles of John
26. (PR 108) Gods Will And You/Spiritual Development
27. (BC 105) The Revelation I (Revelation Chapters 1-4)
28. (BC 106) The Revelation II (Revelation Chapters 5-11)
29. (BC 107) The Revelation III (Revelation Chapters 12-16)
30. (BC 108) The Revelation IV (Revelation Chapters 17-22)
Course Costs and Awards
Because Cherith Ministries is a mission project, there is no cost for these courses. However, Students who want to help this ministry can give a donation to help cover the cost of printing and postage. All we ask is for a donation fee at the time of graduation. For Graduation Information, go to the Graduation Page.
A student transcript is kept on file by the registrar of Cherith Bible Institute. A Diploma of Biblical Studies is awarded upon the completion of all 30 courses. Cherith Bible Institute is not accredited by any accrediting body. However, for those of like ministry and purpose who wish to recognize work completed at Cherith, We value each course at 1 credit hour.
Very Important Note:
To apply for registration, you MUST be an active member of a local church that is in agreement with the Cherith Doctrinal Statement found in the What We Teach Section.
For Complete Information & Registration Material
Email your name and mailing address with request for a Cherith Home Bible Institute information/ registration booklet to: cherithstudies@yahoo.com
A Quality Correspondence Home Bible Study Program